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NOLA in September?



  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    re: drains - When you shower you can hang them from your neck with surgical tubing, or I have heard some hang them around their waist. The drain lines are quite small but the bulbs altogether felt weighty to me when all six (!) were full. Three were removed at the post op appt before I flew home and my husband removed the rest at home.  I was scared, but actually felt nothing & they slid right out.  No worries!

    On another note.  I just got off the phone with the dermatologist's office re: a lesion on my left forearm.  I thought it was no big deal, it is not black or anything, but it does have a burning sensation as of late.  They will see me Monday.  BRCA stuff keeps coming.        Peace to All!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2012

    Congrats on being on the other side Jen!

    Good luck tomorrow Michelle, you will do great!

    What fun and comfort that so many are there together.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    chelle - they do have a robe for you. :)

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Jen, I was very overwhelmed at one point post operatively and was further upset with myself when anti-anxiety meds were suggested (I thought oh, no, I am strong, taking meds means I am losing it - which I did/was doing!) So, finally, I took the meds and then I could sleep.  I will not be so stubborn at stage 2 & will give myself a break!

     Eva,  Nipples that work after a breast lift - soooooooo encouraging!   

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited May 2012

    I just talked with Laura at NOLA today.  After looking at my photos and my reports they have decided I am a good candidate for a stacked DIEP!  Yay!  My first PS said she does not do stacked DIEPs and could not make the breasts match without reducing my non cancerous side.   Even though I live in So Cal it seems like NOLA is the place to go.  

    I first had BC in 2003 (IDC with gross lymph node involvement with lumpectomy, chemo and radiation) and was just re-diagnosed with IDC on May 1st of this year.  

    I think I will have my UMX at NOLA, (assuming everything works out) with an immediate stacked DIEP.

    Are all three doctors equally as good?  Should I request one doctor over another?  I am just starting the whole process.   Also, I am assuming their MX surgeons are good.  Did anyone have a MX there?  

    How hard will it be for the 4 hour or so flight home?

    Also, it might not be till July for my surgery.  I am wondering if it is bad to wait that long to get the surgery I want.  I have medium grade IDC that is 8mm.  Perhaps that is something I need to ask my oncologist about.  Just a bit worried about waiting, the spreading thing and all.   

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Jannelle, I requested Dr. Dellacroce, but I think they are all great and whoever you talk to, two of them will actually do the reconstruction. Dr. D and Dr. Sullivan did mine. Dr. Trahan did most of the post op rounds. I had my MX there too - with Dr. Stolier. I can't say enough nice things about him. He was kind, honest, compassionate but without pulling any punches. And he did a fantastic job. A four hour flight should be a piece of cake. I had a 7 hour flight to Seattle that included changing planes in Denver. Be sure to request a wheelchair. Baby yourself. 

    And congrats on moving forward! 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2012

    Michelle, good luck tomorrow. Mine is one week from today...starting to be "real" and I am freaking out a bit.

    I will be thinking of you all day and sending good thoughts of peace and healing.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Janelle... I had Dr Dellacroce also and Dr Stolier did my BMX... Dr Sullivan assisted on one surgery and Dr Trahan assisted on the other... They are all great!! I know you were concerned about the muscle thing with the CA doctor.. you will be thrilled.. And July is only next month. I would run it by the MO and if he wants it sooner, can you do it sooner??I know the docs reserve Tuesday as active cancer patient day... and never book a stage II for then.

    On the last page someone asked if stage II is included in the stage I price and the answer is no...  sorry.I wish.

    Glad to hear from you Jen and good luck Michelle... 

    Jenifer, I wouldn't worry about the drains... they give you a kangaroo pouch  which I used in the hospital,but I kept the q-ball pain bag (at the nurse's suggestion) and used it to hold my drains... I think I had 5 on the plane, and they all fit in the bag. Its more of a pouch than a bag.

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for the info.   The more I hear, the better I feel about traveling to NOLA.  I have not yet heard anything bad.  Dr. Stolier sounds great.  I am wondering if I should request him or perhaps he is the only BS they use.

    Eva, so sorry about your 7 hour flight with a plane change.  Yuck.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Jannelle.. there are 3 BS but most use Dr Stolier.

  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    I could do it sooner.  Laura at NOLA said the soonest they could fit me in would be the first week of July. She would try for sooner but was not sure.   You are right, that is only 4 weeks away.  June already!  That's not too bad.

     I will definately request Dr. Stolier for my UMX.


  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2012

    Janelle, the sooner you book airfare the better chances you can get a reasonably priced non-stop, if possible.  Just this week I started getting lots of emails from airlines for discounted airfare, especially to warmer climates in the south.  jetBlue had some good ones and I know they fly into LA.  My non-stop flight from Boston to NOLA is only 3.5 hours, but every flight I looked at that had just one stop turned into 6 to 9 hour durations....double yuck!

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2012

    Jen - So happy to see your post and hear that you are doing well.  Thanks for sharing what to expect immediately after surgery. 

    I am going to finish packing this weekend for my Sunday flight.  I bought the Aveeno skin relief body wash that someone recommended.  I think it was Nordy.  Did you take it with you to NOLA or just use it after you returned home? My husband picked up a bottle of hibiclens for me.  Do you use it after surgery on your wounds, as well as a couple days prior to surgery?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Use the hibclens before surgery only...

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Hi Jen, so glad you are doing well!! Sorry I missed you. (I sent you a PM).

    I have a suitcase packed except for some toiletries I need to use in the morning. I am pretty tired and I am going to try and fall asleep here soon. I have to be up by 4:20 or so, but glad to be early and get it going quickly :)

    I won't have my laptop tomorrow, but I will try to update from my phone.

    I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of the NOLA ladies and we can "skip" down the halls

    Hugs to all you and thank you for everything!! You ladies are amazing!!!


  • Starfyre
    Starfyre Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    Glostagirl, thanks for the tip.  I will look into airfairs asap.  Hopefully I will get an exact surgery date soon.  I am hoping to find out tomorrow or maybe early next week.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    They give you a bottle of hibiclens at your pre-op. I ended up using the whole thing - two showers before surgery and then after I used it on my drain sites until it was gone. I don't know if that was good, bad or indifferent, but it didn't seem to harm anything and it's such a charming pink color. 

    Michelle, knock it out of the park! You're going to do great.  

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2012

    Jannelle-I had Dr. DellaCroce with Dr. Sullivan assisting and Dr. Lagarde did the mastectomy. You really can't go wrong with anyone there. They are the best!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited June 2012

    Jen - Glad to hear from you!!! Hurray for being on the other side! 

    Michelle - Positive vibes for tomorrow that all goes smoothly. Speaking of smoothly - I love Smooth Move tea for keeping things "moving" after all the narcotics. Jen - if you are still having issues tomorrow see if you can get a hold of some!

    KSue - It wasn't me who recommended the Aveeno! Sorry! But unlike Eve who had no reaction to the Hibiclens after her surgery (lucky!) - I DID have a reaction to it! I should post my pictures as my suture lines looked like they were on fire! My hubby just shook his head and said, "You were only supposed to use it before surgery!" Having said that - I also did not see that there would be any issue with using afterward, but apparently my body thought otherwise - the suture lines were very angry! However, I do have a tendency toward sensitive skin, so that may be the issue... :)

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for sharing Nordy!  18 months expanders - I can relate!  Glad your doing so good now - what a trip!  I hope I am not as juicy as you! LOL!!  So far it doesn't seem like any fluid is pooling around, it looks the same - hope it stays at a minimum.  Thanks for sharing, I am hoping I can just go to the office and have it aspirated too.  I'll find out Monday.

    Have A Good Weekend!  It is almost here!


  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

      So many of you ladies are coming up on you date for surgery!!!  I wish each and everyone of you all the best!!!  I don't post much but I am on here just about everyday reading your encouraging stories and words!  My DIEP date is alittle over a month away(7/5) and I just received my Patient Packet today---yikes!!  Now it is really hitting homeSurprised... I have fought so long and hard with my insurance for facility coverage(denied) that I've about bottomed out!  I will be paying cash for facility use-we're having to borrow against our home to make this work so I hope I will have no regrets.  I still may decide not to do the surgery if things don't smooth out a bit.  Sometimes I feel like someone is trying to tell me NOT to go down this road.  I know I'm rambling here & sounding a bit crazy but I'm becoming very burnt out! This has been an extremely difficult process-wondering if it's worth it in the end.  Thanks for letting me vent! 


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    FightLikeAGirl and Chelle-  Positive vibes today.

    TEs forever, count me in at 20 months, blech.

    KatieJean-  How difficult.  May you find peace in your decision soon.  Damn insurance companies.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited June 2012

    katiejane - I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties leading up to your surgery.  I think we have all been there in one way or another - not sure if that helps but I too had thoughts about cancelling my surgery up until a couple of days before...then the autopilot sorta kicked in and it happened - as someone said above, when I woke up from surgery and it was done, OH THE RELIEF!  You cannot believe it, things are SO much better on "the other side"  Even with the bumps and hiccups I'm 100% sure that I did the right thing in having my surgeries at NOLA and I bet everyone on this thread would agree.  It's so normal to be having second thoughts where you are right now...I will be down in NOLA when you are!  I get in on 7/6 so I ca come visit you after your surgery if you's really helpful to have buddies down there...hugs!  It does get better, we promise...

    Michelle best of luck today!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2012

    KatieJane-Keep positive thoughts. Since we spoke I am still working on my insurance. We are in the middle of the Independent Review with my insurance (HMO). Its been over 2 weeks since I started that process and I'm really struggling to hold on. The waiting feels never ending. I have had many thoughts and told myself that if I just had surgery in my hometown I would be on my way to recovery..but then I realize that is just not true I would not be happy. The easier road I think is to just give up but there is something inside of us pushing to keep going because we know in the end (from talking and writing with all these women here) this is the Right place to be. I had a sense of relief/comfort come over me after finding NOLA and talking with some of the women on this thread. That is what I try to focus on to keep me pushing ahead.

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

      Denouement,   I would love it if you came by for a visit!!!!  I would love that!!!  Thank you for your encouragement and hugs!  It has just been such a battle-almost for 2 years!  And yes, I've come this far and unless I get a divine message, I will keep pushing forward!!!  :)  It's just sooo frustrating to push through all of this.  And working full time makes it more difficult as my days off seem to be waiting for or making phone calls!  Dr. Massey requires a PET scan before surgery and I'm completely with her on that one but my insurance has already denied me one for this year that was ordered by my oncologist-said I had to be stage IV disease before they'd approve it-UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!  Anyway, enough whining!  I look forward to seeing you in NOLA!!!!   HUGS!

    KerryA,  I'm with you-no hometown surgery!!  I'd be in worse shape than I am now w/ my lymphedema!  I am so anxious to hear how your independent review goes.  You know you are in my thoughts and prayers!!  You keep pushing forward as well-we can do this!!! It's just so wonderful to have all of the gals on this board there to listen and support each other!  Hugs to you and please feel free to call me if you feel the need.  Please let us know when you hear something!!!   Kathy

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Hi girls, I think I could use a little encouragement. Just completed two laps and I'm feeling super discouraged/weepy about how bent over I am. I dont think I've had any progress of straightening my posture in these two days following surgery. Will I ever stand up straight again? I can't imagine being discharged tomorrow. :(

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Hi Jen,

    It is definitely a process... and I remember feeling hunched for a few days... for the first day or two I was like an L... totally bent over. It hurt my back a lot. So... if you are not ready to get discharged then ask for another night. They are great about it. After my DIEP, I was there for a week... it had more to do with not having someone to stay with me, but I was super glad to be there in their cocoon... Trust me, in a few days you will feel much better.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Oh Jen, I was sure I'd never be able to stand up again without tearing something. But I assure you I'm completely upright now. It won't happen the first two days. Keep heart and keep walking!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Thanks, betsy and eva. I keep thinking about how the cancer has been taken out of me. Its so surreal to contemplate this. That lump isnt there anymore. Crazy!!

    I might ask about staying one more night. We'll see. I think I saw Chelle being wheeled into her room about a half hour ago. Chelle, if you check this, I'm in 204 and will gladly visit you tomorrow if you are up for it! Hang in there. The drugs and anesthesia are heavy, you'll adjust soon. :)

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    Jen, sorry you're uncomfortable but I suspect & hope  you'll be doing great when we see you in a few days!  BTW, congratulations on being cancer-free!

    Michelle, hope we hear from you soon! 

    I can't believe I'm flying out on Sunday, very nervous.  Had a terrible time today when I opened the mail; there was a notice from the insurance company stating that I had been approved for UNILATERAL reconstruction, when I have been planning for BMX all along.  Of course by that time the center was closed, so all I could think was that I hope I don't fly down there only to find out on Monday that somehow I didn't make my intentions clear and could only get one side... And then have to go back later for the other side because of an error somewhere:(  I emailed one of the PA's that I've been communicating with, plus a few other people for good measure, telling them I was hoping it was a clerical error by the insurance company.  Thank goodness the PA, Laura, emailed me back that I was scheduled for bilateral, the insurance pre-cert is for bilateral, and they'd get it all straightened out on Monday. The uncertainty of not knowing would have led to a miserable weekend for me.  Although with this whole BC thing, I guess we're all getting more used to uncertainty.