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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    Willy, YAY!!! Happy for you!! 

    Kerry, the journey is full of pit stops. Just listen. Also with time, things will change. May your life be in harmony with your true inner spirit! (what we say in yoga!)

    Glosta, you will love it! Dr. M is so nice. Good luck and have fun... 

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2012

    Ok Veterans, help reassure me. :) My sister is going down with me before surgery and my husband is coming down for the second half is the trip. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday August 1, planned hospital release Saturday. Sister's flight home is at noon, and husband's flight in is 9:00 pm on Sunday. There is no way these flights can be sister HAS to be home to go back to work, and my husband is coming in from a business trip in France.

    So my question...will I be OK by myself in the hotel for most of the day the day after I am released from the hospital?? And if for whatever reason I am kept an extra day, will they let me hang out at the hospital until Sunday night waiting for my husband's flight to come in?? I know I can't leave the hospital by myself, and this tight timing has me very nervous. Am I right to be nervous, or am I worrying for nothing??

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Hi Dianne, I would not have wanted to be at the hotel myself for a whole day. It's ok most of the time, but taking care of the drains is an ordeal when you haven't done it before and I absolutely needed help getting into my compression girdle and getting the padding arranged. Eventually I learned to do it on my own, but that was weeks later. They will let you stay at the hospital though. I stayed an extra night both for stage 1 and stage 2 and there was no question about it. I never felt pushed out of the nest.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2012

    Dianne,  Call the Center and inquire.  They are used to logistical challenges!  They picked up / dropped off my support folks and were so accomodating. I stayed 5 nights after my stacked DIEP and hips.        As for hotel time, my husband was attending a conference at the hotel in which we stayed during my post op time in New Orleans.  He would come back to bring me food, help me get re-situated after getting up, etc.  I needed the help and comfort.  We had cell phones so I could call him if I got stuck - I never did but I did spill my mocha on the floor!   

    Nordy, PM'd you back.

    Kerry, Would love to chat today.  I should be home after 2 p.m.

    Peace, Tamara 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Best wishes glosta (say hi to Dr M) and healing vibes lastar.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2012

    Hey, all.  I am two weeks out of stage 1 surgery today.  I am going to share some of what I am experiencing.  Please let me know if it is normal.  I still feel nauseous and burp a lot.  My chest feels like an iron bra.  My hips are sore where the tubes come out.  Most of all, I am extremely tired.  I am sleeping a lot.  Let me know what you think.

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ksue. Sorry you're feeling miserable! I can't say about the nausea and burping. I know the iron bra feeling. That gets better. Especially with PT starting at 4 weeks. I'm sorry to say my hips were sore for the whole six weeks I had the drains in. Just keep a watch to make sure they don't actually look inflamed. Some people have recommended using Neosporin+ on the drain sites because it has a numbing agent. Tired is ok. You SHOULD be sleeping a lot. Listen to your body.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2012

    hi Ksue! So good to get an update from you. I'm just a little ahead of you (it will be 3 weeks on Wednesday for me). First of all, have you talked with the Center about all of these things? What they keep reminding me is that everyone is different - one person's experiences after surgery can be vastly different from another's (of course). I would definitely first talk to them about everything. That said, I never did have any nausea, but you did - and perhaps your body is still processing the effects of the anesthesia and pain drugs (of course, I am not a doctor...). My chest actually feels more sore and uncomfortable during week three than in week two, but I think what you are describing is normal. I am still taking a nap everyday - and I think that is good! If you are tired - by all means sleep! You are only TWO weeks out from MAJOR surgery. We need to give our bodies permission to do what it takes to heal. I am trying to go for a walk everyday, which has definitely helped with my lack of energy. So, a nap and walk everyday is my goal. And lots of water. (Ugh. But its 97 degrees in Michigan today, so I will NOT be walking outside!)  Much love and healing energy to you!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Ksue-  I too was tired, tired, tired.  It was my worst side effect.  I didn't experience the other things much, except when I slipped up and yanked a drain.  I hope you feel better every day.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2012

    Ksue, I will be two weeks this Thursday and I too sleep ALOT, but nothing wrong with that. It's a good thing. Maybe your meds are making you nauseous ? I was given zofran to combat the sick feeling and only take my antibiotics after I have eaten. That helps me. My hips are sore too, but I think more from inactivity and my sleeping position more than anything. The drains are a pain for sure. I hope you start feeling better soon

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2012

    I am following all of you people who are just coming out of surgery recently.  My surgery is scheduled for Aug. 17 at Fairway with Dr. M.  I had my EKG done and will have the stress echo and chest x-ray tomorrow.  Waiting a few weeks for the blo odwork to be done.  I can't believe this is happening.  Did any of you get a little blue about this?  I am scared about the recovery and I am pretty tough.  I guess I just need a mind set and think positive thoughts.

    I have been taking notes about what to wear after surgery and will start my shopping soon.  All hotel plans are made except for husband while I am at Fairway.  He wants to stay with me, but I don't think Fairway has those types of accomodations.  Bummer.  Wondering if anyone else has ideas about this.  He can book rooms to sleep for over $100/night, but doesn't want to. 

    Healing thoughts to all who have just gone through this.  I am not far behind at this point.  

    I agree with Esmerelda.  It is hot here in Michigan!!!!!  I am between Lansing and Grand Rapids.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Crazy hot here too and tomorrow is the first day of summer!?

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

       My surgery is coming up here soon and I have a questions for you ladies who are patients of Dr. Massey's and had your surgery within the past 2 months--was transportation provided for you from the airport and your hotel--and was it provided for you when you had pre-op testing at the Center and post-op check ups?   Thanks!  Katiejane

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Katiejane-  Yes.  Airport, hotels, appointments, they even took us to the pharmacy once.  It's great.  One thing you will not have to worry about.  (c:

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2012

    KSue, are you still on pain meds, that's probably making you tired. And as the others said, your body needs sleep to heal from major surgery. I'm not normally a good sleeper, so I'm happy that I'm sleeping so much :) because I assume my body must need it. If you can, take advantage of the time to rest, because ordinary life rarely allows for this much rest.

    As for the nausea and burping, have you ever had trouble with reflux/acid indigestion? I had a severe case of it from chemo, so it was a familiar feeling. Dr. S doesn't have his patients wear compression until the drains are out, but somehow I left the hospital in an extremely tight girdle. By the time I got back to the hotel, the acid indigestion was already obvious. Then there was one of several epic vomiting incidents, thank goodness my sister the nurse has seen everything. I read or heard somewhere about unzipping the top of your girdle at/after meal times. Also, antibiotics and I think some narcotic pain meds can lead to nausea. For the twenty-four hours that I did wear the girdle, it really started hurting at the drains. Some of the neosporin does have pain relief in it... Also, maybe try more padding around the drains. The staff at the center has probably heard it all and can hopefully help you work through these issues. Hang in there, it will get better!

    Cherrie, I didn't get really scared until we were in the car on the way to the airport, but my husband refused to turn the car around. Also, I will now confess that the morning of the surgery, I arrived at the hospital, scared and agitated, absolutely ready to cancel. They calmed me down, Dr came out for a few minutes and addressed my questions and concerns, and everyone was patient until I decided that I was ready to go through with it. And now I'm so glad that I did. It sounds like many have ups and downs during recovery, but it seems like for most, they do pass and it does get better. Regarding lodging for your dh, I just did a quick search for B & B's and it seems like there are some budget ones for less than $100; especially since he'll be with you all the time and mostly needs just a bed and shower.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    About the iron bra feeling... I definitely had that. I asked Dr D when the feeling like I had two bowling balls on my chest would go away... I can't remember when it did, but it went away 100%.

    Dianne.. I also was in the hospital for 5 nights,  and they will keep you as long as you need it... and for for second stage I, I didn't have a caretaker so I was there for a week... so ask, but maybe you can stay til Monday... but if you can't, I think you'll be ok... you will be alone after you get ready for the day and have your husband before you go to bed.. and its the morning and night when you might be changing your girdle. That is the one thing you'd need help with IMO.. I cleared my own drains and as long as you have foodd, I think you'll be fine... My opinion of course.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2012

    I know that we can get special rates at hospitals near the center which we are taking advanage after being released from Fairway.  However, so they also have hotels near Fairway that they deal with too.  It is turning out to be quite an expensive venture.

    I will check the B and B's too.  Thanks for that suggestion.  We will begin our search.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Cherrie.. The Hope Lodge is not that far from Fairway, and free... have you looked into that??

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I will call the center and let them guide me. I went home with 6 drains after my local DIEP, but I never had to deal with the compression garment. Dealing with all that in a hotel will not be as easy as at home for sure!

    Like Betsy said, though, I'll have help at the beginning and end of my day. I think it will be manageable as long as I am released on Saturday.

    I got my surgical packet via email today, so everything is moving right along. Can't wait for last chemo this Monday!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    And Dianne.. if they release you Sunday, they can release you when your husband comes in... they don't have time issues... so if its 9pm, then its 9pm.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2012

    So glad to hear that. As always, thanks Betsy!!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    I would ask regardless.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited June 2012

    Hey all you up and comers!  I have some "Pink Pockets" that I would be happy to put in the mail.  Anyone interested?  PM me your address!

    I am very lazy and just used the lovely turquoise belt.  (c:

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2012

    Dianne, I think you would be okay physically in the hotel on your own for a day. But emotionally, it may be hard. After surgery, I often feel vulnerable and wounded psychologically, even if I'm not bad physically. I agree. Ask to stay another day. Or two. They do this all the time! If you burst into tears and tell them you're not ready, they'll let you stay. :)  Besides, they can bill for another hospital night which is good for them. Don't feel guilty about this! Also, you can leave really late, as Betsy says.

    KSue, I was very tired, had Iron Bra, and also had some pain at drain exits. It all sounds normal to me. It will get BETTER!! 

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2012

    KSue - Iron bra feeling goes away, I think mine took at least 8 - 10 weeks but it lessened every week. 

    Nordy - Definitely a conflict, we have an outside third party admin. and the only time it goes in-house is an appeals and I have not had an issue.

    Betsy - why are you heading to Hailey? I lived there before moving here in 2005. Maybe we could all meet - Jane123 & I could do a road trip!

    Dianne - At stage 1 my caregivers crossed in the air like yours. I ended up in the hospital for an extra day because of it. Clinically I needed to be there all but the last day and they still kept me until my friend arrived at 8 at night. 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2012

       Hey Glosta,     Thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!!!  Let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it!    HUGS!!    Katiejane

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Karen... Just visiting my college roommate.. we were both at Tulane, many years ago... and she now lives in Hailey.. so I will be hanging out there, hiking etc... I am into a get together!!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2012

    Hi there ladies,

    I am not sure I would be comfortable staying on my own so I agree to ask to stay another night. That's just my opinion.

    KSue, I have the same iron bra feeling.  Glad to hear it will go away.

    My right breast is still so swollen and painful. Sent pics & they believe it's the hematoma that had formed in that breast. I've been told I look very pale and I have been unbelievably tired. Laura is sending me to have blood work done tomorrow to have my levels checked.

    Hope everyone is doing well and again sending gentle hugs!!


  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited June 2012

    hello all you awesome gals....

    ....i find it so comforting and amazing the advice and helpfulness of everyone here....

    ...everyone's shared experiences, advice, encourgement...really wonderful and helpful to kind of know how to prepare and what to expect....

    ...i mention whole foods and kerry glostagirl and tigsun all had helped me out with that, great.....dont know how much good stuff i can pack and certainly not the refrigerated

    i am bringing my protein powder, glutamine, and trace minerals which is great for constipation....also ordering some arnica...anyone try this, or anything else for healing?...vit c?...

    ...from whole foods i will get coconut milk with probiotics...usually they are cultered on dairy products which i dont use, so love this product, and has a lot of health benefits...

    soo...i am really happy right now...went for my ultrasound endoscopy to take a better look at a stomach nodule....and yay...seems to look ok, but biopsies not avail for a week....but i started crying i was so relieved...after that i'm good to go with whatever's ahead with all think i

    lastar nailed it with the comment about soon we'll be talking bout all kinds of and yikes too...i think it will be good, i'm getting's been 4 years since my bilat mx and it still boggles my mind that i will actually have breasts again?!!

    ....not used to laying low and not trying to do everything, house, yard, etc etc...but i will try, going to order the past seasons of desperate

    ...did anyone use the camping female funnel for going to the bathroom?

    ....what would anyone advise is the must have item to bring or order or use?

    thanks for changing the date Spring, and how awesome of you to maintain that for all...

    .....i talked to adey, she lives very close to me...and was great chatting with her, then she was nice enough to send me some plane info cuz still didnt know what i was doing with that and so finally have it set....leave in one week....yikes....

    ....hope all are doing well....happy new day everyone.....brenda...:))

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited June 2012

    Brenda, my "must haves" were Milk of Magnesia, prunes, and water bottles.   I also used arnica and bromelain.  Arnica can be purchased at Whole Foods, and generally you'd use the 200x for surgery if you can find it. You start it a day or two before - 3 pellets a couple times per day.  Day of surgery you dose it every couple hours and keep at that for a few days.  I continued to dose 3 pellets a few times per day for a couple weeks.  It helps reduce inflammation.  Bromelain you'd start just after surgery and continue with it for a couple weeks.  You'll be surprised at how much you really can do after surgery - not that you want to push it at all, but sometimes we think we'll be in worse shape than we really are.  Just remember not to lift your elbows above shoulder height for several weeks in order to allow the axilla area a chance to heal well.  It is critical that you stay aggressively ahead of the constipation curve.