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NOLA in September?



  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2012

    Here are some pictures outside FB:

    I suppose I should go finish packing but I'm a bit hungover still. Caitlin, you have my cell number, right? 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2012

    With you, Eva, all the way! Draw on us as you need us ... Like you, I tend to hide my inner feelings in humor, laughter and art .. all good things. You and Caitlin are in my thoughts and prayers ... beautiful women, both of you! Stand ...

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2012

    Eva - love the boob voyage party pics! I am pretty brave, but I don't think I could get down to my skin and get painted.... !

    Had an amazing day listening to Dr. Marga speak at her "the Doctor is In" symposium. If you have a chance to catch one of her symposiums as she tours around the US, you really should go. Lots and lots of good info there, for newbies and seasoned reconstruction gals. I wish I had access to something like that when I was first diagnosed! It could have changed my whole path. But the icing on the cake today was getting to meet and talk to women I have met on here! Anniese, Katiejane and Glostagirl - loved seeing you all today!

    Eva & Caitlin - you will be in the best of hands. Wishing you all the best this week!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    I just signed up for April 21 in NYC

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2012

    Eva & Caitlin - safe travels, smooth sugery and peaceful recovery. Thinking and praying for you.

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2012

    Jumping over from the Charleston thread (I'm a Dr. Massey SGAP gal)...I have also heard wonderful things about Dr. Massey's symposiums - and this is the first that I have heard that she will be in NYC.  I am very tempted to sign up for the April 21 event (maybe the Central NJ gals would be interested in catching a train together?).  I just had my 3rd Stage 2 this past Tuesday (in Charleston) and can totally relate to the different Stage 2 experiences reported.  I thought my last Stage 2 was a breeze, this one totally kicked my butt!

    Lots of us gals following your stories, though not posting.  You are in our thoughts for successful surgeries and quick recoveries.  Liz 

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2012

    .  Eva and Caitlin, God Bless, safe journey, and speedy recovery.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Liz... I would catch a train with you

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited February 2012

    Hi...actually, to be clear, I don't know what caused my allergic reaction...which is why I was wondering about tape.  I was itching uncontrollably all over my body starting my first night in the hospital.  I'm not sure if it was to the IV morphine (though they switched me to another narcotic and I still had the itching.)  Before stage 2 I want to figure this out.  Did anyone else have this reaction and do you know what it was to?


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    I was super itchy... and it was mostly my legs. I asked for Benedryl and it may have helped a little, but it was driving me crazy. I think it was the IV drugs.

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2012

    Betsy - Thanks for the offer - I just signed up!  As the date gets closer, we can sync up (train out of Princeton Saturday morning?).  I am looking forward to it!  Liz

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2012

    Hi Eva and Caitlyn,

    Will be thinking about you both this week--wishing you smooth sailing at NOLA and a speedy recovery!  

    I am only 18 days out from DIEP surgery and my drains are out, I am working, and I hosted a fabulous dinner party last night. Life rocks! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Does the train run to NYC out of Princeton?? I usually go from New Brunswick... Yes, let's touch base as we get closer.

  • jstunme
    jstunme Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2012

    > I think ya'll have to be logged in already? to view her FBook pics

    Eve - I saw 'em ....

    I thought they were Awesome (could I do it .... no) .... but what great friends you have!!!!!Surprised 

    The very very best wishes to you and to others preparing for the journey.   

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2012

    I've arrived in NOLA. I know Caitlin's here too - we've been texting. I have all my pre-ops Monday. Tuesday's free and Wednesday... yikes!

    Ralph was our driver from the airport and he was a complete hoot the whole drive. I was weepy and fretful the whole way here - we nearly missed our connection in Houston - but I'm feeling better now (after gumbo and beer)

    Thanks for all the good wishes! 

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2012

    Hi Eva - I haven't posted much here lately, but I have been following your posts both here and on the FORCE board.  You have approached this ordeal with an amazing measure of grace, bravery, vulnerability, humor, and warmth.  May the universe reflect that all back to you in the next few days, and may you sail smoothly through it all. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2012

    hurray Eva and Caitlin! You will both be great!

    Betsy and Liz... The Ask the Doctor symposium n NYC is actually on my 7 year cancerversary... I don't know why the need to tell you all that, except you know, every year that ticks by is a big deal!! You will love it- so educational and Dr. M adds quite a bit of humor too.

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2012

    Nordy - it was terrific to see you again!  Hope you got the info you needed from Dr. M on Sunday!  Dr. Massey's symposium was great.  My second time attending and still got more info from being there.  My husband said he wished he had been able to attend this when I was first diagnosed because he learned more from her in one day than in all the appts we had when I was diagnosed.

    Katiejane - I am so glad I got to meet you.  I hope that you are able to do this surgery and that your husband it totally convinced!

    Glostagirl - I know you don't post much anymore, but that you read daily....wanted to say "hi" and that it was great to meet you also! 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited February 2012

    Anniese,    It was a wonderful symposium and one of the best parts was to finally meet you and everyone else!   Like you, this was my second time attending and I did learn more this time than last.  Mike was totally amazed by it all--with that being said we are looking at April for the surgery!!!!  I have my 1 on 1 consult with Dr. M. at noon today and I think we will set the date depending on what she has open.  I am so excited!!!!! 

    You ladies are totally amazing and for you to share your "experience" with me meant more than you will ever know!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    I will get back on here this pm and let you all know when the big day will be!!!  I just can't believe this is going to happen--FINALLY!!!     Must run for appointment!    BIG HUGS!!!  Katiejane

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited February 2012

    Where do you all get the pads to go around your drains after your supply runs out from the Center?

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2012

    Nordy:  Betsy and I will be thinking about you on 4/21 - 7 years - that is a BIG deal (mine just passed in November)!  I like the sound of it - it really sounds like a long time!  Sometimes I cannot believe it has been 7 years (wasn't it just yesterday?) but other times, the memory is foggy.

    Betsy: My MIL goes back & forth out of Princeton but New Brunswick works too.

    Best wishes to the women who are up.  You have demonstrated such grace! Liz

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited February 2012

    Thanking of you Eva and Caitlin!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited February 2012

    Best of luck NOLA ladies this week!

    Dj, call the center, they will mail you more.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2012

    Hi DJ - You can get them at Walgreens or Target.  They are called surgical pads.  Do not get the non-stick pads - they are too slippery and not the same size.  You want the 9x5s.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2012

    Phew! I had all my pre-op appointments today and met Dr. D and Dr. Stollier and the other staff. It was a super emotional day and I'm just drained, but starting to settle down a bit. When I got undressed in the hotel last night sequin fluttered out of... somewhere. I really have no idea where it was hiding, but it reminded me of the party Friday and gave me a smile. I still have a whole day and a half to get through and the reality is really starting to sink in. My husband and I were going to have one last time "with the girls" but I'm not sure I can do it. It's just too sad. But at the same time I'm afraid I'll regret it if I don't. Thanks for all the kind words and wishes.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2012

    DJ - I got my drain sponges at a medical supply place. I went through the duffel bag of supplies they gave me in 2 days and had to go get more. The place here is Norco. The 5x9 pads are the ABD's for padding. I am using 2 ABD's in my bra for the day for padding. I use 2 drain sponges around my drains and 2 ABD's on each hip incision. Twice a day. Have also been using fleece to pad where the bra bugs me and for my drains coming out of my girdle.

    Thank you for the little bag tip. I was able to go to my daughters Chinese New year performance with my drains in a fashionable silk purse!

    Eva - I had the nipple/skin sparing and still feel like I have "my girls" . The sensation is gone which sucks but for me still having my outer has helped. I know many people do not have that option but for me it worked. You & Caitlin will be in my thoughts.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    DJ.. The Center will send to you for nothing... Just ask them... Otherwise it can get really expensive.

    Eva.. I also feel like I still have my girls... its my skin, one of my nipples... they look the same just have no feeling... 

    Good luck Eva and Caitlin!! And Eva enjoy the day in NOLA tomorrow. If you look in some local publications or online I am sure you can find a Mardi Gras parade already... they start about 2 weeks before Mardi Gras... of course they are rather subdued compared to the parades just days leading up to the big day.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2012

    DJ- I didn't think about asking the Center for more pads - a good idea.   I ordered more pads from the same company "Select medical products" that supplied the pads the Center gave us.  I called the phone number on the box, was referred to another phone number and just called and placed the order.  They shipped very quickly.  The price was the lowest I found and the pads were much softer than the ones I found at CVS.

     Good luch Eva and Caitlin- you are in good hands!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2012

    Here is a great little story.  Today I went to my oncologist, who specializes in women at high risk for breast cancer, so she has seen a lot of reconstructed breasts.  She was silent for a minute after looking at my NOLA specials, and then said without any hesitation that I had the best looking reconstruction she had ever seen.  She was supportive of me going to NOLA, and now I think will be sending more patients there!  I was her first to go to NOLA.

  • DFW
    DFW Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2012

    Haven't been to this thread in a long time, Dr Dellacroce did my recon in 2007, I am still totally pleased with the results. When I have a Dr's appt that I have to undress, I always end up with an audience, people are awed. I recommend NOLA to everyone, they are the best!!!!!!!!!!