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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Pam you are going to do great!!!!  

    Lydia~that was the advice given to me and it really does work!  

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2009


    I am so sorry you are not feeling well.  I have had you on my mind all day.  I pray you will awake in the morning on the other side!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Trishia-YES on the magazine street....esp since  I couldn't get there last time and I STILL want those shoes(the ones I saw the day I left-9/20- on a woman w/ a British accent in the airport in D/FW-she got them there).......they are probably so not there anymore!  But it's ok, still wanna go...the place is called Feet First and it's on magazine, know that much.

    Melanie, I know, can't believe we've already come this far......all those months!  sheesh...when did we start?  June?  I know I had decided I was doing it, and thinking Nola in May.....and I won't even go into the Oct thru April before when I was pretty sure I wanted to do this just did NOT have all the process!  I have NEVER been off work this period of time before.....I do love my work but I must say it is nice being home and I'm still in no rush to go back....and when I do it may be part time until stage 2.

    Apparently my order shipped from Advantage bridal and I canNOT wait!

    Insomnia, again...........maybe from weaning's ok tho, back to bed, goodnight! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Pam I hope everything is going fabulous ((bighugs))  Sorry Dr. M thinks that you will need all 3 stages.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    I bet Mrs Pam is under anesthesia and the art and science is in progress and going WELL!  Jamieh, I think 3 stages is pretty typical?  Not sure?  I think the third is niples or tattooing...I very well could be wrong or have misread but we all know the end product will be in the words of Nordy 'rockin hot tatas'!

    Nordy, I feel the same way OBVIOUSLY-yes very fun group! And I monopolize lately...Embarassed Esp while off work.  All the papers/extension/disability fixed...Thank goodness!  I love paying bills!

    Ok, where are trick or treat pics from Nordy and Warrior did your sweet kids dress up too?  I want to see if you wanna share but no pressure.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    I thought the 3 stages was normal but maybe Pam was talking about more..  I just figured I will keep going back until I am done :) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    OMG!! I cannot KEEP UP with this group of ladies!!!! I am going to have to retire to manage this list! Ha!! LOL

    I think I added and updated all the ones who asked, pls check above and let me know!

    Warrior, How you be girlie??? :)  I am an "extreme metabolizer" of Tamoxifen, and this made my ONC titilated - she was so thrilled, and onto Tam I went.... let me know what more you find out. She said they are unsure about this, but that some people feel this "metabolism" thing is "very important". I dunno. Whatever!!!

    I got a call from the center last night, and initially my surgery date was Dec 4, but they moved it to Dec 2nd a fre weeks back. (Dr. D needed to be out that day, but we had already booked our flights). So they paid for the increased booking fee.

    Last night, they called and want to move me to Dec 1st!!! So I have to see if Katie can re-swizzle my hotel dates at the Homewood. I keep getting earlier and earlier, but this means I'll be in really good shape for the holidays, so I dont mind!!   (sorry to miss the bulk of you though!)  

    Danny, I may be the day after you!!!  

    FYI - My take: The homewood is the best place to stay, esp after surgery, if you ask me! Lots of room, kitchen, Living room, bedroom, separate spaces, and free food!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Ladies, I am here in NOLA still and am having surgery today at 12 noon!  Just a short one, and we check out of the hospital tomorrow and head straight to the airport.  My brother is getting married on Sunday, so I cannot stay a minute longer!  I'll tell you all more about it when I get back home to a faster internet connection--what is happening here with pages taking 10 minutes to load is just such a pain!

    I'll be checking in on Pam tonight or tomorrow so I can at least meet her.  Minnesota and I have had so much fun getting to know each other in person, and our hubbies got along famously as well.  It's been a great week in NOLA with gorgeous weather....wish I could stay longer!   Well, wish me will be here within the next 15 minutes to take me to St. Charles!!


  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    PAM - thinking/praying for you today!!! 

    Lydia - I sure hope that today is a better day for you.  I haven't had Stage 2 yet but I remember having these days after Stage 1 and wondering if it would get better.  It did.

    Trish - lots of walking and water after Stage 2, check!!!  Really want to keep the bruising and swelling down as much as possible.  Just tattoos - how great!  Maybe you can come by and see me in the hospital room before your pre-op on the 9th.  I'll be getting released that day, but obviously don't know when yet.....

    Lilmismuffit - Yes, PM me all you want!!!  I too had those days after of wondering why I had done this and if I'd made the right decision.  My husband was very positive and affirming - really needed that.  After you get through the first little bit it starts becoming clear that it WAS the right decision!

    Momsdaughter - WOW - cannot believe you are stepping into surgery today!  Good luck and can't wait for the story behind this!

    PlainJane - I'll be arriving on the 6th in the afternoon.  Pre-op the afternoon of the 7th, surgery on the 8th, discharge from hospital on the 9th.  I will be staying at the Hampton the 9th and 10th and then flying home the morning of the 11th.  It will be a real challenge to see if there is a way to get all of us together at the same time - but, it would be nice to at least try to meet up separately!

    Spring - wow, moving your date again!  Wonder what is keeping Dr. D so busy!  Hmmm, could it be all of us!?!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    (((((((PAM))))))) Have been thinking of you all morning. I hope that you are out or soon out of surgery by now and having some nice pain controlled sleep!!!!

    Okay - SO lovely to see everyone on here - Laura - You have been missed! Sandy - Yes, the story behind this surgery is intriguing!!!! Do tell!  Jennifer - will post a cute pick when I get my photos up-loaded... I haven't even looked at them yet!   Spring - before you know it your stage 2 is going to be done before Thanksgiving... LOL!!!

    As for stages - there are technically 3. Stage 1: take up flaps and make a breast mound... our NOLA docs and Dr. Massey take lots of time here to sculpt these breasts as well - get most of the work out of the way on the first shot   Stage 2: clean up time - get rid of dog ears from donor sites, revise donor site scars as needed (if Gap - Dr. S said they take up the entire scar and make a new neater incision so less scarring), lipo as needed, address any areas of fat necrosis in breasts and even things out if needed AND usually create a nipple.  Stage 3: tattooing of areola    So stage 2 is where things can change with your doctor. My girlfriend had stage 2 consisting of breast reduction on the non-reconstructed side and revisions on the DIEP breast, and the lipo, dog ear removal, etc. BUT Dr. M did not make her a nipple on the reconstructed breast. Her reasoning is that w/the reduction and revision that she performed, she wanted to wait to see where the breasts settle prior to placing a nipple, so that she could be more certain that they would be even! Which is a very good thing, don't you think? So, most DIEP/Gap reconstruction is three stages, BUT we all have to allow for our own body differences and the types of things that we may need done that may require more surgery or time between surgeries, etc.

    Okay, so I am trying to get a hold of Stacy today to schedule out my Stage 2 - probably in March... of course this is provided that my follow up CT scan and davinci surgery go as planned!!!! Then hopefully, really really hopefully, my stage 2 will be the last surgery I will need in a long, long, long time!!!!!!!!!

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009

    Lilmissmuffit,  I am having stage I with Dr. M next Thursday (Yikes)!  I loved meeting her back in June. She is a very caring, compassionate and talented surgeon.  Are you going to NOLA?  I am going to Roper in SC.  Take care and good luck!  Linda

  • JStar
    JStar Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Sandy, let us know how your surgery went!  Yet again I have "just" missed you - I was there for my 2nd Stage two weeks ago today.  The outcome is simply fabulous and I am here to be an ambassador to speak first-hand of the amazing, caring, generous artists who are the doctors there at NOLA.  Anyway, just had to say "hi" and all the best!  Janice

  • lilmismuffit
    lilmismuffit Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2009

    Hi LindaG47-

    Yes, I will be going to Nola Feb 24th for a bilateral DIEP with Dr. M and Dr. S....I don't know if you will be up to posting on your progress but I would love to know how it all goes with her.  I can't wait to meet her!!!  Good luck next Thursday!!!  I am sure you will do great.  I will check in and see how everything went....

  • PhyllisCC
    PhyllisCC Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009


     Prayers for you along with laughs and hugs! ((((PAM)))) My best. to you.  Phyllis

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009

    Lilmismuffit -  I am planning to post just as soon as I am able......and I hope it is sooner than later.  This is a remarkable group ladies.  Glad you found your way here.  They will be supportive in every way possible. Linda

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2009

    Wow I have missed a ton the last few days. After spending a week in LA with us I returned with my son to Chicago. Cleaning doing laundry and coolking., what mothers do. I will leave on Sunday with the comfort that with a freezer full of meals and a clean apartment that he will be OK on his own Tomorrow we go to the police station to pick up his things from the car. I am not sure if I want to see his car, it will most likely give me nightmares but I am so very thankful that he was able to survive.

    Pam I am send prayers for a speedy recovery, welcome to the club girl.

    Sandy I am so excited that they were able to fit you in ,that is terrific. Let's do lunch when I get back and catch up.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    MomsDaughter!!! I am so delighted for you that this worked out! I know you wanted that tweek, and I am so glad it was possible and that you were worked in while there!!! Wonderful!!!

    Pls do let us know about Pam.  We are, of course, all thinking of her!!!

    I think it is so nice that Stephanie and Mom's can have lunch!!  Woot!

    I got a reconfirmation today from the Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel that my dates were changed, so i think Miss Katie worked her magic and my surgery date is now Dec 1!!!  This has been the "movingest" date!

    I will be gone for the weekend to the beach with my girlie friends from church, not sure I will bring the computer. I shudder to think how much I will miss Fri Sat Sunday! Ahhck!


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2009

     Thanks for the pep talks guys! It is so nice to have poeple to whine to when needed. I think stage two is like having a baby. When you go through the pain you wonder why you did it. After you see the results you would do it all over again if needed.

     Bettye Thanks for the prayers, I will be praying for you as well. I am your cheerleader as well!

    Pam Good luck today! It will be worth it!! I will keep you in my prayers.

    Momsdaughter - that is so great that that worked out for you! I know it will be beautiful.

    Anniese - Thanks for your encouragement.

    Tricia and Marcia Thanks for the advise. I quit taking the pain pills  and started walking. I am feeling better. I just am going to push through the pain.

     Spring I can tell you are so excited! You are going to love the results!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited November 2009

    Hi guys,

    Saw my medical onc today.  If I EVER get these drains out, lol, we will start chemo on the 19th.  Only 4 rounds of TC.  They flushed my port today, so not as scared about that now.  As soon as I know when chemo will start for sure, Katie said to call and they will schedule my stage 2 accordingly.  So excited for everyone here!  My onc asked "was it worth it" after the problems Ive had, and I said YES...there was no other alternative I wanted, and everyone else here is doing so good on here...I will eventually catch up! lol   Take care all.....

    Nordy?  How long did your drains stay in the second time?  (give me a little hope here! hehehe) I'm under 30cc per day in each drain, so hopefully it will drop quickly from there....

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Gin - One was in a total of 2 weeks and the other... 11 days. It is nice having them out, although I still worry a bit about the right one as I saw it had accumulated a little fluid this morning. I hope that my body absorbs it and that there is not a cavity in there that is not closing! I was under 20 cc a day for over a week on that right side and I am still worried!!!! Chemo is doable - you will be okay, it is always the fear of the unknown that is the hardest! Get your calendar out and start checking them off as you go, you will be surprised how quickly it goes by!!!! Maybe you will be in NOLA at the same time as me for your stage 2?!

    Stephanie - I am glad that you were able to go and help your son out! 

    Spring - you have a great weekend....Expect to read a novel when you get back!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Oh yeah, and one more thing... running.... LOL... I ran out of church the other day to our car because it was FREEZING and my husband said, "Just look at those things jiggle..."! And running up the stairs, there they are again, just jiggling away! Have I mentioned recently that I LOVE my boobs? I don't even care that there is not a nipple there, I LOVE having cleavage and not having to dig out my prosthetics every morning. Oh yes, loving NOLA and beautiful breasts over here!!!! Dr. S is my hero!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Nordy you sound JUST like me!!!  Ha!  I have thread titled "Im in Love....with my new breasts"  And I talk about running up and down the stairs!  LOL!  Isn't it grand!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    I'm here at St. Charles!  Surgery went well and Dr. D told my husband that I should be happy now.  I guess there was a comment made about me being a perfectionist, and agreement to that.  Not sure who made the statement and who agreed with it!  

    Back in June, I was here to see if we could achieve more nipple projection because my husband couldn't really feel anything and he loved the original equipment.   When I had my original nipple reconstruction in April 2008, I asked for "just barely there" and that is what I ended up with. After they flattened out, we tried Radiesse injections and they turned out to have a short-term effect.  So, in quest of more nip, I had a consult with Dr. D on Monday and Celeste was able to get me into the schedule for surgery this week. I've got the nipple protectors again, and will have to find a way to camouflage them for my brother's wedding in two days.  Dr. D also revised the vertical scars on my breasts and I'm hoping that they don't stretch out again.  I'm checking out of the hospital today and heading straight for the airport.  

    The Center has a patient scheduled for mastectomy/stage I in two weeks, and she was really feeling anxious about it.  I told Katie that I would be more than happy to speak with the patient and show her what Dr. D did for me.   Wednesday night, my husband and I had dinner with her and then we visited a patient in the hospital who'd just had stage I the day before.   She said this really helped her, although she'd been reluctant to contact me at first.  Last night, she stopped at Coldstone Creamery and got me and another patient some ice cream, which was so sweet of her to do.

    Minnesota and I were talking about how impossible it is to express our gratitude to the doctors and Center staff, and I think the best way is to help other women in their journeys--paying it forward.

    After breakfast, I'm going to find Pam!


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Janice, sorry to have missed you again!  Thank you all for your wishes and prayers!

     I was wearing the t-shirt that is my avatar while walking around the French Quarter and a guy walked up and asked what USDB stands for.  I told him it was an inside joke, then later regretted not explaining.  We met a man at the Phoenix airport on the way out here and his friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  I gave him a business card from the Center and he said he'd give it to her.   Amazingly, we ran into him on Bourbon Street on Halloween (it was CRAZY!!!) and he was dressed up in a sexy black biker outfit and huge rhinestone earrings and necklace. 

    While I've been in NOLA this week, my friend's niece was also diagnosed with breast cancer.  It's hard to find anyone whose life has not been touched by this disease.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Oh yes...even if one is a daily regular........................SOooooooooooooooooo much to read daily but I enjoy every word!

    Spring..............KUDOS!  you are the woman!  Can any of us help you keep up w/ this......maybe one or two of us take turns w/ pms that can be cut and pasted?  this is a LOT to keep up w//  and yeah even tho it started as Sept Nola thread....huh huh......LOOK how popular we are!  tee hee!  I have to contain myself to this and one other thread lately due to time constarints and need to focus!

    Sandy-AWESOME, can't wait to hear hte details but do what you need ...uuum we'll still be here,LOL!

    Nordy.....w/ decreased edema yes mine now shake too AND......not trying to throw this in anyone's face BUT inquiring minds minds might be interested to know- YES my nipples(I had nipple sparing) still get hard when I get cold.....I'll have to wait and see on what else happens if I ever get an errogenous thrill- I know won't be exactly the same...BUT the brain IS the most important sexual organ and I'm Waaaay ok w/ whatever...I digress!

    Gin, this all sounds like great news, decreased output and decreased(?) rounds of chemo.  God is is Nola and CRBS.

    Pam....feel might not be able to read but you'll catch up and we'll hear all about it soon enough.

    Anniese...........I am going to pm all you chicas w/ my cell number.....I do NOT want to butt in and get it if people are nervous, feeling they need space or whatever but YES, I'd love to see or do or hook up w/ whomever is willing and you are exactly right may be physically impossible to have ALL together so we'll figure it all out!

    Sounds as if Homewood suites is the deal esp w/ the food part I want my earned free Marriott night goshdarnit!  and I eat too much!

    Don't know if I already said it...forgive if I did...I was 6 weeks wednesday from stage 1 and feel like......drumroll please!!!!..............REALLY feel like I turned a corner!  going to LE therapy in a bit but hey we went into the gym wednesday! woo hoo! She actually did this ASYM...forgot what the acronym stands for to break up adheasions/scar tissue that might be forming in the abdomen....ahs to be done after 6 weeks sort of fascial massage...Oh man it hurt but felt good all at the same time then did foam roll stretches/excercises.  I AM starting a bit of cardio today so there!Wink

    Stephanie, you are an awesome mom!  Congrats to that son getting thru this tough thing(His momma raised him right!) and congrats to YOU for taking such good care of him, esp post op!  This is all GREAT news!  Do NOT overdo girl....remember you're still a patient too...we all want to keep going forward.................

    New girls-pre stage ones.................It is going to be SPECTACULAR>  Forgive me for not having all your names, etc.  Time constraints!

    Spring let us know what we can do so you're not overwhelmed?

    TGIF ladies!  Gotta bolt!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Yes pre stage 1 ladies!  <<<<<<<<<SPECTACULAR>>>>>>>>>

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009


    Praying for you girl!  Its all over and you have ROCKIN HOT SPECTACULAR TA TA's!!!!!!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    PLAINJANE - Love your posts girlfriend!  Have a BEAUTIFUL day friend.

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009

    I am having bilateral SGAP surgery with Dr Flores at Hopkins in Janaury --  there are no surgeons in Phila who do the surgery bilaterally or who do it often. I like Flores and his team a lot. PM me for more info.



  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009

    Thoughts on husbands

    We do this surgery for ourselves--not for our husbands or boyfriends or partners.

    I will always remember my husband's comments.

    Many years ago (I am 20 years out with implants) I told my husband how much I appreciated that he always made me feel that he loved my reconstructed breasts.

    "Do you think I say that to make you feel good?" he asled.

    "Well, yes, I do," I replied.

    "I hate to disappointment you," he said, "But I am not that thoughtful."

    Knowing you are loved, no matter what, is a great gift.

    We do this surgery for ourselves. What better reason is there?
