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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Panda.. In NOLA, I walked about the Quarter, rode the streetcar.. I did fine, but did need to rest. About going to the beach... I am not sure I would go to the beach with drains and open holes... You would need to make sure not to get sandy... and certainly no swimming... but I am guessing you didn't intend to swim anyway in February, even in SC.

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2012

    No,I was just thinking of walking on the beach..don't even want to sit down,just go and hear the waves mostly.I hadn't thought about the drains though....maybe I will have to just concentrate on finding good restaurants!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Have you been to Charleston? It is beautiful.. you could spend hours walking along King Street or go by the water without the sand. They have the Battery which is right on the water with a wall... or walkway... and lots of great restaurants.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    I got to meet Eva for a few minutes - she was leaving and I was coming in for post op with Dr. D. I saw her in the waiting room and I called her on her cell and sure enough it was her!  Who else has that red hair! Beautiful.  Nice to meet you Eva and I hope your feeling better now that your home.  I finally madit it I thought I was getting a lat flap but after he saw me (probably my fat a__)  I am now getting a hip flap.  Tomorrow at 8:00am.  Hope I have no more failures!


  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    Eva = I thought of you all day yesterday, you poor thing. We got home last night at midnight after 10 hours of travel time. We had to go NOLA to Minniapolis to Boise. Yuck. I walked through security instead of a wheelchair and they had to pat me as my "dressings" must have shown up. I just showed the girl my abd in my bra and she was freakin : ) 

    Dr. S pulled my drains before I left so that was a nice surprise. I am sore and bruised but fine. I probably did not do as much lipo or reconstruction as most do so that is why. I am thinking back to work on the 29th is doable.

    It was nice to meet you and wish we could have spent some unmedicated time together - haha.

    Panda- I flew in alone for stage 1 and then friends joined me at release. I could not have managed without anyone there even though I was doing pretty good. It was nice to have someone to get water, go get coffee - or whatever I needed. I walked around after both stage 1 & 2 but very slowly and not for long periods. Stopped and rested quite a bit, was fine riding the trolley car. Sat out in a lounge chair in the shade and was very comfortable. Really was not interested in sightseeing all that much.

    chelle- Echo what everyone has said, you will be able to do all of it with no problem. My 8 y.o. helped me with my drains by recording the amounts for me and adding them up. She can't wait to see my new scar that goes from one hip to the other arond the back - very long! I told her she can see it tonight when I do my painting.

    I am forever grateful to Dr. S & staff for making all this easy and just one more thing for me to check off my stay healthy list.  

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2012

    gmp - fat___ makes nice boobs :)

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn, it was great to meet you too. I had a nice chat with your mom while you were in talking to the doc. Best of luck with the hip flap. That's what I had for my stage I and honestly, I never had any appreciable pain in the hip area afterwards. I predict you'll be very happy with the results. I enjoyed meeting Karen and her husband too. It's so cool to meet people in person that you've only known online.

    I had quite a bit done. The nurses said it really wasn't 'stage II' but what they call 'stage II plus.' I figured it was my one chance, I might as well go for it. I still don't know if it was a good idea. It's strange to see my body now. It will take some getting used to and I have feelings like it's not me anymore. More so than after stage I. 

    I still can't stand up straight, but I did manage to do a bit of work today. 

    Next up: Geralyn and Besa. Thinking of you!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Good luck Geralyn!!!

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited May 2012

    Great!!  :)  About the A__!  Thanks Eva and Betsy,  I'm getting ready now.  Just got back from the casino again!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Geralyn- good luck tomorrow! You will be great! How long will you be in town? There is a possibility that I will be there next week. PM me - maybe we can meet up if you are still in town!

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2012

    Good luck Geralyn! Thinking of you!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2012

    Hey G- Just wanted to pop in and say good luck tomorrow. Hope everything goes good for you. (I know it will) Your in my prayers. Call me if you want to talk. Love and hugs BCFF!!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2012

    DH & I arrived in NOLA last evening, staying at Westin. We spent some time at Riverwalk Marketplace and will do more sightseeing today. Thurs 3pm I have consultation with Dr. S (for surgery in July).

    Eva & Karen -- glad you're home from long trips and mending again.

    Geralyn -- praying for smooth surgical morning for you! Maybe I'll see you at SCSH tomorrow. Not sure if they will let us "tour" or drop in when I'm over there for my appt??

    Besa -- will you be at the Center on Thurs for your 2B pre-op? Maybe I'll see you too! I don't know how to recognize anyone. I look somewhat like my avatar, but with wig shorter & fuller than last year's hair in pic. Wink

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2012

    Good luck Geralyn!! I'm sure you will do great!!

    @ Besa, Sending you well wishes for Friday.  Thank you again for all the words of encouragement when I was in the process of making my decisions.

    All of you are such amazing women!!



  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Ann, they will let you go to the hospital and visit, but you need to know the real name of the people you're visiting. I went up to see Karen and I didn't know her last name. It wasn't a problem though. I explained that we knew each other from online and they went to her to ask her if she was willing to see an EvaM. She was and off I went.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    So how many of you have consults before 2B? And why or why not? I'm still waiting on Celeste to schedule 2B (I emailed again yesterday, so I should hear from her soon). I'll ask her about a consult. I'm a little nervous about 2B as I don't know what to expect, as Dr S needs to see me in person to assess the firmness. Plus my sizable breast seroma cavity will be removed. That could mean a 'baby' flap to replace the void(s), which doesn't excite me. Not my intention to scare anyone off, but the uncertainty is starting to bother me. I won't schedule surgery until Sept.

    Nordy, Besa: care to share what your 2B's will address?

    Thinking of you, Geralyn!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    Hi Paula - I had a pre-op visit with Dr. D. before my 2B, but just two days before.  I didn't go down ahead of time or anything.  Dr. S. will definitely want to see you ahead of time, just as with the other surgeries, but I'm not sure I would make a separate trip down ahead of time just for a consult, if that's what you mean.  I had my consult on Monday, tattoos on Tuesday, and surgery on Wednesday.  For my 2B, I had a "dent' filled in which was left from my original MX 5 years ago, and either wasn't corrected at Stage 2, or was attempted and the fat didn't "take".  So to fill that at 2B, I had more lipo.  I also had a lump removed from near my underarm area for biopsy - it was a fatty lipoma, so nothing sinister.  So my 2B was fairly easy, but still about a 2 3/4 hour surgery.  I think the anesthesia was the worst of it for me, in terms of recovery over the next few weeks.  I had mine done just before Christmas.  Sounds like yours will be a bit more involved.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2012

    Thanks, Amy. I was referring to a separate consult ahead of time, well before the usual preop consult. I didn't feel any need to go separately before Stage 2, but sort of feeling the need now.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    I have a question re the compression garments. Dr. D and his assistant told me one week after the drains come out. I expect the drains to be out in about a week. But I hear a lot of you talk about wearing it or the Marena for 6 weeks. I mentioned this to them and they said it doesn't really make a difference to wear it longer, but some people feel more comfortable wearing it longer, especially during the day. I didn't buy a Marena last time, but just wore the original girdle the whole time (six weeks with hip drains, plus a week). I don't particularly want to buy one this time if it's not needed but I do want the best possible outcome. I've been googling how long to wear a compression girdle after lipo and there really doesn't seem to be any consensus. Though the ones who recommend longer time seem to be using an older method of lipo where there is 'tunneling' which Dr. D does not use. Opinions? Experiences?

    Even with the swelling, I'm already slimmer than I was and weigh a few pounds less than before. On day two at home, I'm still really tired but not quite as tight. I'm standing a little straighter and can take longer steps. I'm especially delighted with my cute belly button.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited May 2012

    Amy -- So you had your tats done on the same visit? I am looking at a 2b also (ropey scar tissue in butt, contralateral breast REALLY shrank when I lost a few pounds, and tats) and sure would like to get it all done in one trip to NOLA (live in NYS). How difficult was it to coordinate all of that? How long were you hospitalized and how long did you have to stay in NOLA (not that I don't love being there!)? Also, about the tats. I am needle phobic with an attached panic disorder ... how "needle-y" does it get? And how about pain? I have feeling in the skin of my re-constructed breast. Sorry for all the questions, but if you can help answer them, it might relieve some of the stress I am putting on myself right now at a time when I REALLY don't need it -- opening B&B in 2 weeks! YIKES!


  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited May 2012

    Eva -- I did buy Marenas and I wore them for 6 weeks plus. I had quite a bit of lipo and I felt like they really supported my tissues as they were healing. Dr. D. had said a minimum of 2 weeks after drains, but longer is better (he addresses this in his "Ask the Doctor" forum). Wore it like second skin for the 6 weeks and then only during the day for about 2 weeks more. Felt funny without it, but like you, I wanted the best outcome having been through the "wringer"! And so glad you are feeling better ... something about being home, I think.


  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited May 2012

    Maggie, I've seen that advice, but he specifically gave me different advice. I wonder why? I suspect in my case there was less actual lipo but more skin revision. He did mention that a lot of women like the support and feel better wearing it longer especially during the day. BTW, the Marena link at the top is not working for me. Is there another link?

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Thank you everyone for your good wishes.  I am flying to NOLA tonight. 

    Annalive- My appointment at the Center is late on Thursday.  I will be staying at Homewood Suites.  You can PM me if it looks like we will be there at the same time.  I will be able to go online and pick up my messages. Dr. D. is doing my surgery.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2012

    There's an extra "non-breaking space" at the end of the URL above (Spring: can you fix?). 

    This is correct:

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2012

    Besa - I sent you a PM. I am there tentatively early next week. Would love to meet up!

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2012

    Nordy - Just sent you a PM.  I have a postop appt on Monday and then will fly home later that day.  If we overlap I would love to meet up.

  • tigsun
    tigsun Member Posts: 162
    edited May 2012

    EvaM - I did not wear a Marena or other compression garment after the required time by Dr. S. 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    Maggie - I had my tats done the same visit, yes.  Originally, I was scheduled for only tats.  I had my stage 2 in Sept, and at that time, Vinnie was just starting to come to NOLA.  So I decided that it was worth the visit back to NOLA to see him there, instead of going up to (near) Baltimore, where we actually could have easily driven! haha  Anyway booked a date with him in NOLA for December.  About 2 or 3 weeks after my Stage 2, it was apparent that this "dent" was going to appear again.  So we watched it for a few more weeks, with me sending pictures every now and then.  Eventually we decided that it was worth trying to fix that area - it was in my cleavage, so a bit noticeable in a swimsuit or a v- neck sundress.  So we scheduled the Stage 2b for the day after the tats.  I was very leery, but this was the way Dr. D wanted to proceed. By then I would be 3 months out from having my new nipples, so they would be healed, but I was really worried about how Vinnie would do the tats (proper alignment, etc) if Dr. D. was going to be manipulating the breast again, what if it changed the shape enough that it would affect how the tats aligned, etc etc.  But I guess he knows a bit more about this stuff than I do hahaha, and of course it turned out beautifully.  I guess in some cases maybe they might want to take a different approach, or maybe even do the surgery first, tats next day, but in my case, Dr. D and Vinnie were more worried about the sweeling and Vinnie needing to move the breast around a bit to do the tattooing, and of course we didn't want to disrupt any of the new fat. I woudl think in your case, it would depend on what they decide to do re. your contralateral breast being a different size.  Wre they going to reduce the new breast?  That would probably be a different story thatn what I had done.  It would also depend on their scheduling, I guess.  Last I knew, Vinnie was in NOLA once a month for a few days each visit.  I don't know if they use him exclusively or have someone else they use as well. ( Though I had decided I would only see Vinnie and would have waited to see him if it was necessary.

    As for the needle-phobia - well, that's a tough one . . .  The needle was nothing like a needle with which they draw blood, and I knew that going in, so it helped.  Though I am not afraid of needles, and defintiely do not have any phobias about them, I was very very nervous (though I recognize that this is much different than having a panic disorder - I have had panic attacks, but a completely different trggier than this). I was worried because I couldn't really judge how much sensation I would have during the procedure.  I have to be honest and tell you there was some discomfort, occasoinaly rising to the level of mild pain.  I ended up taking a valium about halfway through the procdure, and wished I would have taken it ahead of time.  I know that my nervousness made my experience of any pain worse.  Also, the areola skin was pretty scared in my case, and it made a more difficult case for Vinnie to get the ink to take.  I think that made a difference as well.  Now when I say pain, I really do mean mild . . .  not as bad as even having a blood draw for me, which is often painful due to my poor veins.  Best thing I can say is that everybody is different - if you have some skin sensation, then your experience might be different than someone who has none.  I have pretty limited sensation there.  I would definitely think that something like a xanax or something to relax, or whatever you normally would use in a situation where needles are invloved, might be a good idea. Just talk to them ahead of time. ( I think they should serve cocktails!)  Do you have any particular techniques that help you get through a situation where the panic disorder might occur?  I would never have thought I would have the nerve/courage to have a tattoo, under other circumstances.  But it was very do-able and tolerable. 

    Let me be a bit (more) wordy here and mention Vinnie again - we all know how wonderful NOLA is - the docs, the hospital and nurses, the Center and staff, the entire atmosphere . . .  Vinnie fits right in there as his expertise is unparalled (in my opinion) and more importantly, for a facility like NOLA, he "gets it".  He knows what we have been through, he is sensitive and compassionate to that, and he is very very professional, yet low key, and I think all of that helps to make the experice of the tattooing much more relaxed than I would have expected.  I am not sure of anyone else they have used, or may still use, but I do know that for me there was a lot of comfort just in being in a familiar place as I was having this done.  

    If it would help to talk more about the tattooing, pm me and I can send you my #.  By the way, I grew up in WNY and will be up there in July - you might be pretty busy with the B&B, but let me know if you fancy a meet-up.  I could probably come down your way. 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2012

    PS.  I just realized you asked about hospitalization - in my case, it was just one night - had surgery 7 am Wednesday, stayed til late afternoon the next day.  I felt fine to leave the hospital by then, and went to the hotel for just one night, and flew home on Friday around noon, I think.  Definitely used a wheelcair at the airport - its the only way to go . . .  I didn't have any drains for 2B, even with Dr. D removing a sizable lump from the underarm.  He stitched the armpit a certain way in order to prevent seroma.  It looked really awful.  Of course it looks normal now, and the scar falls perfectly in a fold of skin so it is not even noticable!  The man is brilliant . . .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Paula.... I am going down ahead of time for a consult before my 2B... For me, it is not just a divot or something that I know needs fixing.. For me, I still have a large amount of necrosis and will need either fat grafting or baby flap (very differnt recoveries so I want to know ahead of time)... Plus they may need to address my abdomen with plication or something... again, recovery would be longer, so I want to know before I go down for surgery what will be done and how much time I will be out of commission (mostly for work) but also for planning a vacation etc. So I will consult in the Fall and have surgery in January.

    Eva... About compression. I also was told by Dr D two weeks mandatory and 6 for optimal results. Do realize that I had the butt lift, scar revision, and LOTS of lipo. So maybe his answer to you and Eva-specific.