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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies!

    I am home now and at work.  Shhh...don't tell anyone I am slacking!  

    What a whirlwind trip.  Sorry I didn't post, but I didn't even hook the laptop up.  Just did some mobile updates on Facebook.  

    Where to start?  Flew in Tuesday afternoon.  Left 7 degree weather and got off the plane to 73 degree weather!  Heavenly!  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE New Orleans?!?!?!?!  Checked into the hotel and went straight to Cafe Du Monde.  My husband was so happy to be with me this time.  We had dinner reservations at Commanders Palace for 7:30, so we only had a couple of hours to walk around in Quarter before we had to get dressed up for dinner.  

    What an awesome dining experience!  I highly recommend you treat yourselves when you are all finished.  The level of service was outstanding.  And the food wasn't too bad either.  *wink*  The food was really fabulous as well.  Was it Anne who commented on their bread pudding?  Well I agree!!!  Divine!

    Wednesday I had my appointment with Dr. S. As I have mentioned before, I scar badly.  He injected my scars again.  I can see the disappointment on his face when he sees my breast scars.  Not at me...and not in the way...but just a 'bummer' look that I don't have perfect results. I only cried a little bit when I thanked him and gave him my present.  I tried not to, but I am just SO grateful. 

    FYI...I requested this appointment.  When you go for Stage 3, it is only with Donn.  You have to request to see your Dr.  I knew I wanted to see him again. So when you ladies make your tattooing appointments,ask if you want to see your Dr.

    I got to meet Jennifer then!  Woohooo!  We then went visiting at St. Charles.  I had another gal from the Young Survival Coalition that had her Stage 1 the day before so I went and saw her.  Then we went to NebraNan's room and Anniese was there too!  It was so awesome to meet all these ladies in person.  We had a very nice visit for sure.  

    Afterwards, we went back to the Center to attend the EnCourage meeting.  (I sent my hubby back to the hotel.  No Bra Genie for him...LOL).  Katie outdid herself!  Just like everything the Center does...this meeting was first class.  Catered and with gifts and door prizes.  They brought in an author from Houston who wrote a book for caretakers who was a 5 year survivor.  Then the Bra Genie. 

    I volunteered to measured right off the bat!  Bra shopping is SO initimidating to me!  I have only bought 2 since my Stage 1.   So, you measure with a bra on.  You measure around the rib cage, right under the breasts (I was 36) and then you pull them up to wear you want them (I told her mine were good since they were new) and then measure around the fullest (most projected) part of the breast.  (I was 42).  Then you take the difference in inches and each inch is one cup size.  So I was a 36 E!!  Holy crap!  LOL!  I don't know that will correlate with a department store brand, as they are not as accurate as a specialty shop, but I am anxious to go try. 

    After that miss Jennifer needed to go get her beauty sleep for her surgery the next day and I needed to go get ready to have some fun on Burbon street with the hubby!  Katie made me list a of her favorite music places and so we walked up and down and hit a couple, but ended up at the booty shakin' bar (as Katie says).  Had a blast and felt it the next day...LOL!  The joy of being able to do that the night before a procedure versus being stressed out and being NPO!  

    Yesterday was my appointment with Donn. First, for those of you who don't know, he is an actual tattoo artist.  Not just a nurse who does tattoos.  So he has the tattooed arms and wears all black.  Just so you know! 

    I haven't had nipples or areolas since I was 21.  So I had to get my hubby's input on size and color since he doesn't really care for large, dark nipples and I definitely didn't have a preference...I just wanted some!  LOL!  Donn first asked if I had any before photos.  I thought he meant like the Center's, but he meant pre-mastectomies.  I was like....nope.  So then he asked if I remembered what color they were.  I had NO idea!  So he gave us some options and I had my husband decide on the color and size.  My only request was that they weren't so light that they faded right away.

    I had taken Eve's advice and bought a bra in a size too big so I didn't ruin my clothes. I told him about that and he said that there shouldn't be any seepage of the Aquafor onto your clothes!  And that if there is, you are using too much!!!  He said you should put a thin layer over the tattoos, like chapstick, and then pat dry with a paper towel.  You should do this twice a day.  No more, unless you are doing something that makes you sweat.  He said overuse can actually impede the healing process.  Today I am wearing a cotton shirt and no bra...and guess seepage!  YAY!!!

    I didn't have any pain at all during the process.  I was hoping I would!  LOL!  But nothing.  It doesn't take very long at all.  I LOVE THEM!  It really is like the cherry on top or the smile on the face.  I am SO happy with our color and size choice.

    Afterwards Beth took my pictures.  WOW!  What an amazing transformation.  I can't even believe it.  I am teary just typing this again.  I cannot even begin to tell you how grateful I am and how different I feel.  That will be a whole different thread.  So will the plane ride home last night.  We had some more emotional excitement!  

    But I HAVE to get some work done!  LOL!

    I am ALL DONE.  Wow!  What a year.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Trisha! You give the best updates!!! Thank you so much! 

    So, when I go for my tattoo I will:

    1. schedule it so I can go to an Encourage meeting
    2. schedule it when other ladies will be there too!!! 
    3. schedule a Dr. appt,, and make sure to get photo's taken
    4. Ask Katie for recommendations!!!

     Your update was so helpful! I need about a half of a tattoo. One side was prophylactic, so all good to go (sounds like this is helpful in picking a color!) and now that the nipple is redone, I need the other half of my areola back! lol.

    I was texting with JennJane earlier, and she was tired as Mel said, but seemed in good spirits. also, this afternoon, I got a text from Pam Gator's BF that she was in surgery, and it was to be much shorter this time, I sent love along!

    Mel, I keep meaning to say, if you are ever coming through Raleigh, pls let me konw. We should meet up! Maybe have coffee or something. Or you can come over for a visit, I will have to clean up, LOL. Good motivation... ha.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    I need to go measure my boobs, now that I know how to do it! I wonder what size I am now!!!!! Will report back. 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    TRISHIA - SUPER GOOD UPDATE! I am so HAPPY for you!  Wonderful! 

    Spring - I dont come thru often, but if I do I will shout out to you. 

    I have received sporadic texts thru out today from JENJANE!  She sounds fabulous and was strolling the hallways with our very own TEEL!  How about that!  SO cool!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Ohhhhhhhh, Mel, that is so nice!!! Teel and JennJane doing the St. Charles Surgical "laps" together! :)  Warms my little ole heart......

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Dear Trishia:

    Thank you so much for giving us very specific details.  It is so helpful to the rest of us that will follow afterwords.  I now need a detailed description like yours on chooses nipples and bras.

    I am planning on bringing a couple pictures of the before.  I am glad you suggested that.

    Wow!  A 36 E.  No wonder they bounce.  Here I thought it was great to have a 36 B.  Great information on measuring for a bra.  I found that the main problem is no projection for me to fill the cup without wrinkles in the bra.  I must have tried on 10 beautiful bras at a high end store and none of them fit. I remember meeting a women who had the Gap and had about a 36 D and she also had the problem of getting it to fit the width and then having problems with not enough projection to fill the cup out.  So I went to a molded cheap bra from Walmart and it gives me a real nice form.  Which reminds me I got to go there and get a big bra for after surgery.

    I am right about Dr. D. allowing a big bra after surgery?

    You were very lucky to have warm weather.  I think next week it is supposed to be in the 60's.  Haven't checked today.

    Just started Christmas shopping yesterday.  So glad I got a short list.

    WPLD I will PM you.


  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2009

    Happy to report that one of my drains was pulled today and the other just fell out.....YES, just fell out, Tuesday.  I have developed a very nasty infection in my abdomen incision.  My surgeon here and Dr M have decided to put me on a wound vac starting Monday or Tuesday.  I have had visiting nurses coming in to do a wet to dry dressing, but yesterday they changed to a Calcium Alginate dressing until the vac gets attached.  Just like a shop vac it is going to suck out all the bad stuff.  Did anyone else have any problems with their incision? My girls look great though!!!!!

    Happy holidays to all!


  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2009

    Springtime......first chance I had to look at your new photo.   You look fabulous and look happy with your new bod!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    Thanks for the report! I loved it! You have to tell us which is the booty shakin' bar that Katie recommended. I wonder if it's the bar that my husband and I went to to shake our booties. Actually there are a few of those!

    Yes, I found out at my last visit to Donn in November that they have changed their thinking to having a drier healing environment - just a moisturizer vs. the vaseline kind of stuff they used to recommend. Lots of air. Which works well walking around the house naked - or "nekked" as Sandy calls it. But when wearing clothing, especially a coat, I wanted space between fabric and my nipple while it was healing!

    It sounds as tho you had a fabulous time! Isn't Donn great?! I love the blue scrubs and then those tattoed arms and that neck! Also, you can tell that he has piercings - but has removed whatever goes in them when he is at the Center! But don't anyone let this description scare you, as I've had 3 sessions with him now and he really is a kind, gentle guy (as gentle as you can be when tattooing someone!).

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Linda, A vacuum to suck out the ick? WOW!!! Let us know how that goes. That is a new on on me! But it makes a lot of sense! I also had one "fall out" for phase 1, I somehow ripped the stitch holding it in. After a few days, it seems to"work itself out" and then all of a sudden won't suction any more. 

    When you get a new nipple created, the protocol is still to put the little plastic "hat" thing on it and fill it up, every day for 7-10 days, with that Bacatracin Ointment (Dr. D anyway). I was told by Stacy to "fill it up" it leaked!!! After wrecking 2 tops, I started using an ABD pad over the "nipple hat" filled with the ointment. That is different than the Donn/Tattoo instructions - which sound easier to deal with!  

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Have to add some things!!!  I'm off work now and thought of some stuff!

    First is that Donn does do the 3-D nipples for those of you ladies who are not getting nipple reconstruction!  Second, is that he is SUPER friendly and easy to talk to.  I was asking him about how he got hooked up with the NOLA docs and he was telling me that they actually wanted to bring in a real tattoo artist before they opened their own clinic, but that their partner (Dr. Allen I am assuming) was adamandtly opposed to it and would have none of it.  I found that super interesting.

    I wish I could tell you the name of the booty shaking bar, but I cannot for the life of me remember!  LOL!  

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    Ladies - you are all a wealth of information and I can't thank you enough! I am starting to get a pretty vivid picture of what to prepare for prior to my trip to NOLA!!

    Silly question time,,,,,,what is EnCourage??


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009

    Just want to wish next weeks NOLA gals a safe journey and smooth sailing!

    swastew, EnCourage is the name of the support/ informational gathering that the Center hosts each month. There is always a presenter on one topic or another regarding BC/overall healthy living and its just another way the NOLA Docs express their sincerest desire for us to become stronger and healthier in every way.

    BTW, Dr S. was my primary surgeon!


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Trishia, great report!! I'm more and more leaning toward 3D tats, also. I've only been nip-less for 2 years, but I can hardly remember the color...surely I have some photos squirreled away??

    Glad you enjoyed Commander's Palace. What an amazing dining experience. And yes, I vouched for the bread pudding!

    Linda, I was afraid you'd end up with a wound vac. But you'll heal so much mroe quickly with it. Do you have MRSA??


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    If any of you want to try to schedule around the EnCourage meetings, they are the second Wednesday of each month.  I can't plan to be there in person for them because I am out here in California hosting it via webcast teleconference.    Stephanie attends at my house, and we have several other regulars, one of whom is waiting for her blood counts to improve after chemo before heading to NOLA to have her expander removed and have DIEP instead of the implant her surgeon here was going to do. She's already met with Dr. D and is very excited after seeing my result and then Stephanie's.   So, we try to say hello to those in attendance at the Center and send instructions to give hugs too.

    I put a photo of Donn working on me on the photo forum so you gals can know exactly what to expect. He was very entertaining to talk to and told me that our wonderful docs wanted to offer us permanent makeup too, but Donn had to decline, he said because tattoos exposed to the sun fade out and look terrible later on. 

    Minn, that is interesting about keeping the tattoos drier now.  Save the vaseline for later, huh?

    Anne, I read way back when I'd decided upon mastectomy that your natural color usually matches the color of your lips.  I checked and that was totally accurate for me.

    Linda, I had some problems with a seroma under my ab incision, but didn't require a wound vac.  I've heard that things heal up almost before your eyes with those things---they are wonderful!

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009


    I didn't have an infection, but my abdomen incision opened up and looked nasty for a month.  Finally 6 weeks after stage 1  I flew back to NOLA and had Dr. D. cleaned it up and stitched it closed.  All the soreness went away after that.

    Just curious did you wash up with dial for a week and Hibiclens just before surgery?  I haven't heard anyone mentioning Hibiclens anymore on the board before surgery.

    In fact this is a question to everyone - did you take anything special to wear like Spanx or to wash with like Hibiclens?

    Does anyone know anything about the Celebration of the Oaks at the City Park in NOLA?


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Sassie62- I used dial for a week before, and used a soap (don't remember the name) that they gave me to use before my biopsy surgery the day before, just to feel safe!  Have been using dial since then, also.  Still have a couple of "open spots" under my right breast that has so much edema in it, so I try to be very careful cleaning.  My Onc is worried they will get infected when my counts get low....doing everything I can to prevent that!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    What, and where, is the "photo forum"?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    Sandy I didn't realize that was you.  No wonder you praise Dr. D :).  I am getting more and more excited everyday but I am a little bit nervous :).  I went shopping today and looked at a bunch of dresses for my DH's holiday party and the only thing that kept me from crying was knowing that next year I can wear the lower cut dresses and shirts.  I can't wear anything like that with my prostetics :( 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Oh, my gosh.  I started going back on this forum until October.  So much information.  Only read a few here and there that caught my eye.  SOOOOOOOO much good information.

    Minnesota saw your movie.  It was wonderful!  Very envious of your clevage.  With skin sparing like you had there is no tell tale scars like I have.  Can't wear anything low cut due to the delayed reconstruction without skin sparing.  Not that I am complaining.  But it would be nice to show off a little skin.  Don't know if anything can be done with scars in stage 2.

    LindaG47 are you also from MI?  I was trying to read your posting in Oct about BCBS of MI.  Trying to understand how you got it to work without out of pocket.

    Sandy I went to the Force site and saw Dr. Sullivan's shirt.  Don't they have one for Dr. D?  Yes, What photo forum?  Dr. D's?

    Here it is 12:30 again and I am still on this forum got to get to bed.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Im very behind here.  Im sorry I havent posted for a few days.

    I hope all of this past weeks Gals are doing good!

    Linda I am very sorry that you have to do a Wound Vac.  I hope it heals it fast for you.  Not fun anytime Im sure but especially near the Holidays.

    If you search the Forum for wound vac you will find other ladies that have used a wound Vac.  You might want to pm them.

    Sandy- Thanks for posting a Pic of Donn...I will have to go look.

    Minnesota- The Picture forum is TimTams- that is where you can post your pictures for us.

    You need to pm Fumi to let you in.

    Trisha Thanks for the Tattoo Details!  I missed the hint of your plane story..>Cant wait to hear all about it.

    I know I am missing lots of you...

    I dont have a cheat sheet & cant do good without or WITH one!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sandy, Can those of us in other parts of the country also get in on the EnCourage Webcast? Or is that just set up for you? I wish they would recored and post to their Web site. Many of us would watch remotely.  

    HERE ARE THE LADIES ON DEC!!! This finishes out DECEMBER!!

    1. Dec 14 - Patty50, Stage 2 (Dr. A) - NYC
    2. Dec 15 - Ccbaby, Stage 1 S-GAP, (Dr. S) NOLA.
    3. Dec 15-20 - MelanieW, Stage 2 - NOLA
    4. DEC 16 - Sassie, Stage 2 (Dr. D) NOLA
    5. Dec 18 - WPLD - Stage 2 Hip flap (NOLA) Fairway Hospital.
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sandy, I went to the timtam pic site, your new nips look totally natural!! 

    Sandy, (or anybody else who knows) question on the BROWN TAPE. So tell us all, I need to know personally, about this BROWN TAPE? I asked last time on phone with Beth, and she said, I could use this if I want, to help the scars to heal? She said to start about a month post op? Right now I am just using it to hold the brown "nipple protector" on. (seems a waste if it's scar tape?)

    1. So is this instead of using Mederma on the scars?
    2. Have you found it to be beneficial?
    3. Did you start a month post op?
    4. Where do you buy the tape once the roll you have from the center runs out?
    5. What is this tape called? 

    Given that I have a scar now that goes just about all the way around me, (let alone the ones in the breast area) I am going to need a never ending supply! 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    I tried the brown tape Dr. D. gave me and unfortuantely I broke out in a rash where ever the tape was located.  So I couldn't use it.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Brown tape:  Use it after four weeks/when all sutures are gone and incisions are healed.  It helps flatten the scars and should also help keep them thin (narrow).   I will be wearing it for a YEAR this time, because my vertical breast scars widened sometime after my tattooing was done, which was three months after the previous surgery.  I'm not taking any chances this time since I was really, really unhappy with the stretched out scars and they even caused one breast to come to a point on the underside.  I do believe the brown tape helps.  You cannot use it with any scar cream or the tape will not stick.  The tape will stay on up to a week or longer, even through showering.

    I ordered that brown tape a long time ago and got a HUGE box for very little $$.  Anyone who wants some, I will send it because I will never be able to use all of it.  The Center will also send it on request.  Because it stays on so long, you don't need much. 

    Hibiclens:  I have always showered with it for the last three showers pre-op.  Be careful to keep it away from face and genitals because it can really burn sensitive areas.

    Spanx: are not what Dr. D orders---he wants you in a compression garment that he provides, for two weeks at least after lipo.

    Shirts: I designed the shirts and we print them one at a time, to order.   I will post a link later, but they can be customized with your doctor's name, and "Restored By" "Created By" or whatever you'd like.  They have a lot of NOLA symbolism--fleur, bc ribbon, heart, tiara (because we are princesses there), etc.  We add crystals for a bit of sparkle.

    EnCourage: some of the meeting videos are posted.  Currently, you can only see the meetings live in Los Angeles or Indianapolis, if not in NOLA. 

    Minn: Did you pm Timtam yet?

    Nips: Starting to shrink a bit....they look incredible and I am so glad to have them! 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    I forgot to mention that I am feeling rather grumpy right now.  My husband woke me up at 6:00 a.m. this morning to go walk, right when I was dreaming that I was signing papers to purchase a condo on St. Charles Avenue!   Then we discovered that it's still raining, so my dream was interrupted needlessly and the papers aren't signed!!!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone.... I am here to vent.... Because I NEED to! I just looked up my claims for my stage 1 on my insurance company's site and they are denying ALL of my stage 1!!! They deemed it "not medically necessary". Which is interesting to me since I currently have a copy of the pre-authorization letter in my hand, and a copy of the women's rights act of 1998 which is posted in my benefit handbook AND the summary of benefits which states that breast reconstruction after mastectomy is covered. I am furious. The only thing that I see is that some barely high school graduate got a hold of my claim and thought that that was a pretty expensive boob job... and that cosmetic surgery is not covered!!! I hate finding these things on weekends when there is not one person in the office to reach and vent to. UGH. SO, come Monday I will be on the phone w/the company that does pre-authorization (different from the regular insurance company), the insurance company themselves, and Lanita gathering information for the idiots that processed my claim. AND if that does not do it, I will be on the phone w/even higher authorities to file a civil action lawsuit and maybe a few news stations to make my point. Anyway... sorry, had to vent... and all of this on top of surgical menopause really starting to hit. It should be a fun weekend. NOT Okay... thanks! Hope everyone who had surgery this past week is doing well!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Go Nordy!  Talk to Lanita first though, because you may not have to do any of the fighting yourself.   Don't let this spoil your weekend because you will prevail!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Sandy - I actually just wrote them a letter... and sent it via email already. I actually feel a little better just being able to vent to them (and to you guys!) even though I know nobody will be reading it until Monday! The funny thing is, they are so dumb. Why would you cover the anesthesia, the pre-op, the post-op and everything else if you weren't going to cover the surgery? Hmmm... doesn't quite make sense to me... Anyway, I wrote a very informative letter! I hope this does it, but I will be calling Lanita on Monday as well. I am sure she is so used to having to deal with this cr*p all of the time. At least I am not crying about it today... LOL... Yes, I think my body finally depleted its fat stored estrogen - and it only took a week. I have been on an emotional roller coaster - crying over stupid stuff and sometimes over nothing at all. I am calling my oncologist on Monday and asking him to talk to the gyn/onc to figure out a dose of estrogen that everyone can agree on (hopefully a patch) and at least get me back to my normal fiesty (not whiney) self for a while... then WEAN me off slowly. Cuz you know, when Mama's not happy, nobody is happy!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    (((NORDY)))  You know I know how you feel.  Signed contract, still nothing.  Grrr.....