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NOLA in September?



  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2012

    Lesleyanne67,  my head wasn't moved for over 14 hours. (Surgery was in CA.)  Do you have little hairs growing back in throughout that area of your scalp?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2012

    Lesleyanne67,  my head wasn't moved for over 14 hours. (Surgery was in CA.)  Do you have little hairs growing back in throughout that area of your scalp?

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    Maggie --

    Hope we can meet up in November! I will be staying in the area for a post-op the Monday after surgery (flying home on the 12th or 13th -- probably the 13th as I would hate to make flight arrangements and have the post-op appointment delayed and then stress about making the flight. That on advice from the ladies here and it is good advice.) So, perhaps we will meet. My doc is Dr. D.

    TTAY --

    So glad to hear from you and you sound like things are going well. Put all your strength into healing and let the rest of the world take care of itself! Love the care in SCSH and the nurses totally rock!! Sending you healing thoughts and prayers!


  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2012

    Had my stage 2 yesterday....had nipple done..lipo,lipo and more lipo ,he revised the ugly scar from my port incision and my stomach took 4-4 1/2 hrs...they claim Dr D goes slow and is a perfectionist (works for me)  right now I feel like a got hit my a truck...not sure if I will be staying another night as Dr D told my mom that because I got to my room so late (around 730) so if I want to stay i can....well will be taking a walk soon and will be looking for Ttay and Michelle.....I'm in room 205

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2012

    Rest well, dsnydawn!  I'm glad it's over. I hope you three can manage a little get-together. 

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2012

    Thank you for all the well wishes. I am recovering very well. I ended up staying 2 nights in the hospital because I ended up needing a blood transfusion, I gave my nurse a scare when I just about passed out when I stood up. After getting the two pints of blood I felt much better. I left the hospital with 6 drains ( YUCK) but in just 4 days post surgery I am amazed at Dr. trahan's work!!! I can not say enough wonderful things about these doctors and their staff. Good luck to all of you getting ready for this journey.

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited September 2012

    Holy cow Cherrie! YOu sound calm about the nth round of changes though. Amy

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited September 2012

    Holy cow Cherrie! YOu sound calm about the nth round of changes though. Amy

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    So glad all those that recently had surgery are doing so terrific!!!!

    Sandy - I had DR D at NOLA and I love him how I look already. I have had a rough couple years before finding NOLA thanks to these wonderful ladies on this board!!!! I would never change a thing

    Stage 1 was almost 12 hours so I think some hair broke but according to my stylist she was surprised that the spot is still bald with little to zero stubble one month out. My hair grows medium fast : (

    Still take a small bald spot and new boobs over no bald spot and no boobs. : )



  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    So glad all those that recently had surgery are doing so terrific!!!!

    Sandy - I had DR D at NOLA and I love him how I look already. I have had a rough couple years before finding NOLA thanks to these wonderful ladies on this board!!!! I would never change a thing

    Stage 1 was almost 12 hours so I think some hair broke but according to my stylist she was surprised that the spot is still bald with little to zero stubble one month out. My hair grows medium fast : (

    Still take a small bald spot and new boobs over no bald spot and no boobs. : )



  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2012

    Last day at work for a bit. Felt odd but now able to focus on getting ready for NOLA. Leaving Sunday morning bright and early. Pre-ops on Monday and Stage 1 Wednesday at 8am.

    Well wishes to all recovering. Don't think I'll run into anyone while I'm in the hospital, in looking at the schedule here. Will try to keep in touch as I can here. Ready to move forward ;)

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2012

    Last day at work for a bit. Felt odd but now able to focus on getting ready for NOLA. Leaving Sunday morning bright and early. Pre-ops on Monday and Stage 1 Wednesday at 8am.

    Well wishes to all recovering. Don't think I'll run into anyone while I'm in the hospital, in looking at the schedule here. Will try to keep in touch as I can here. Ready to move forward ;)

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2012

    Last day at work for a bit. Felt odd but now able to focus on getting ready for NOLA. Leaving Sunday morning bright and early. Pre-ops on Monday and Stage 1 Wednesday at 8am.

    Well wishes to all recovering. Don't think I'll run into anyone while I'm in the hospital, in looking at the schedule here. Will try to keep in touch as I can here. Ready to move forward ;)

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited September 2012

    Teddybear, glad the transfusion helped and that you are happy so far. Wow 6 drains, what did you have done? My stage 2 is in December , didn't realize I would even have drains.

    Dysnydawn, hope u are recovering well. How did they make your nipples?

    Tray, sounds like you are doing great, keep healing .

    Chelle, look forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it.

    All of you are awesome!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2012

    Hey thetr ladies!! I had a rough nigtht and day, but feeling a bit better right now. I have to stay another night as I also needed a transfusion & Then having extreme nausea :( sorry for any typos as my vision is very blurry!! I feel like I have been hit by

    But, DR. was bragging on how good I looked that I had several nurses coming in to check me out

    I am in room 207



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2012

    Thinking of you all. Sassy let me know how you liked Fairway. I have only heard good things, but it is nice to hear from all who go there.

    Dr. Massey told me that the biggest decision I had to make between a DIEP and Stacked DIEP was blood transfusions. Aren't they safe?? What are the risks? She thought the recoveries were about the same. When you have a stacked DIEP are your love handles taken?? 😊 I keep swaying between which one to have. Any comments appreciated. Thanks for you input Tamara.

    Amy I am calm. There have been so many changes that I almost expect them now. I just want to get this done. This decision btw the two surgeries is so hard.

    My surgery is now on a Monday, but have to have pre-op at Fairway on the Friday before. This added two more days to the trip. Thinking of staying at Hope Lodge before surgery. Maybe even afterwards although I have reservations at Homewood. Those of you at Hope Lodge how did you like it?

    Healing thoughts and hugs to Ttay, Michelle, dawn, teddy bear, sassy...

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2012

    Thinking of you all. Sassy let me know how you liked Fairway. I have only heard good things, but it is nice to hear from all who go there.

    Dr. Massey told me that the biggest decision I had to make between a DIEP and Stacked DIEP was blood transfusions. Aren't they safe?? What are the risks? She thought the recoveries were about the same. When you have a stacked DIEP are your love handles taken?? 😊 I keep swaying between which one to have. Any comments appreciated. Thanks for you input Tamara.

    Amy I am calm. There have been so many changes that I almost expect them now. I just want to get this done. This decision btw the two surgeries is so hard.

    My surgery is now on a Monday, but have to have pre-op at Fairway on the Friday before. This added two more days to the trip. Thinking of staying at Hope Lodge before surgery. Maybe even afterwards although I have reservations at Homewood. Those of you at Hope Lodge how did you like it?

    Healing thoughts and hugs to Ttay, Michelle, dawn, teddy bear, sassy...

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2012

    Cascader....yep 6 drains, 1 for each breast, and 2 on each side do my abdomen. This is more than I had for my DIEP. Dr. Trahan reduced and lifted my breasts to make them symmetrical, also he pretty much did a body lift on me since after having weight loss surgery 2 years ago and then my DIEP kinda left me looking pretty rough. I am amazed at his work. He is amazing!!!!!!!!

    Cherrie......Fairway hospital is GREAT. I have had my weight loss surgery, mastectomy/ DIEP and my stage 2 done there. The nurses are great and this time around they Had more patients staying than my previous stays...... There were a whopping 4 patients but 2 night nurses. I LOVE their night nurses Linda is my favorite she is so sweet and caring and Julie is my favorite day nurse. They remembered me from my previous stays and treat you like family. I have nothing but great things to say.

    Good Luck

    I live about 15 minutes from Fairway hospital so let me know if you need anything.
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Cherrie.. I have had a transfusion and if they hadn't told me, i wouldn't have known... Risks? I think now adays there really aren't any. I was personally a little freaked by the idea of getting a strangers blood, but they really screen it well.. And between a DIEP and Stacked DIEP (or body lift), they take the fat from the buttocks, not the love handles. But at stage II, they will remove the love handles if you want. I say to choose what size you want to be and have whatever surgery will accomplish that. Perhaps you can just do Hip flaps if you don't have enough abdominal fat. That is what I did initially. It was a relatively easy surgery.

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Chelle,  glad to hear from you but sorry you're having a rough time.  Hang in there, before you know it, this too will be a distant memory. 

    Positive thoughts and healing jugs to all of you who've had surgery this week!

    Can't believe I'm heading back to Nola soon.  Hotel and flights finalized, labs finally done this week, so I guess I'm doing it.  I've been feeling good and been pretty active, so I'm not psychologically ready for a "recovery" which may dictate the choices that I make about surgery:) 

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Chelle,  glad to hear from you but sorry you're having a rough time.  Hang in there, before you know it, this too will be a distant memory. 

    Positive thoughts and healing jugs to all of you who've had surgery this week!

    Can't believe I'm heading back to Nola soon.  Hotel and flights finalized, labs finally done this week, so I guess I'm doing it.  I've been feeling good and been pretty active, so I'm not psychologically ready for a "recovery" which may dictate the choices that I make about surgery:) 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2012

    My girlfriend, who is a doctor, said to avoid blood transfusions if you can. She said they screen well for HIV and Hepatitis B, but they still have problems with accurate screening for Hepatitis C. The chances are small, but scary. Many people who have had a DIEP have had this too (blood) so I guess it is just one of the risks.

    Has anyone out there chose to go smaller? Are you happy with this decision? Does the plumping up in stage 2 increase volume or just fill in the gaps. Haha. I am laboring over this decision. Are there two less drains with just a DIEP? Are the drains in for the same amount of time?

    Healing thoughts and hugs for all of our sisters in NOLA and those still recovering.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2012

    Chelle- Good to hear from you. Wow postings 2 days after surgery! Hope things get better for you and your recovery goes well. 

    Jane123- It was nice talking with you as well. Time moves so fast. Saw you were scheduling Stage 2, that's great!

    Leaving tomorrow morning for NOLA. Looking forward to some good food before surgery on Wednesday. Glad we opted for a rental house, as I am hoping it will be peaceful and quiet. Thanks to everyone on this board. Such a positive and supportive group of women!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited September 2012

    My husband and I will be flying in at the end of Oct for my Nov 1st surgery.  Any recommendations on where to stay and how long should we give ourselves in NOLA?  Should we just book a 2 week round trip for the flight?  Will we need a rental car?  Seems like so many logistics to iron out and I am a planner who wants everything in place and perfected before diving in.

    I enjoy the updates from all of you me an idea of what to expect.  The excitement is kicked in now that I have a date as well as the scary feeling of surgery looming.  I know it will be here before I know it.


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    I went smaller! I was about 38F and now 38D, so kinda larger to begin with. Love it. I feel much more in proportion. I also dropped 25lbs with 25 more to go, so there's that. I didn't have grafting at Stage 2, but did for 2B to correct defects.

    Hope Lodge is a great option. The rooms are nicer than most hotel rooms I've stayed in (but I'm a cheap traveller). I had a car, though. And I've only stayed before procedures and not after for recovery. The beds are comfy, there is a recliner, tv in room as well as a nice lounge on the floor.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited September 2012

    Why the blood transfusions for stage 2?  I thought this was the easier of the operations.  Is it because of surgeries scheduled closely together or cancer treatments?  Thanks!  Tamara

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Cherrie.. I had 2 units of blood with my DIEP... which was a 5-6 hour surgery and did not have blood with my MX/GAP surgery (10 hours). So you just never know. You could say to do just DIEP and get blood anyway, so I wouldn't make your decision based on that. IMO. Or you could have someone donate for you. I was staying with a friend in NOLA and I had her ask around for local donors... but perhaps whoever you are traveling with you is a match and can donate?? I try to look at it as we never know what might be brewing in someone's blood, but my blood isn't perfect either. So as long as they screen for HIV, I can deal with it mentally.

    Tamara.. no blood transfusion for stage II.

    Maggie... you will need to fly in two days before surgery and can fly out 8 days post surgery. So if you have a Thurs surgery, fly in Tues and fly out Fri. Many women stay at the Homewood Suites on Poydras. Not only is is discounted when booked through the doctor's office, but it includes breakfast and dinner (weekdays). And all rooms are suites, so you have a full kitchen and living room. And in my opinion, you don't need a car if you stay here. The doctor has a car service that takes you to all appts and airport runs. So you only need transportation for social activities, and the Quarter is right there, so for $5 cab ride you can get to a restaurant and river front. Plus the streetcar is only 2 blocks from the hotel and costs $3 per day to ride as much as you want. I would avoid parking fees and nuisance. Now.. if you choose to stay at Hope Lodge, which is free and kind of out of the way, I would get a car. That way you can get to the grocery store or whatever you want. And parking there is free.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2012

    Hi Lesley,

    I feel the same way!  Over the first few months, hair slowly grew in around the edges, but the spot never did fill in completely.  I almost never think about it these days.  Thankfully, I have very thick hair.

    We acquired a competitor's business about three weeks ago, so I have had my hands full as of late. I need to add a pink ribbon t-shirt section this weekend.  The site is if you ladies want to check it out.  I absolutely love the name and the story behind the company! In the meantime, our pink ribbon attire is still available at for all of you pm'ing me for info on where to buy tees, tanks and totes, etc.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2012

    Hi Lesley,

    I feel the same way!  Over the first few months, hair slowly grew in around the edges, but the spot never did fill in completely.  I almost never think about it these days.  Thankfully, I have very thick hair.

    We acquired a competitor's business about three weeks ago, so I have had my hands full as of late. I need to add a pink ribbon t-shirt section this weekend.  The site is if you ladies want to check it out.  I absolutely love the name and the story behind the company! In the meantime, our pink ribbon attire is still available at for all of you pm'ing me for info on where to buy tees, tanks and totes, etc.


  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Sandy I do love rhe shirts and will likely order one or two : )

    I wish I had thick hair. It got thicker after chemo though : )