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NOLA in September?



  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    dsnydawn --

    Courtyard of Three Sisters. Yum ... and beautiful.

    I also liked Houston's on St. Charles and a little known and small but totally excellent place (best Italian I have EVER had and that is saying something!) is Vincent's Italian further out on St. Charles. You can Google them.


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    I know! The Madonna cones. Fortunately that's only for one week, then on to the brown nipple guards. Yes, the nipples initially look huge. But you don't want them to shrink before they are healed. Otherwise they will heal smaller. Mine were made of areola tissue, which I understand gives a better result given the nature of areola tissue. Before 2B one nipple turned out perfect and one was too big. I think Dr S used a different technique for the one that didn't turn out, and he had done that one in clinic. Both of mine were worked on again; my good one was subject to more breast lift and the big one was reduced or maybe redone. I love having a nipple while waiting for the tattoos. My real nipples were very shy, usually flat. So I like having little perky nipples!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2012

    Did anyone NOT get nipple reconstruction and later wish they had?  I'm thinking that I don't want it since I have areola & don't want party-hat syndrome, but maybe I will regret it later? 

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    LAstar --

    My nipple is very small, just like the natural one. As I din't ahve an aerola tissue left, I think Dr.D. did some "origami" to create the new one. Even in sheerest fabrics without a bra, they are hardly noticeable. I think this is a discussion with the docs -- they will make'em like you want!


  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Funny, this has been on my mind. A few of the women in other threads have sounded very upset when they ended up with enormous nipples, wide and much protrusion. I'd prefer what Maggie described, barely noticeable. Good to know this can be done!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Dawn.. It is Court of Two Sisters

    And I have my new date.. Oct 5 at 1:30. Jeanine kept referring to a case that morning, and so I am thinking she was talking about Leigh Ann... So I follow you. So glad it didn't impact my flight. I am very busy at work and would have been hard pressed to reschedule.

    Nipples.. I asked Dr D for a nipple with the headlights off... as my natural nipple is not huge. I too awoke and saw the huge nipple, but a few days after taking the guards off it shrunk a lot and matches the natural side almost 100%.. It now actually needs a little projection (one more thing on my list)... Dr D had me wear the guard for 3 weeks, no brown paper guard. I think that is a Dr S thing.

    As far as what they can do and what should be done, I say go with their suggestions.. I had my love handles removed and I think he took some skin with it while he was revising my hip flap... only he knows what is possible, and they want a perfect end product... So if the procedure will leave you with drooping skin, they won't even do it... have faith in their skills... thats my mantra.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited September 2012

    I have a really silly question so please bear with me. I am looking for pullon or draw string pants for post surgery. Everyone says to buy bigger to accommodate swelling and compression garments. So how big is bigger?


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    I didn't buy bigger, just different. I bought size M lounge pants at Target. I would normally buy medium, but would normally buy more form fitting...

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2012

    I just want to report some good news.  I just received a letter saying that I have won my appeal to AETNA.  They should now pay for lipo and fat grafting done in my stage 2B surgery.  I used the information posted by BRCAmomof two in the breast reconstruction forum.  (According to the post AETNA changed their policy on fat grafting a little while after my stage 2B surgery.) 

    MartyJ- I also purchased draw string pants in the same size I usually wear.  I just made sure they were not very form fitting.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2012

    Besa -- I am so glad to hear that you won your appeal. Right now we are fighting Aetna on my stage 1 for what was out-of-network vs in-network. This has made me worry what will happen with the lipo and fat grafting at my stage 2 in December. Do you know if their policy is in writing yet, and if there are limitations on the lipo?

    MartyJ -- I loved the lounge pants that Bdavis recommended at Target. They are actually among the pajamas, but are just flowy pants in 2 lengths, presentable in public too. Here's the link: . I bought medium and large, but the large feels better on the waist post-op. I still wear them, and look forward to taking them to stage 2.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Besa.. You have encouraged me to write to Aetna and request that my stage I from last year be covered as in network... For me, it is only a difference of about $1100...Dr D will get the same amount, but its a difference for me... depends on which coinsurance they are working out of... and I also requested that my stage IIB be considered for IN network this coming January. Plus it does say in that article that they cover tattoos.

    So for my expenses in 2013, that would be a savings of about $2000... so altogether, that would save me over 3k... certainly worth asking. I will let you know what they say.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited September 2012

    Bdavis, besa and AnnAlive - thank you!  for the recommendation and Ann for the link.  I am with y'all now and am ordering the Target pants.  I stopped in Walmart and picked up a pair of jeans with an elastic waist and a bit of extra room in the hips, and seat. On to shirts!  Thanks.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2012

    Ann- Aetna's policy is in writing and is in a link on another thread.  I cut and pased it here. If the link doesn't work just tell me and I will try again.  I don't know if there are limitations on the lipo.    It looks like the Center appealed at around the same time I did and AETNA combined the appeals.  With my AETNA policy the Center is out of network.  I have CIGNA as my primary insurance and even though the Center is in network, they did not cover the fat grafting.  The people at the Center who deal with insurance (and they do a very good job of it) have my respect.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2012

    Well I sent Jeanine an e-mail and she ended up calling me instead of emailing back. I told her my concerns and she said let's move your pre-op to Tuesday since I will be arriving early in the day and that way if Dr. D thinks I need a "baby flap", they will have time to get a CTA scan of my abdomen. She also mentioned that if I don't need a flap, would I like to move my surgery to Wednesday? That kind of threw me for a loop as I have been planning on Thursday for months now. I talked it over with my DH and my friend who I am staying with before and after surgery and we all decided to keep the surgery scheduled for Thursday. My friend has also made special arrangements with her home and work to accommodate me, so it'll stay on Thursday.

    Here it is Saturday night and we leave Tuesday morning and I haven't even pulled out the suitcases yet. I will have a busy day tomorrow especially since I have to work on Monday. I'm not sure what's wrong with me...For stage 1, I was packed or at least had stuff put together well in advanced.

    One of my dear sweet friends took me out shopping today, then we got our nails and toes done and ended the evening with dinner with our DH's and our kid(s). I really needed this time and I am so grateful to have such amazing friends and family in my life!!

    Guess I should get to sleep as I will have a busy day tomorrow.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2012

    Besa & Bdavis -- oh yeah, I had bookmarked that Aetna bulletin and forgot that it mentioned fat grafting. I want to resolve this in/out of network thing before the Center calls Aetna for stage 2 authorization. We truly get inconsistent answers every time we call Aetna.

    Chelle & Ttay & Sassy -- I am praying you'll have peace about all your arrangements as you get ready for next week.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2012

    Bessa, congrats on winning the appeal with insurance! Wow!

    DsnyDawn, I updated your date. Sorry if I missed that.

    Betsy, I updated your date above. 

    Lots upcoming...

    Sept 17 - TeddyBear71 - Stage 2 with Dr. T., Fairway.  

    Sept 19 - Ttay - Stage 1 DIEP with Dr. Trahan.  

    Sept 20 - Chellehump - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA. 

    Sept 21 - Sassy43 - Stage 1 with Dr. S, Fairway hospital. 

    Sept 21  - DsnyDawn - Stage II,  Dr. D., NOLA. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    I have now sent two messages to Aetna... my first may have been confusing as I asked for my stage I to be treated as IN network.. but what I meant was regarding the coinsurance... The surgery was treated as in network but my portion came out of the out of network pot... And I also asked for my revision in January to also be treated as in network, working from my IN network coinsurance. My second email confirmed with them that they processed the claims right, but I am talking COINSURANCE issues... Hope they get what I am saying. My In network cap is 1800 and my OUT of network cap is 3600... so we're not talking about thousands of dollars, but its important to me.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2012

    Chelle-Sounds like you have some great friends and family. What a fun day shopping with a dear friend! Not sure we'll get a chance to connect before we both had out to NOLA. My week got a way and didn't get an opportunity to give a ring. Thank you for your supportive posts and messages :)

    Busy day planned tomorrow here- cleaning around the house and last week of work before my leave starts. We have family staying out our house to care for our pet, so trying to get this in order. What a worldwind. Waited so long to get to NOLA and now its only 1 1/2 weeks away!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited September 2012

        For all of you ladies who have had stage 2-how many nights did you stay in the hospital??  I understand there are many variables but my husband won't be arriving in NOLA until my day of discharge or possibly the evening before DC.  I need to start looking at airline reservations soon!

        Also, what does the pre-op visit involve and how long did you have to take off from work for recovery?     Thanks!   Katiejane

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2012

    Ann & Spring, thanks for the well wishes!! I am very surprised at how anxious & nervous I am. But, I know Dr. D will take good care of me and I will be on the road to recovery again soon.

    Kerry, I wish we could have met up, but it doesn't look like our paths will cross. You are so welcome and know that I will thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. You are going to the best!!!

    Thank you ladies again for all your support. I love the fact that I have been able to help others and ease the fears and anxiety even if it's just a little bit. I am a true believer of paying it forward. Thank you Spring for starting and keeping this thread going!!

    I have a million things to get done today as I haven't pulled out a single suitcase yet. Figuring I will get all the laundry done and then pack later this evening. I also bought new bedding that I am anxious to put on my bed :)

    Happy Sunday to you all!!


  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2012

    Chelle - Good luck next week!  Dr. D will take great care of you.  (Wish we would have had a chance to meet again.  I know your DH is as much of a football fan as mine is - looks like the Saints play the Kansas City Chiefs on 9/23).

    Katiejane- For stage 2- I was spent one night at SCSH and was back at work 2 weeks after my surgery.   I can't remember exactly but the preop visit was speaking with the anesthesiologist, and an appointment with Dr. D. (marking me up, a back and forth discussion about what the game plan would be, and responding to any questions I had).  I think I also spent some time with either one of the nurses or the PA to discuss when to arrive at the hospital and other details.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    KatieJane.. I spent 2 nights in the hospital, but came out of surgery at dinner time, so one night would have been less than 24 hours... And my pre-op appt was about 2 hours before I had surgery. All he did was mark me up, not other meetings or tests.

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2012

    Well, tomorrow is my surgery......stage 2 of my DIEP. I am a nervous wreck for some reason. I had my pre-op with Dr Trahan on Thursday and I am completely blue from the Sharpie :). I was only anticipating a 2 week recovery and a much shorter surgery time BUT Dr. Trahan had other plans for me. I guess I have a LOT more reconstructing needing to be done. I had weight loss surgery 2 years ago so I have more skin and Dr. Trahan said if he just did Lipo I wouldn't be happy with the end results so I will be the clay for Dr. Trahan to mold me. So my recovery time according to Stacy @ the center said I am looking at 4-6 weeks UUUUGGGG!!! Thank god I work for some amazing doctors and they didn't even blink when I told them I would be out twice as long as originally thought. They told me just get well and let us know if you need anything. I love my job. I am so nervous about this recovery, I think I am more nervous now than I was for my first surgery, I guess maybe because I know what to expect this time.........anyway tomorrow I will be in surgery @ Fairway @ 7am with Dr. Trahan......

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    Good luck Teddy bear. Thinking good thoughts! Let me know how it goes A's my stage 2 is 3 months away!!!! : )

    Intersect to everyone's comments about Aetna...that is my carrier I hope I don't have lots of problems. They passed a federal law about our rights to reconstruction so why these ins companies have to give us a hard time when all we are trying to do is get back to our old selves as much as possible - grrrr

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Lesley... Aetna did cover my surgeries.. not a problem. What I am asking for is that they use my IN network coinsurance pot vs. my out of network... But they were comprehensive with their coverage.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Betsy!!!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    teddybear, so do you anticipate that this extra work will be covered by insurance?  Curious, as I have concerns about anything that my insurance company will try to dismiss as "Cosmetic," which they're already trying to do with stage 1 (how ridiculous is that).   Anyway, best wishes for tomorrow and please keep us posted and let us know how you're doing!  Jenifer 

  • sassy43
    sassy43 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2012

    Teddybear-Good luck tomorrow, you will be in my thoughts!

    Stage 1 DIEP this Friday!  I cant believe it is this week.  I have had such a busy week I havent even started to pack. I read the packing list above, very helpful. What would be the bare necessity to take to the hospital? I am so stressed I feel like I am going to forget something important. 

    Good thoughts for all those having issues with your insurances. I think I have taken years of my life just stressing about if they will pay or not. 

    Ttay, Chellehump, & Dsnydawn- Wishing all of you Good Luck and a speedy recovery.  Hopefully we can meet each other this week :) 

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2012

    Sassy43 - a Michigan girl, hooray!

    The bare minimum: your cell phone and charger (!), iPad (If you have one), comfy baggy yoga-type pants, shirts that button down the front, socks and/or slippers.

    If that's all you bring, you'll do just fine. The Center will give you all the supplies you need. Good luck!!

  • patience62
    patience62 Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2012

    Hello all,

    I am alive after my stage one on the 13th. What a wonderful group of healthcare providers. I left today after my first shower and my nurse said it was extremely busy. How did they make me feel like I was the only patient? I am sorry that I never saw anyone in the hallway.

    Go to dr masseys Facebook page to see the darling socks my girlfriends made me.

    Thanks for all the support,
