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NOLA in September?



  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    I am also struggling with who will come with me to surgery. I have a 3 and a 5 year old and my mom is 75 years old and doesnt do well in other cities....or rental cars... I have arranged a nanny to stay but 10 days is a lot of them to be without us.  We were thinking of splitting up the trip w two people but I dunno who the second person could be.

    Also, if you have stacked flap, do you have six drains, two in stomach and two in hips and two in breasts? Has anyone had liposuction from them? I honestly wonder if I would be better off just going smaller and having just the hip incision site. 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited August 2011

    Semper, for me the first layer of calm was when I drove away from the house for the airport -- kind of a no-turning-back-now...phew-can't worry-any-more-about-what-to-pack-or-arrange-for-the-kids. The second layer, and much more profound, was during and after my pre-op day where I felt so reassured, well cared for and confident about the doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist... just everything about the whole place. Plus, it's all so intense, I think there is an element of auto-pilot that kicks in.

    I don't think that the way you are feeling is at all unusual . You'll get there, but this is a BIG DEAL.

    (BTW, I had implant removal and bilat extended DIEP in mid May.)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2011

    Semper, do what is right for you. You have found the best place in the world for this type of surgery and the care is amazing. But it is not a cake walk. You will forever be without the fear of breast cancer - I don't even have mammograms! it is very freeing. But a very personal decision! 

    I can tell you that fear before surgery is totally normal. While waiting for my stage 2, I remember thinking to myself, "I could get up right now and run away!!"  However, if you're going to have surgery, there is no better place to be.

    good luck! 

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011

    Thanks. Its weird because I know I dont want my muscles touched. But I am very scared of scarring.  I am less afraid of the surgery than the donation site scars which I know is weird.And the reason I am putting pressure on myself to do it this year is finances. I have almost maxed out my out of pocket max with my ooph and the nola docs are in my network.  And because most of me just wants this all behind me. I wanna get a job and move on with my life. I have been thinking about this for a year now.  Its exhausting and all encompassing. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Semper... I too would never have considered a butt lift or tummy tuck if it weren't for the cancer/recon... I have a body that gains and loses weight very uniformly, and when I am at a good weight, have a very nice figure... So with going under the knife, my fear was that I had permanently altered that, but I know in the end it will all work out. My butt scars are already fading and its only been a month... i also know that Dr D will go back into those scars at stage 2 to contour me, and I know I will heal fine... And my ab scar and new belly button will also heal great. One of the nurses, Teri, had the procedure 2 years ago, and her breasts look fabulous, withnalmost no scar at all... And her ab scar is also not prevalent, and inside a bikini bottom...

    No one enters these procedures without fear and apprehension... And when you first see your battle wounds, its a bit scary, but time will heal these wounds and the docs are perfectionists, so I have total faith I will end up with no cancer, no fear of cancer AND a rockin' hot body... Just might take time to get there.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    SEMPER -- WHAT BDAVIS SAID ... and the knolwedge that with time they DO fade. My open heart surgery scars I wear with pride (earned those 'medals' the hard way - I know ... sort of perverse). I guess the one thing I found is that there is no predicting our reactions, but much is eased knowing the doctors and nurses we will be working with .. EXTRA-ordinary to the nth!

    Tomorrow post-op, husband flies home and I head for the mecca of my cousins's healing garden in Thibodaux. Will keep posting. Glad Irene wasn't as bad as had theyn had predicted though that is little consolation for  those trying to get home. Hope to see you Betsy and Jo before I leave!. If not, Heal on, Ladies!!!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2011

    Hi All!  Hi Betsy - so glad to hear that you are doing well!  You have been through the wringer, girl!  I wish you a safe flight home on Thursday and a continued uneventful recovery this time.  I hope everything is ok back in NJ after Irene.  Hi Celtic!  Sounds like your recovery is going well also, and I know that will continue to be the case once you get to your cousin's.  I love your description - "healing garden".

     I have been following the hurricane, and the weather in NOLA as well, and it looks as though it is hot hot hot there this week!  I am in London with my daughter, and it feels positvely autumnal.  I am not looking forward to leaving here tomorrow, for lots of reasons, including the heat, but also because it means I am that much closer to my stage 2 surgery, scheduled for Sept 9.  I know I should be excited, but I feel absolutely panicky.  Every hour that goes by I feel worse.  I know I am in good hands in NOLA with Dr D and staff, but I can't help but be afraid.  Having a heart issue develop and a collapsed lung as well with the last surgery, certainly make me worry more than I might otherwise.  And believe me, I can worry enough even under the best of circumstances.  Anyway, home tomorrow, then out to NOLA next Sunday for a bit of sightseeing around LA, including maybe Lafayette for some Zydeco music, before I am back in the hot seat!  Looks like no one else is scheduled with me - would love to have had a surgery buddy.  Oh well.  Will be very glad to be over all this soon!  Thinking of you all from across "the pond".

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    Morning ladies, very pleased to read how everyone is doing and that Betsy you will soon be home. Dana, thanks for your thoughts, we moved back home last night and apart from some water damage to a massive picture of my three children in my bedroom :^(( all is well.. fyi we are in Commercial Street right at the tip of east river and the canal and building is about 4" feet from the water's edge but flooding was nowhere near what was anticipated and only came into ground level. Being on the top floor and our apartment being like a small free-standing lighthouse, winds were always my concern but fortunately they were not that strong and no windows blew in. Now we just have to remove a mountain of protective tape and barriers. Am afraid i did overdo it, my daughter and i are alone here and not a great deal of choice under that time pressure and we did need to secure all inside in case windows did blew in etc and coming as it did days after coming back from Nola....mostly I am just really tired physically, sore...  no permanent damage i think but my belly button has become very red and inflamed looking over last days- i think from all the bending, lifting, exertion and rubbing. I have just finished my antibiotics, am wondering if i should ring Nola and get more??? i am of course still treating question is, at three weeks out what should your belly button look like? Mine def looked more on the road to recovery before, am just trying to assess if this is superficial aggravation from recent aggravation or it has become infected....rosemary

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    My suggestion is take a picture and send it to laura... Thats how they followed me... Glad to hear you are back...

    Looks now like i will leave friday... Flight issues... You can imagine newark airport, and all the people trying to get out... The preferred flight for my friend for tomorrow is now gone... Somwe are trying for wed-Sat...

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary my belly button always caused me problems and was the last incision to heal. Mine was red and inflamed and oozy for weeks. I did end up doing two rounds of antibiotics also to make sure it wasn't infected. I did get it cultured and all was well - just ugly (and painful)! Even now at 11 weeks out it is not completely healed where all of my other incisions look great and have been healed for a few weeks. I did find that the more attention I paid that belly button the worse it got. When I ignored (just cleaned it in the shower each morning) it seemed to do much better. I think that the drying out helped it. 

    I would suggest contacting NOLA though (and sending pictures) as this is the best way to make sure you are doing the right things. 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    thanks guys...i think you are both right- send photos and another round of antiobiotics to be sure..i am also finding that after weeks of binders etc my skin is just super sensitive, even where no incisions...not inflamed or anything, just wanting some freedom and air and objecting to all this, feeling chafed..and my other incisions are looking fine too like you Laura, just my belly button playing up atm...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Going home Friday!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Hi..been very busy.  Just got out of surgery her at fairway a little while ago.   My open wound still had a slight infection so D.M decided to give clean it out really good and hold off on skin graft until thurs. Cry  i was hoping to be away only for a short time bit i also cannot have any more failures.  looks like a full thickness graft from lower ab after 3 days of 3 antibiotics!

     In my consult yesterday she said for the amount of skin i need she will need to do a stacked bilateral hip with possible abs too.   She has never seen anything like it.  Betsy---Dr. M gave me a tour and I wanted to pop in and say hi but i didn't know if Doc would have let me.  It was so quiet there i imagine you are going stir crazy!  However; that place is unbelievable!!!!     

    okay  i will  

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    woo hoo betsy...have you got it in writing??????? seriously, that is great news, but with your two ops this enforced longer stay may have been the best thing rather than coming back and getting exhausted trying to do stuff at this time of year, take your daughter to college /hurricane etc etc. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary... I agree... Have all the flights, hotel and transfers all set...

    Michelle... Yes, i am going a little stir crazy... Sounds like you are going down my path, with the wound and extra surgery... The diep is for sure harder than the hip flap, which in retrospect was a breeze... Stop by if you are here again.

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011

    I have a question: If you get hip flaps done, when you go back for stage 2 do they take (lipo?) from the tummy or bottom? What is the difference in recovery for diep or hip?

    all things being the hip flaps make as nice of foobs and a diep?



    Semper, I am 2nd guessing too...I think its natural to have these thoughts...hang in there xx

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    When you have hip flaps, they re-contour the butt using lower butt fat, cutting back into the same incision and lifting the butt.. And doing the same thing with upper butt fat, bringing it down... In addition, they will lipo love handles and whatever else you want... The lipo'd fat is then used for fat injections into breast... Also, the doc will lift breasts for projection and symmetry.

    For diep, all that butt stuff isn't done, but can be lipo'd.

    I have been told the fat is similar, but butt fat initially will not be as soft, and for me after 5 weeks, my left (hip flap) breast is still firm, but softening.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Betsy I hope that she won't have to use my abs...and this is all for ONE boob:(    

     I think i will still be in Fairway when you leave.  I should have just told Dr. M i knew you...i am sure you are dying for company.  Apparantly I am the only patient her as an inpatient until i believe one of our girls comes on Thursday.  Luckily my mom is here but it still is rough.

    I am watching the news about the Marsh Fire here in NOLA...crazy....also just heard that today is Katrina's 6 year anniversary.  I have heard many sad stories today.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    I awoke last night at 2:30am and buzzed the nurse asking about the weird burning smell... So even in the hospital, it was potent...

    My first surgery Dr D was able to build my two breasts with the hips, and spared the abs, and I was glad... But unfortunately with my complication and opening wound, he had to go back for more to rebuild, so I got the diep in the end as well...

    I am leaving the hospital at about 4pm Wednesday.. So if you are here at all between now and then stop by... Room 208.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2011

    Michelle--sorry to hear your surgery got postponed, but (as usual) Dr. M has your best interests at heart and I'm sure things will work out. It sounds like you're a challenging case but Dr. M is one of those people who really shines in the face of a good challenge, I'm glad you found your way to her. I just got home Friday from my second stage 1 with her, and while I'm currently pretty cranky (achey, tired, sick) from the whole ordeal I'm constantly thankful she's my surgeon.  Best of luck on Thursday!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    anybody else get super sensitive skin at around 3 weeks?? like clothes even 'hurt'...Laura rang back straight away and am on another round of antibiotics just in case tummy button is infected.. and i also am finding that while my stomach incision is healing really well, my stomach is getting tighter and harder and i seem to be standing less straight this what happens too? am remembering your words Dana about the depression that can set in about the three week mark, like i am over this...

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited August 2011

    Made it to Thibodaux, settled in and then alept for more than7 hours! And am ready for more! Serious healing goin' on!

    Safe travels, Betsy! Heal well ladies in the midst. So glad I found NOLA and the Center.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited August 2011

    Amy - So sorry you're worrying so much. Saying that's normal doesn't really help a lot, but I'll say it anyway! We all worry. And after your past issues, no wonder you're especially anxious. But this time, everyone will be totally prepared and extra special careful, given what happened last time - eventho I'm sure everything will be blessedly uneventful with Phase 2. The surgery is way shorter and easier, as is the recovery. Try your best just to think positively. It's great you had the distraction of being in England - try to think of other things to keep your mind off of it all, after you get home. And try to have some fun in New Orleans! I'll be there, for pleasure, from that Thursday nite thru Sunday. Maybe I can pop in and see you. Be sure you put your screen name by your door, in case you have any visitors. I wouldn't be surprised if you had some! Do you know what time your surgery is on Friday?

    Louis 13 - I have had super sensitive skin lots of time after these surgeries. It felt like a bad sunburn when clothes rubbed against it. In my experience, it shows that your nerves are healing. It will subside. Meanwhile, I was way more comfortable wearing the support garment under my clothes. There was no way I could wear my jeans, otherwise. It hurt too much. But that extra layer of tight material alleviated the pain of things rubbing against me.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2011

    thanks Eve, and thanks for everything too btw :^))....and just to pass on some more belly button info that i have learnt in last 24 hours....Laura told me they use a different stitch for belly button which does not heal as readily( i guess cos of the effect they are trying to achieve) ,.... that combined with the belly button depression which is harder to keep dry. i read up on other boards( tummy tuck boards) how this happens a lot there too and it was recommended to use hair dryer( very very, very light setting just liight warm air) to dry out any trapped moisture after shower before using betadine..think for me in hectic rush of last days was not allowing my usual routine of lying on bed naked in robe and air drying in sun, rather racing thru my routine cos underbig  time pressure as well as all the exertion. am forming opinion that keeping these incisions dry as well as clean is key

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited August 2011

    Shameless plug time, friends! OUr local cancer rehab clinic is doing a fundraiser. They helped me through all my surgeries with physical fitness retraining, LE prevention, and emotional support. Click on the link and see their video.

    And, BTW, that's ME on the cover, smiling at you. And I'm also Ms. March, in my rock climbing gear (and nothing else...!) Needless to say, Marga gets a free copy, since she did alot of the work!!

    If you like what you see, consider buying a calendar. The money goes to funding treatment for people who cannot afford it!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2011

    Amy... I too understand your worry... I can project that when its time for my stage 2 I will for sure be apprehensive especially after my rocky road... BUT... I am glad to report that waking up this morning was easier than yesterday, medicated of course, but my point is, you will get through it all... And I think due to prior complications, they will handle you carefully... And most importantly as I think Eve just said, you will heal quicker... So it will just be a few days and then DONE! Stay distracted, stay positive, and forge ahead.

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2011


    Michelle- I arrive Wed. and have pre-op Thursday @ Fairway and surgery Friday morning.

    I did have a DVD player in the friend rented a movie somewhere near the hospital to watch while I dozed...if you are bored maybe your Mom could go get a few movies.

    Sorry you have to wait, but I agree with the others who rave about Dr. M. Trust her.

    I will try and stop in if they let me...

    Hang in there everyone...


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2011

    Anne - Look at how cute you are on the front of that calendar!!! Awesome!

    Sorry, I don't remember who asked about Dr. Trahan as being the lead surgeon! Dr. S was my "main man" LOL, but Dr. T was his assisting. I have a great result. I think Dr. T has been assisting them for years and years (I think more than 5... I have heard 7??). In my opinion, there is no way he would be the primary surgeon if Dr. D and Dr. S did not feel he was qualified. I don't think you will go wrong with any of the three... and either Dr. D or Dr. S will be there to assist him anyway. I think you (haha - whoever "you" was!) will do fine!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2011

    Betsy--Probably won't be back to St. Charles until Monday.  Have a good trip home..finally!!

    Amy--come by and see me!!!  I am in room 204.  Hopefully we can meet:)  What time do you have pre-op.  I have surgery thursday but not till late morning i believe.   

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited August 2011

    Rosemary - so glad to here your home was've been through a lot, and yes that post-surgical depression around the 3-4 week mark is VERY well documented.  Several women warned me about it but it still took me by surprise.  There is this feeling that you are just TIRED of not feeling like yourself anymore and that things will never get better.  The good news is that (at least in my experience) there is a huge leap forward at week 4 and another at week 6 so it's just a matter of holding on and keeping up with the marathon.  We're here for you if you need to vent!

    Question for the ladies who have had their stage 2/lipo - when did you stop wearing your compression garments?  I'm at 2 weeks now and the post op info from Dr. D says compression and surgical bra around the clock for just 2 weeks.  I took mine off for a couple of hours today and still have some numb/swollen spots.  My question is this - is there a benefit to staying in compression a bit longer or is it key to the healing process to stop compression at this point?  I'm a lipo newbie :-)

    Oh and Amy I totally understand your worry about Stage 2 - I had it too, just wan't happy about "starting all over again" and feeling crappy all over again.  Happy to report that is was MUCH easier than stage 1 and I had a hysterectomy with my stage 2 as well.  Felt crappy and had nausea for the first week and then things got better.  The limitations and length of recovery are NOTHING comparing to stage 1, at least for me.  I know you had several complications but I really hope you have as easy of a time with stage 2 as I am having.  At this rate things will be back to normal for me in another 2 weeks - can't wait.  Happy healing everyone!