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NOLA in September?



  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012

    JustLaura - Congrats for graduating from the compression garment. I'm a whus (sp?) and can only take it off for sleeping. Someday I'll get there. Speaking of which...

    Yes, Betsy, I am still swollen. But my swelling is lower belly, not upper. I'm hoping that it's still post surgery swelling - otherwise I won't have the flat belly I was promised. I am thinking that some of it may be holiday related and today started my new diet.

    I went to a MD/nutritionist at UCLA that specializes in cancer and post-cancer patients. She is in the integrative medical oncology department. It was so enlightening. Spent about 2 hours with her and we talked about eating non-inflammatory foods, herbs and vitamins. She spelled out what were myths and what were realities in food and disease based on current research. Fascinating...but sadly, now I have to follow it! LOL! I know I'll feel better for it, but it's hard to start. But now is as good a time as ever.

    Also, went bra shopping for the first time in years. I am shocked that I am a D!!!I used to be a B. I knew I was bigger but didn't realize I was THAT BIG!  I'm guessing I will go down a bit with some weight loss and the farther out from stage 2B I get, but what a shocker. My husband on the other hand seemed quite proud of the number!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012

    Hi KatieJane. Yes, there is a car and driver waiting for you at the airport (with a sign that has your name on it.) It is a towncar, not a stretch limo...but the drivers are all personable and have great stories about New Orleans and themselves, and they always have a bottle of water waiting for you.  They will take you to all clinic-related apppointments - including to your surgery and back to your hotel when the time comes. They also take you to and from the airport. But they are not available for shopping trips, restuarants, etc. I found it to be a great luxury that took a lot of stress of our shoulders. 

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012

    DJ - Good luck to you this week. I'll be thinking of you...and hope to see you at the next FORCE meeting. 

    As for feeling in my nipple - I do have feeling but it's not the same sensations as I had before. I can feel most of both of my breasts now and the feeling continues to increase (slowly, but it definitely improves.) But it's not the same as before. I did mourn the loss of feeling my breasts but it was a necessary evil and in the long run I know it's for the best. My husband loves the new ones and says they feel like very young breasts. So, as far as he's concerned, they are great ...but he still wishes that I had the same sensations as before.  

    Good luck to you this week and to Surfa and ref too!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2012

    Just wanted to wish you all a great 2012!  My life has been crazy busy and stressful the past three months and I'm really mad at myself because I've gained 7 pounds and now am heading to NOLA in a few days---get to have those flattering photos taken again, I'm sure!   I was supposed to be losing weight and now I've lost most of the progress I'd made in the past year. After cruising for 19 years, the economy and Google brought us to our knees in glad it's a new year, hoping that the changes I'm making will pay off.  I'll know in two weeks, if I make it that much longer!!

    I'm hosting the next L.A.FORCE meeting.... DJ, hoping things go without a hitch for you, and hope to see both you and Kathryn at the meeting.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Oh Kathryn.. So your swelling is lower belly? Was it always lower belly? I am flat in the lower portion (it was never a trouble spot for me)... but I get the bulge above the incision... Although this morning I awoke and didn't have it as bad... it seems to be a progressive thing as the day goes on... or when I eat... I am off to work - non-compressed... so we'll see how today goes.

    I heard from ref.. she is off to the airport.

    I am back in the lovely bra they gave us due to some issues with a scab... Dr D removed two freckles and for some reason they won't heal... Perhaps my bra was irritating them.. they were bleeding just two days ago.... so I decided to wear their bra that is soft and shouldn't aggravate anything... seems odd that 7 weeks later my scabs aren't healed. I was using brown tape on my breast incision and it extended over the scabs, so I think that was the problem... it pulled off the scab about 2-3 weeks ago and I have had trouble since.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012

    dbdaze - I have gone to a oncology physical therapist - or a physical therapist that specializes in oncology. There is one close to my office so it works out well. The therapist I go to has a practice of 75% DIEP patients (she even went to observe an 11 hour surgery a few weeks ago to learn more about it). My appointments are about 95% massage and 5% exercise recommendations. She works on my incisions to make sure they are moving nicely and healing well. She does lymphatic massage to get those lymph nodes moving in the right direction, she works on the swelling to get the fluid out of there, and she works on my back. There is some discomfort but really not much - mostly it is a relaxing hour out of my day. I go once a week. I went for 6 weeks after my Stage 1 and I will go for a bit more with my Stage 2 because of my upper belly swelling that won't go away. I want her to keep working on that.

    I would see if your oncologist or someone can recommend a practice that specializes in cancer patients for you. You should give it a try. If it doesn't help you - don't go again. If it does - then there is one more thing to help you on your road to recovery!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    One caveat to Dr. Massey's patients when it comes to the car service...if you're a TriCare patient (military insurance) you don't get the car. One trip in the car costs more than TriCare reimburses for the whole shebang!! And, if you're out at Fairway, you need your own car.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2012

    Good luck Dj, Surfa and Ref! We're with you!!

    Yes, they are there with the car service. Usually a Lincoln Town car. When I flew down for Stage 2 in late December, my plane was WAY late -- like 6 hours. But, As I came down the escalator to Baggage Claim, there was Steve, patiently waiting and smiling. And had a great CD of Ol' Blue Eyes on for the ride into the City. You will get an itinerary from Katie with all of the pick-ups and drop-offs that you have requested or need. If there are more, just tell Katie! It is a GREAT service! 

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited January 2012

    Hi, hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  it is very chilly here in Central Illinois...YUK!!!!

    I had an appt. with Dr. Marga yesterday.  She was very please with what she saw considering my almost failure and going in with a concave big hole on my chest.  She thinks most of my hardness on the flap that had the complication is fat necrosis.  She hopes she can lipo it out??  but expects to instead put a baby flap over it???  I am sad that i may have another stage 1 but happy that i am out of the woods for a complete flap failure.  She did say it will not be as extensive as the first stage one but plan of 4 weeks off work it i need a flap. employee will NOT be happy.  I hope to go in March.  I will let you know my date when Ashley lets me know.

     Happy Tuesday,


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Hey, I've got a seroma in my breast.  I thought seromas were hard pockets, but that is a hematoma.  I also didn't really think there would be a seroma in my breast, as most here seem to have the experience of a seroma from hip or sgap flaps.  Ah, well.  Now to find someone to drain it here.  Draining it should also have no negative effect on the breast.  

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2012

    cider i had a seroma in my breast too after a got drained, no problems

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2012

    Michelle, sounds like baby steps it is for you, just going to take a little longer but you WILL get there now you are getting such great care...also sounds like you already know that :^)

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2012

    Laura, i want what you going to ring/email Dubin Breast Center and tell them they should have some massage therapists who specialise on their books too( Dubin is a recently opened breast cancer center, supposedly one stop shop) ....can you PM me with details about your therapist, just so i can forward and give them an idea? 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2012

    Hi all - I have been lurking but not posting for awhile, but Cider's seroma post prompted me to write, since I have been dealing with a seroma under one hip incision.  I have had mine aspirated at a facility that does a lot of breast imaging: mammograms, MRIs, and more importantly, ultrasound.  They have an interventional radiology department and I have gone about once a week to get it drained using ultrasound guidance.  It is quick and doesn't hurt because the area close to my hip incision is still number. I have had it aspirated 8 times and it has gone from 130 ccs to 17, so it is nearly gone.

    I have had another issue on the other hip incision, which is a tiny area that opened up the day after I took that drain out (at five weeks) and it has been draining ever since.  It is so tiny now that I just put betadine and small bandaid on it twice a day.  It has been checked with ultrasound and there is a very tiny area that is draining but they say it is healing so I am expecting it to stop draining any day.

    One other weird thing - a few weeks ago, I got a crazy rash that started on my breasts and then appeared on the hip incision with the drainage, and for a week got bigger every day.  It was misdiagnosed as a yeast infection and ultimately correctly diagnosed as contact dermatitis due to an allergic reaction to Neosporin.  Apparently Neosporin is notorious for causing allergic reactions.  I had never had any kind of skin allergy before so I was surprised by that.  Once I got the right diagnosis and treatment it went away quickly, but I was beside myself with itching until that point.

    So this stuff has been annoying but manageable, and more importantly now the seroma is so small that I was cleared to start running again!  It is just a very slow shuffle but it feels so great to be able to move and be outside again.  My energy level is great and I hope the seroma and incision drainage will resolve in the next week or so.  The only continuing issue of worry is some significant hardness in one breast, but I am trying not to spend much time fretting about that.

    I am glad everyone is doing well.  Thinking of Surfa and Ref and DJ this week and wishing smooth sailing for all.  Many thanks to those who have PM'd to answer my questions about seromas and necrosis and have been so wonderfully supportive and encouraging. Wishing a wonderful 2012 to all the strong, brave, and kind women on this board!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012
    Cider - I'm SO glad to hear that it is a seroma. Although that doesn't sound fun it is treatable and it sounds like fairly easily too. Yeah!! I hope you are able to get it taken care of soon - good job finding it and identifying what it is!
  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012
    Louis13 - I PM'd you the details of my physical therapist practice.
  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2012
  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    Runningforsanity - You have had a difficult path.  I am sorry you had to deal with all of this.  I also developed an allergy to Neosporin.  It happened after about a month of use.  (I was not sure if it was the betadine or the Neosporin).  When I called the Center they said the Neosporin was most likely the cause and told me it was fairly common.  I did a skin patch test and sure enough it was the neosporin.  I have tested a little bit to see which ingredient of Neosporin is the actual culprit.  Just returned to work today - my first day back after stage 2.

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2012

    I wanted to thank people too. So far things are healing well and I am so glad that I had everything done this year considering my insurance changed from cigna to aetna. 

     Runningforsanity- are you doing better now?  Im glad you figured out the whole neosporin thing. 

    I found cutting my own sutures a bit daunting.  I realized that one of them had a knot at both ends that was obscured by the glue.  It took me several days but I got it out.  It looks much better now. Although I am still healing where I had to had the second operation to put the right drain back in after it came out early.  

     I have to say hats off to the women who get diep.  After having the hip flap and then a tummy tuck with plication, I have to say the plication was by far the most painful thing and that the tummy tuck for me is far harder than the hip flap.  

     I have a question about the photo on this website. What format is it looking for? The error message gives me no guidance.

    Also, I was not given any information on how to use the kelo-cote and I had to ask for both it and tape. I know each doctor is different. I was told not to use it until 4 weeks. Also they only gave me enough to cover two 4 -6 inch scars so I am assuming I have to buy some.  I wasnt given any mepiform. Should I ask for some? Supposedly it is very expensive to buy. 

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2012

    KathrynLA - I cant read what your breasts say in the picture but the night before my second stage I took a picture of all the markings Dr S. put on me. I thought it was hysterical that I let a man write fat on my body with permanent marker. 

    dbDaze - I saw you I believe in preop on Dec 14th. I am sorry I didnt get to meet you after. I stopped in on Kaitsmom and Cider.  

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Semper, I took a picture of all of my markings, too.  It tickled when Dr S did it, and he apologized.  I was just glad I could feel it!  I have a lot of numbness.  

    Celeste told me Dr S prefers the Kelocote, and to wait until the 4 week mark when all glue should be gone, all incisions closed.  She gave me 2 tubes and told me to ask for more when I run out.  I have a little info sheet from Kelocote.  Maybe the website has info?  It says use a thin coat 2x per day.  If it takes more than 4-5 minutes to dry you are using too much.   Use minimum of 60-90 days; then use for however long you want beyond if there is continued improvement (according to the sheet).  

    Running, thanks for sharing.  I think putting the info out there helps, as I'm sure there are a number of ladies reading that never post.   I met a woman in her early 30s at one of my chemo infusions.  She was there getting some IV antibiotics after her profolactic bilateral mastectomy.  She read the FORCE boards but never posted.  She expressed her gratitude for being able to read what others go through.  I'm glad you gave good energy and are running.  

    I'm getting my seroma aspirated tomorrow at 9am.  I called a local PS who was supportive of me going to NOLA.  He was out until Friday, so I had to go with my Breast Center.  It's a one stop shop and the radiologist will aspirate.  I hope it's the Dr that did my biopsies!  She was goood.  

    I got my Marena today.  It does feel really nice.  One problem I do have is that it does not go up to my bra in the back!  Baby got back, I guess.  lol  I do have to stretch it to go under my bra band all around (then it's really snug on my bottom!).  But when I move around, the front stays put but the back rides down.  So I have some lovely lumps between my bra and top of girdle.  I will call Marena and see what they have to say.  I may have to get used to it not being at bra height.  My torso is longer and I do have a solid curvy butt!  I've had to hike up the Flex Support, too.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Paula... My marena was also higher in the front than back... I guess that can be a good sign that we aren't carrying a bowling ball around in the front.

    I am almost out of kelocote... Jeanine is sending me more, but it hasn't arrived yet... If it doesn't come to tomorrow I may email again... maybe she forgot... I had emailed over their vacation. And now that you say it should be used twice per day, I for sure need more.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2012

    I may be the only person ever to get hives and itchy lumpy skin the first day without compression wear! Driving me crazy! What is Kelocote and do you have to request it?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Kelocote is for scars after stage II surgery, when they are assuming they won't be reopening them anymore... they just give it to you I think.. I don't remember asking for it, but maybe I did.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Betsy!  Ha!  Good to know, though.  I've been used to having so many shirts, tops, be shorter in the front than back from being so bodacious.  Now that my breasts are smaller, my shirts look better.

    I never asked for Kelocote.  Celeste just gave it to me.  Oh,  Maybe I asked about brown tape and she gave me the Kelocote.  It sounds more appealing to me than brown tape.   

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2012

    Hi everyone

    I tried to post at my pre op w/dr. S today but the keyboard wouldnt come up. I was hoping to bump into ref or Dj but I was second to last of his patients today. The center was real busy today. I got all my markings today and was stressing out about what the dr. Would recommend but I'm happy with all the contouring that will happen. Going to work on both sides to get contour. Was hoping only reconstructed side needed revisions but oh we'll I'll go with the expert. Will lipo fat necrosis and inject fat to the area. Cant wait to get it out because its tender/sore. He will also revise an old biopsy scar on my chest. Yah!

    Cider I think u mentioned that DIEP patients may have back problems and that is me. Should I find an oncological physical therapist?

    Running so gladu r able to start running. The fat necrosis on my chest was tender so I didn't do a lot of jumping or Zumba. Thank u for sharing your progress.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    By the way... I heard from Ref today.. (Rhonda) and she met with Dr S, got all marked up. She is anticipating less lipo, so an easier recovery.. and the car is picking her up at 9;15am... so maybe we'll know something by early afternoon... will keep you all posted.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    I know nothing about Kelocote and brown tape.  Possibly these things that Drs. S and Massey use but not Dr. D - anybody know??

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    I am Dr D's patient.. he uses them.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    If they didn't give you scar therapy products upon checking out, just email them... You can't use it til mid January anyway, so no harm.. they will just mail it to you.