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NOLA in September?



  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2011

    Laissez les bons temps rouler!  Happy New Year to all my NOLA sisters who have been on this big adventure/thrill ride/roller coaster with me!  I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.  May 2012 be surgery-free for those of us who are (hopefully) done, and full of speedy and uneventful recoveries for those who are still working their way to the finish line!  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    Maggie... I am not sure I would send them the DOM... They have a policy about once it hits your possession, it is yours and can't be recycled, open or not. I had cut the tops off my DOMS (flex support) so I threw those out... I still have my Veroniques... you never know when you might need it... (for now)... And good idea not to pull a Betsy in the shower.. i was not good.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Thank you for the replies. I have used Arnica after all my surgeries in the past and did not want to buy more if the Center supplied it. I am also on a presurgical supplement regimen that I have used before too. 

    You can buy the arnica gel & pills here:

    It is considerably less expensive than the co-op or natural food store.

    Have a great night ladies, embrace where you are in your life!


  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    Thanks veryone for the info about the compression garment.  It sounds like there is a wide range of what people do.  Dr. D said 2 weeks and then it is up to me.  I think I will go without for a while (except when I exercise) and see what happens.  I don't have much swelling or brusing.

     Louis - Surry to hear about your accident but glad that you are doing OK.

    dbdase-  A good blog.   Welks - sounds like quite a guy.....  I do find it amazing that these arrogant, not wonderfully skilled docs seem to be able to  stay in business.  I have had a few expereinces like this.  I do vote with my feet by not coming back but it is demoralizing and stressful when you end up dealing with guys like this when you are also dealing with serious medical issues.  It is such a struggle to get good compassionate care.   

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Happy New Year NOLA friends!  I'm hanging out at home with my husband and daughters.  I'm feeling better from my cold, though I feel like it set me back.  I must have been high on adrenaline the first 10 days!  The cold zapped my energy; thank goodness it wasn't worse.  My Marena garment is due to arrive Tues.  I've still been wearing my Flex Support dom.  I think it's pretty comfortable!  I do have to keep hiking it up to be even with my bra; I have a longer torso.  I'm pretty pleased with my shape so far, considering.  (aside from the things I mentioned previously) I can't wait to do some real bra shopping!  I already look better in my clothes.  I haven't tried real pants on yet; I'm just wearing yoga pants.

    I continue to be amazed by our doctors and staff, and by all of you ladies.  I thank God for you, as you helped lead me to Dr S!  I don't know how I'd get through this without all of your support. 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2012

    HAPPY NEW YEAR girls!!! I am so grateful for this board, for the wisdom and support I have found here and for being led to the NOLA pathway. The year 2011 has been transforming! A year ago I could not imagine a time when I would not be in constant pain from my implants or a time when I would not be always wrapping my hand to treat LE. Now I have to read old PMs to remember the pain, and my LE is hardly visible and requires very little care. Tonight I have a house full of eight 18 year olds, my niece and her husband and their two babies. We cooked and baked all day, ate all night, cheered in the New Year and my husband made it to 12:05! Life is good :)

    And did I mention my fabulous breasts! It's been quite a year.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Happy New Year All.... I personally am looking forward to a better 2012.. Funny thing last night, we re-wound the tv to listen to Dick Clark (did not catch it the first time) and forgot to fast forward... so the tv said 11:56, but all the other clocks said 12:00... oops... missed New Years. Oh well.

    Jerusha.. You are about 3 months ahead of me and if I recall right, you complained of bloating in the upper belly... has that passed? I feel quite bloated, and as I am off to the gym, I am wearing compression to see if that helps.. and may wear my compression garments during the day again... 

    And Kathryn... how is your bloating?? I don't know if this is a lipo side effect, too much holiday cheer or what... I haven't gained any weight, so I am thinking its the lipo.. and its worse at the end of the day.

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2012

    DBdaze:  I loved reading your story because it's like a fairy tale that all little girls dream of......with a happy ending and putting humpty dumpty together again.  Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience.  This inspires me to continue on. 

    Louis13:  I love riding a bike.  It's thrilling.  I rode my bike 6 weeks after stage 1 and crashed in my garage because I didn't slow down. I guess I should have waited a little longer because I wasn't as agile.  I'm back to riding my bike and doing errands again. The breast is still holding up.   

    Happy New Year to all my NOLA sisters!  It is a new year and I'll be flying to New Orleans tomorrow.  Time flys by so quickly. I came down with a cold because I've been contemplating what do with Stage 2 and trying to finish writing up a paper before surgery.

    Appreciate your advice:  This contemplation is driving me crazy.  I need to decide in 2 days whether I want to reduce reconstructed breast or inject fat to natural breast.  I am a B cup so could use the fullness but worried about calcifications, reabsorption of fat, etc.  Has anyone been in this situation? Even if you haven't what would you do?    

    I will go to GNC today to find the arnica.  I bruise so easily.  I had bruises on my breast after the lift from Stage 1.  Seems like 2 days before surgery is the magic number to start taking arnica.  Can anyone tell me the exact kind?  There were so many to choose from.

    Ref and DJWeinstein:  I'll be seeing you soon! I'm on a swamp tour on 1/4 so hopefully I'll see you both at the Center.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Surfa... I think GNC only sells one oral kind of Arnica... I also bought the gel, but left it home... I was doing carry-on luggage and it was like 8 oz.. plus with lipo holes, I thought it best to wait.

    As far as add fat or reduce... I would add fat and if it doesn't all take, then reduce.. Once you reduce, you're reduced... and it can take a long time for all swelling to go down... you would hate to reduce and then it reduces even more after swelling.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2012
    Surfa, think Betsys's advice is I was in similar situation and opted to have fat grafting in diep breast to match natural breast.I also had the dilemma of having lifts or no, and areola reduction on natural side. I opted not to do it and am pleased with that decision, for me.  My breasts are much more symmetrical now since fat grafting but diep side is still smaller. At this stage i can absolutely live with the difference ie, it looks like a natural breast that is just a bit smaller than the other side- but we'll see what am left with after swelling goes down. 
    re bikes...I agree with you about being less agile..and am feeling even less agile on tamoxifen with these joint pains! thanks to everyone for your comments and concern- i was back on my bike yesterday and breast seems fine and yes, i wear a helmet, the joke around here was maybe i need a breast plate too...
  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012
    Betsy - I am 11 weeks out from my Stage 2 tomorrow. This is now the longest I have gone consecutive days without compression. Today was my 4th day. Usually at the end of the 3rd day my upper belly is so bloated/puffy/swollen that it is so uncomfortable I get back into my Marena for several days. It is very miserable and it is the only thing that helps.  I'm hoping I'm out of it for good now - but am still puffy just not as bad as I have been in the past. I have up'd my activity level considerably and am still going to my PT for massage and I always have her work extra long on that area to get the fluid moving. I am also trying to limit my salt intake (just in case). I must be the slowest healer in the history of the world but I think it is finally getting better.
  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2012

    Had an allergic reaction to the steri strips so they're gone now. Ugh. Very itchy. I'm currently using a silicone baby bottle nipple, cut down, for a nipple guard. Works pretty well for now, until I can wear a shell--nip is too big for that now. Finally rejoining the land of the living. At least I'll have one day off I can enjoy :)

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2012

    Hi all!  Only 3 more days until my Stage 1!  I'm ready, but I have to admit there's a small part of me that's sad about losing feeling in my breasts...but I know that it's a small price to pay for my health!  I'm nervous that I'm going to get really upset the night did you get through that night?

    A few questions after catching up on some of the posts--the arnica discussion--is that for stage 2 or should I expect bruising after stage 1 (hip flap)?  Should I ask about arnica during my pre-op appointments?

    Also, REF and SURFAGIRL--I'm not sure what "PMing" was suggested to PM our cell phone numbers.  I definitely hope to see you in the halls!!

     Thank you to everyone on this site for providing so much info...I only check in periodically, but it's so helpful!  Happy 2012!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2012

    Dj-- I still have feeling in my breasts and in my nipples. Not as much but it is still there and I am hoping more comes back. I didn't break down the night before but I was a wreck inside, like everything turned to jello. We tried to go to a movie but it didn't distract me like it usually would. I couldn't eat and I can always eat. They called me in a Valium the night before and we ran to a CVS. It would have been handier to have filled it earlier but don't know that it made a huge difference. I just needed to get in there and get on with it. At least my nerves made sure my bowels were empty....

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

      DJ-I woke up with feeling in about 50% of my nipple sparing GAP reconstruction done at SCSH 2 1/2 weeks ago.  (No feeling in nipple but  I had both a lift and a reduction on that side previously.).  I have about 70% return of feeling on the DIEP side done elsewhere.  I will take about 18 months to know what you are deaing with in terms of loss/gain in feeling.  I was mostly OK the day before surgery (I had had so many previous surgeries - a DIEP done locally that required MANY revisions)  but like KBodie I took a xanax at night before I went to bed to help me relax and sleep.   I also had a prescription for Ambien which I filled but didn't use - had with me just in case.  I agree with Kbodie, if you are thinking about using something to lessen the stress or help you sleep it would be better (and less stressful)  to get  the prescriptions filled earlier rather than later.  Just have the medication in hand in case you feel you need it.

  • heatherbless
    heatherbless Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2012


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    DJ.. PM means Private Message (you can PM a particular member so it isn't out there for all to see.) I also had HIP flaps in July and did not take the Arnica for that.. I did take it for Stage II to help with the lipo bruising... Although, you could if you want. I found the Hip flaps to be absolutely pain free.. never had any pain at all... and was up and moving in no time. Please feel free to PM me as well is you have any questions.

    Laura ... I guess I am glad to know I am in good company with the bloating... but would love to know that it eventually goes away.... I am glad to hear yours is better.. you are about 5 weeks ahead of me. Is there anyone who is a year post stage II who had bloating and can chime in?? The bloating is the upper belly bloat, kind of looks like one of those starving children you see on hunger posters... not a good look.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2012

    Hi, I am heading for New Orleans for surgery (S-Gap) March 6th.  I wondered if there was anyone out there with a close surgery date.  Would love to chat with someone.  Thanks , Jamie

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2012

    DJweinstein - How it was explained to me was the original herb is compounded (diluted) to create the different concetrations. It would seem that a lower number would be better or more "arnica" but I think the higher the more concentrated. I was given the 200ck (c,ck,x are all the same thing) for my prior surgeries. I plan to do the same again. 

    I work with a very progressive plastic surgeon (who no longer does flaps as the afetr care is so specialized)  and I utilize her before and after surgical program. The vitamins are tailored for optimum healing and immune function. 

    Hope all goes well, I am just 2 weeks away and amhoping to find some other ladies there at the same time. Apparently the docs are going to a conference from the 12th - 17th so I imagine I will be a little lonely there. My pre-op is the 18th and surgery the 19th. 

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2012

    DJ - Sent you a PM. On the far right of the menu bar at the top of the thread, click Private Messages to get to your inbox. Rhonda

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2012

    Awesome...thanks for all the quick responses ladies!  I'm catching a 6pm flight to NOLA tonight and I'll be getting pre-op tests tomorrow!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    DJ.. Good luck with everything!!!!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Something totally freaky happened today.  While I was washing my hair today I noticed my breast was rippling from my arms moving.  Since surgery I've been in my bra and nipple covers except for showering and cleaning, so I've not noticed anything before.  So I push a little on the area and it ripples!  Like it's liquid just under the surface.  It's about a 1 1/2 inch diameter area just above the nipple.  When my arm is down it feels like the rest of my breasts.  When I raise my arm I can find this liquidy area.  I don't feel like it's an emergency to call today, but I will talk to someone tomorrow.  I even made a little video of it to send.  I'm on the verge of freaking out about it, but not quite, as I know nothing can be done about it right now.  I don't know what it is or what it means.  My breast looks just fine with it; if it was gone there would be a huge divot.  I will keep you updated.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Paula... Where I had my port just above my right breast there is extra scar tissue... When I move it behaves like part of the skin is tacked down from the inside out... Kind of gives a rippling effect. Dr D worked on the area at stage II to reduce this and it did work 85%... Of course, it is still swollen too. So... maybe you have extra scar tissue. I also get this a bit on my other breast where it is firmer.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012
    Don't freak out Cider - get a diagnosis and see where it goes from there. I'm hoping it is nothing.
  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Email sent. I should hear something in the morning.

    Thank you Laura! The voice of reason. I'm not freaking out tonight.

    Betsy, it's like the opposite of scar tissue. The skin is smooth with no lumps, but with a pocket of liquid underneath. When I poke, it will ripple 2-3 times, then calm. I can't compare it to anything I've experienced before. That area wasn't especially firm, like the sides of my breast can feel. My port was on my left side. This liquid pocket is on the right, which was also my cancer side and needed lots of work. I've had no healing issues thus far.

    Welcome Downey! Springtime will get you posted on our list when she gets back in a few days. More ladies will show up with March dates. You will find great support here.

    DJ, ref, surfagrl: good luck with pre-ops. I love hearing the reports!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Paula... glad you emailed them.. I am sure it is nothing serious.. This surgery is kind of bizarre and has some quirky things... I wouldn't worry.

    Downey... I PM'd Spring to highlight your date cause she said she might miss someone, being away and all

    DJ, Ref, Surfa... I second Paula's cheer... keep us posted

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    I'm afraid I didn't pay close enough attention when some of your ladies mentioned receiving therapy/massage after reconstruction.  How often and what kind of therapist did you see?  Do you believe it was helpful?

    Thoughts are with you, Dj, Surfa and Ref -- you're in the best of hands! 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    I think PT was an essential part of my recovery.  I found someone who is specially trained in treating those who had breast surgery.  I went because of limited range of motion from mastectomy, but there was a whole slew of things wrong with me (won't bore you with that).  So, she worked on my range of motion, which entails chest, back, neck and shoulder.  She also worked on softening up that DIEP scar.  Abdominal scar can cause lower back pain.  I went through out 4 months of chemo, so I used up my max of 20.  I'd go once or twice per week.  I'll be getting back to her in another week or 2.  

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2012

      Ok you Dr. Massey NOLA ladies.......a quick question.......  At her symposium we were told that we would be met by a limo at the airport when we arrived for our surgery.  Also that the limo would be there for us for the entire time we were in NOLA, even as our transportation back to the airport.  Is this really the way it works??  Is it a van or a true stretch limo?  Silly questiion I know but the DH who knows nothing about all of this had to voice his synical opinion.     Katiejane