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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Downey.. I think its a personal choice.. For me, I want to do it right the first time, so that years down the road I don't say I wish I had done something else or more. I had the GAP flaps and then NEEDED the DIEP flap, but will probably need another flap for my left side... Do I want more surgery? no... but I'd rather have surgery than compromise on my results. If it were me, I would do it... But that's me. In addition, I used to be a C/D cup and am now a B/C cup, so he may need to boost my right side a bit too with a little fat grafting... just in the cleavage area.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2012

    Thank you KBodie.  I agree I meet with my doctor Friday and interested to see what they will recommend.

    I got my biopsy results back today and it was benign breast tissue! Thank God. Waiting for the results makes the decision to pursue surgery somewhat easier if that makes sense. I feel good today!

    Still working on the insurance side. I was hoping to get a referral from a surgeon I consulted with to go to the NOLA clinic, because of my HMO requirements. They continue to support implants over tissue because of the surgery length and success rate of tissue.  I explained all the benefits of NOLA clinic but with no success. Has anyone here had an HMO and able to go right to NOLA? I am going to keep working at this and lots of prayers!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin- Thanks for the warm welcome. Nice to hear from someone in Wisconsin. This group is awesome and I'm learning a lot and feel supported.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Shannon, As Betsy says above, it's a personal choice. Since you are at the center, whatever you do wil have a wonderful apprearance and outcome. It think it is a matter of how you feel about the impants. I fyou didn't mind them before, maybe that will be okay for you. I hated mine, I never got used to them under my pec muscles (I never had the expanders). 

    Downey, I agree with Betsy that again, it's a personal choice! For me, it was really important to look really good, so I did extra surgeries to get everything to the point that I was happy with the way I looked. It was worth extra surgery to me. I have no regrets. I love the way I look, I feel restored, and I look better than when I started overall. I am encouraged to exercise more somehow maybe because I look better in skimpy clothes? LOL. In any case, you need to weigh if the more perfect outcome will be worth another surgery for you. I am sure that Dr. M is right that it will look better with a baby flap, AND you will have a bit of a flatter tummy.

     Cfrustie  thinking of you!

    FLAG, hope you are doing okay! 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    Kerry, I totally get how you feel. I also had several biopsies including a scary one just a week or so before my surgery. Going through the waiting - even with the benign result - really confirmed in my mind why I was having the surgery. I couldn't go through all the fear and tension of mammograms, MRI's, suspicious lumps, biopsies, waiting, etc. every six months - just waiting for the one that wasn't benign. As my husband put it, to be cancer-free I had to win every time. The cancer only had to win once. I'm so glad for you that you won this round.

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Hey Ladies,

    The port installation was a piece of cake....I was not completely "out of it"--pretty much awake for the whole thing, but it did not hurt and was done before I knew it.

    Yesterday I had my PET scan....praying for some good news for a change!  

    TODAY is the BIG day....AC chemo.  I will be relieved when it is over.  As one of my friends pointed out, I will be 25% there.  May 9th can't come too soon. 

    Hope all is well in your corners of the world....bettter get some cleaning done.  :-)

    Love to (as they say in NOLA) ya'll!

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Kerry, sending positive thoughts your way....keep your chin up!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Thinking of you today Caitlin... I am glad the port installation was an easy one for you...

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited March 2012

    Anyone heard from Kathy/fightlikeagirl? Did I miss an update on or from her??

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin - I have no green underwear but will eat lots of green stuff today and find something else green to wear. So glad your port was okay for you. You and I can both cheer May 9th - you for chemo ending  and me for stage 2.

    Chin up sista' 

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    Thinking good, green thoughts for you, Caitlin!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin,  glad your port surgery went well.  Hoping your chemo will too.  Thinking of you.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2012

    Anne, I asked the same things a few days ago.  I haven't seen a post from her.  Hoping & praying everything is ok!!

    @ Caitlin, Saying prayers for you!! Got my green panties on Smile

     I bought my pillow today!! I am still looking for the right pair of silky pajamas, but was curious if it's cold in the hospital? Some are like meat lockers and I was thinking of getting sleeveless (tank top) or short sleeve pajamas.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    MIchelle, they provide a nice robe for you in the hospital. I don't recall it being particularly warm or cold. You'll be there at a warmer time of year than I was.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012
    Caitlin is fighting this gene
    Maybe someday they'll have a vaccine
    That day will be primo
    When there's no more chemo
    Til then our panties are green
  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    Question about Stage 2 recovery. I had hip flap reconstruction and when I go back, I'll be having the butt lift to fix the shark bites, some lipo, revisions to my breasts (they look pretty good but there are some lumpy bits and they may need a slight reduction and maybe nipple position adjustment) and a mini tummy tuck - no plication needed and not much fat to remove, but I'd like to lose the saggy wrinkly post-baby skin and fix my belly button. 

    Any idea how long you think it will be before I am feeling well enough to do normal things? My surgery is on May 11. I'm flying home on May 14. I have a gig at a festival May 27 - just one 45 minute set. I'm assuming I'll be ok to play it. Can I count on being able to get through a rehearsal on the 20th (9 days post op - I sing and play keyboard standing)? I did a four hour gig one month after a full hysterectomy and was ok for that, but this gig is just two weeks post op. I don't want to let people down. I'll do it even if I feel like crap, but it would be nice to think I wont.  

    I'll be SO happy when this is all over! But I'm not unhappy now. All drains are out and I have one more day in the torture garment before I can burn it. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Eva... My opinion is that that may be too soon... a mini tummy tuck is kind of like the DIEP except they throw it away... and lipo makes you very sore...

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2012
    Eva, I had the tummy surgery to which you refer (at the same time as hips) and I could not stand up straight AND take a deep breath at the same time comfortably until 4 weeks post op - too tight.  But maybe I needed more tightening than you do?  Also, I know sensation is important to you and I think you should ask about sensation regeneration.  Everybody is different but I am very numb around my new belly button and numb around my incision and down the fronts of my thighs.  Numb on my outer thighs, too, but I think this is the hip flap talking... The belly button area numbness is big time for me - like my breasts, but the other numb parts have the pin prick feelings of nerves healing.  I hope others chime in to tell me their numbness resolved (how long did it take?).  I know one wonderful lady told me she is back to paddle boarding and feels great!   I have the flatest stomach ever and my belly button looks so real.  The incision does not bother me as I think it will disappear over time. Peace!
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited March 2012

    Hmmmmmmm, I think a little differently... I was walking the entire Quarter the same day I was discharged from the hospital after my stage 2... And I did have lipo, revisions, and a minituck (though I wish I would have opted for a full tuck). You may still be in compression, and if you decide to have a full tuck with plication you will have to have someone haul your gear for you, but a 45 minute set behind the boards, barring complications, I think is totally do-able. Yet, we are all different. I felt a billion times better after my stage 2 than my stage 1, but I do know there are some women on here that had a rough time with their stage 2. Do you have a high stool you can use if ou are feeling really fatigued. Is your set up such that you could use a stool if necessary? Imho I think you would be okay - mostly because this is something you are used to doing frequently. Will you have rehearsal prior to your gig where you can see how you are on your feet for that long?

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2012

      KerryA,  I had an HMO and was told there was no way to work w/ NOLA since my HMO, like all HMO's I've ever dealt with will not pay for anything out of their covered network.  I changed my insurance to Cigna, was told it was a PPO and open access plan and even checked w/ the insurance to make sure things were covered.  I was told I could choose to go anywhere in the US-no problem. Well, when Dr. M's office tried to arrange things for my DIEP, they were told yes, Dr Massey is covered but not the Center or Dr. Sullivan.  So I am currently in a battle with Cigna and getting tremendous support from Dr. Massey and her staff. Appeal has been filed and I'm also retaining legal council.  So do what you have to do and don't give up!  Who knows, maybe you will be one of the lucky one's who's HMO is in network!!  Please keep us posted!!!  Many hugs and good luck!       Katiejane

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2012

      KerryA,  I had an HMO and was told there was no way to work w/ NOLA since my HMO, like all HMO's I've ever dealt with will not pay for anything out of their covered network.  I changed my insurance to Cigna, was told it was a PPO and open access plan and even checked w/ the insurance to make sure things were covered.  I was told I could choose to go anywhere in the US-no problem. Well, when Dr. M's office tried to arrange things for my DIEP, they were told yes, Dr Massey is covered but not the Center or Dr. Sullivan.  So I am currently in a battle with Cigna and getting tremendous support from Dr. Massey and her staff. Appeal has been filed and I'm also retaining legal council.  So do what you have to do and don't give up!  Who knows, maybe you will be one of the lucky one's who's HMO is in network!!  Please keep us posted!!!  Many hugs and good luck!       Katiejane

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    I can definitely have the guys haul my gear and yes, I can use a stool if necessary. It's a huge festival though and getting to the stage from parking will be a long schlep. My poor husband may have to make two trips. I've got a wheeled case for my keyboard and stand, so maybe I can roll it once he gets it out of the car. I'll have at least one practice before the gig.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Katiejane....I've been thinking of you and am so glad to hear you haven't given up!  Maybe we'll be in NOLA at the same time after all.  I had my own insurance battles over the years and it's definately worth the fight.  You go girl!   gg

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Chemo wasn't bad today.  I have a little bit of a headache, but the disppointing thing was that they think they found more cancer in my pectoral lymph node (R side where all the BC was).  I have a biopsy Friday.  There is also a suspicious spot on my uterus.  Cancer sucks.  I will be so happy when this is a distant memory.  If it is cancer, I will have to do radiation therapy.

    My mom and I are getting "F' cancer" hats.  I am praying it isn't cancer, but haven't gotten a whole lot of good news lately.  I really want to kick cancer's ass.  It's disheartening when it seems like we just can't stay ahead of it.  My doctor keeps saying it's an aggressive form.  At this point, I just want to remove everything!

    Trying not to cry alot, but it's very scary!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    <<<HUGS>>> Caitlin.... thinking of you.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012

    Eva  -- get a wheelchair. Festivals and such make allowances and you don't have to hike so far!! No time for pride, girlfriend! The show must go on and YOU must be at your tops, so whether it is a litter with 8 nubile young men hauling it (with several others waving large feather fans to keep you comfy), a mobility scooter or a plain our chair, do it!!

    Caitlin -- Effin', effin' effin' -- and I don't often use that word!!! {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and prayers that it is indeed NOT cancer.

    Have my annual on the 4th and for some reason am quite anxious. Not just a mammo, but meeting with my CS. Sigh ... but at least I will be the first autogenous foob they have ever seen! Can you say "Flash it!" Trying to laugh, but am so stressed with the B&B opening coming up (IF we EVER get done!!!) that I am smiling on the outside and inside trembling somewhere in a corner wanting my mommy ... and she's with God. The good news? IF there is anything, I know JUST where to go this time!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Gosh Caitlin, you can't get a friggin' break! I hope this last one is a big nothing, but you are right to be sure. And that is exactly how I did it! After the next one, you will be 50 done! Just put your head down git 'er done. Toatlly agree F CANCER!!! 

    Eva, I loved the lymerick. You are so good at that!

    I agree more with Nordy. I think you'll be fine to pull off a gig. Baby yourself, just do your part. I was also walking all over, stage 2 for me was so much easier than stage 1, and I had a lowering of the abdominal scar, and plication. Everyone is different at stage 2 especially, but for me it was much easier. Stage 1 with the stacked and 4 flaps sort of knocked me for a loop!

    I don't believe we have heard from FLAG, Anne.  

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin- You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Sending you hugs from Milton to Green Bay :)

    Eva- Thank you for your words and so very true.

    Katie Jane- Thanks for sharing your experience. I am working with a RN that works with my insurance and she is trying to be as helpful as possible. While she can't guarantee what will be the outcome I feel she's working to do everything she can.

    This group is so great and it is amazing to have such strong support for one another!

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin,  things have to turn for you!!!!!!  I'm sending prayers and hugs your way. "F" cancer. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited March 2012

    Glostagirl! I have been thinking about you! How is your leg healing?