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NOLA in September?



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2013

    kbodie - you sound like you are trussed up better than a thanksgiving turkey.  Wow, a lot of compression.  But that will equal a wonderful result.  You will feel beautiful in no time!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2013

    This is off topic, but I desperately need some good thoughts and prayers...and you all are the best!  My hubby lost his job today completely out of the blue.  I'm in total shock.  Less than two weeks ago, he became an employee after being an independent contractor for more than 10 years and today no job.  Just when I thought it couldn't get any does.  Please pray that we figure this out, and that my family has some relief from stress and heartache...we are overdue.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2013


    OMG.  I am so sorry.   I will pray for you and your family.... I just do NOT understand how he can be hired as an employee and then turn around and fired a few days later.  This makes no sense and sounds like it was premeditated.  Doesn't it?  I'm furious for you.

    My husband works as an independent contractor also for several firms.  About two years ago, one company in particular was very interested in hiring him.  They kept asking him over and over.  It meant a significant pay cut for us as contract work is better money.  I'm just thinking this through in my head and I can't imagine him becoming an employee and then losing his job right way.

    Was this a way for your husband's company to get out of their contract with him?  Maybe I'm personalizing this too much... I don't know but I am so so sorry.

    Make sure you sign up for COBRA asap!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2013

    Fortunately I carry the insurance...DH has been self employed for decades (until two weeks ago) and so I've always carried the insurance. 

    I honestly have no idea what happened.  He wasn't under contract before, so no contract to get out of.  Maybe they figured out how expensive having an employee was?  I don't know...but hubby did say his boss said he could find a local college kid to do what he does for cheaper. Incredibly hurtful because hubby works HARD.  My family has given up so much time with him over the years so he could do his job well.  And then he gets treated like this.  I'm so numb, I can't even cry.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Kbodie... Did Dr S do something to your arms? I had discussed this with DrD and he felt I didn't need it, so we passed, but he would have if I wanted it.... Full body suit? Wow... I had a vest and a boob to calf girdle and thought that was a lot..

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2013

    Audrella, that is horrible. Hopefully some light will be shed on the situation as the lack of information about it must be almost as upsetting as the fact itself.

    Betsy, my arms and underarm area were lipoed, hopefully helping with the side boob bulge kinda thing. I didn't want to not compress that area but it would sure be nice not to be double compressed!

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2013

    Audrella--so sorry to hear your news. Such a gut punch! What a shame.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    All the best to Marcy and Elilabeth...yes Marcy we were walking outside after twelve days of was a beautiful day!

    Not gonna lie my butt hurts... I cannot wear the compression garments they gave me..too much pressure onthe flap. I amwearing a spanx type thing that comes to the waist but do not think it is tight enough

    Maggie 2

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2013

    I'm late on the short list! Marcy and Elizabeth!

    Mar 18 - Marcypt - Stage 1, NOLA.

    Mar 20 - Elizabeth1959 - DIEP with Dr. M., NOLA.

    Audrella, wow, I am so glad you have the insurance, imagine that mess? ugh. Sorry about hubby's job. Sounds terrible... I know it puts pressure on you...

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2013

    Audrella, Thinking of you and your family and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.  Hang in there!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    Audrella, I am so sorry to hear this. You are fortunate to carry the insurance. It is hurtful, scary, and many things. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Maggie... When I had the GAP flap and my girdle went up too high, I cut it... Dr d was fine with that.... Perhaps you can ask Dr M if that would be better.

    Kbodie... How are your arms? Dr D said if he lipo'd my elbows ( just above) I would end up with loose skin. And then I'd want the skin removed.... And I wouldn't like that incision.... So I am curious how yours turn out...

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Audrella....I am so sorry to hear this! I will be praying for something better to come out of this! Xo

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Betsy...gonna try that today sorry about your hubby's job...not what youneed right now...I really hope it is a newdoor opening

    Maggie 2

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2013

    Just taking a poll here. Has anyone had nipple reconstruction that didn't collapse?  how long ago did you have it and where did you get this done at?

    Smile Thanks....

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Tracy... How horrible.... My husband was laid off after 20 years of service just months before being eligible for retirement benefits (needed to get to 49)... So he brought it up, so that I am sure they felt an age discrimination lawsuit might be in their future, so they agreed to keep him til he was 49.... In the meantime, a high level co-worker found him a job within the company out of that one division, and he is still employed. Sometimes, you have to and can find a way.... Sometimes, there are no open windows like that.... But I do feel that when a window closes, a door opens.. I know many people who are thankful they lost their jobs, in the end, because it allowed them to do something else, that would have seemed too scary before.... Oddly, my husband really hated his job... And he often said wouldn't be great to laid off on his 49th birthday (eligible for retirement benefits, and not losing pension etc).... I later said be careful what you wish for. He is much happier now, although his commute is longer.... So being laid off was a good thing for him..

    Things will work out, and sometime in the future, you will look back at these times, and know these were the rough times....

    Also, next time you are in NOLA, buy a voodoo doll and name him after your husband's ex-boss.... Then have a little voodoo celebration.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited March 2013

    I don't think you have to buy a voodoo doll. Isn't there an app you can load on your phone as long as you have a picture of the boss - and you can fake blow him up on a phone picture.  Might let some stress out. 

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    cut the top off a couple of inches and it feels great..thanks!  Feeling better everyday.  Just fatigued a bit.  Leftie is really bruised and beaten from that infection...pretty sore and swollen a bit still.  Lots of work to do in the next stages to be sure. 


  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2013

    Mags -- So good to hear you are doing so well!! It was a haul, but YOU MADE IT, GIRL!!!!! eVERY DAY WILL NOW GET BETTER!

    Audrella -- That just s--ks!!! And company execs wonder why the rank and file don't trust them!! As Betsy said, another door or window will open, it just may take a little time. Always did with me, but in hind-sight, each time there was a layoff or firing, the next opportunity was a much better one. Keep the faith ... and hug that hubby!

    Best to Marcy and Elizabeth!! You are gonna do just fine ...

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Yay Mags!!!

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Mags, so happy you are doing well, hope the other this week are having a good result :)

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    Wow ~ stay off the boards for a few days and it takes awhile to catch up! Audrella honey I am keeping you close in thought and prayer. Try not to stress too much. Your husband will come through this.  Mags and Maggie - ladies you have been through so much, you are tough, hang in there.

    Had my stage 2 with Dr S last Friday.  Flew home today.  When the nurse asked what procedure I was having I smiled and said "the works without pickels"! Dr S and Laura knew I was flying down alone and the BF would fly down after my discharge to fly home with me (logistics problems).  However, when I arrived this was a BIG issue as apparently LA law requires someone to be discharged into their care!  Luckily the BF had an employee in NOLA and they were able to come to SCSH Saturday and drive me to the hotel. On Friday evening when I was awaking I lost my cellphone in my bed.  I told them it was probably in the bed.  But NO, they (3 people) had to go through my purse, and luggage first (I really didn't like that at all)... Yep, when I rolled out of bed there it was in the sheets! I actually found the nurse a bit abrupt between the discharge and phone issue. But thankful they were the only Hospital issues.

    I chose not to shower at SCSH and to wait till my return to the Hotel ~ so I didnt see any of my surgical sites right away.  Once I got to the hotel I rested, awoke, took my antibotic (Bactrum) and then took a shower. I had a meltdown.... My abdm revision did not remove the remaining portion of the old belly button as I asked, the dog ear removal was another 4 inches on each side of my hips and was not concealable under my underware, AND worst of all I had no idea that the mini lift would require my nipples be cut out and repositioned AND have a horizonal incision along with reopening the vertical stage 1 scar.  It was a horrible realization.  There I was alone to grieve. A few hours later my breast became angry red and I felt like I had a fever - face red and flushed, and I began having tremors, shakes.  I called the on call Dr. (Cohan), he said he needed to know my BP and heartrate then my cellphone died.  So I walked two blocks at 10pm to Walgreens and the pharmacist took me into her office. My temp was only 99.6 but my BP was 145/85 (my normal BP is around 90/60) and my heart rate was 104.  I sat with her for over an hour while she got me cold water and contacted Laura at SCSH.  The pharmacist believed I was having a reaction to the antibotic. Laura said to go to the hotel and take the pain med (which I hate narcotics) and to follow up with them as necessary. I took the meds and awoke at 0700 Sunday to Dr. Cohan's call asking me to come to SCSH so he could take a peek.  He advised that the breasts looked good, but I had a rash and he too believed I had a reaction to the antibiotic which he promptly changed. Within hours the BF was there and I was much calmer.  I chose not to voice any of my hatred of the additional incisions to Dr S at my post op on Monday.  He has my complete trust and I am grateful and thankful for his skill.  I just wasn't prepared the sight or the outcome. The breast look "great". But they no longer look real. Realism was the whole reason I chose the DIEP procedure in the first place. Now I cannot help but feel sad ...

    There will be no additional tweaks or revisions for me ... I wasn't perfect before so in at least that detail I can achieve realism.

    I did purchase from Katie the Tee shirt that says "Yes, they are Fake. The real ones tried to kill me." I will wear it with pride.

    As Stage 2, day 4, closes I remain grateful. God continues to favor me. Hugs to you all on your journeys.

    Love and Prayers ~ Paula Kay

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    Oh Yeah - ALL drains pulled before I came home! Yippee! Dr S says 2 weeks in compression. But even his assistant suggested Spanx afterward.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    I just walked with my daughter a half mile...felt good to be outside a bit.  Have not had pain meds since Sat except Tylenol for a headache from the antibiotic.   Was reading the sheet from Pharmacy and it is not compatible with the flexeral they gave for pain so glad I stopped taking it cuz no one ever warned me about it. I spent the day alone today so know that I am self sufficient now.  For any gap long in this compression...I hate it...very compression sensitive..always have been and it make myLE flare just a little. 

    Paula Kay I am so sorry for your disappointment in the result.  I am not thru stage 2 yet so can't say that about my flaps yet.  I know they are not going to ever be perfect as my real babies were.  I hope you feel better soon and get back to feeling good

    Maggie 2

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2013

    Audrella - so sorry to hear about your husband - hoping something better comes along

    Marcypt - hope you are doing okay today

    Paula Kay - glad you are home and finished.  I know what you mean about being finished.  Stage 1 was particularly hard so I hope that I like Stage 2 (scheduled for May 29) because I can't imagine doing more after that.  Thanks for sharing.  It will help with my pre-op question list.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Maggie... Compression until a week after all drains are out...

    Paula... Sorry for your disappointment. But, I am confident that once the glue is off, swelling is down, you will have a change of opinion about your breasts. You are right to have faith in Dr S's skill.... Just trust it will be great.... I have never heard of anyone who was dissatisfied, and I doubt you will be the first... It is still so so early....

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    Betsy - I am sure the results will be good.  I just had no idea there would be so much additional incisions.  I wish I had asked more questions as I have more incisions now than in stage 1. I had slight nipple and skin sensation before stage 2 - guess I can say so long to that.

    Granted the pain is not nearly that of stage 1.  In fact I have no pain what so ever in the breast themselves. Only pain in the abdm incision and soreness in the lipo areas especially stinging in the groin. Still having issues with rash so I am going to kix the remaining days on the Cipro (antibiotic #2).

    As saggy, old and used up as the old girls were.  I would still prefer them. But I didn't like them more than my life.  As a PBM there will always be a slight second guessing I suppose. But we do what we think is best, from educated opinion(s) - chart our course and trust in the skill of these fine doctors all the while praying for the hand of God upon us all.

    Sleep well my sister soldiers.


  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2013

    I want you ladies who think all the incisions are making your breasts ugly to know there is hope....I had my stage 2 surgery Sept 17 and when I looked in the mirror I felt that I looked like Frankenstein. I was discouraged and though OMG I am only 41 I shouldn't look like this at this age. Well, now that I have given myself time to heal, I am so extremely happy with how my breasts look. They look natural are soft and my scars are barely noticeable. Dr. Trahan did amazing work and I can say I look so much better than I did before my BC diagnosis. Ladies there is hope.....just give yourself time to heal.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Oh my what we go through!!! I'm getting so anxious about my upcoming Stage 1. are amazing going by yourself! I would have a meltdown. Glad you are doing better!

    Mags you sound great!

    Teddybear..I loved reading your post!!!!! Thanks!!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2013

    Elizabeth today!

    Mar 20 - Elizabeth1959 - DIEP with Dr. M., NOLA.