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NOLA in September?



  • bluepeony
    bluepeony Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2012

    Hello everyone,

    I feel a bit nervous since this is my first post.  Hope it's ok to put it on this thread. I have been lurking for months now (sorry). Reading all your posts encouraged me to sign up for surgery with Dr. Massey. I'm on the thinner side so apparently she is going to do a stacked DIEP. I opted out of a prophy MX.  Too much recovery: I've got 3 kids ages 7, 5, and 2.

    I've hit a few bumps in the road lately. First was an insurance thing (didn't realize Dr. M was out of network and thus I would be required to pay thousands of dollars.) Now I can't find a helper doctor locally. My GS is a wonderful lady, though quite opposed to me doing this surgery. She's going to be out of town right after my surgery and offered to find a colleague who would do it but no one will touch me with a 10 foot pole.

    So I'm getting a bit discouraged. It's been a difficult decision to even do this surgery and now I'm starting to second-guess myself. Maybe this is common just over 2 weeks prior to surgery (June 21)?

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and maybe I will get to meet a few of you in NOLA.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    thank you all for the positive thoughts!!!! It was a long day at the center -- definitely on "Big Easy" time, but everyone was so nice and I do feel like I'm in good hands. It was so late when we got out that I missed the chance to say hello to Michelle. As you all assured me, much to my surprise, throughout the day, I became much more relaxed. Although based upon the marks that Dr. Sullivan drew on my abdomen that are a good seven inches apart, I'm going to have to work really hard to stand upright again! I did tell him that I wanted slightly smaller breasts than I have now and he wrote the word "smaller" in big letters on my chest above the markings. Probably kept a few people guessing tonight as to why I had writing on my chest:) Will check in soon when I can, thanks again for your support. Can't wait to be racing down the corridors with KSue.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Eva and Betsy. I did call and i spoke with Laura who assured me it was normal and also told me what to look for if there is something to be concerned about. I might send pics tomorrow, we'll see. Thanks so much and goodnight!

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2012

    Bluepeony, you picked a good place to post and will find great support with the women here.  I also have Dr. Massey but she is in my network and I don't have to worry so much about the thousands with her, but St Charles Surgical Center is out of network for me and that's where the thousands are going to add up in my mailbox. If you asked one hundred healthy women what they would charge you for their girls (knowing that all they would be left with are scars from arm pit to arm pit), took the average value from their answers, I feel pretty confident that it won't equal half of the thousands that we will be billed.  I have implant reconstruction and the right side failed after five years, the left side after seven years, and I'm going the natural route this time because I want forever results.  I would imagine that repeating implant reconstruction every ten years or so would add up to more than what natural reconstruction will cost and our insurance companies should be grateful we choose this route.

    I finally got my helper doctor on board today, but I am having a dilly of a time scheduling the stress echo.  I can't seem to get a cardiologist on board.  It's very frustrating because I'm running short on time.  The test results are supposed to be faxed to Dr Massey on or before next Tuesday. The cardiologist offices say I have to do the test at the hospital and the hospital says I have to get a cardiologist first.  So back and forth I went again today on my work lunch break the fourth business day in a row.  If you need that test too, work on scheduling that one first. 

    It's easy to get discouraged.  Be discouraged for a bit, then go back to your plan and stay strong. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Bluepeony.. I don't know if Dr M requires a helper doctor, but if not, then I wouldn't worry about it.. It seems to be a pretty consistant issue that local doctors are not in favor of traveling for surgery ... my MO and GP were not so keen on it.. I did get my local BS to agree to help, but I could tell she wasn't 100% ok with it... In the end, and I had a lot of issues, I only went to my GP, and that was for lung issues and an infected port which happened right when I go home... The problems I had with my incision and skin, were dealt with long distance via phone and email and ultimately a return trip to NOLA... The doctors down there are experts at this long distance thing, so don't worry about it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    I have been in touch with Beverly (Springtime) and she says "hi" to everyone... Her mom's Memorial Service is this Thursday.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    Best wishes, KSue and Jenifer!  

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    Does anyone who's had a BMX and stage 1 DIEP think it's even slightly possible to take a vacation to a distant remote location just three weeks after surgery? My husband asked one of the doctors if I could go on a trip to Quito, Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands on 6/26. The answer was "yes," but I just don't see it happening. I tend to think that most docs can be overly optimistic. Won't even be walking completely upright, will I? Long flight, tours, another flight, one week cruise, hiking... also did anyone have need to get medical assistance after 3 weeks; not sure I want to be in a third world country if I do. It'd a trip with friends that's been planned for a long time, but I think my hubby and daughter should go without me.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee, I'm sure the other ladies on here will be able to give you a more informed opinion. All I know is I'm one week post op, and Jane123 told me a while back that the first three weeks are the absolute hardest. I love to travel to "tough" places and I think I would not be ready at 3 weeks. Or even if I was "ready" I think I would want more buffer time before going. From what I know, it's quite likely that you wouldn't have all of your drains removed yet - or even if they were removed the holes remaining would no be healed yet. For that reason alone I think I would want to remain in the most sterile environment I could, and being able to do so might be questionable in the countries you mentioned. Just my opinion!!

    Good thoughtoffice you today with your surgery!!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Just laying here tring to stay focused on the screen from my phone, but wanted to Karen & Jenifer well wishes and positive thoughts and prayers!!!

    Sorry I didn't get to meet you Jenifer but I did get to meet Karen and I showed her a few things so she would be nervous. You both are going to do great!!

    I am hoping to be able to get the pain and dizziness under control so I can leave today. I was supposed to gi home yeaterday but pain wise it wasn't in my best interest and I had am allergic reaction to the blood they gave me so I only got 1 unit instead of 2. I had blood before but didnt react like that. But the 1 unit work and got my levels up to an acceptable level. Yay!!

    Spring I am so sorry about your mom!!! Sending gentle hugs!!!

    Love & hugs to all you ladies!!!


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2012

    I'm canceling a weekend festival performance that is occurring 3 weeks after my hip flap & bmx because I don't want to take any chances for infection or even just major discomfort. I can imagine not wanting to miss such an epic trip!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee, I absolutely would NOT. The BMX is intense. They cut a lot of nerves. I was still on narcotic painkillers round the clock at three weeks. You'll tire very easily too. You're not allowed to lift anything over 10 lbs. I'm 3.5 weeks post stage 2 with a mini tummy tuck and I'm standing straight but I find I start feeling really tight later in the day. Remember, you'll still be required to sleep on your back with your upper body elevated. For me, I'd be afraid of ruining the trip for the others with all the special attention I'd need when they would want to be heading off on hikes and tours. Who is going to stay with you while you rest in the hotel while everyone else goes out? 

    Others may chime in with different opinions. Some people recover quickly. But you can't know in advance if you'll be one of those people or not. I presume you'd need to decide before the day you actually get on the plane? 

    What a pity to miss such a great trip. It sounds amazing!

    Michelle, sorry you're having so much trouble! Hang in there. It does get better. 

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2012

    Thanks to everyone who posted responses to my techie question.  I bought a Nook Tablet yesterday.  So far I really like it.  It's small and light which is what I wanted, the screen graphics are great.  I've already checked out and my email on it and like what I see.  I had it set up and registered at the store before I left, very convenient.  I'm going to load some of my favorite music to have in NOLA, and hope to find a good book or two for my travels as well.  It's getting close....

    Nordy & KatieJane, things are happening slowly with my leg.  My PT says that's not uncommon.  Very often Femur breaks, plus the surgery, have a big impact on the knee, so now that's what all the therapy is focused on, unlocking my knee.  I hope I can get rid of the crutch before NOLA.   

    KatieJane, so sorry to hear of your ongoing insurance issues, but glad you're heading to NOLA, I think it will be worth it in the long run.  

    Bluepeony, welcome to our little group, we'll all be routing for you!  My surgery is on the 20th with Dr. M, stacked DIEP as well, see you there.   

    Springtime, so very sorry for the loss of your mom.... 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Jenifer... I will sacrifice and go in your place...

    LOL... anyway... 3 weeks post my BMX and Hip flaps I was about to head back to NOLA for more surgery... so you just never know. Three weeks post my DIEP, I felt great and could have traveled to Equador, but I probably wouldn't have enjoyed myself... At that point I was still super tired. I could stand up straight... and I was off drugs at 1 week. You probably won't have drains at 3 weeks, so I wouldn't worry about that.

    If you can get trip insurance, and decide like two days before, that would be ideal. At that point you will know if your incisions are healing properly... But you cannot cannot lift things and risk the incisions opening.So if your husband will pamper you, then you can consider it, but I wouldn't make a commitment at this point.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Good vibes JenLee & KSue!

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited June 2012

    blue peony....Dr Massey does require a helper Dr. It doesn't have to be a surgeon, just someone who can follow you for infection, seroma, or to pull drains if you can't pull them. She doesn't want you to have something come up and no one know your circumstances. With that said, everything I had to go to my helper Dr. for, Dr. Massey wanted to know about and I sent pictures to her to keep her informed. My helper Dr. also stayed in touch with her by phone. I would think your family Dr. could take care of anything that came up or refer you to the right Dr.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited June 2012

    Also, I believe she requires you to see your helper Dr. within 5 days of returning home.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    blue-  Dr Marga did ask for a helper doctor.  As jacee said I think she wants someone who will know your situation and for you to feel secure.  I had someone lined up and never had to use them.  She did not ask that I see someone at 5 days but it may depend on the circumstances.  Good luck!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2012

    I was never able to find a helper doctor. Asked a dozen doctors (x2 stage 1 surgeries), none would help.  I ended up going to a wound care clinic when I had an issue.  That might be an option.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Question veterans............

    Anyone get a stretch mark on new boobs and if yes any advice?

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Adey, I have a brand-spankin-new stretch mark on my belly between my navel and the tummy tuck incision. I've been doing some research and it sounds like a cream or lotion that contains glycolic acid and vitamin C will help it fade quicker. I'm using one that contains those as well as witch hazel but it's too soon to say how effective it is. Anything's going to take a while.

    As for helper doctors, I never had one. I was lucky not to NEED one. I know I could get help with things like wound care and drains from my primary, but I didn't have any PS lined up. I did worry about it a bit but no one at NOLA even mentioned it to me. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Thanks EvaM!  Can you PM me the lotion you're using.  Mine is in my cleavage, boo.  (c:

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee - I read a lot more than I post but just wanted to add another voice to say that I really would not want to be in a remote location three weeks after surgery.  I had a number of complications (bad UTI, infection, seroma) in the weeks after my hip flap surgery, and while all were easily handled by my local docs (with advice from NOLA docs), they could have been real problems in an area with limited health care.  Plus you will just still be pretty tired (most likely-but not true for everyone) so the trip itself might not ber much fun.  Lots of people feel pretty low at abut three weeks, with a big improvement at four weeks, and then again at six.  Is there any way to push the trip back a few weeks?

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    I use PCA pHaze 13 pigment gel. I had it on hand already for dark skin around my eyes, but I see a skin specialist and I'm going to ask her at my next appointment if there's something even better for stretch marks. 

    One more comment re travel: I actually felt WORSE at three weeks than I did at two weeks. It's a very common low point and they actually discuss that with you at the Center. For the first three weeks after surgery your wounds are healing. Right around three weeks your body shifts to building scar tissue and it can be a tough transition. I know it was a low point for me before things started looking up at four weeks. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Eva!  I'd like to hear the update if there is one.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2012

    Bluepeony and Willy and Jacee ~

    I'm so thankful I found your posts because I am just starting consultation with Dr. Massey. 

    I had actually started contacting her 3-4 weeks ago because I had a feeling that the revision surgery I just had at a major out-of-state institution 5 weeks ago for a "conservative" revision surgery -- was not successful and didn't feel right.  (at time of mastectomy last summer I had immediate recon with direct implants with bad luck of left breast getting obliterated by hematoma, and a right breast implant that was screwed up even before it was toasted by radiation) 

    And I was right . . .  Last week the incision of my radiated breast split open and the implant was protruding.    The surgeon had made new incisions in my breasts in my IMF (fold under breast) of both breasts to do revision work and cut out scarring, etc.  I ended up in ER, then found a local surgeon on my own that I knew was good AND accepted insurance.  Last Friday, I had to have surgery to remove the radiated implant, so now I am one-breasted, with a shriveled up mutilated looking breast and having a tough time dealing with more BC hell.  The local surgeon rather bluntly told me that I should have gone straight to flap surgery and my radiated breast had been in need of SKIN, not a revision.  This local PS is a Top Doc in my city, but primarily for major cosmetic surgery and just recon with TEs.

    However, in further discussion with this local PS, she told me she refers her patients to the NOLA docs!!!  Yea! How lucky to find PS that reads research and does her homework on what's going on in the breast cancer patient world.  :)  So I have an instant supportive and "helper" doctor already, and actually didn't know that Dr. M likes a "helper" doc until reading these posts today.  I also have a wonderful PCP that has followed me for 12 years.  He actually just took out my drain this afternoon from surgery last Friday.  I have follow up on Thursday with the PS to see how things look and take "after" pics.  I have two more follow ups scheduled even after that.

    I have a major heart history, which Dr. M is well aware of.  I thought I would receive a reject email back right away.  She is known for taking on complex patients.  Though I still will not get my hopes too high because I still may not be a candidate.  I see that she requires a stress echo.  I usually get a major echocardiogram, ECG, and see my cardiologist at Mayo.  Sounds like I'll have to ask to have a "stress" echo instead.  

    BTW, my two hour consultation was scheduled with Dr. M last Friday.  Unfortunately, it coincided with my unexpected surgery to remove the implant.  Waiting for consultation reschedule.  Now have even more before & after pictures and more medical records to send and add to the stack being organized for Dr. M.

    Willy ~  Can your PCP order a stress echo for you at your hospital.  Even though I have a cardiologist, my PCP orders heart tests and monitors for me all the time.  Most surgeons require cardiac clearance within 30 day window of surgeries.  Since my BC diagnosis, I also got a local cardiologist so I could get a quick cardiac clearance if necessary.  I've now had 4 surgeries in one year, so I am totally with you on adios to these damn implants. 

    Bluepeony ~ I am counting my blessings that Dr. Massey is in network.  However, I don't believe the center in NOLA is.  But, in my case, I can't have surgery at NOLA anyway (oops, guess I'm on wrong thread) and have to go to Charleston to Roper hospital, which IS in network with my Anthem plan.  I would LOVE to go to NOLA but can't because the center doesn't have major cardiac facility "in case" something would happen even though I'm stable.  So I'm fortunate my insurance covers both the doctor and hospital.  I've also met all my OOP and deductibles so I have ZERO med expenses through end of year.  (But of course we all have our travel costs; however, I have a friend to stay with in Charleston.)

    Jacee ~ thanks very much for sharing and sending PM's - you have helped settle my emotions with dealing with this seemingly never endng nightmare.

    Peace and well wishes to all!



  • jenn333
    jenn333 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee -

    No I would not have been up for a vacation anywhere after only three weeks, let alone the trip you are asking about.  Even though you will be off pain meds, you will be very tired still. It would place a real strain on you to travel so early and I would fear it would set back your recovery. 

     Edited to add: and I only had a UMX, not BMX. 

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2012

    Jenlee - I would not have been able to do that travel either @3 weeks. Like Eva said, I felt worse @ 3 weeks than 2. You might have drains, you might still be on meds, constipated etc. I do believe the docs are optimistic about recovery times. I am quite tough and at 3 weeks was still too much in pain. I will be 4 weeks post stage 2 tomorrow and feel like I have turned a corner. Went back to work last week and really it was too early yet the stage 2 pos-op says ok to retuen @ 1 1/2 - a bit optimistic :) Good Luck - watch the travel channel from the comfort of your home!!

    Bluepeony - I would try one of your plastic surgeons in town or a family doctor. It is not uncommon for surgeons to not want to follow someone elses work which is unfortunate.

    willy5js5 - If Dr. M has ordered a stress echo a cardiologist should take you on. A Doc needs to be on hand during the test to watch your heart from being on the treadmill to doing the echo. Do you have a written order?

    Good luck to the girls heading into surgery - you will be up in no time.

    Chelle - sorry about your not feeling well. You will turn a corner soon and be a new person. What do you think of your new :girls"?  

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited June 2012

    After 3 surgeries in Charleston, I get to finish my journey in NOLA!!

    July 12.... Bilateral nipple tats with Vinnie. WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2012

    Pinkheart you have really been through so much and I sincerely hope your journey heads down the most successful paths. Dr. Massey wrote my orders for the stress echo. It took many days of phone calls to get it scheduled. Finally got it handled today and I go Thursday. The pre-op orders also call for chest xray, EKG, blood work and urinalysis. The results are to be faxed within 14 days of surgery. My GP agreed to be my helper doctor. My med oncologist is especially interested in the procedures done by Dr Massey and the NOLA docs which I think is fabulous. Congrats on having oop met with so much year left.