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NOLA in September?



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Who for 2 seperate boobies Pam :).

    I guess my question is once the initial surgery is over does you dnor site still hurt say 6 months later ??

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Warrior... LOL very nice!! Laughing

    Pam... woohoo!!!!  Congratulations! Laughing

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Yay for 2 boobies Pam!!!!!  I'm so glad you hired someone to type for you!!  : )

    Warrior...that is AWESOME!!!!

    Jaimieh~I can only say for me, and I had DIEP, that nppe, only tightness, no pain.  And the tightness totally goes away when I exercise on a regular basis.  I'm a little over 7 months out. 

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Hi All

     SO glad evryone sound soo good !! Although I cannot keep up with this busy thread. I am 10 weeks post op from TUG-inner thigh flap. back to work full time, back to working out , almost back to normal -I would say 90% Feeling great and Thrilled with my resultsSmile  Just waiting for my breasts to settle and then revisit whether I need/want STAGE TWO.

    Jamieh and Holtbolt - my incisions are on inner thigh moving downward(parallel withunderpant line) and then up through rearend crease and then about an inch up my rearend. I imagine the abdomen area hurts because of laughing,sneezing, coughing, and getting up . The rearend hurts because of range of motion is limited. Such as bending over and my walking was affected by needing to take shorter strides (maybe due to thighs).  Sitting down hurts- I still sit SLOWLY on the toilet. The first say 6 weeks I would only squat. Now I am still numb and and still cannot complete a spin class sitting down for longer than 5 minutes. hope this helps...

  • PhyllisCC
    PhyllisCC Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2009


    YIPPEE!  I'm so happy for you. Finally, two of them! Thinking of you.  Take care, Phyllis

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    So glad to hear your surgery is over and done with and you have two great boobs once more! So sorry I just missed meeting you in NOLA :( Your sore throat will be all better very soon.

    Jaimieh, Holtbolt, et al,

    I also went into this with a missing breast, like you. When I woke up from my stacked DIEP surgery and saw a breast there, the fullness of it visible above the sexy black lace bra they give you, I cried. (And it hit me again how thoughtful they are there - that rather than some plain white bra - which I'm sure would be much cheaper for them - they give you a bra that immediately makes you feel sexy again, after all the crap and unsexy feelings we've had to endure with this whole cancer business.) And I soon noticed things I had missed but forgotten, like feeling that warm softness next to the inside of my upper arm - I think I was reaching for a glass of water, soon after I woke up, and my arm brushed past the side of my new breast. It was then that I remembered that feeling (which I hadn't thought about). It was such a comfort, having it back and feeling everything there again, as it should be. The feeling after this surgery is as though you are on the receiving end of a miracle.

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009

    Plainjane and Anne,  Thanks for the info.  I do have a MRA scheduled for the day prior to surgery, I wasn't sure if this was the same thing as a CT scan that someone else mentioned....can't remember who.  OK, whew, I'm all set then.  5,4,3,2,1,......blast off!  Thanks everyone for your support, you are the best!  Linda

  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2009


    I was feeling wonderful after 6 months. I started walking for 15 minuits every work day at lunch and it really helped me get back to normal. I had alot of stiffness in my hip area and the backs of my knees but it had gone away by 6 months.

    Pam... I know how you feel. Congrats to ya and a big hug from me!

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009

    Pam......hip, hip, hooray!  Shake your boobies (but not just yet).  So glad for you.  I'll be next.  stay tuned.

    Warrior, my Michigan sister; you are a hoot.  I smiled so big at your story about reconstruction.  Thanks for  making me smile.  I will remember that when it is my turn.

    Hugs, Linda

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2009

    Dear Pam...2 new BOOBIES for you...wohoooooo!!!!!! I am not the poet Warrior is ;)))

    I know you feelin kinda punky right now but each and every day you will feel better and better...just keep your eye on those 2 beautiful "prizes" on the mirror...see beyond the sutures to the new you!

    2Tzus, please dont be scared witless,,,this is the good part of this whole journey. Please try and envision this as a an adventure that will change your outlook in a very postive way...gentle hugs sweet lady!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Hi Girlies!!! Back from the beach (beach weekend, with girlfriends, sunny and warm, and ocean front! You can't beat it!!) and you all typed your fingers off this weekend! I would not have expected any less!!

    Pam, we are thinking of you!!!  It must be very nice to have 2 boobies again! :)

    Brenda26, I added your info above, do you know yet what procedure you are having? also note, You and Jem. are listed as having surgeries on the same day with the same doc, and both phase 1. I think I must have goofed something up here? Let me know...

    Minnesota and Sandy, your visit to NOLA sounds great! You had a lot of fun! Sandy, let us know if your results are what you wanted, I hope so girl! I hope so! 

    For me: 2 more weeks of work, Thanksgiving week off, and then we fly to NOLA for Stage 2!!  ONLY THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!  I am very excited. I am going to start a list of things I want to discuss with Dr. D. for phase 2.... Some how I feel like this could be my last shot, so I want to get it all down!!!


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2009

    Pam --mazel tov on having two breats again. Two is definitly thee right number to have.

    Good luck with the next few weeks. May you drain fast and quickly.

    Warrior--I thought your Ode to New Boobies was great. Ity captures the humor, but also the wonder...the shear miracle of it all.



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Pam, Just heard there is a hurricane going maybe towards NOLA???

    Danny, you're the next in the list to NOLA, Nov 30th, I'm thinking we won't need to be worrying about hurricanes by then!!! ahhhck!


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2009

    No worries...the St.Charles hospital will be the safest place to be in a hurricane as I know Dr S and Dr D made sure EVERYTHING was built to EXCEED hurricane standards. .My dear FORCE friend had surgery (SGAP) 2 days before Katrina and Dr D's #1 priority was making sure that she and her family were put on a private plane out of NOLA when it became obvious it was too dangerous to stay put. She says that sh'd do it all again in a heartbeat!

    He is my hero (as well as my Dr S)

     Ida isn't forcast to be but a Cat1 at landfall.Coastal areas of LA and MS are going to take a beating from high tides though... 

    Pam you are in the VERY BEST OF HANDS!!!! I am certain you will be JUST FINE!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Marcia, that is so good to know!!! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Goodness... this is hard to keep up on!

    Spring - So glad that you got to go to the beach! FUN!!!! 

    Warrior - You are a poet!!! I loved it!

    2tzus - I am trying to get to NOLA for stage 2 in March - but am looking for the first week. Maybe there will be a small chance that we might overlap?

    Jamieh- I had the hip flaps (lower lumbar), I am 11 and 1/2 weeks out and I do NOT have pain there. I do have a high pain tolerance, but even given that, I don't remember ever having a lot of pain. Tightness, yes, discomfort, yes... pain, not really so much. It still feels sort of numb along the scar line and it does feel a little funky if I lay down flat on a hard surface (like the floor), but it feels fine laying in bed. 

    Well, I have been in bed for the last 24 hours... All of a sudden yesterday evening I got hit w/some kind of bug, sore throat, chills, body aches... Told my husband - take the kids I am going to bed. And I have been there ever since except for bathroom and fluid intake breaks! Starting to feel a bit better but still not 100% - Anniese - I hope you sat far enough away from me that you don't get it! I felt fine when I saw you!!!

    I hope you all  (and for Jen: ya'll) had a great weekend! You are all coming up on your stage 2 FAST!!!

    Linda47 - Wow, you are this week!!! You will be great!

    Pam - Wishing you well and hoping that you are feeling okay!!!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    Pam... I have been thinking about you all week.. I pray you are not in pain.... (HUGS)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Hi girls.  My computer rcrashed saturday am....and Dell will come fix it tuesday...It's killing me!  Anyone know how to type a response on here  w/ an Iphone? 

    I cooked T-giving today and must say I OUTDID myself w/ mostly w/ fabulous tables.  Had 3 of my sisters over an one sister is spending the night and brough ther laptop!  Yippee.!. I miss you guys!  sniff sniff!  My Turkey turned out fabulous....I think if you bake breast side down it comes out better but what do I know?  A LOT about BREASTs!  hee hee!

    more on Tuesday............


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited November 2009

    Hi Girls, no news.   Just checking in to see how everyone is (and show off new pic of my grand babies! lol)  Congrats to those who have been to see the "masters" and prayers and best wishes to those still to go!  Dr. D told me at Stage 1 that he was the "man in charge of my construction crew" and that I would get to meet the "artist" when I came back for stage 2! lol  So excited for those of you meeting the "artist" in dec!  Hopefully I can set up for March.  Maybe same time as Nordy!  

    Warrior - wish I could do poetry like you instead of being the smart a*s that I am! Wink 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2009


    So good to hear from you.  2 boobs sounds good!!!  I am thrilled for you.  Can't wait to get an update after your go girl......


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Oh my gosh!  I just wrote a post a mile long and lost it!  I've got to get some sleep, so I'll have to try again tomorrow.....but glad to see that you are all doing well!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    JAMIEH - I had Diep on 9/16, I played golf at 51/2 weeks and have been playing ever since.  I am working out at full strength (spin class 3 times a week and doing Yoga 3 times)  LIFE IS GREAT!  I DO NOT HAVE PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN, I do have some minimal tightness, but it is rare now.  The first 4 weeks are the toughest, but something magical happens at 4 weeks.  YOU WILL BE FINE!  Just get in shape before the surgery, drink plenty of water and walk everyday after the surgery.  Its the quickest way to recovery.  You will be so happy when this is over!  PROMISE!

    SPRING - How was the beach?  Post pics of the bikini PLEASE! 

    Warrior - LOVED your poem!  You are something girlie! 

    PlainJane - Mmmmm, a test run for Thanksgiving, what a wonderful idea!  :)



    Have a GREAT WEEK ladies! 

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Pam - whoo hoo - glad to hear you have two boobs again!  You should be getting your short term memory back by now....LOL!  Hope things continue to go well and that you can get back on here soon and let us know how you are doing.

    Jamieh - I second Nordy's post on pain.  I had the hip gap also and had tightness and discomfort but no real pain.  About 4 weeks out I was able to roll from side to side again without any problem  - I still have a little strange feeling when I lay on the hard floor (at first but then it goes away) but have absolutely no problem laying in bed on my back.  No pain - and the tightness worked itself out and it pretty much gone (was gone around the 6th week).

    Warrior - loved the poem - pretty good for spur of the moment!!!

    Sandy-MomsDaughter - looking forward to reading your book once you have a chance to re-type it!

    Nordy - it was SOOOO wonderful to see you again.  And you little girls are absolute dolls!  Thanks for driving into town to have lunch with us!  I'm sorry to hear you are sick!  Both Deb and I woke up Sundy morning with sore throats and a little congested/raspy feeling and couldn't figure out where it came from, but neither of us got any other symptoms.  Hopefully, we were just far enough away that it didn't cross over.  Really need to get in and get my stupid flu shot - didn't you say you just got yours last week?

    PlainJane64 - got your PM(S) - LOL!!!  When we get a little closer we should touch base and try to figure out the best way for all of us there that week to try and connect!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Sounds like Ida is turning into a Tropical Storm..whew!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited November 2009

    Thank you ladies for all of the answers.  I had someone ask me about the incision and I figured that you ladies have been there so I would ask you :)

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Anniese - SO good to see you too! I am feeling MUCH better today, still not 100%, but about 80% and expect to be better by tomorrow. Ugh, I hate being sick! And,yes, I did get my flu shot... not the h1n1 though, they are out of it for adults and I am even having trouble getting my 4 year old vaccinated. My baby just happened to be there when they had it! Pure luck!

    Pam - Thinking about you and hoping that today is the day that you are leaving the hospital to go have some R&R at the Homewood! Hope you are loving having 2, yes 2, boobs!

    Sandy - Looking forward to reading your novel!

    Jennifer - you are so funny! Thanksgiving! Wish I was there! YUM

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited November 2009

    2tzus - I'm scheduled at NOLA for SGAP with Dr. D on 3/23 - so maybe we'll be there at the same time.  I'm excited and ready to get it done but scared at the same time. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Gin, CUTE CUTE CUTE grandbabies! 

    Ditto on the "4 weeks something happens" - first month not so run, second month, better and better and better every day....

    I started doing gentle yoga after week 4, and it helped with range of motion. I am sure golf swing would do the same thing!

    3 weeks from tomorrow for my stage 2. Gulp.


  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2009

    Good night breast buddies.  I'm off to bed.  4:30 will come early.  Catching my flight to SC in the morning.  I've got the last minute jitters......hope I can sleep. 

    Pam, I hope today is better and each day improves for you.\

    hugs to all,


  • lilmismuffit
    lilmismuffit Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2009

    Sweet Dreams LindaG47....I am sure Dr. Massey will make you just beautiful!!!  Can't wait to hear how everything goes!!!