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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Jerusha, I changed your date.

    And while I'm remembering, here are this week's surgeries.

    Sept 28 - Ref - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA 

    Sept 29 - Jerusha - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA. 

    So about stage "2b". I would say it's just as Betsy said above, fixing little things, little tweaks, to make things smoother and more perfect. So for me, I had one hip side that had a little bulge of fat that was removed and flattened. There were some edges around my center breast / cleavage area that I wanted smoother (mini dog ears?) An area on my side where I had previous breast reduction scar that was icky looking, I asked Dr. D if he could fix it up, he did. My non rads breast was looking a little larger than the other side, so somehow he made them more symetric. He did some work on both areaola/nipple areas to make them more similar I think (maybe smaller?) Anyway. all these tiny little tings here and there.

    Essentially, Look at yourself and decide, is there anything that bugs me enough that I am willing to go through another surgery, or am I willing to live with things as they are for the rest of my life, will this bug me, or not? I waited almost a year before I decided to go back. I called up and told Jeanine that I was interested in some "revisoin surgery" and it was as easy as that, essentially. I wanted to be there when Eve and Sandy were going, and mentioned the date. Once there, they take pics (again) and the doc will mark up the pics and come in and show you, and you'll be amazed. The things that are bugging you are the same things he's marked up!! But I was never shy when Dr. D took out the blue pen. I pointed out anything that was bothering me, and he would address it. Jeanine was in the room once and was mentioning things about my backside that Dr. D was like, "okay, yeah, we can do that". I would then check a list I had before he left the room, to make sure I didn't forget anything, and typically, everything on my list was addressed.

    I had the Stacked DIEP/Lumbar, and during my Stage 2 , Doc D lowered my abdominal incision and I got a new belly button (again). So, somehow there were a few left over things yet to do, at least, in my mind! I am glad I did my 2b, but now, I am DONE. Things are so smooth and nice, my scars are getting as thin and white as Eve's pics on TimTam's site!  It feels great to be RESTORED and DONE!!

    You'll see! :)  The alumni out there can attest!!!

    Amy, you are right, I was hoping to do Tats and 2b in teh same trip, and the did NOT advise that. Said if doc did anything around nipples, the tat appt would need to be cancelled. I had 2b end of oct and did my tats end of Dec. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    My plan is to have stage 2 in November and like Beverly, wait 9 months to a year for all swelling to go away and let things settle... maybe even wait till 2013 (in case there's a stage 2C)... I want perfection and am willing to tweak

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2011

    Hi Bev! And it was so much fun with so many of us there at once! I have had a couple of 2Bs, too. Other things I've had addressed were adding projection to nipples, filling in the little hollow that can form on the upper inside curve of the breast where they take out that little bit of rib cartledge (sp?) to hook it up to the mammary artery, revising a stubborn scar...

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited September 2011

    Ok cider, here's your detailed report of my appt with Dr. S.

    The main issue we had to address was the hard areas in my left breast. He confirmed that there is a substantial amount of fat necrosis that will need to be replaced with a new stacked flap from my abdomen. I just didn't have an adequate blood supply to sustain that flap. He was very encouraging about the ability to fix it so I am feeling good about that. The rest of the revisions are the usual. A bit of lipo, recontouring the hip incisions, a small revision on the right breast. I'm all marked up and really ready to get this all done. Dr. S is fantastic and I felt better from the minute he walked into the room. Car pickup at 5:45am. Let's go!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    HI Ref. Sounds like you're going to be perfect!  Sending you +++ thoughts for your surgery tomorrow. Let us know how you're doing!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Rhonda... I will be thinking of you... glad you are feeling better about the whole thing... welcome to my world of a stacked DIEP post hip flap... my tumy incision has healed well and not too much pain and discomfort... and my belly button looks fab... You will be awesome... sweet dreams.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2011

    Best of luck tomorrow Ref!  Sending you happy, healing thoughts...

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited September 2011

    Hi Girls!

    Sorry it has been a long time since I have been here! I have been living life!

    I am headed back to NOLA on October 13 for a 'stage 3'  I need a few tweaks here and there, and my implant on my healthy breast doesn't match the other side where I had the HIP flap and implant, so I think Dr S is going to exchange them with different implants. And, I will get my nipple tattooed. It has been a year and a half since my stage 2...that time went by so fast!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2011

    Ref, thanks for the report.  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  It's good to hear how comforted you felt by Dr S and his plan.  

    Spring, thanks for detailing your 2B.  

    Christy (fellow MO resident), I look forward to the day I don't check on the board because I've been living life!  

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited September 2011

    Have arrived in New Orleans and it is plenty hot and steamy here. I'm at the Monteleone which is lovely but they charge $15 a day for internet, so trying to post on my phone. Started the Arnica today-- took two doses and boy is that stuff hard on your stomach .(She says, having just ordered room service. Well, I was starving AND have a tummy ache!)

    Ref, I know you are in dreamland, but sending good wishes. I'm sure by the weekend our paths will cross. Pre-op tomorrow starting 12:30.

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2011

    Hi all you ladies that were in NOLA last year during Halloween!  I will be there this year at that time, because my husband has a conference there.  So, I was wondering if you can tell me what to expect during this time, i.e., events, parades, great restaurants, things to see, must eat, etc.  I haven't been there, because I had my surgery in Charleston.   It looks like you all had a wonderful time and reunion!  I am hoping to visit the center if I can too.  

    Thanks for any information you can give me.  Linda 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited September 2011

    Okay Spring - appt. with Dr. S on the 24th of October and some testing at the hospital on the 20th. Possible surgery in the future...

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited September 2011

    Hi there. Just checking to see how the other Sept ladies are recovering. I am still tired a lot, taking a couple naps a day, and getting some slow walks. The pain is less and yesterday I went without the Lortab during the day but I was pretty sore. Today I am trying half a tablet to see how that works. I am thinking I will be pretty bored before I really feel better. Is that right, veterans? Hip drains are slowly reducing their output- down to around 35-40 per 24 hrs. All in all, my recovery is going well if slowly. Surfs Grl, Besa,, Kaits Mom,, Celtic-antique- how are all you doing? Don't let me be the only whiner, please! And I am holding special good thoughts for Ref today. Wishing all the best there.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2011

    Hey, Running! Good to hear from you! And to hear that things are going well. I am back at work and it is a good thing that most of my work is done in front of a computer. My sorry butt is dragging by the end of the day (REALLY miss my naps!), and I am in bed snoring early!! Started on my treadmill last night, just walking at grade, because I lost 10 pounds after surgery (even eating all that great NOLA food!) and I want to be down at least 20 before Stage 2 in December (20th is penciled in right now ... waiting to hear from insurance).

    Other than that, I am healing mostly well. Disaster on the flight home as the airline didn't provide assistance in Newark and I ended up lugging my laptop bag (WAY more than 20 lbs!). Tore some sutures on my contralateral breast at the end near the armpit and so far, it hasn't healed over, but continues to ooze. Drains are still in and I am still in the 40-60 per 24 hours, so am also still in the "Iron Maiden." Hoping all that disappears as I have 2 conference presentations in Montreal in late October and would like to NOT have a bulge on the left side! LOL!

    Fall colors are gorgeous here in WNY -- it is my favorite season. This weekend will make apple butter, can some tomatoes and the family Scottish recipe for tomato marmalade. Husband will do the heavy lifting and clean-up. AND it looks like the bank loan to turn our huge old brick Queen Anne house into an bed & breakfast will close this week so contractors will be crawling all over by next week. YAY!! A real lift. Repaired me, repaired house ... 2011 isn't going out so badly as it came in!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Rhonda (Ref) is out of surgery... still in recovery for another 2 hours. It was a long surgery as Dr Sullivan wanted it perfect!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited September 2011

    Linda - I was there during Halloween with my kids, so don't know too much of the main things that go on. We did Boo at the Zoo and then there was a family parade in the Quarter. Eve (Minnesota) loves Halloween in NOLA and can probably let you know much, much more than I can. Plus she will be there again this year!

    Hurray for Ref!!!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited September 2011

    The day started out poorly when I realized that yesterday in security they lost/stole/confiscated 3 silver hair thingys -- a clip and 2 barettes, that were both valuable and important to me. SO pissed, and sad...After going thru the usual, I got a pat down and then they had dumped out my purse into a bin and taken it away to re - xray. When they brought it back, didn't notice--as I was piling all my crap back-- that the silver was gone. But then on to the Center. Despite the completely fabulous care last time, my body remembers all the misery, and I felt pretty queasy pulling up to the entrance. Everyone is so chatty and cordial and lovely there, though, it is hard to stay in a bad mood. Spent the day seeing Sally, the anesthetist, Laura, the clinic nurses and finally, Dr.S. My head is spinning with all of the instructions. All of the nurses, etc had said for sure Dr. S would want to do plication on my very UN flat tummy. When he saw me he said that sit-ups would do as good a job as he could-- without all the pain! Ha ha! But I was sure glad to hear that as I'd decided I was going to do whatever he suggested. After a singleton and then twins, my abdominal muscles are pretty woeful, but hey...I'll take sit-ups over surgery any day. Other than that, all the usual-- and I am covered in purple marker! Actually, with all these marker lines, I think I look better already. Maybe I'll just go home!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2011

    Aw.  The very best of luck to you tomorrow Jerusha.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2011

    Just had my post op appointment with with Laura (Dr. D was in surgery).  I lost the breast drain - yeah!  Will fly home tomorrow.  Right now I am feeling really good - no pain but tire easily.  Walked to the French Quarter for lunch and back to Homewood Suites and that was enough for the day.  I think even now, this reconsruction looks wonderful - much better than what was done earlier by another doctor on the contralateral side.  I am wondering how they willl handle that at stage 2.  I know it is early to plan but I am starting to think about what will be done at stage 2.  Laura talked about sending in photos in about a month. How are things usually done - when are the decisions about what is done at stage 2 made? 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2011

    Besa-  You sound like you're doing wonderfully.  Safe flight tomorrow. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2011

    Nordy, I added your two Oct dates, above!

    Ccbaby, I also added your Oct date above!

    Ref, thinking of you and hoping that all is well and you will be as perfect as can be!

    Jerusha, good luck tomorrow girl!!! 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    Celtic - Congratulations on your B&B!!! Where is it going to be?  I miss Autumn back east - gorgeous leaves, crisp days, apple cider! Enjoy!  Also, so sorry to hear about your experience in Newark. I'm sure whatever damage was done will be fixed up without a trace in stage 2. 

    Jerusha- welcome back to NOLA. Wish I was there now too...but I have another month to go.  You cracked me up with thinking you look better with the blue marks. I'm sure you'll look amazing! So sorry about the silver. I don't know if it's worth reporting.  You may not get it back but at least people may realize there is some accountability.

    Ref - how are you doing?

    Nordy - YAY! wish I was going to see you there. Can't wait to hear what Dr S has to say to you.  Do you remember if the family parade was ON Halloween?

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011

    Minnesota and LindaG47 - we'll all be in NOLA at the same time. Maybe we should plan a get together.  I'll be there from the 26th - 30th and we are bringing the kids this time - since they've heard so much about New Orleans, now they'll get to see for themselves. (Of course I might not be doing much running around since my surgery is on the 26th.)

    Amy, thanks for the suggestions! I have to take a closer look but they are awesome!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2011

    Ref - thinking of you and hoping that Dr. S has resolved all of your problems and that your pleased!

    Nordy - I'll be at SCSH on Oct 24th for my post op at 1:00pm. Maybe we can meet up?

    Jerusha - Hoping tomorrow is a better today! Hope everything goes smoothly.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited September 2011

    I flew all day this past Friday and am sooooo happy to be home.  

    Celtic Antic-I too had a delayed unilateral stacked DIEP and the breast on that side is considerably larger than my other side but Dr. S shared that he would fix that during Stage 2.

    Question?  How do you know if your breast has necrosis?  Is it when you go back for Stage 2? What if some people choose not to do a Stage 2?

    Running:  Wow, I agree the surgery was major but as my husband says "and this too shall pass."  I'm taking everything day by day and praying that my recovery is speedy and everything is working the way it should.  I will pray for your recovery too.  I took my drains out before flying home and I'm not one to take pain meds so I didn't use them very long.  Preferred the pain over the light headed, dazzy, and constipation along with hemroids!

    Ladies 2 years out of surgery:  please tell me all this pulling on my chest and abdominal area goes away?

    Ref and Jerusha: hope you are both doing well and recovering peacefully.

    Besa- you are wonder woman.  Tell me your inspirational stories.  Are you taking walks? Cooking?  Gone back to do light work?

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2011

    SO good to hear from everyone! Really lifted my spirits. I had forgotten how very supportive everyone is here as I had gotten too busy to post. I, too, have questions as to when things are decided for Stage 2. And, if all is included in the costs. And if you have a stage 2A,B,C or Stage 3 whether that is also insurance covered or not. When I had the tissue expander in, I felt and looked horrible. Now with my hip flap in place, my husband refers to me as his "no artificial ingredients added" wife! :-)

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2011

    My Dr. said that once the nipple is placed, insurance generally considers the surgery complete. So get all your lipo and tweaks and revisions done and then do the nip.

    I had a delayed stacked on side and a lift on the other. They are very close to matching and the DIEP breast just had scar revision on a few inches of the scar. Dr. Massey is amazingly skilled. I had radiated tissue on that side and she wanted to mess with that as little as possible I think.

    I am almost 4 weeks out from Stage 2A. Still in compression...feel better in it than out. I had back and saddle bag lipo and sides near waist and hips. I had just a bit of slight bruising in about a 4 inch area.

    The waist area is tender, but that is all. Healed well, no drains. Feel great. I am scheduled for 2B in December. Possible - more lipo, tweaks if needed on lifted side...depending on if Dr. Massey thinks everything is settled  - I will have the nip. I did not lose feeling in the lifted natural side...the tissue or the nipple...

    I am still a bit swollen in the lipo areas and retaining some fluid...but not too bad. My clothes fit...have since the first week...I did not go down in pants e but they look so much better without the belly fat.

    I have been dropping a few pounds but I have been watching the carb and fat intake.

    Hope all are doing well and good luck and speedy healing to all.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited September 2011

    Thanks everyone for the driving after Stage 2 tips. I appreciate it!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited September 2011

    nowords, where will you be having your December surgery?

    surfagirl, I'm about 2 years out of Stage 1, and I jsut realized recently that the pulling sensation in my breasts is almost all gone! Hang in there, keep active, and give it a little more time. I hope what you're feeling will ease soon!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2011


    I had a previous DIEP with a less experienced ps in md so I know first hand about fat necrosis.  In my case it felt like a ROCK HARD  area in the reconstructed breast. Initially all reconstructions are pretty firm because of the swelling and congestion after surgery. I couldn't really figure out what was going on until the reconstructed breast softened after surgery - for me this took at least 3 months.  It probably even takes up to 6 months for the reconstruction to be really soft.  Also  the reconstructed breast softened in the upper area first -( liquid drains down because of gravity)and then the lower area softened so don't be concerned if the top feels soft but the bottom is still very firm.    I think it is very commmon to have very small aeas of fat necrosis especially around the edges of the reconstruction.  It is not a big deal even if it stays in place and it often softens up on it own over time or it can be broken up at stage 2.  Of course big areas are problematic but from what I have read on these boards the docs here will replace the flap if another donor site is available.