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NOLA in September?



  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011
    Question--I am so afraid the sneeze! Feels like things will come undoneKiss 
  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2011

    Good luck Laura & Kathryn!!!  Ro - Hug a pillow really hard..I used to have a nice sneeze, very dainty (I think I held it in and only made a little noise) now I'm so careful, I just let it out like one of my boys!! LOL hopefully I will get my girlie sneeze back ...but it is very scary

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    Dragonfly, go to the Bras101 thread. The women with implants are practically all ( no kidding!) D's or

    DD's and there is SERIOUS bra obsession on that thread. There are lots of gorgeous ( lacy, sexy) bras in those sizes-- look online at Bare Necessities and HerRoom. They have great shipping and return policies. (When I had gummy bear implants, no bra on earth fit , but I bought and returned over 100 bras before giving up). I was your size, ""originally". Some of my favorites are Chantelle, Wacoal, Freya. Love the Freyas...

    Every Nordstrom has a specially trained bra fitter for women who have had mastectomies, recon, etc. and women almost always have a great experience there. If you call and make an appointment with the special fitter, you get NOLA type time and attention! I don't imagine they have that much experience with our kind of reconstruction, but a professional fitting is always a good thing. Most women do not wear the correct size bra ,(so they say..). Once you know the particular bra you want , you can apparently find them, brand- new on eBay, as these brands are pretty pricey.

    Ro... I HAVE sneezed, and my tummy still -- after a month-- feels like it might bust open. It hurts!! But didn't bust! Try exerting some counter-pressure -- grab a pillow or whatever is at hand and hold tight against your tummy as you sneeze.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Jerusha, I'm going to check that out :) I did go to Nordstrom to get the bra fitting, but it was when I had no boobs and just the fake ones. I will go back for another fitting maybe once I'm all done at NOLA !!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited June 2011

    Kathryn - we both liked Arnaud's. We sat in the jazz room (with a live band in the corner) and the windows looked out on Bourbon. Great people watching. Food was great - we both got shrimp creole - yum. Tonight we went to GW Fins and we both loved it too. I had the Boulebaise (sp?) and it was awesome. An entire half lobster was in it. I was going to eat light tonight but that didn't work out so well.

    I have now stopped worrying about the surgery, I'm now terrified of sneezing!! After my dad had bypass surgery he had a small pillow to hold against his breast bone when he coughed. I'm going to do exactly that for sneezes with my stomach. I never would have thought of that without this thread! Thanks all - I'll update later!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Ro, you really won't split!  It'll just feel like it.  I think hugging a pillow helps.  

    I got my 2 mailorders of head coverings.  3 from and 3 from  My 7yo was trying them on with me.  She loves them!  One Buff I chose has fleur de lis print---I couldn't pass that one up.  

    I'm so excited for you ladies in NOLA!  You'll all do great. 

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2011

    Good luck tomorrow JustLaura! Thinking of you.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2011

    WoW- so many responses! Dragon, DysnDawn, Laura, Denouement, KathrynLA, Kaitsmom thanks for sharing your experiences. After my surgical experiences in DC this past year, I'm having a hard time imagining what you each describe. It sounds too good to be true.

    JustLaura-I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and looking forward to following your post op journey.

    KathrynLA-My surgery is Aug 3rd and I'd love to have a buddy at St. Charles. Do you know when the woman from the FORCE meeting is having surgery? Any chance that she'll introduce herself here?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Good luck everyone this week.. I have been reading diligently this week... but just reading and taking note of all of the great suggestions... I am 5 weeks away and can't believe I am counting down.... seems like yesterday I was finishing chemo and planning the surgery...

    And no sneezing ladies...or coughing... lol

    Good luck... HUGS!!!!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Toomuch, she is scheduled for August 16th...and I've encouraged her to post - maybe she will. She's very nice and well-informed. Also, I want to remind you that I've had two stage 2's planned - one in May, one in June (this one I'm going to make come hell or high water!) and each time when I was scheduled there was either no one or just one person on the calendar. As the dates get closer more people start finding the site. I am certain you will have a cycle buddy!  If not, maybe someone from here will volunteer to go with you!  Beignets anyone?

  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited June 2011

    Thanks for the sneeze with a pillow tip!! Happy for the ladies have surgeries this week. Enjoy time will fly, you will get the best care ever and you will want to stay! Bless you ladies.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2011

    JustLaura - You are going to rock the tatas! Things will be great tomorrow!!!

    Kathryn - Is it almost time for your stage 2 this week??? Where did the time go!!! 

    Spring - and anyone else who is concerned about osteoporosis - I just took the BEST course (which is also based on the BEST study - really that is the name of the study) for my continuing ed. I posted a big long post on this thread:  if anyone is interested in stopping over there! 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2011

    so Betsy, knowing how good you are at gathering info...if you ever want to share those notes...:^))

     i keep reading posts too and thinking, gosh i  need to compile all this NOLA info somewhere cos am going to forget it all and not it find again, or not readily...from medical to hotels to what to take to whatever...anyway, good luck all, heading into very busy month for me and i hope to post my surgery date in August on here soon when insurance sorts, rosemary

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2011

    I have been pouring over these posts, I am having my reconstruction in NOLA on July 21st.  I am nervous and excited.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    Nordy - I know, I feel like I just had my oophorectomy last week. I'm on the plane right now (I love technology!) and wearing Sandy's NOLA pendant.  Hoping to meet up with Leslie tonight. I forgot her laptop died but I have her cell.

    Thanks to all for the good wishes!

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2011

    Tomorrow is 2 weeks for me so I just wanted to give an update. Day 10 was a turning point in feeling a bit better, more energy though not an entire day's worth. My hip incisions feel tight and my breasts are still sore but nothing terrible and it seems to improve as I move around during the day. My drains continue to be my area of concern. Within a couple of days of getting home, my right hip drain stopped altogether. This happened when I was in NOLA but re-started after a couple of days. It has now been 5 days of no production on the right but the left hip is draining quite a lot. My left and right hip incisions are connected in the center and Dr. S said that it is one big area so one drain will compensate for the other. As long as the area doesn't show signs of infection, it's fine, and so far it seems okay. I'm keeping in touch with Celeste about it. Just something I worry about a bit.

    I am still in the surgical bra. I'll probably stay with it until week 4 but I may check out alternatives. I'm using Spanx for compression which is more comfortable for me than the dom but the contortion routine to get them on and place the pads over the incisions at the same time is quite a show! So, all in all, I'm doing well. Looking forward to getting past the drain stage and any risk of infection. 

    Good luck to all the current NOLA ladies! I am really happy I made this decision and I'm sure you all will be too.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Betsy, you have a friend who has the same surgery date now!

    djfrro, welcome and you'll do great!  Keep reading and keep posting. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2011

    ref, LOL! I had forgotten about the whole bathroom dance I had to do. I'd hold the pads and drains, my husband would pull up and I'd wiggle around until they were up!  Hoping stage 2 has a different (and shorter) dance!

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2011

    Kathryn... that's exactly how it goes. I think four hands isn't enough!!!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    I didn't have a dom or girdle thing with stage 1. But stage 2, wow that wore me out getting the DOM on. It takes 2 people for the first few days, or it did for me anyway! Thankfully I only had 1 drain but I needed another shower and nap after getting dressed :) lol But I still love the DOM and how it holds everything in!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited June 2011

    KathrynLA... I have a trick! Only takes 2 hands! You may not need it cuz I don't know that you'll have pads, but get those white throwaway surgical boy short panties from the nurses, cut the crotch so that it just wraps around your hips, waist, whatever, like a band -- about 4 inches wide. Tuck the pads inside and they will totally stay in place and not fall on the floor every time you go to pee! I wore the DOM after my stage 1 for a few weeks and it also was perfect for holding the pads along my ab incision under that. The nurses gave me a handful to take home and I wash them out every day. And BTW, dearie...GOOD LUCK. Can't wait to hear! Hope you get skinny knees, along with everything else you want!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011


     We have the same surgery date... Who is doing your surgery?? I have Dr D with Dr S as the assistant and Dr Stolier as my BS... stacked DIEP, so a LONG surgery... Dr D said could be 10+ hours.

  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2011

    Any 2bs out there that can advise me what qualifies for one? How did insurance cover? Left a message on last page, no responses.........anyone?

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2011

    Completely off topic, but ladies, can anyone tell me how to copy paste something from word or my email into a reply here??   thanks!  

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited June 2011

    My insurance is covering my 2b, no questions asked. I sent pics to Stacy, she met with Dr. Sullivan and they presented it to my insurance for approval that it was medically necessary and not cosmetic. I'm having the nipples done, my left breast is still slightly larger, and I did ask for lots more lipo ;)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    How much time between stage I and stage IIb?? Is it possible to get stage I in July and stage IIb before 2012?

  • mamaluch
    mamaluch Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2011

    thanks dragonfly :)

    how long did you wait for approval? 

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2011


    I have not shared this DOM story and maybe I shouldn't, but what the heck!

    My husband helped me get into the garment that I am sure could be used to get info from terrorist!

    My husband was going to church so before he left he helped me get a shower and get dressed. He got down on his knees and held the DOM for me to step into. Then with both of us pulling and pushing we finally got it up and off he went to church. He was gone two hours so I had to use the bathroom before he got home. I had been so uncomfortable all morning. Something just was not right. When I went to the bathroom I noticed the tag was in the front. Even little kids learn that the tag goes in the back. My husband is only 64 yrs old. How did he miss this? LOL! I told him if you look at the garment and then look at a woman's body, you can tell it is shaped larger in the back.... For a very good reason. You can imagine how uncomfortable it was backwards! We have laughed so many times about this.


    F us

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2011


    DJFroo, I will add your surgery to the list above. Can you tell us, are you having stage 1? both sides? do you know if it is GAP or DIEP or stacked? your doc? Hospital? Whatever you want to add I can post up there. You and Betsy will be NOLA Sisters!!

    Betsy, My family is in East Windsor. Where are you? Next time I am up there we can meet up!

    Ro, you won't split! ha ha ha. Love you girl, you are so funny. I loved the "hug a pillow" idea!

    Mamaluch - For 2b, call up and tell them you want some "revisions" done and you'd like to schedule a "revision surgery".  Someone will call you back and you tell them what you want done. It is not unusual to have a 2B. They will let you know. I just called up, it was booked, and insurance paid. I do believe they will let you know if it is covered or not.  

    Amy, to paste, you have to use that goofy looking icon above, it tooks like a "T" in front of a yellow folder. (it's a pain).

    Nordy - thank you! Will check out that link! xoxoxo 

    Laura!! Thinking of you!!  Here is the surgery list this week:

    June 14 - JustLaura - Stage 1  mastectomy and DIEP in NOLA with Dr D and Dr Legarde. June 15 - LeslieT - Stage 1 stacked bilateral, NOLA with Dr. S June 15 - Surfagirl - Consult w/ Dr. S.

    June 16 - KathrynLA - Stage 2, NOLA.   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    I am in South Brunswick and work in Princeton...and yes I have a surgery buddy now... I am not sure how they do multiple surgeries in a day... Mine will be a 10+ hour surgery with Dr D as lead doctor and Dr Sullivan as asst.... how do they fit in another surgery??