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NOLA in September?



  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited October 2010

    Xfit - I am so sorry!  Hope you are doing well now and things are better!?

    PJ - we can now really call you PLANE Jane...sorry, sick sense of humor!  Flying has really become a real pain in the ass, and I am so sorry you had such a misadventure!  I am one of the ones that arrives super early and hope my check in suitcase doens't arrive on a plane ahead of me.Undecided

    Hope we hear from K9 today!

  • longj72
    longj72 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2010

    Gin 52,

    I will be there the first week of Nov too and from TN as well! I arrive on the 1st, have my right masectomy with Dr LaGuarde (sp) and Stage 1 DIEP with Dr. Massey on the 3rd. I was diagnosed in 98 with L Breast CA and had implants in 2000, replaced implant in 2005, so this is a big surgery for me but have never looked good or had symmetry with implants. I am excited to get this done but so scared at the same time. 

    I was the "run away patient" the 3rd time I was going to have surgery to repair implants (I was in the holding room and just couldn't go through the surgery with the same doctor that had not corrected the problem already, I told him I couldn't do it) so I hope they will give me some calm down medicine first thing..I don't want to run away 

    See you guys there, I will be in NOLA from the 1st to the 11th and am staying at Hope Lodge.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010

    Xfit, this is Spring. I will be in room 208 after surgery, and my husband will be waiting there. My surgery is supposed to start at 10Am. Sandy is in surgery now, and she and her hubby (now) have the room right down by the nurses station, across from Kim and Oddball. I am now just waiting my turn... Dr. D is with Sandy now. Minn's surgery is 12 noon-ish, after mine - not sure what room she'll be in yet.  

    We visited Kim (Minn and I) yesterday and she was in a lot of pain, so we  talked to the nurses and they were going to take care of it. We will have to check in and see. Odd and Liz, check on her if you can pls! 

    Liz we were not sure if you were still here, we didn't see your name posted on door, so we thought you had been discharged! hope to see you today. We're all posting our names on the door.!!

    Zea's was very fun last night. Nordy's little girls are adorable. Was great to see everyone...

    Sorry you missed it PJ!!!!  stupid AA. ugh. 


  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    I'm so sorry to hear that about Kim :( I hope she gets relief, she shouldn't have to be in pain!! Keep us posted on her, please.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2010

    Jennifer sorry that you were not able to fly out on time.

    Sandy, Eve, Bev and Sheri good luck with your surgeries.

    And all you NOLA gals have fun this weekend !!!!!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010

    IV in... now ... just.... waiting!!  At least they let you wait up in your room with your husband now! Last time I was here I was waiting alone down in the surgical area... this is much better on the nerves! I can do online shopping while I wait... LOL.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Wow that's new just since i was there in September. I was in the prep/surgical area. Once I had the IV in and stuff my Mom could come back but that's it. I like the way you get to do it, so maybe for my stage 2 :) Shopping online before surgery is probably very theraputic!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    This is Minnesota's husband writing. We're waiting for Eve to go into surgery. We've heard that Sandy is almost done with surgery. She is apparently spending as much time will Dr. D. as possible. She was first this morning. Springtime is in preop. She was scheduled second. Dinner at Zea's restaurant last night was fun. Nordy, Springtime, Dejaboo, Alaina, Sandy in Paradise and Minnesota were there along with husbands (who were relegated to a different table so that the women could talk about breasts). Show-and-tell followed dinner in the restroom.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Thanks for the update!! Great to hear everyone is doing so well. I think that's the 1st time I've heard of the men going to another table to avoid talking about breasts :) lol

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2010

    Hi all!   Just trying to keep up with my NOLA sisters in surgery today.   Mr. Minnesota - thank you for the update and for the report on dinner last night!   Keep the reports coming!!!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2010
    longj72   I will definitely find you while I am staying at Hope Lodge too.  Be sure and put your screenname and 1st name on your door so we can find you!
  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2010

    Longj72 - just looked you up on the map...there are starting to be quite a few of us here from TN!  Looking forward to meeting you. What hospital?  St Charles?

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Thanks for the updates Minnesota :) 

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010
    Here is a little comic relief.  Appropriate for this month :)
  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2010

    hmmm.....finding conflicting info on how and when to take the arnica and bromelain.  Any suggestions, anyone?

  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    edited October 2010

    Ginnie - I'm curious too.  It this something we should have been taking before surgery or afterwards?  And is it just for lipo or good for stage 1 surgery? Do the doc's approve?

    Longj72 - I wanted to laugh and cry at your post about being a runaway patient.  I so understand.  Dr. M will be ditching my implants for me on 11/2.  At this point I think I am more excited about getting rid of these balls more than what she maybe able to give me in the way of new boobs.  Looking forward to meeting you soon!

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited August 2013

    Love the updates about those in NOLA right now. I sure wish I was there. It's amazing to feel such a  connection to a group of women (most of whom) I have never met! I just love the image of the husbands at their own table while the women talk about and show off breasts:) 

    I just found out yesterday I am BRCA pos. Since I had BLM this doesn't effect me (except takes away any small question about having a BLM instead of a lumpectomy), but makes me concerned  for my daughter. She's 15 so hopefully things will have evolved considerably by the time this will be an issue for her.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    This is Minnesota's husband posting. Eve just went into surgery. It should take about two hours.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    Minnesota is done with surgery. Dr. D. said everything went well. Didn't have much to do since she looked good going in but he sees each woman as a work of art that needs just that last little bit to be perfect. Then he is content. I am just waiting for her to return to the room but that could be a while based on past experience. 

  • sheridangirl
    sheridangirl Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2010

    Longj72 and Gin. I will check into Hope Lodge on 11/8 and have surgery 11/11 and will go home 11/15. Maybe I will run into you all.  I would like to know about the Arnica and Bromelain too. Can anyone advise us on when we should take it.

    Longj52, Your said it about the implants. I loved my PS and I felt bad when I had to tell him that I would not do the TE's and implants again. The whole process was painful and my body just hated them. Even though the DIEP was an indepth surgery, my body tolerated it so well and I feel great compared to how I felt during the whole TE/Implant fiasco.  

    Ladybug, We were at St Charles at the same time in July/Aug and will be there again this time. Will you be staying at Hope Lodge?

    To all of you ladies who have been undergoing surgery. My thoughts are with you. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited October 2010

    ARNICA and BROMELAIN - Start arnica 3 days prior - take 2-3 pellets 3x/day.  On day of and day after surgery, dose about every 2 hours when you are awake.  The next couple days after that, dose 3x/day for about a week.  Homeopathics can be dosed in a more general way that pharmaceuticals.  It sounds kind of random, and each person may have a slightly different approach.  Somehow it all works out well.  Traditional plastic surgeons are using this product frequently.  BROMELAIN - take on an empty stomach 3x/day, starting the day of surgery if you are able.  My chiro told me not to start this till after surgery since can be a mild blood thinner.  I am not sure how long to take this product, but am assuming for about a week.  If anyone else knows, please comment.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2010

    Sheridangirl - I do not leave till the 9th, and I am staying at Hope Lodge, so I will see you there! Thanks for the info KCShreve!

  • longj72
    longj72 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2010

    Gin52, Yes, I will be at St Charles and I will put my name on the door both at the hospital and the Hope Lodge. So tell me how bad is the stage 1. I figure it can't be too much worse than T E and implants.  

    Sheridangirl,yeah my implants are awful and I will be proud to get rid of them. Hope to see you there.

    Journey, I get rid of my implants on the 3rd. I am so ready to have regular breasts.It is kinda funny isn't it?

    I am new to this board but for all you gals recently diagnosed, there is life after cancer. I have 12 years now and I am proud and celebrate each birthday! At the diagnosis, I remember thinking would I live 5 more years?  God has given me many more than that.Wink


  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2010

    I truely feel blessed for all of the wonderful women I have met on this site. It was so nice to visit at St Charles and not be in the Morophine Haze. LOL.  Thanks for all the support you give me and each other.

    Sheridan I have Aetna HMO and I have only had to pay 300 for pathology and 80 dollars to Dr D.Hope it works out as well for you.

  • Dagroz13
    Dagroz13 Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2010

    melindastn, I spoke with Dr. M about the swelling and mentioned it is called Ken.  She thought that was pretty funny but quite fitting.  

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    This "Ken" issue is common after DIEP? I wonder if I had it and didn't know, is it that obvious?? lol

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2010

    Thanks ladies.......there IS a deadline if you want to check bags-duuuh...check w/ your airline- ALL is spelled out!(yet I never read it!) Again sorry I missed all of you in person but nice to know/keep up w/ what's happening!

    A friend took me to lunch today and then I set all my tables for T-giving.  Called and invited family  over sunday after I napped yesterday am. Turkey early because  my sister and niece and I will be in in Itay- and WE WILL be at the airport -3 hours minimum before BUT all my liquids will be in 3 oz or less containers and ready to be carried on in the event of......ugg have come to the conclusion I am NOT meant to do a half marathon...and it is OK...had signed up for 2 previously and something else happened...

    NORDY DO IT...know you can and I'll be willing to wager your time will be less than 3 hours.

    I genuinely hope I get the opportunity to hook up w/ many of you in the future but need to say THANK YOU ever so much for getting me thru the the past 18 mos or so.....Wanted to do so in person BUT...Just know...I so very much appreciate all the sharing, caring, unconditional friendship as part of 'the club'(because clearly I am way too high maintenance!).  Nobody GET's IT like you all.  I genuinely canNOT imagine living w/ the time bombs still attached YET OMG could have been such a disfiguring nightmare!

    Please know I'm happy to accomodate anyone who needs layover/help and has to come thru D/FW.  Also sorry I missed the show an tell!  Illove to show 'em EVERY opportunity!

    Journey your hair is fabulous!  Love the new pics......I'm getting new pics soon!

    all of you in Nola HEAL well, rest, have fun and ENJOY!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010

    Hi ALL!! This is Spring! I am sitting here reading Mr. Minnesota's update out loud to my husband and we were cracking up!

    So, It has been just great to be here in the hospital - with a total of 6 of us here at the same time! Kim, Oddball, Liz, Sandy, Minn, and me. I saw kim walking the hallways and she is 100% better! Apparently, after we spoke to them at the nurse's station, pretty quick after the situation was jumped on. She is looking so fine today! I am so glad we talked to them for her. 

    Apparently, Minnesota was up at 2AM last night in Sandy's room - she had that late "nap" with Dr. D., I guess, and was full of energy! I visited Sandy this am. Sandy had a lot done, but looks great. Minn is touring around the hallways and looks fabulous. I haven't seen Odd or Liz today yet. 

    Nordy is likely running the half marathon right now! We peeked out the window on St. Charles this morning, and saw a few "walkers" going by, so we must have missed our speedy Nordy! YOU GO GIRL! So Minn, just came by and said we're all pulling up chairs to the window to look for Nordy coming back around on the home stretch!

    So my dear NOLA Sister Robyn, I am missing you so much that I must have transferred it to Richard. He just passed Minn's husband in the hallway, and I heard him say, "Hi Jeff!". Needless to say, his name is not Jeff! Miss you dearly, my friend, our BCDiva!! xoxoxoxxo


  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2010

    Just wanted to tell anyone waiting to get their implants out that last night I was out for dinner with some friends and went to the restroom.  When I was bending over the sink washing my hands I saw just the loveliest sight.  I have natural looking clevage for the first time in so long.  Wow the girls are looking so pretty.  They are even soft enough to hold a baby next to them without feeling like I am hurting it.LOL.  I am going to send my new daughter in law a message to let her know that I am ready to hold that baby.  No, she is not pregnant yet but I am always looking for ways to motivate her.  It was one of the reasons that I went through with this surgery was to be ready when I get my first grandchild.

    Hope everyone is healing quickly. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010

    Melinda, that is just the sweetest thing -- getting ready for your grandbaby! Your story reminds me of Warrior - who told us on the flight home, the jet was getting ready to take off, and going down the runway, and her boobs were jiggling all over the place! Little things like bending over and seeing cleavage or feeling the jiggle, it's all worth it!

    St. Charles Hospital update: So, we just had a gathering in Liz's room. Dejaboo (Pam) and her husbad came in for a visit. They've gone now to ride the streetcar! Pam said she was out this morning and saw Nordy in her race! She was running by and Pam got a quick picture of her. She kept her finger on the camera for an hour to make sure she didn't miss her! Nordy should be done with the race now! GO NORDY!!!

    Apparently the PA is on the floor somewhere doing the rounds - some of us will be checking out today. We've been told to please stay in our rooms now since the PA will be coming by! ha! (They are trying to keep us under control!) The atmosphere here is like a college dorm, very fun. :) It's the best possible aura for recovering from surgery. 
