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NOLA in September?



  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2011

    Just popped in to wish all you gals good luck with your surgeries and speedy recoveries. Kathryn I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Love Lukes, great crowd on the weekends!!!! I have a great storey about Lukes. I stayed at the Hilton for stage 2 with my sister and Luke's is located in the hotel. The day after my surgery I was released and we walked around the French Qtr for 5 hrs. I was a bit tired and we decided to have an early meal at Luke's. We sat at the bar and had a few glasses of wine ( better than pain killers) and a meal and became engaged in conversation with a few people at the bar. I decided it was time to call it a night so I gave my sister money to pay the bill and went upstairs to my room. She came up about a half hour later and we got ready for bed and began talking. She asked me if I had taken care of the bill . I looked at her and said that I had given her money to settle the bill. The both of us just burst out laughing when we realized that we had stiffed them for the bill. Too funny !!  So....... the next morning we went down for breakfast, apologized and insisted that we wanted to pay the bill. They looked at us in astonishment, no one had ever returned to pay the bill. We did pay the bill but they insisted on giving us free food for breakfast. What a riot. Great Place !!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Dragonfly, yup! I'm the girl with the fat knees...soon to be the girl with the slim, shapely legs

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Awesome there is hope for me yet :) WOO HOO!!! You lucky girl!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Stephanie, that is too funny.

    Leslie - I know you're not signing on but thinking of you tonight.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2011

    Just catching up

     I went to Luke's for lunch.  Super yummy!

     I forget who is picking at their scabs.  Bad idea. For me if it doesn't fall off on its on it isn't coming off.  My belly button scab is driving me crazy too.  I want to rip it off but I won't.  LOL

     I went to my oncologist today and he looked at my breast and said "amazing.  they did an amazing job"  Smile

     To all the ones having problems finding a local doctor to help them. I am sorry you are having that problem.  My doctors here have been supportive and it wasn't about them doing the surgery.....they just wanted to make sure I was getting treatment.....somewhere!   I stopped by my breast surgeon's office today and even the office staff was happy I was doing so well.  I have no doubt that had I needed their help they would have help.  I am thankful I didnt need their help though.  Everything worked out fine.  I was worried beforehand about needing a post op doctor close also.

     The only doctor I saw when i got home was my primary medical doctor and that was because I was too squeamish to take the drain out myself or let my friend do it. She really wanted to do it. I told her i needed a professional.

     Speedy recovery to all having their surgeries today.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2011

    I talked to at least 10 doctors in Chicago, some who treated me in the past, some who haven't. ALL of them said they wouldn't help me out after surgery. Some said it was "outside their scope of practice" (the internists, mostly).  The surgeons just outright said "no, we don't  do that".  I think people in bigger cities have more trouble finding someone. I've sensed a lot of defensiveness and subtle hostility when doctors here find out I went out of town for surgery.  It's to the point where if I'm seeing a doctor who doesn't need to see my breasts, I don't even take my bra off. I don't want to get attitude from yet another doctor who doesn't understand my decision and doesn't want to help me (I still have another stage 1 to go).  After I'm all done I couldn't care less what they think, but I'm assuming I'll look so good they won't even know something happened.  Above the waist, anyway :)  That 360-degree scar might get their attention.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011
    So let me just add a bit of insult to injury - when my female breast surgeon (you know, the one who hacked off my breasts in the first place, the very skinny totally flat-chested one who dresses like a boy) found out what I was doing and told me she wouldn't want to get involved with "all that", she went on to say "I don't know why you are even bothering.  Why don't you just have the implants out and then just go flat?"Yell
  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    holy hell, I think I might of smacked that doctor. Why are people like that? I am truly blessed with my docs here. I feel so bad for those of you that experience situations like yours where they refuse to help and belittle you :(

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    I know, right?  The kicker is that she is a hell of a surgeon, great reputation, and until that remark, I really never minded my 6 month check-ups with her.  Now I will dread seeing her . . .  maybe when I go back in September, I will have to call her on that remark.  Normally, I probably would have, but I was gob-smacked!  But my PS, who did a beautiful job on my reconstruction, (not his fault the implants failed) helps to make up for her.  He welcomed me with a hug and wanted to hear everything I had been up to the past 4 years, and all about the surgery.  He is a sweet man.  

    Kathryn is in surgery even as we write this!!  Go Kathryn!

    And look who's up next!!!!!  ;) 

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2011

    Yea, I was a little disheartend by the lack of cooperation with my Dr's here.  they all claim that they really care about my concerns and comfort but when the rubber meets the road they are just really concerned about there bottom line.  I do have a question for those of you have been thru this~ how long is the wait between stage 1 and stage 2, I really want to get everything done before the calendar year is up, I am scheduled for 1 July 21.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    I had my stage 1 in September and stage 2 exactly 8 weeks later. Piece of cake for me. I think normally they say wait 3-4 months in between?

    I'm up next it looks like according to the list, on Tuesday!! 

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2011

    Thank you, 8 weeks is kinda what I was planning on.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Kathryn, thanks for the pre-op details!  I think it's funny when the nurses tell us what the Dr likes or does.  Or when you can see Dr S light up about one thing or another.  On the phone last week with the nurse I told her I'm getting a port.  She warned me that if I still have the port in at Stage 2, Dr S will want to take it out.  And when he leaves the room the nurse will tell me I have to have my med onc permission to have it taken out, regardless of what Dr S said.  My plan is to just leave the port in so Dr S can take it out.  Unless I can't stand having it in for another 3 months.  It already makes me nervous to think of getting completely marked up, and I've got a good 6 months before stage 2.  How fantastic you were able to calm another patient's fears because of all the shared experiences here.

    Dragonfly, I can't wait to hear your full pre-op report!  Did you (or Dr S) think you'd need a 2b when you went in for 2?  Or was it all wait and see?

    My belly button scabs and glue have fallen off.  I was able to gently tug at a few sutures and a couple came off.  I'm really trying to resist picking at them.  

    Ro, lay off the picking!  Put on more betadyne.   

    I had a great physical therapy session yesterday.  My PT was floored I went to NOLA because she very recently discovered the good Drs researching options for her newly diagnosed SIL.  She wasn't able to get her SIL to go to NOLA but is convinced if she's ever in the predicament herself, she's going to NOLA.   She had tons of questions, some related to treating me, and I was happy to talk talk talk about NOLA.  She told me she has NEVER known anyone to be excited about their BC treatment.  Well, I didn't think I was excited, but my openness and willingness to share must have come off that way.  She also asked if I was always this positive.  Well, NO.  But when someone is wanting to pump me for more info about NOLA, I can't help but be up!  I also really believe that stellar treatment I received from NOLA has started me off on the most positive note possible to tackle this stupid cancer road to hell.  Every aspect of NOLA is a conscious decision to encourage healing, and I believe it is still sustaining me.  As well as everyone who shares here.  I can't imagine going through recovery without everyone here.

    So, back to the PT.  I couldn't raise my cancer side arm all the way.  After one session of soft tissue work I can move it normally again.  I still have pain and more work to be done, but she knew exactly what to work on.  I still have some edema from surgery, mostly on my abdomen.  My swollen underarm area has gone down in the past couple weeks and there is still some swelling remaining from surgery.   I'm also still hyper mobile, which is probably what's causing me trouble.  I knew my upper body was hyper mobile while growing up swimming competitively and through my 20s.  But I thought is was gone because I gained weight and got out of shape and am not nearly as flexible as I used to be.  But I have that unconscious instinct to slouch and contort to 'protect' since surgery, causing all kinds of muscle strain, etc.  Being numb and not being able to identify my body positions right now is also messing things up.  PT told me I'll have to be more visually attentive since I have so much numbness, especially in my abdomen.  She also told me I may lose that hyper mobility from chemo.  It's all very very fascinating.  I think she worked on me for a full hour and it was HEAVEN.  I highly recommend PT with someone who knows about mastectomy pain if you have any issues, regardless of when your mastectomy was.

    One freaky thing I noticed this morning as that my areola on my prophylactic side still contracts!  I did not have nipple sparing, but had large areolas which Dr S kept much of.  I wonder how much of that will remain later; I'm guessing I'll still get another lift and then the nipples being made.  I don't know what more surgery will do to that tissue.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    djfrro, the Drs will work hard to get stage 2s in before the calendar end.  According to Dr S's nurse, Dr S "kills" all the nurses getting patients in in Dec so they can get it done by calendar year end for ins.  Reading past posts some late in the year ladies are delayed until the new year if their calendar need for insurance purposes isn't so urgent.  

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone I'm still doing well. My (naturally) low blood pressure is causing me some problems though. I have gotten out of bed twice to sit in a chair. Both times around the 20 min mark I have gotten light headed and had to get right back into bed. My pressure was only 73/50. Yikes! They are pumping me full of fluids to get it up and it is working they just took my pressure again and it was 97/63 - huge increase. I'm ready to start walking (we may just skip the chair) again now! If I do get out I'm going to stop by and see Leslie (she is right next store) and Kathryn should be done soon! So I'm hoping to be mobile soon!

    My breast surgeon in CO was absolutely fine with doing any follow-up I may need. I can't believe that some dr's wouldn't do that!!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone I'm still doing well. My (naturally) low blood pressure is causing me some problems though. I have gotten out of bed twice to sit in a chair. Both times around the 20 min mark I have gotten light headed and had to get right back into bed. My pressure was only 73/50. Yikes! They are pumping me full of fluids to get it up and it is working they just took my pressure again and it was 97/63 - huge increase. I'm ready to start walking (we may just skip the chair) again now! If I do get out I'm going to stop by and see Leslie (she is right next store) and Kathryn should be done soon! So I'm hoping to be mobile soon!

    My breast surgeon in CO was absolutely fine with doing any follow-up I may need. I can't believe that some dr's wouldn't do that!!

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2011

    speaking of what a wonderful experience NOLA was...yesterday I got my port put in and while I was laying in bed waiting to go to OR my husband looks around and says "this is def not SCSH" and we both cracked up!!!  I wanted the menu (i was hungry) and my husband wanted the tv..

    I also was very displeased at the conditions and was kind of getting grossed out!! hopefully I can get my port taking out when I go for stage 2

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    It worked! I'm now mobile again and boy does it feel good!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2011

    Congrats on mobilizing Laura! You sound so upbeat. I'm glad you're doing well.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    I think the 2b is more at the patients request? I opted for no nipples at stage 2 so that's one of the main reasons I'm going back for 2b, and will beg for a ton of lipo :)

    I have to show you ladies this dress I got. I fell in love yesterday with it and talked myself out of it. But went back today for it. I didn't have boobs for just over a year, and now I have GREAT ones!!! Hope that link works???|82607 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    I love it, Dragonfly! And omg I haven't even though about it, but I could wear a halter now if I wanted.  I haven't worn a halter since I was 16!!!  I'm a bit concerned about the 53 year old jiggly arms, though!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    I know, my arms are thick, not so jiggly but you know what... who the hell cares is how I look at it. It would look cute with a jacket or shawl or something too?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011

    Leslie, Surfa, and Katheryn, hope you all are okay!!!

    June 15 - LeslieT - Stage 1 stacked bilateral, NOLA with Dr. S June 15 - Surfagirl - Consult w/ Dr. S.

    June 16 - KathrynLA - Stage 2, NOLA. 

    Laura, you sound great!

    Amy, can't you get another doc, there are other ones in town. I mean really. ugh!!!! dumb woman. She's probably jealous that you have bigger boobs than her!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Paula... So I need permission, like written permission from my onc for them to take out the port??They didn't say anyhting about that at my consult... just that, yup they could take it out.,

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    OK read my mind. I've been thinking a lot about the jiggly arm issue this morning, in fact, when I put on a sleeveless shirt and looked in the mirror! It has been occurring to me that no one ever mentioned getting stage2 lipo for the grandma arms? I was planning to post about it tonight, in fact. Heck, I truthfully never even THOUGHT about my knees before Dr. S so kindly brought them up. And not much about my thighs, either. But my arms.....whole 'nother story. Sooooo, who knows the answer to this? Do y'all have skinny muscular arms or what???

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    Spring, I am giving a lot of thought to finding another doc.  But I think that before I do, I want to try to find a way to tell her how I feel about what she said.  She is very brash, and I think often speaks off-the-cuff.  This is not to excuse her, but I think maybe I can help her to understand that sometimes her thoughtless speech hurts people. Then I will decide if I need to switch.  Then I will be searching for names, please . . .

    So . . .  for those who have finished their reconstruction - Spring et. al, who exactly does the tattooing?  And is it at the Center?  How long does it take?  And here's the big question/problem . . .  when I saw my dermatologist yesterday, she expressed some concerns about the tattooing.  I have some sort of hypersensitivity, and am allergic to so many things, and more things each day it seems.  Heck, I was allergic to the doppler wires that were laying on my chest!  I still have the marks, five weeks out, and am treating them to make them fade.  Celeste says it is the first time they have seen that.  We will probably do a skin patch test when I go down for stage 2, but have any of you ever heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to tattoo ink?  I thought it was unlikely, but a google search shows me it is more common that I thought.  I am going to try to put it out of my mind until my stage 2, but I am super sad tonight thinking about the idea that maybe I won't be able to finish the process . . .

    I find it hard to believe that would need written permission from your onc to take out the port.  It's your port! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    I think I will get my tatooing closer to home... There is a guy in MD named Vinnie Myers... NOLA has a graphic designer also who does 3D tatooing... but if I can go without an airplane, I will give Vinnie a try.... he charges $350.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Betsy, not written.  Just that the onc OKs it or has already ok'd it.  I'm guessing there are some scenarios that it inadvertently could be taken out prematurely.  Otherwise she wouldn't have said that.  I'm sure the nurses have seen it all.  I think we are a particularly detailed group, though.  It seems obvious to me that we'd know when we're done with our port.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2011

    BDavis - I hear Vinnie does GREAT work. I would go to him... just MHO - I don't think my tattoos were worth the trip. This would be the only area where I am not overly happy with the work that was done. My local PS's aesthetician does better work and will likely be touching them up in the fall when triathlon/cycling season is over.

    Kathryn - hope you are resting well!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    Hmm, Nordy, that is interesting.  Can you tell me exactly what you don't like?  I do know there is a woman in Asheville whose name I have seen pop up here and there on the boards - she also does them and has gotten rave reviews.  It is about a 4 1/2 hour drive for me to go to Asheville and MD is not too far either - 5 or 6 hours or so depending on where . . .  My big concern no matter where I go is whether I will be allergic or not . . .