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NOLA in September?



  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    I am up and walking although hunched over.  Have 3 drains and two pain balls.  Cannot wait to get rid of them.  The DOM is not anything like what I expected. It is actually quite nice compared to what I wore the first six months after my stage one.  Sexy black with a cute rose flower on it. 

    I never saw Dr T after the surgery although I am sure if he came in I wouldn't remember.  They must have really put me out as I was in a deep fog all day on Friday.  Loved loved loved the hospital and the super sweet kind nurses.  Although it would have been very hard, I wish I had known about NOLA when I first started this journey.

    Hope Lodge has also been great.  Going to the kitchen to eat gets me moving which I know I need to do.  Now just to try and stand more upright is the goal of the day.  Haven't had to take any pain meds except motrin so I am happy. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    I am in quite a bit of pain taking meds but tell me this is normal when I got out of stage 2 fri at 730. I had plication 48 hours trying to wrap my mind around how I will get on a plane in 16 hrs owwweeee

  • Elizabeth1959
    Elizabeth1959 Member Posts: 78
    edited December 2012

    I am looking at Diep at NOLA in March. I would love some recommendations for hotel and or VRBO. Does my husband need a hotel room when I'm an inpatient? How long will I be in the hospital? How long in New Orleans total? Thanks in advance


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Hi Elizabeth. The Center has hotels that they work with so that patients can have a discount. Many girls stay at the Homewood Suites. Another possibility is the Hope Lodge, which is free. You would want to rent a car if you stayed there. We stayed in a VBRO one mile from the center. If you PM me I can give you that info. It was near groceries, pharmacy, and restaurants.

    Your husband can stay with you at the Center. They will even feed him.

    I was in the hospital for 4 nights. I came to NOLA a couple of days early as you will have pre-ops etc. One week from surgery will be your post op and then you are released to go the next day. Plan 10-12 days. I was there two weeks.

    I am 5 weeks out from my DIEP and doing well. You will be in great hands in NOLA.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2012

    Hello Elizabeth.  I was there for 10 days. Two nights before surgery. Three nights in hospital.  Four nights in hotel. We stayed at the Homewood Suites which was very acceptable.  The linens were nice and the comforter, comfortable.  The suite situation worked out good for us because my husband works from his laptop.  We did not rent a car.  The center took us to and from appointments and we took cabs and worked before and after surgery.  Cabs are not too expensive and the distances were short. Next time I am staying at Hope Lodge so that might be different. Good luck.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Hi Elizabeth - Welcome to the list!  NOLA is a wonderful choice and March is a lovely month to be there.  

    Although my husband could have stayed in my hospital room the night of surgery, I suggested that he stay at a hotel since the nurses would be in and out of the room every hour checking dopplers, etc.  Selfish, but I wanted him to get a bit of rest before he became fulltime caregiver.

    We stayed at Homewood Suites after I was discharged from the hospital.  Included in the rate is breakfast 7 days a week and dinner from Sunday through Thursday.  It made me force myself to get up, dress and go down to breakfast.  It can be easy to stay in the suite.  Dinner was helpful and the first day or two out of the hospital, my husband brought it up for me.  Easy walking in the area, too.

    We arrived 2 nights before surgery and stayed at the Bienville House in the French Quarter for fun.  The center has an excellent discounted rate there.

    As Cherrie mentioned, you will need to plan for the entire day before surgery for pre-op testing and appointments. If you are having surgery with Dr. D, Dr. S or Dr. T from the Center, they have car service to shuttle you to appointments.  So a car may not be necessary (unless you are at Hope Lodge as it is a bit remote).  Katie at the Center can assist you with arrangements and hotels.  The car service will pick you up at the airport and return you as well when you leave.

    My biggest mistake was only allowing 35 minutes between planes on our return flight.  The plane leaving NOLA was 30 minutes late departing.  Although we picked up time, it made it very challenging to get from one gate to the next (even with handicap assistance).  We learned that every woman over the age of 80 is handicapped.  Once they sit in the transport cart, they do not want to relinquish a seat to anyone as they might miss their connection - even if it doesn't depart for 3 hours.  Be sure to give yourself time between connecting flights so you aren't pushed when you don't feel well.

    I am sure that you will have the input from many more women on this list.  They have been an invaluable source of help, information and support!  I am 5 weeks out and feeling better each day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    grt42texan...Sounds like they gave you the Veronique, not the bulky DOM... The Veronique is better than the DOM. I was given teh DOM after stage I and the Verosnique after stage II... And then bought the Marena, which was the best.

    Elizabeth...I have stayed at the Hope Lodge and Homewood Suites. Personally I prefer the Homewood Suites. And the price difference (free versus maybe 140) isn't as great as you think when you include the meals provided and no need for a car at the hotel. Plus the hotels are in or near the Quarter, so its great to take a $5 cab to the Quarter and walk around or get out to the restaurants.

    For my MX/Gap surgery, I flew in on a Tuesday, had surgery on Thursday and post op the following Thursday (stayed 5 nights in the hospital), and could have left Friday, but stayed til Monday. So I was there 13 days... but 10 is what most people do.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    so this is just a little awkward but.....I noticed the other day that rightie is growing is stubbly right now and in the light I can see other little bit longer strands...anyone else?  Really hope I do not get pubic hair on my boobie.  YIPES!!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Maggie.. I have heard of that... didn't happen to me, but I have heard... perhaps try lasering it off.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    not just yet for sure but what a least it tells me that rightie is here to stay! 


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Betsy- all this time I thought the Veronique and the Dom were the same thing. I have the Veronique, black with a rosebud on front, and it goes from knees to just under breasts. It isn't horrible and I am only in it for one more week.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    The DOM (the original compression garment that people refer to) is thicker, more padding - I can't remember what brand it is... no rosebud, and comes up too high (for me) so I cut the top off. The Veronique was better, but the Marena fabric is so much softer.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    I'll find out soon whether I wake up in a "rosebud" garment -- I hope it is, from the way you describe it compared to the DOM!

    We're in Fort Walton Beach FL overnight, on our way to NOLA. Windy & rainy here, so we ordered in room service dinner. My appointments are on Mon, and stage 2 with Dr. S on Tues 10am.

    KerryA -- are you flying in on Monday? All set for Wednesday?

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive and Kerry- We are all thinking of you. There are a lot of us sending healing vibes your way. You WILL do great.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Maggie2, my Sgap breast has lots of longish fine hair !! I have talked to others that have the same , so we are not alone. Didn't know that I had hair on my backside but evidentially I do . Lol. Anyway , I have been told that electrolysis takes care of it , can take two sessions. My doc said to wait to after healing from stage 2 to have this done. I am not sure the difference between that and laser so will do some research . So weird, a furry foob!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive- My surgery was originally 12/20 so we had already booked our flights when it was moved up to 12/19. We fly in around noon on Tuesday and have pre-ops starting at 2:30pm. Busy weekend here. All ready with Christmas. It really set in today for me as I was cleaning the house for some reason...just reminded me of preparing for Stage 1. I wonder if we are the last patients on the schedule for the year? I will definitely try to stop in and stay hi. You may be discharged as I'm coming out of surgery possibly?  How are you doing?

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    KerryA - I'm doing fine, got Christmas presents shipped and cleaned house (with help from DH) Thur-Fri. I still don't have a lot of stamina after a year and a half of treatment/surgery. I hope this stage 2 is satisfactory and that I won't need a 2b. I may be out of my 10am surgery Tues by the time you finish your preops. Who knows. I should try to have DH put an AnnAlive sign on my door so you can find me if you are up there. Smile  What time is your surgery Wed? If I haven't yet been discharged, I'll look for you or ask when you are expected in your room. We might barely miss each other both days! I'll PM you.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive- That sounds like a plan. My surgery is at 7:30am. Dr D told me at my Stage 1 post op that my Stage 2 should be about 3 1/2 hrs or so. I will have my husband do the same at my door.  Safe travels to you!  See you in NOLA.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Wow, went to dinner with Downey and her DH and came home to such a fascinating discussion.

    Glad to know the difference between Dom and Veronique. I was given Veronique after stage I and never could figure out how Betsy cut the top off of it. I did get my new Marena Friday and do love it.

    Interesting about the hair growing. Maggie, it's good to know that side has made itself at home.

    Kerry and AnneAlive - I'll be thinking of you this week. Another step closer to the end!

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2012

    I stayed at Bienville House both times pre-op and absolutely loved it.  Great French Quarter location, breakfast, and really great atmosphere.  I would have stayed post op but no room at the inn.  Great rate, too. 

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    well crap a poopie...talked to Dr M yesterday after sending her pics.  She says the belly wound needs to be debrided and is suprised the wound care place doc did not do it yet.  If they can't or won't I have to come see her in Charleston this week and she will do it herself.  Not what I had in the plans this week.  When does it ever end?


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    Mags- do they know your surgeon is out of town and you aren't seeing her regularly? Or maybe they need to get a more direct order from her (or just talk to her on the phone)?  Sometimes wound care docs are afraid to debride, but if they know the surgeon wants it they should be able to do it.  

    Don't travel for that, it's not worth it.  It's a step above picking a scab :)  If the wound care docs at the clinic you're going to won't do it, go to a different one.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    thanks jeskachi--this is uncharted territory for the past all my surgical wounds have healed without a hitch.  I will have them call Dr M if they want direct order.


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012


    Jesk is right on that it's a step above picking a scab. I went through HBOT treatments immediately following surgery to optimize internal healing from radiation hell.

    The wound care doc did a little debrident one time on her own decision. Took only five minutes or so.

    More Good wishes to good healing for you.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Maggie - If Dr. M wants you in Charleston, I believe that she will make the arrangements and pay for the trip. (I am pretty sure that is what she told me months ago).  I have a feeling she doesn't want you to have any more challenges (although lately you seem rather blessed Smile in that regard).  She always gives the local doctor an opportunity to do what is needed first.  

    Since none of us have actually seen your problem area, we may be rushing to judgement to say that debriding is a step above picking a scab.  For some women I know the procedure has been more complicated and may involve removing a bit of necrotic or infected tissue.

    Just keep in touch with her and do have your doctors call her directly (cell number).  Let her drive the direction on this.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    The fact that Dr M said she was surprised your local docs hadn't done it yet tells me she thinks 1) it should be obvious to a wound care doctor what needs to be done, and 2) she trusts them to be capable enough to do it.  If she felt she was the only one who could take care of it she would have insisted on a different path.  Even if she does it, it'll take her 5 minutes or less to do.  And you won't be able to fly around the country weekly for her to follow up on it, so you may as well find a doctor now who will take care of it in person.

    --said as a Dr. M patient who has had debridement (and other wound care) from wound care doctors for 3 different incision issues while recovering from her surgeries

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Dr D flew me back to NOLA for wound care, but mine was my breast incision.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Maggie - Dr. S sent me for debridement at my local wound care center for my abdominal wound that still had a big black scab at 6 weeks post-DIEP. They poured lidocaine over it and surgically debrided it (with a scalpel!). There were yellow/black spots that kept emerging as more necrosis surfaced, and those were debrided once a week, while I used the prescribed Santyl and Gentamycin ointments and dressings to help it along. It eventually closed about 5 weeks later, and was never deep enough to pack. The wound care doc was planning HBOT for me, but the wound took a sudden turn for the better. Cool  It's still ugly dark pink 5 months post-DIEP, but I'm going for stage 2 tomorrow, where it will get revised. I wish you the best in getting attention for your wound, but you shouldn't have to travel far for the simple procedure if the wound is superficial.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    What is debridement? I am 5 weeks out and have a couple of black scabs. Should I be concerned. Dr. M has pictures and said it all looks great.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012

    Hmmm....I am 7 weeks out and still have lots and lots of scabbing on my breast scars.  I assumed this was normal and good for the scars so I haven't brought it up or thought much about it.  Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't send in some pics.