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NOLA in September?



  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    I forgot to mention earlier that I had a conversation with the anesthesiologist at SCSH while we were waiting for Dr. D to arrive Friday morning and he told me that he hears complaints about vision problems after surgery.  He said that the scopolamine patch is a common culprit and that the effect gradually wears off.  Since several of you have mentioned post-op problems with your vision, I thought I'd pass that info along.  Marcia told me to go to bed now, so I'm going, really Marcia!!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2010

    GO TO BED ,Sandy!Yell

    Shesshh, "Superwoman" doesnt ever rest does she?!

    Gentle nightime hugs,M

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2013

    I''m HOME! Hurray! What a LONG day. As Liz said, I got to meet her today at the Center... although now feels like a lifetime ago! You are going to have such beautiful results! They are already looking that way... and Oddball - You too! And I discovered it was Liz's husband who I saw through the hospital window as I went running by! He is a runner too! Wait... I am not really a runner... but he is! Which, btw - Jaimie - did you feel like crap after your first half? I am better today, but really, I felt like crap... 

    SO, tattoos went well. I think they will look good - will have to wait a couple months to know for sure. Also met w/Dr. S this AM. I am SO glad I cancelled my surgery for today. After seeing me in person he said the LAST thing he would do is fix the fold on the left side. Most of the issues with the fold looking different is because of the radiation on the right - the left is pliable tissue, it stretches, it moves... the right, not so much, even with the flap in place. SO... IF I decide to go for a tweak - it will be a bit of bringing down the outer edge of the right and plumping the top pole of the left... and repairing an umbilical hernia... that was already repaired once! Dr. S saw it immediately! At first we thought it gave during my second pregnancy... but that was 3 years ago! We figured out that it likely came undone during the Davinci hysterectomy, because they go right through that belly button with the camera! Argh! SO - if he is in there fixing that, I think I am going to have that plication done while there... and let him tuck my tummy. I think the plication would help to prevent another hernia - as long as I let it heal like it should! Waiting for $$ numbers from insurance then will make a decision from there. Need to research more to see what effect it may have on my lymphedema. Scary stuff.... We will see - but if I want it done in this calendar year (and I think that would be wise because my insurance is getting increasingly sucky), I have to decide soon. 

    It was so wonderful seeing everyone this weekend. I wish everybody could have been there... and Marcia - You know I missed you! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2010

    PS - My tattoos on the left side HURT!!! I have FEELING there! At least to pain... LOL. And not the whole area that was tattooed but the top part. I think it is crazy that there is nerve regeneration in the skin of a flap!

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited November 2010

    It has been 5 weeks since my DIEP/SGAP.  I have one hip drain left.  I thought this would be the week that I would be able to pull it.  It was down to less than 30cc per 24hours.  Last night it went back up to 30cc(this morning) and it has turned a redder color.  Has anyone else ever had this happen.  It was a light amber color before.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2010

    Nordy~ I felt HORRIBLE after both of my halfs that I have done.  It took about 2 weeks for me to feel better.  I am not sure why but after the first I felt pukey after the second I just felt like crap. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    I have to agree with Sandy, the lipo this time was much more gentle, and I also am hardly bruised! I think this water lipo thing is a great improvement, for all you ladies coming up! Something to look forward to...

    Nordy, Thanks for all the details! I will interested to know, how long does it take to recover from the tattoos? let me know how long it hurts!

    Melinda, I did not have that happen with a drain, but maybe other ladies can comment. Mine got less and less, and lighter and lighter. I did have one in the groin area that was REALLY a pain, it started to puss, and hurt more and more, and they suspected it was infected, had me pull it out early (it was fine, no issues) and they also put me on antibiotic. I was so glad to get rid of that drain! Hang in there. Once the last drain is out, you really do start to feel so much better. My body HATES foreign objects. Hated the port. Hated the implants! Hated the drains!! 

  • mchas
    mchas Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2010
    Melinda:  I had hip drains for 8 weeks.  The volume would go down, down, down, then back up again, then down again, etc.  Same with the color: amber, then yellow, then amber again.  It was weird.  I waited till the drains were down to less than 20cc for 48 hours (per Dr. D's instructions), particularly since I'd read horror stories here of women getting seroma's that needed to be drained with a needle - ick!  I definitely didn't want to deal with that!!  I don't think I could've hung in there as long as I did without a lot of support of other women here.  So, hang in there!!  As somebody told me at the time, it seems like forever, but when the drains are finally out, you look back and say 'wow - that wasn't so bad' and it's true!  This was over the summer and it seems like a blip on the horizon now.  So sorry, though, that you still have one...
  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    My last hip drain was in for 5 weeks still putting out about 40cc's and it was that way for the last 2 weeks. So they had me go ahead and pull it, no problems thankfully. It didn't change color though. Worth calling just to check with the nurse there.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2010


    Sorry your tattoos hurt! When you were saying Monday nite that they wouldn't hurt, I just bit my tongue and exchanged looks with Gary. Why raise your anxiety? Yes - it can hurt. The longer you wait to have them done, the longer the nerves have had a chance to regenerate. I had my first one a year out. Most of it, I felt nothing. But there was one area that I did feel - it feels like how you think a tattoo would feel :( Also, at each successive re-do, I had more sensation. But you have to put the positive spin on it - that it means nerves are regenerating, and that is good!

    It was so amazing to see so many of you in New Orleans! Hard to find words. So strange to compare when I first went there and knew no one (tho still didn't feel lonely, once I'd met staff) vs. this time when there were so many people to meet and visit with! After we all said goodbye Monday nite, it felt kind of empty. Kind of sad... I really love you all and feel so close, tho we've only met recently and online, mainly. This whole experience creates such bonds! And each and every one of you is so great - how can that be?!!!  I suppose the logical answer is that we've all been thru a lot, and are, thus, wise beyond our oh-so-young years! And since we all wanted the best breasts in the world, we are all bombshell beautiful, as well as extremely intelligent! I am trying to post photos on Facebook, but it is objecting - like not allowing me to add a new album. WTH? Do I have too many? Or are all the circuits full now? I'll keep at it!

    Those of you recovering and coming up this week - good luck!!!!!!!!!!


  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    So question. I had my mastectomy last year, and stage 1 diep just this september. Does the feeling ever come back in the breasts? I'm confused, I thought no, but then reading these posts about pain I'm guessing it does, or sometimes? Any real defined answer?

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010

    I am sitting waiting for my pre-op appts for tomorrow's surgery.  Trying not to be nervous - you'd think after doing this twice, with good results and great care, that the nerves would settle down!

    Sandy - HERNIA - I have to get that repaired tomorrow - who is Dr Treen?  I'll have to ask about that.

    I'm hoping between my appt to jump upstairs to see Journey and Dejaboo.  Gals, I hope I can see you!!  - Christine/ KC 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010

    Nipple sensation - I am 9 months out from Stage 1 and 6 months out from Stage 2 which had a lift and reduction.  My nipples have no sensation.  However, the last month I have noticed a slight sensation.  Not sensual, in that sense, but feeling just the same.  Some have reported more sensation that I've got, so it seems individual.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2010

    Nordy~ I am and I am not looking forward to tatoo's because when my DH removed stitches on my right nipple I felt some aching from the removal.  I would love to hear about how you like them once they heal.  I am glad that you had an appt. with Dr. S and that you have a plan if you want any revisions. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    It was good to meet you Eve! Though I felt like I already knew you! :)

    Nipple/Areola sensation: I had skin sparing, nipple sparing on the prophylactic side (Dr. D rebuilt nipple on the other side) but that side kept the areola. I had some sensation, but it was mostly like "ouch" in never felt pleasurable or sensual. Dr. D did a lot of nipple/areola work this time, and I'm not sure if I feel anything. Better get that dang tattoo in fast before things start regenerating!

    Dragonfly, I think it all depends. You may get some sensation back, or you may not. I think if skin is transplanted from another area, it is less likely? (does anybody know?) I think we are told not to count on it, count on being numb. If you get anything, well good. 


  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010
    OK, so just finished my pre-op.  I thought I was here to correct an abdominal bulge, to have my belly button tweaked, and for a little more lipo on the love handles. Sounds simple.  Dr S has me marked up for all kinds of stuff, which is great.  Way more lipo than I'd thought of (yeah), fat grafting, balancing nipple height, in addition to my short list. Compliments to the critical eye he has, as well as his willingness.  Getting prepped for tomorrow.
    Debaboo - I'm sorry I missed you.  I tried to catch you, but I think you were ahead of me in the day. 
  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010
    kc, Dr. Treen is listed as one of the doctors on the hospital's site.  He's a real hernia expert and is away teaching today. We are waiting on a call from him so we can schedule.
  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2010

    Has anyone heard from Pam ??  Pam I hope that you are out enjoying yourself....

  • sheridangirl
    sheridangirl Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2013

    Hi ladies,

    I am scheduled for Stage 2 with the removal of my ovaries and hope to have ab plication at the same time. How long did it take before you all returned to work after stage 2?

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Lynn, you're 7 days before me :) What exactly is plication?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    Plication (closing the separation of the rectus muscles by suturing them together) adds another level to recovery--it can be pretty tough though very worth it.  Combined with generous lipo, you can kind of feel like you've been hit by a truck after surgery, but that just lasts for a few days and then slowly you feel better each day.  The plication is like an internal corset and dramatically improves your waistline after the muscles are stretched out from pregnancies or excess weight.  Several of us who frequent this thread have had it done, and I think we all agree that the recovery wasn't fun, but the end result was worth it.

    Christine, glad you're getting the works tomorrow too!  I came away with more than hoped for last Friday and what wonderful gifts these doctors give all of us!

    Lynn, everyone is so different in their recovery.  I seem to have a very high pain tolerance and have never been off work more than 4-5 days after my NOLA surgeries.  I have seen gals take a couple of weeks off after just the ooph.  I combined my hysterectomy and some pelvic floor repair with a round of breast revisions and felt good enough to work within the week, but I didn't have pain.  I think Dr. D said he was going to tighten some fascia in my abdomen this time around, and I took vicodin twice after leaving the hospital Saturday, but normally I don't take any at all and I think that's really unusual.  I am sure that if tested, I'd be diagnosed with ADD and so I just cannot slow myself down enough to lay around resting when I can be doing something I think is more productive.  Listen to your body and before you tire yourself, take a break.  Don't go back to work unless you can leave after a short time if you need to.  You won't want to drive while on pain meds, so that may keep you home.  Marcia scolded me last night for driving to work yesterday, but I did it again today and I'm fine.  My vision is a little bit weird still so I felt slightly nauseated when I was reading emails on my work computer, but I stayed most of the day today.   I'm reining myself in and not driving my race car though and seriously, that is the toughest part for me right now.  I just don't want to risk it if I'm not up to par yet.  Maybe Saturday.....Marcia???

    I had pain during my tattooing too, but Donn reassured me that his hand would move quicker than I could possibly jump. I think I felt about three good zings and it wasn't fun, but wasn't all that terrible either.  I've heard that a shot or two of tequila helps.  I have no personal knowledge of that!

    Pam, hope you're doing well.  Christine, we'll be waiting to hear from you after tomorrow!! Hope to hear from longj72 soon too.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Thanks Sandy for the definition on Plication. So does Dr S just look and say yeah you're a candidate, is it more common than not? I could sure use it from what you've said!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited August 2013

    Sandy is always very good at those medical explanations! I'm not sure how common the plications are. Not everyone is a candidate, but the docs can tell by looking at you whether your body will benefit by it or not. When I had mine done back in '07, I didn't know of anyone else who'd had it done, but I was not on the boards as much as I am now. And of course then I started bragging about how flat my stomach was... I don't know if it's offered routinely or only if someone asks. I was concerned that my stomach wasn't quite as flat as I'd envisioned. Eventho I had virtually no tummy fat left after stage 1, I could see this kind of roof-like ridge (that waaaay overstates it, but I haven't been able to come up with a good visual) running vertically right along where, apparently, the muscle fascia comes together. Dr. D said that, without the fat there, I was able to clearly see where the actual muscle had been pulled apart during pregnancies. It wasn't that there was fat, it was that there was no fat. I think that if you have a little more padding left after DIEP, that line wouldn't be so prominent. Also, if there's a lot of padding still, I don't think tightening the muscles has a huge effect either. So it's individual.

    Re: Dejaboo: she was scheduled for discharge today. She's at the Clarion, just a couple blocks up from the Center, and she's scheduled to fly home tomorrow at 3. Was maybe going to have tats today. Last I heard, she was doing well.

    KC - Sandy is talking with Dr. Treen re: hernia repair for her husband. Our docs handle all our repairs, I believe. Good luck tomorrow!!!!!!!!

    Hi Sheridan girl! I had a pretty long recovery from stage 2, with my DIEP. Plication added to the recovery, as Sandy said. I needed at least a month. Fatigue lasted longer, but was still left over from stage 1, also. There has been so much difference, in so many ways, between my DIEP and my GAP!

    Re: tattoos - I hope I didn't scare anyone about pain issues! Any pain we go thru with that is so tolerable given everything else we've been thru! I only had tattoos on my DIEP recon nipple. (This most recent nipple is nipple-sparing, so no need on that one.) But I will have to have the DIEP nipple tattooed once more, since Dr. D. redid it for me again so it would be as good as Sandy's! So I will be able to give reports of pain levels at 1 year increments, starting one year post Stage 1 DIEP, 2 years, and 3! Plus, now 4 years out, but with a newly reconstructed old reconstructed nipple! Geez! That nipple involved a somewhat skin-spared recon, but the nipple area was skin moved from my abdomen. I don't think that affected pain level - I still had some. I'm also thinking that maybe how big of a breast you get might impact this. Mine wasn't very big, so maybe the nerves had less area to refill. LOL! I have good skin sensation on both breasts - the one that is 4 years out, and the skin/nipple-sparing only 7 months out. The most recent had more return faster than the former. All the skin was spared and it was immediate vs. 4 months out, like the first. As one of you said, the nipple sensation isn't like it was, but honestly, since I do feel touch there now, it helps me remember exactly what it felt like before, and between real and recalled, it comes pretty danged close! Or, I should say, it did prior to this last redo. We'll see how it all pans out in the end.

    Journey and Long - Hope you're healing well!

    Gin - You're almost up! Good luck!!!!!!

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited November 2010

    Haven't been on in a while.  My husband and I have been taking turns with the flu but we are both feeling much better now.  

    Congrats to everyone who has recently undergone their surgery as well as those coming up.  I hope the healing comes fast and easy!   

    I have recovered very well from my Stage 1.  Now looking forward to Stage 2 next month.  But I have a couple of questions.  I have asked before but never seem to get a response.  

    First question:  I see where everyone always talks about being marked up everywhere.  Is that literal?  Specifically I am wanting to know if Dr S will take care of the extra under my chin.  I don't actually have a double chin but it certainly is showing my age.  I just have never heard specifically if anyone has any type of face lift work done.  I guess that would be call a face lift but I'm not sure.  Just curious. Surely I am not the only one out here that has had this question.  

    Second question:  I had the DIEP reconstruction back in September.  I ended up with a flap from my tummy.  The problem is that there is an obvious difference in the color and texture of the flap.  It is glow in the dark white and has very fine, very long blond hair.  I hate it.  Is this something Dr S can fix?  Can he remove the flap skin or will that cause problems?  I would rather have much smaller breasts than larger breasts considering the way these look.  And I don't think the color will change.  I think that is just the color my tummy was.

    I realize these are things I can talk to Dr S about when I go for my pre-op but I was hoping to kind of know what the policy has been in the past.  And honestly I feel bad even having these questions.  I don't want to seem ungrateful.  I am very grateful.  I just want to know my options.  Please share your experiences.  

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2010

    Im here : )

    I cant think to remember much already.  Brown Tennis shoes!

    Dr D showed up after 7 am.

    My pre op was in the holding cell with me all hooked to IVs & what not.  I did not like that.  No mirror even for me to look at markings. 

    Surgery started at 8:15. Was about 2.5 hrs.  I cant tell what anything looks like as I did swell up this time.  I got a new dom outfit & it did suck & was so painfull on my swollen inner thighs.  I had them look for an old one & thye found one- a size too big.  But works fine & is tight anyway.

    Gobbled lunch up at 11:45. 

    I got to stop in & see Journey before I left.  She looked good & was doing ok.  Sitting up & ready for lunch.

     Then went to center for Tatts.  I wanted Dr Ds ok for them. But only got to see Laura the PA before discharge.

    Tattoos finally st 1:00.  I have pretty much no feeling.  I didnt feel anything except in my bad scar area- which always hurts anyway.  I have only seen them for a few minutes...then all bandged up.  I am to shower today & take them off.

    The hotel is kicking us out an hour before our car. So we need to figure something out.

    Kcsherve- I most have just missed you at the center...

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    I'm flying in from Washington state a week from Sunday.  Surgery for stage 1 reconstruction is on the 16th with Dr. S.  Now that the time is coming closer, I'm feeling a bit anxious and want to be sure I've done everything I could to be prepared.  My current worry is clothing.  I'm thinking that sweat/jogging pants and zipper sweatshirt would be the most comfortable -- but what about a shirt?  Certainly can't imagine an over the head tee is going to be the way to go.  I have my cami from my mastectomy that velcros up the front -- maybe that?  What's the word from you ladies who have been there, done that?  

    We are staying at the Hope Lodge.  How far is that from the French Quarter and is there easy bus access from the Lodge?  How about restaurants or stores nearby or should we plan on eating in or using taxi?  

    Anyone else going to be there with me?  I haven't been a regular on here so I feel a little lost and lonely. 

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2010

    DB daze you will be a ways away from the FQ when you stay at the Hope Lodge. Now if you walk outback of the hope lodge there is a bus I believe is the Jefferson bus and you take that to the end and there is St Charles where you can hope on a street car and that will take you all the way to Canal street which is the start of the french quarter. Near the hope lodge there are only 2 restaurants, Dots Diner and Picadillies, both are good and reasonable priced. Nothing fancy. The bus costs 1.25 and the street car is 1.50 ( or the other way around) a taxi is expensive from that far out.

    Pam Hope you are doing well you are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Rory hello

    Journey, Hope your journey was a pleasant one. You are in the best hands

    Eve and Sheri, what can I say, you too made my trip to NOLA so much more wonderful, Sheri, you have such a wonderful family, and so pleasant to be around. Love those girls. Eve, if you and Gary ever get to Cornell or Ithaca , make sure you let me know. And should your son every need someone close by make sure he knows I am here.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    Pam, please tell them the new girdle stinks if you think so! They like feedback. Glad you are okay! Nice to hear from you, Hang in there. Next week at this time will be a whole different will feel so much better. 

    Stage 2 recovery: I had plication from navel down (Dr. D said I did not need it above navel, As Minn said, the docs can tell you if you will have a significant benefit from it) and I also had my belly incision lowered many inches (it was WAY too high up, sticking out of my yoga pants! I had revisions in front and back (I had 4 flaps, stacked) and I had drains drains drains. Not everyone will need a drain after stage 2.  I also had lipo all over (not under chin! I don't think they go above boobs or below knees, that I've heard anyway!) I took 4 weeks off work. PLICATION IS A MAJOR RECOVERY. it took me 5 months to feel anywhere near normal again and I was impatient and sick of feeling compromised and I complained. Just sayin. This is a huge thing to undertake. It is 9 months out now and I can do Ab work at the gym, but it still feels very tight. Sandy recently said to me, I like how it looks, I don't like how it feels. I have to agree with that. I hope in time it will feel normal again! 

    DBdaze, do you want to be added to the listing above? That is the best way to connect with others who will be there when you are there. You will be there a long time for Stage 1, so you are likely to overlap with someone!  If yes, send to me your specifics. See above for examples, okay? (you don't need to be added to be here! Just asking!) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    Dbdaze, per your PM, I added your surgery to the listing above. WELCOME!

    Everyone, Dbdaze is new here and her Stage 1 with Dr. S is coming up in about 6 weeks. Please Welcome her and help her out if you can! You ladies are wonderful, as always.


  • brendaclee3
    brendaclee3 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2010

    Hi Ladies~Just in the first stages of looking for a DIEP team and it seems Nola is the best. My problem is, I don't have a soul to help me or go with me.  I'll have to fly in and back to Georgia ALONE.  Does anyone know of a great DIEP team in Florida?  That would be closer.  Can a person go through this alone?  I wonder if my long term health care would allow me to pay someone to help.
