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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009


    Need more details!!

    Jan 26 - Jaimieh (is doing something, somewhere, not sure what! or where! or with who!) 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Thank you Springtime.... I am nervously excited... hoping to learn alot from Dejaboo (?)...(.and anyone else who has had the SGAP.)... good thoughts coming your way for tomorrow!! Smile

    Thinking about the Homewood Suites for the days after release from the hospital... anyone with experience there?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Spring I will be with Dr S hopefully doing bilaterial s-gap. If not sgap than llgap. Not sure where I am staying yet I got a lot to figure out.

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited November 2009

    Congratulations'll be a couple of weeks after me!  Still trying to get insurance worked out here too.  You too HotBolt...February will be here before you know it.

    What a great thread...full of info, laughs and encouragement!!  I've been so busy that I can't get here as much as I'd like, but it's fun to catch up!

    BTW Spring, I'm having Stage 1 DIEP with Dr. D.  Thanks!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2009

    Jaimieh....I am so excited for you! Keep chipping away at the Insurance company...I actually went to 2 PS's where I lived in Jackson,MS just to get them to document that the DIEP flap was the only option for me to have bilateral reconstruction, neither of them could give me that...and so NOLA was approved.

    And how WAS that drainless shower,Ms Nordy!?  Ah t...he sweet joy of taking a shower unemcumbered by the octopus like draims! Hugs sweet girl!

     HB, Homewood is supposed to be an excellent choice! I stayed at the Hope Lodge and or the Ritz,Hampton Inn (prior to surgery)in Metarie (sugery at Omega.. back in the day:)) Homewood has free stuff to eat and I know of some that have gone to the lobby in their Pjs to eat~NICE!

    Congratulations again!


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Marcia- Go to,I believe and type in drug name andyou will get the list of interactions...I am on Tamoxifen and HER2 postive (and estrogen positive, too) I had them give me the metabolizing came back Intermediate, and they will further test me next week and send it off to Mayo. You can either be extensive(great) intermediate (gray zone) or poor metabolizer. The rumor is if you are Her2 and taking Tamox, it can feed Her2...and of course, if you don't metoblize the drug, then it is pointless. Although the test is new, it seems to be a valid test,nonetheless. I will fill you in more as I learn more next week. I can thank Orange1 for making me aware of all this on this site! Knowledge is Power!

    Nordy...ok, no bath but BELLA FEET!!!! That works!! You had me cracking up w/your neanderthal feet comment

    Spring-HI!! Just wanted to say Felt like I haven't chatted in awhile,my dear surgery sista!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    I am going to let NOLA debate with them first (with BCBS) and then I will see what I can do.  I have people around here that do the gap procedures but I want to go to NOLA because of their experience in doing GAP surgeries.  I have had enough reconstruction nightmares to last me a life time. 

    I can get air right now for 170 round trip........sighhhh....

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Marcia.. thanks! Free food in my jammies sounds like a good thing...

    Jaimieh - what is the llgap?  I had a phone consult based on pictures ... and Dr. D. said an SGAP for me...  170 round trip.. nice....

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Nordy - YEAH!!! Drain Free!  Hope this time it sticks!!! LOL!  Wow, pampered feet and no drains!

    I haven't stayed at the Homewood - although I've heard good things about it.  We stayed at the Hampton Inn and really liked it.  The rooms were nice and clean and the free breakfast was good.  Plus the St. Charles trolly line is right outside the front door which made getting around (especially to and from the center for my husband) really easy.

    Looks like I'm going to be missing BreastCancerDiva and Spring in NOLA by a couple days - would have loved to meet you.  However, I see that there are four others that will be there the same time as me.  Hopefully, we can arrange to meet up somehow.  All Stage 2'ers.....

    Great news Holtbolt and Jaimieh on getting your surgery dates set!  Hopefully, the insurance stuff will just fall into place really quick and easy!!!!

  • lilmismuffit
    lilmismuffit Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2009

    Hi Holtbolt-

    I will be in Nola the same time you will be there!!!   My surgery date is Feb 24th!!! I am pretty new to this board as well and its been a wealth of knowledge for me!!!  This board helped me make a decision to do a bilateral DIEP with Dr. Massey and Dr. Sullivan....hopefully we will meet each  other there!!!!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    lilmismuffit... GREAT!  I'll look forward to it.... do you know where you will stay?  Illinois eh?  You are close now too, I am in Indiana... Smile  There's another one Springtime that you can add to the list!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Congrats ladies on making such a wonderful decision!!!  You will be SO happy you did.  I promise!!!

    Anniese~I fly in on the 8th, if you are up for it, maybe I can visit you in the hosptial.  

    FINALLY got my plane tickets taken care of and my hotel booked!  I was able to get the Hotel Monteleone for $89 a night.  Maybe because I only need a Tuesday and Wednesday night?  I know I read earlier that it was booked, but I called and talked to Stephanie today and she was able to hook me up again.  I am SO excited to have my hubby coming along this time.  

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Trishia - which day do you have your surgery?  Would love to meet you! 

    Lilmismuffit - welcome and congrats on making this decision.  My surgeon was Dr. M with Dr. S assisting.  You will be in VERY good hands!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited November 2009

    I stayed at Homewood Suites after stage 1 and LOVED it.  Had my sister with me, and there was recliner and tv in living room, as well as tv in bedroom, so I could nap or lay around and watch tv without having to bother her.  We never spent anything on food between the breakfast and dinner and having frig and microwave in room to reheat what we took back to our room later, though think the dinner is only mon-thurs, maybe?  I would check and be sure.  Everyone there was very nice, though. 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Anniese~my surgeries are ALL DONE!!!  I am going for tattooing!  Can you believe it?  I do my tattoos on 12/10 at noon and then fly out that night at 5pm.  I am seeing Dr. S on 12/9 in the afternoon.  Will you be at St. Charles?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    WOW, this is such a busy thread and adding more and more by the minute!!!!! I LOVE it!

    JamieH- I have some info for your regarding not having SGap locally. BUT I don't know if you can use it or not or if I would get in trouble for passing it on... hmmm... pm me

    Yes, that drain free shower was heavenly, but I have honestly gotten so used to my 2 extra appendages, that I didn't really notice them anymore. It is nice not having that bulge under my shirts though!!! Fingers crossed that they stay out and no more fluid!!!!!!!

    Pam - I am sooooo thinking about you today!!! HUGS   Try to get some sleep tonight and by this time tomorrow your surgery will be history! 

    Okay, can I just say again how sad I am that I am not going to be with everyone for stage 2 next month? You will all be getting tweaks to your boobs and I will be getting tweaked by a robot to remove more potentially deadly components of my body! Good heavens! Well, hopefully there will be some that are stage 1 now down there for their stage 2 when I go for mine!!! Which reminds me that I need to call tomorrow and try to get a date set up. Tricia - how long do you have to wait between stage 2 and tats? I am trying to decide if we will take the girls and go in April for a conference for my hubby for stage 2 or move that closer to the new year and take the girls for stage 3. OR if I will just fly down by myself for both of those and meet up w/some of my girlfriends that will fly in from NY to hang out w/me! Lots of fun decisions!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Congrats all you new surgery date people! 

    Nordy, hope you moved mountains today.


    Dec 8 - Anniese, Stage 2 (Dr. M) - NOLA 

    Dec 9 - NebrNan (Nancy) Stage 2 w Dr D. - NOLA

    Dec 9 - Iamc, Stage 2, w Dr. S - NOLA

    Dec 10 - Trisha - Tattoos! (12/8-12/10) Likely: Hotel Monteleone & lingerie shopping! :) 

    Dec 10 - PlainJane64, Stage 2 - NOLA

    Dec 11 - Warrior, Stage 2 (Dr. M) - NOLA 

    We should plan to meet for coffee, cocktails, lunch?  post op visits?  whatever?  A photo maybe?

    I arrive about 1135 on 12/8, pre op dec 9 at 3pm, surgery 7am on 12/10....and staying thru 12/14 all?  Trishia I think I still have your digits, going back to find in the pm's.

    GYN appt went ok, one cyst gone one small and clear so recheck in 6-12 mos.  Bone density normal(only 6 mos on Tamox) BUT lumbar as low on normal so Increase calcium and increase weight bearing exercise.

    I am going to be very lazy tonight.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Ok, I have been away for a day, whewwwwwww, so much to catch up on here!


    HOLBOLT, Lilmismuffit, JamieH - Congratulations on making your decisions and getting your dates, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!!  We are here for you!

    Spring, Warrior, PlaneJane - can you believe its almost time to go back!  It was just a second ago we were counting the days before our stage 1!  WOW!  I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!! 

     xxoo Mel

  • LeeMcC
    LeeMcC Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies -- I don't think I ever officially "joined" this page or was listed on the surgery dates. But I've connected with a  couple of you via PM or email. I'm 6 week out from BMX w/DIEP by Drs Craigie and Allen in Charleston, SC. Couldn't be happier and I'm almost fully normal again ... but with a whole new body! Love the new girls and the flat tummy. (And, no I don't have the hairy boobs problem, thankfully, cuz I had skin-sparring!) These great docs even gave me nipples on Stage 1! My Stage 2 is Dec 29 in Charleston ... mostly for lipo, but a fix to the right side (cancer side) nipple because it looks like it's healing to be kinda an "innie." I'm permanently in the frozen food section on the left side Kiss and the doc needs to make my right nipple stand out, too!

    Good luck to all you ladies. I'm excited about Stage 2, but kinda dreading the month of wearing the girdle on steroids!


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2009

    I am feeling grumpy and not well today. Stage two was seven days today. I am tired of Loritab but I am feeling pain and have anxiety as well because I have several swollen and painful areas. I may have to take valium to get through the next week. I am ready to be me again! Today I am afraid that the swollen areas are never going away! All of the bruising is traveling down my legs again! I forgot what this was like. This is my second go around with stage two. I am having a hard time looking for the silver lining today!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Wow!  I am so sorry that you are feeling like that Lydia.  My expereince with Stage 2 was COMPLETELY different.  Drink TONS of water and WALK, WALK, WALK!!!  It makes a HUGE difference!   The swelling and the bruising will go down!!!!  

    Jennifer Jane...we have to shop Magazine Street!!! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    How long do you normally have to stay in NOLA for stage 2 ???  I know it depends on what is done but has anyone figured out and average.  I know I have to get thru stage 1 but I am trying to save my DH's vacation as much as possible. 

    Thank you ladies :)

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2009

    Jaimieh, I was there overnight.

    Trisha, Thanks! thats why I am freaking out thinking something is wrong! I will walk tomorrow and see if it helps. I would so love to go back to work on Monday!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Great so I shouldn't expect a long stay for stage 2....

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2009


      I *believe* the Center advises you plan on 5 days (including travel days). I lived nearby so I think it was only 3 days (drove there and took Amtrak home)...(Thats was FUN...on pain meds and taking the train,I mean,LOL)..

    Congrats to Lilmissmuffit! I cannot say enough good things about the Center and their support people...LOVE them all for taking such special care of all of us,

    Lydia, when I had stage 2 I took Arnica Montana which is a homeopathic medicine that aids with bruising and swelling..maybe call the the Cnter and see if you might be a candidate for it. You stated that you take meds for fluid so I am not sure you can take it...(how far is Prarieville from Jackson,MS)?


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    PRAYING FOR PAM !!!!!!!!!!!!

    And all you wonderful ladies here on this thread.... GOD BLESS!

    Pam... my dear friend... I know you are freaking a little at this point.. it is going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you!

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2009

    Hi Marcia, I am right outside of Baton Rouge so I am not far from the center. Maybe four hours from Jackson. I am sure we all have periods of freaking out over surgery.

    Pam I am understanding and pray for both of us to heal soon!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Hi Everyone!

    Thanks for such nice messages!!

    I think I am all set!

    Its been a long 2 days.  I walked over 7.5 miles today.

    Dr M thinks I will probably need 3 stages : (

    Looks like we have lots of new dates added!

    Lydia- sorry your stage 2 is so hard.  Hope you feel better very soon!

    Nordy! Wow- No drains!!!  Awesome.

    I just scannned most the posts...So I wont catch everyone right now.

    My Dog misses me : (

    Im off to relax & then try to get some sleep.

    Talk to you all soon!



  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009


    I am sure by now your are tucked in your bed with visions of sugar boobs dancing in your head.  I (we) will be thinking about you as you start your journey tomorrow.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    ((hugs))  Linda

  • lilmismuffit
    lilmismuffit Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2009

    Hi Holtbolt-

     I will be staying at the homewood suites with my mom after stage sister will be coming to visit me once I am discharged from the center.  And a friend might be coming with her...what do they think this is, a party???  Kiss  Where will you be staying??

     Soccermom-your picture is amazing!!!  I feel so safe knowing that this place takes such good care of all our sisters!!!  Can't wait to be there and experience it for myself!

    Anniese-if you don't mind, I might PM  you since we have the same surgeons!!  I am meeting Dr. Massey on the 24th of this month here in Chicago.  Just talking to her on the phone, I can tell she is just a wonderful person!!!

    Melaniew1-thanks!!!  I have read that sometimes in the first couple days you wonder if you made the right decision so I told my mom to remind me of that should I start to feel that way.  We have all been through a lot and I for one just want to feel like a 35 year old should feel-AND LOOK!!!