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NOLA in September?



  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Hi Warrior Sisters!  I am all done with Stage 2 now! Surgery was 4 1/2 hours long and I had some scar revisions and lipo. I am very tender to the touch but have not ONE regret! I was thrilled to meet Jennifer. She is doing better and is goin to a hotel for the next two nights. She is a doll!!

    I leave for home tomorrow and then hubby has his heart ablation procedure done on Monday.

    Sadly, my hubby was laid off. He was a manager of a large pharmaceutical company which was bought out by a different company.....GOD must have something bigger and better in store!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    WARRIOR517 - I am so sure that everything will work out for you guys.  I have not one doubt because I already sent a word up to the BIG GUY for you.  I am so glad that you  are thru with your surgery!  YEAH!  So you had surgery on Friday, and going home on Sunday!  That is cool, glad you will be there for your DH.  I know after all my DH has done for me.......theres noway I could let an opportunity to take care of him pass by!  Just dont over do it Girlie!  YEAH YEAH YEAH Stage 2 complete for cutie Warrior!

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2009

    Nordy, What could have happened with your stage 1 denial was that it wasn't coded properly by your doc's insurance clerk. Could be a typo, finger pointing to the wrong code on a list, anything. I got a call from the hospital just prior to stage 2 telling me they were only covering 80% and I knew I had already met my deductible with all the stage 1 stuff this year. The hospital gave me the code after I told them that couldn't be right. I called my doc's office - they said they NEVER used that code even though the hospital clerk told me they got it from my doc's office. My doc's office gave me the codes they use and I called my insurance company with all that info. They assured me that all would be covered 100% as I've met the high deductible. I asked them to document that in my file. So, I'm 3 weeks out and we'll see. Definitely get the code and blast away! Good luck!

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2009

    So, ladies, I'm blown away by all the NOLA options! A surgical assistant does the tats here; I think I'm going to ask to see their pics as I'd hate to have all this surgery and then have the icing on the cupcakes globbed up! LOL!

    I've never heard about the brown tape stuff! I'll have to ask my PS. He was trained under Dr. Alan and has assisted Dr. Massey numerous times here in Charleston. I was given the plastic round holy nip protectors and told to put a little bactroban on the incisions and use paper tape to keep them from sliding around. I'm supposed to wear these suckers until I see him on 1/8 which would make it about 6 weeks out (his wife is having a baby so can't see him any sooner).

    So ya'll were told to put goop on the protectors themselves? And you're able to take them off after 7-10 days? I'm calling my doc's office tomorrow!

    So when I was a teen I would let all the air out, measure around my ribs, then fill my lungs and measure around the fullest part so I could claim the fullest cup size possible - LOL!!! I was 5'6" in high school and weighed less than 100 lbs - it's amazing I could even see myself when I turned sideways! Not the case now, though. hah. I will now try that measurement stuff again...and hopefully will one day soon be able to wear something besides this stretchy surgical bra that practically goes up to my neck!

    So saw a little bit about fading scars - any advice on how to do that? Who's had great results and what did they use?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Charleston Girl - Thank you - I will definitely check that out on Monday as well.

    ((((((((Warrior!!!)))))))))))): So sad to hear the news of your hubby's layoff. Your attitude is phenomenal and SO positive - that in itself is sure to guarantee better things around the corner! Keep your chin up and I am sending up prayers for your husband's surgery as well. I am glad that all went well for you! Keep us informed! 

    JENN - want to hear how you are doing again when you feel up to it! PS - I can't remember if Jenn posted after her surgery (forgot my cheat sheet apparantly - and now really need it) but she did call me on Friday. She said she needn't have worried about what to ask for w/Dr. D because he told her, "Here is what I see and these are my suggestions, but only suggestions, so let me know if you agree," or something to that effect. Anyway, she said he started marking her up and really addressed all the areas that she was concerned about without her having to say anything. So... another happy stage 2!!!  But, she can probably tell you better than me when she is feeling up to it. Smile

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    ((((((((((Warrior))))))))) You and your DH will both be fine!! So glad your stage 2 is done and you can be there for your DH.  Let us know how that goes, though we all know it is going to be fine!!  Take care ALL you stage 2-ers and newbies.  LOTS of good info here for all

  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    Hey girls - I survived!  Jenn/Plain Jane was my next door roomie, she left this afternoon.

     I've had a rough couple of days.  They had to give me blood in the middle of the night Thurs night/Fri morning.  Trishia, I have no memory of this but Jamie said you stopped by (I think) in the midst of all of it.  And this morning was rough. 

    But I think I'm on the upswing.  I may get out of here to the hotel Sunday afterall.  Dr. M is wonderful in all ways. 

    Thank you for everything - all you stage 2s kept me going.  And Minnesota talked me down off the cliff the night before I left.

    This is a very empowering experience.  OH, almost forgot.  My nodes were negative.  Preliminarily, but yippee. 


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    WHEW!  that was a LOT of reading......And I had to get up and move in this Marriott lobby because these people kept trying to have a conversation, more like yell back and forth over me.....(GRRR ANNOYING!)..I asked if they wanted to trade places .  Sorry not in the mood and besides, this is MUCH more important!  I'm thinking room service sounds great Waaaay too many people, and know the restauramts are very crowded.....Just NOT into that tonight.

    I'm fine, sore, medicated, 4 drains and an onque but good.  Didn't figure out til today when they lifed I got new the typical mastopexy scars...That's ok, That was what I expected last time.  And as Nordy said....Dr. D just said as he marke now these are just suggestions  and my response was "OK, GREAT!  KEEP GOING!".  So yeah I got the whole enchilada.  And YES!  He worked me.....I have swelling/sorenesssort of in the sacral area that initially I assumed was dependent edema from being on my back but when he came in and I asked he just said "I worked you over pretty good back there"  Of course I just smiled and said "Thank You!  Merry Christmas to me!"

    I was totally loaded for the first 24 hours after I'm pretty sure.....anesthesia and med wise, but I had no nausea.  Blurry vision from scopolamine patch..but took it off that evening...just took a while.

    It was such fun to meet Trishia, Nancy, Laura, Tracey and Kathy!  Gosh and SO bittersweet to say goodbye to all when I left.  YES, I had a meltdown.  I had to stay an extra night...because I was too loaded and it took a while for me to make sense....apparently I was babbling on about????  Kathy said she was doing the same thing. Teel said there is a possibility she may not have to have chemo/ great would that be!  Don't think she has path back yet.  Nordy I didn't call you-----there were just short periods that  a couple of us would be together. 

    Encourage was nice.  Sandy, please call Alaina.......she rec'd some very sad news.....and I think can use all the help, support and prayers anyone can offer.

    ok, more tomorrow.

    Thanks all, I genuienly appreciate your love, support, prayers and just everything!

    Still trying to warp my head around the fact that I'm finished w/ the surgery

    OK, starving, gotta get some food

    sorry...not sure how I did the font like that!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer, thanks for the note.  I talked to Alaina for a while yesterday.   I had written to her a few days ago after deciding that every time I see the fleur de lis necklace that I bought last month in NOLA hanging around my neck (at least twice per day in the mirror) that I will pray for her.  She is constantly on my mind and I've been asking everyone I know to pray for her as well.   If you have not spoken with her since Wednesday, well, there was more bad news from MD Anderson Thursday with mets in several locations (but thankfully ALL on bone--the easiest to treat) and I am heartbroken for her.  My husband is really upset too---he really, really likes her.   Alaina is looking forward to getting started on treatment and I will see her in about 3 1/2 weeks.  She is going to fight hard and I will do everything I can to support her.  Okay, so now the tears are flowing again---please, let's all keep Alaina covered in prayer!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sandy, I had no idea you just put the tape on and left it on even for showers. I have some phase 1 scars I was trying it on  (a few that didn't get reopened) and I was taking it off prior to shower! I will ask the center if they will send me some tape, and I'll let you know if that doesn't work, and may ask for some of yours! Thank you for that explanation. I still have stitches and surgical glue, so I have a few weeks to go....How funny about the condo dream!!!! Cracked me up!!!! 

    Teel, I had to have 2 units of blood for my stage 1, stacked DIEP/lumbar, and so did Stephanie, you are not alone!! We are fine! 

    Jenn, glad you are settled and okay! :)

    CharlestonGirl, did you already have your Surgery?

    Warrior, DH and I and the intercessory prayer team at church are praying for you and family! :) Hang in there girl. You sound good. You will be delighted! Wait until some of the puffy goes down! :)

    Nordy, Breathe! And yes I AGREE!!! It is SO ANNOYING the stupid things that happen with insurance. I have so many stories, and some still make my blood boil. Like insurance telling us a wig was not covered. This they are saying to a woman in chemo whose hair is about to FALL OFF. Then they say, well it's covered, but not where you are, you need to get one in New York. So we call New York, and they say, "come in for a fitting". And we are like, We are in North Carolina! They say, Oh that won't work. Ahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrr! We had to get a case manager, all this for a friggin WIG!!! Well, I got the Wig. We did prevail. But what woman who is about to lose her hair wants to fight about a wig! CRUEL AND UNUSAL!!  See??? Got me hot again!!! ha!!!! We could write a book, I am sure!

    Jenn, ME TOO!!!!! "Still trying to warp my head around the fact that I'm finished w/ the surgery" ME TOO!!!! I can't believe it!!! DONE DONE DONE!! (okay, half a tattoo, but that's not surgery!!!)

    Sandy, I am heartbroken for Alaina. How do you know her?  Prayers prayers prayers....

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    I flew to NOLA by myself for a couple of my surgeries, and the first time I planned that, Alaina offered to pick me up at the airport.  We'd been corresponding a bit via PMs here, and that's just how she is---amazingly giving of herself.   Her family and her faith in God are sustaining her, and Spring, your verse is perfect in this situation.  I'm going to send it to her tonight.

    Psalm 91: 14-16 "Because she loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue her; I will protect her, for she acknowledges my name. She will call upon me, and I will answer her; I will be with her in trouble, I will deliver her and honor her.

    I can't wait to see her in January and give her a big hug.  She even offered to help me with the bridal show I'm doing at JAX Brewery on Jan. 7th so she'll probably be with me that evening if she's feeling up to it. 

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2009

    To Nordy and all

    Insurance companies make money by delaying and denying claims. I think they try to wear you down, hoping you just give up. Last week I was notified that they were delaying approval of my surgery because they didn't have enough info. So I called the number they had on the letter (Call here if you have any questions) and after beng on hold and passed around for 20 minutes was told, "That is not the right number to call." When I needed care in another state while on vacation this summer, I called the insurance company to get a claim form I could submit. I mailed it to the address printed on the claim form "Mail to this address" and it came back "Address unknown." "Oh, sorry, we sent you the old claim form."

    Because I went to a doctor's office out of state to have the drain looked at, I had to pay $150. If I had gone to an ER -- a totally inappropriate use of expensive ER services, my obligation would only have been $50.

    If I had my surgery at Penn, where they will not do it bilaterally, I would have to have 2 surgeries, two hospital stays, two recuperations, but it would all be covered. Because I am doing it at Hopkins, where I can have one surgery, and my insurance company will end up paying less, I have to pay an out of network fee of $2400.

     In my opinion, insurance companies are institutionalized evil.

    Nordy, I sympathize with you. Good luck on Monday.

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009

    Ladies I am home from Stage 2 NOLA!

    First, I lost my cell phone at the hotel! It was found and is being sent fed-ex here, but that meant I lost my contact numbers! NANCY I COULDN'T FIND YOU!

    Nancy and I were as close as next door to each other, and I heard them bringing her into recovery before I went into surgery. (My surgery didn't start until afternoon) We still didn't get to meet! We stayed at the same hotel, but without my phone I couldn't find her  :(:(:(  So sorry Nancy! (I'll pm you too, in case you don't see this post)

    So, Stage Two ladies....yes you will be sore. MAKE YOURSELF walk it off. I walked over 4 miles Friday. It hurt with every step, but then I was less sore on Saturday. Drinking water and walking are key!  And please keep pain meds in your system. If you wake up in the night, take a dose then. You will be glad when it's time to get out of the bed in the morning. I am covered in black bruises, LOL.

    I am not hurting anywhere near the degree that I thought I would, and I am four days post op. I'm back in the dominatrix corset of death and black lace bra. I did have Dr. S do nipples. He also did scar revision on hips/lumbar, and lipo inner and outer thighs, back of thighs and behind. NO BACK SLEEPING! I am able to sleep on my side! Yippee!!!

    I have two stomach drains, hopefully those will come out soon.

    Any questions, just ask. This is the first I've been online since surgery, so I've tried to catch up with you guys! I did fly out of Charlotte, NC, but I live in SW Virginia, about three hours from Charlotte.

    My best to those recovering and those on their way!!

    Carolynn :)

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Ok, I have to ask, Is ALAINA on our thread, my cheat sheet if failing me?  I am praying for her!  I will do so daily. 

    OK, off to pack for tomorrow, leaving right after my board meeting, about 4pm.  Driving til I can no longer stand it, if we stop over night we will be late Tuesday getting there.  Hope to meet Sassie for dinner or dessert or just to say Hi, depending on what time we get in NOLA.  After today, I may not be on here for a bit.  I will get Dh to post on Thursday, he should have the time while lounging around St Charles for the day.  HA!  Anyway, happy healing everyone and safe travel to all those going to NOLA this week. THIS IS IT!  I am so CLOSE to being DONE DONE DONE!  xxoo Mel

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Melanie, Alaina is not on this thread.  Like me, she did not start off her reconstruction with the NOLA docs and she has had revision surgeries with Dr. D.  She had another surgery scheduled with him for a couple of weeks ago but had to cancel it.   Thank you for praying for her!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sandy, Add verse 16!! It would not fit in my tag line:

    Psalm 91:16: With long life will I satisfy her, and show her my salvation."

    It's the great conclusion!!!  I will continue to pray for her Sandy. 

    Carolynn, WELCOME HOME!! You sound great!

    MEL, YOU ARE AMLOST DONE!!! I am like Jenn, I can't believe it either!!! PINCH ME!! PINCH US!!

    OK, so I have one tummy drain left, and this sucker is not drying up! this did not happen to me after stage 1, I saved my recordings!

    So today, I found another, let me see how did Carolynn put it.... "  the dominatrix corset of death "  (perfect!! Perfect!!) that is not as stretched out, it was one never worn much, so I squeeeeeeeeeeeezed myself into this one, and it is tight tight tight!!! I am also not going to walk today (it is miserable and rainy) and see if I can get the output to go down. I am in the mid 30s and need 2 days below 20cc -- it seems a LOooooooooooong way off!  2 weeks on Tuesday. I was thinking with stage 2 I would be done sooner, but I think with the lowering of the incision, and the stitching of the muscles... ahhhhhhhhhhhhck!

    About our surgeries, Stage 2 girlies............

    fat lady 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Well ladies congratulations on a great week. I was so blown over with the number of stage 2ers with their early Xmas presents from the good Drs at NOLA. So excited about your results.

    Jennifer you are a riot. I loved your description on your pre op with Dr D. Did you even make a list or did Dr Santa just know what you wanted for Xmas?

    Teel I feel for you. I had a pretty rough time the first few days post stage 1, needed a few units of blood, but once I got up out of bed there was no stopping me. It will get much better soon.

    Cathy sorry to hear about your husband's job. I am praying that things work out for his surgery and that 2010 will be a good year for you and your family.

    I have not had the pleasure of meeting Alaina but from what Sandy tells me she is a very special lady. I will keep you in my prayers Alaina.

    To all the gals up for this week , good luck and speedy recoveries.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Melanie!! Safe travels, enjoy NOLA, and I hope you get everything on your wish list!


  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009

    I am HOME!   Can't wait to sleep in my own bed.  Can't believe I am a graduate with no more surgery!!  My Stage 2 experience went really well.  I had scar revisions, liposuction and fat injections so I am still sore and bruised but I decided to skip the nipples and abdominal tucking so no drains! My surgery was only 2 1/2 hrs so my anesthesia recovery was so much better that Stage 1. 

    After getting discharged on Thursday we did a lot of walking around New Orleans in spite of the cold and rain.  We walked the French Quarter and did Christmas shopping at the French Market.  Friday we did some shopping on Magazine Street.  And Saturday's adventure sounded easy enough - a visit to the World War II museum since it was a rainy afternoon.  Well, the downpour (2" in 1 hour) hit as the museum was closing so we could not get a cab.   We were hoping for a bus as we stood in the pouring rain and finally decided to start walking through flooded streets with water up to our calves.  Well, 1 hour later, we made it back to the hotel absolutely drenched to the bone - had to pack wet clothes to come home today!  Our own small taste of post Katrina water. 

    So sorry I missed Jenn and Carolynn at the Marriott.   Timing is everything.  Warrior - all the best to your hubby tomorrow.  Keep healing everyone and good luck to all you on deck.  I'm so glad to be home (in spite of the 10" of snow that came while we were gone) and ready to rest for a few days!  ~Nancy

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Hi Girls...I am home sweet home as of this afternoon from NOLA. I slept most of the evening. I was able to chat w/Sassie who also leaves tomorrow.

    For me, the pain is very tender and sore, but tolerable. It is MUCH better than Stage 1!! It hurt to get in and out of bed but by the time I hit the door to the hallway, you already are walking nearly upright. I requested the pain med drip for the first two days so I didn't have to be take the risk of missing the window between pills.

    Good luck, Mel and Marilyn and all those on deck. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! My prayers are with jennifer and tilly, Pam and all of you warriors as they recover. Hubby has his surgery in the morning and we leave here at 5:30 am. I am just bringing some pillows with me. I can't imagine not being there for him. Will be taking my pain pills! lol

    Good luck! Please feel free to PM if you want my cell to chat!! I hope to ease your mind or bring you some peace. xoxoxo

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Kathy~sending you and your hubby lots of postive and healing energy.  So glad you are able to be there for him.  I love your kick a$$ attitude about life.  You are a beacon of positive energy, and I so appreciate it!

    Nancy~YAY! for making it home safe and sound!!!  It was so good to meet you.  I still can't beleive that you had surgery that same morning.  That storm sounds like a doozy.  Must have been right after we left, because the sun was shining when we were going to the airport!  

    Jamieh~Dr. S is your surgeon, right?  No caffeine restrictions at all.  And he has you keep your nipples dry, no ointment.  FYI.  :)

    Carolyn~I am so sad I didn't get to meet you.  But I am so happy that you are home and healing well. 

    Teel~ yes, I stopped by but you were napping.  I didn't want to wake you!!!  Lord knows you need lots of rest after stage 1.  It only gets better hon!  Everyday you will regain a little bit of strength.

    To all the ladies up this week...YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT!!!  

    On another note, I finally got to show my mom my tattoos today.  She just burst into tears of happiness and gratitude.  She watched me be so unhappy for so long, because I wasn't whole.  I wasn't done.  To see what Dr. S has created and it being all me is just so overwhelming and wonderful. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies!  I am at the Hope Lodge right now and it is very nice! In the elevator, I met a lady that posts here at and she is having surgery the same day as me with Dr D. She said she doesn't post on this thread.  I have appointments tomorrow for a CT scan, pre-op and meeting with Dr S. I am a little nervous but anxious to get this over with!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    I'm so glad to hear you've got this all behind you now! Sorry you had a rough time of it, it's probably good you don't remember all of it. Hallelujah on the negative nodes!!!!!!!! Before you know it you'll be back home in the bosom of your family! Yes!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    Trishia I am having surgery with Dr. S.  It is so interesting to see how at the same center each Dr. is different. 

    Christy~ Thinking of you and I hope everything goes well this week.  You are going to do great :) 

    Teel~ Glad to hear about the negative nodes :)

    As for me I am getting more nervous by the day but the good thing is I am at my busy season.  I am a photographer and I think that if I see another 2 year old I may just cry and run away...nah I love my job but huge families are hard.  So once things calm down I will be getting out of my busy time and it will be time to leave for NOLA.  My oncologist office is making my appt.'s for before pretty easy.  My oncologist is very interested in seeing NOLA's work so I have a feeling that it will be show and tell once I get back.  It's a good thing that I am not shy....42 days to go....

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2009

    Good grief! I am blown away by the number of posts in the last 24 hours on this thread! Springtime, to your question: I had stage 1 this past March in Charleston and had stage 2 in November. One month out! I didn't have any lipo. I'd asked for lipo from the knees up (LOL) but he actually did another butt lift to help fix the flatness from the SGAP. Since he did that he wanted to wait to do lipo until that settled, especially since I'm local. I had no drains for my stage 2, no major bruising. My incisions are doing pretty well - still have some glue that hasn't fallen off and a few stitches threads poking out at the ends of some of the incisions. I want to pull on them!!! But I would probably unravel! LOL!

    I also just want to rip off these plastic protectors! After 4 weeks they are driving me nuts! And I'm tempted to pull of the rest of the glue. Guess because it's almost 3am and I had to work most of today I'm kind of  crazying out. But I couldn't go to bed without pulling this thread up and see how everyone was. I'll be a mess tomorrow at work but it was worth it :)

    Good night ya'll!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Im behind again!

    Patty50 & ccbaby good luck today & Tomorrow! !

    Warrior Im sorry that your dh got laid off.  Hoping his surgery goes good today & you dont get to sore sitting.

    Teel Great news on the Negative Nodes!  Hope You are doing great this Morning.

    Wow, I saw the rain & Floods on the news Last night!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Busy week! These ladies are UP!!!

     Dec 14 - Patty50, Stage 2 (Dr. A) - NYC

    Dec 15 - Ccbaby, Stage 1 S-GAP, (Dr. S) NOLA.

    Dec 15-20 - MelanieW, Stage 2 - NOLA

    DEC 16 - Sassie, Stage 2 (Dr. D) NOLA

    Dec 18 - WPLD - Stage 2 Hip flap (NOLA) Fairway Hospital.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Patty50 - Thinking about you today and hoping that all is going well!!!

    CCBaby - You are going to do just great! Today is all the fun pre-op stuff, but tomorrow you will just be phenomenal! You are in the best of hands!

    Melanie - I hope you are traveling safely today!

    Sassie and Wendy - You two are on deck!

    Spring - thank you for the cheat sheet above!!!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Sitting in the airport....waiting!.......and we changed and made our flight earlier...but probably won't get outta here til 630pm.....sigh......yes done, yes still way  sore and bruised  and yes will be for a while.  Swelling?  ah YES!  and due to the generosity of the whole enchilada plan and ample 'back' I had.  But in the words my parents used to always say....." Honey that's just part OF it!".  Gosh I've so missed them but know they've been with me in a special way thru all this.  Seriously you all who have the privilege of having your mums, dads, willing siblings need to realize you are so lucky!  Yes, I'm lucky too but have almost decided I could start a business  of my own for people like me who don't have that and who need QUALIFIED, competent, compassionate (but willing to give people space) help during stuff like this.  More on that topic later.  Not having what you need when it seems so simple can get EXTREMELY frustrating and that's not good for anyone esp the person who needs to heal so they can get back to not depending on others....OK sorry...I'm done, thanks for listening!

    Alaina:  Alaina did pop in on our thread or a little bird told her I was coming to NO by myself for a consult in July/August. She lives right outside NO. I was trying, at the time, to find info on Catholic churches.  Alaina also happens to be Catholic.  She sent me maps and links to the 2 closest Catholic churches...BTW one is where Glen(driver ) attends too.  BUT  She had pm'd me and I told her I'd LOVE to get together, get some lunch or whatever but did NOT want to butt into her wkend. She has a husband kids and boys who LOVE baseball. She is a sweetheart, drove me to show me where Hope lodge is and where the center was.  We had a good time and I SO appreciated it!....I had a bit of time and ability to decide lots of things(thank you God).  At any rate she also wore a tank top and looked great in it....I was prophylactic technically and still had maybe a 1% chance I'd back out.  She had told me then she knew Sandy and that she attended local Encourage support groups.  Alaina had had stage 3 BC so she had chemo, rads(I think) and bilateral mastect and recon, diagnosis in 2005.  We talked too about just the whole fear factor w/ all life in worry, etc.  Very real, very down to earth, easy going, and very HAPPY to be alive.  When I saw her again and she told me Wednesday night my stomach just sank.  I am so deeply saddened.  Ya know it's just so sobering....Not that I was glad bUT there were 2-3 other women there who have stage 3 or 4 and are dealing w/ the same thing. I watched her choke back tears and I was doing the same.  Liz was with her most of the time and YES!  I heard her saying something about Sandy and Alaian and herself needing to go to lunch, dinner, whatever. THIS is a BAD disease.  YES, over the past few years this early detection I HOPE  has/had gotten some monkeys off our backs but reality is.......................I guess there are no guarantees.  I knew Alaina was planning and had been going to MD Anderson for this.  I genuinely hope to do a road trip at some point. I can make it to my Bros house door to door in 4 hours and it's staright down 45 pretty easy for me.  She was and IT was sounding very hopeless Wednesday night......I pray there has been SOME bit of hope shed in the last few days!  Something!


    So I have 2 abd drains in still and that's it now.  I do NOT miss a single dose of lortab every 4 hours baby!  I'll think about weaning.....................later......................!  there's a time and place for drugs and it's NOW!  Dr Traiy and I felt the same on this.  Some people get all into 'weaning' and worried about taking the stuff  but it's silly.  Tylenol and Ibuprofen can be more damaging than narcotics  when used APPRoPRIATELY...I liked him!(anesthesia)....He was a pleasure and anesthesiologists are usually a group of MD's who put people to sleep for a living because.....well lets just say I work w/ some w/ lousy interpersonal skills!  But not so w/ Dr. Traiy...probably spelled it wrong!

    Oh much more to tell.  I did run into Glen and told him hello.  he said his daughter is actually doing VERY well all things considered they'll know more in March.  He said THANK YOU VERY MUCH and was very moved to know we were all praying for them and behind he and Belinda and wished them the best.

    Better run for now...and go get water and prop my ankles up.  WEAR the TED hose.....and dr. D said I was probably carrying another 10 lbs of fluid right now.  I told hime there was NO WAY I'd even consider weighing myself right now. 

    more later!