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NOLA in September?



  • marcypt
    marcypt Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2013

    Finally I am posting ... 5 days post op staying at the hope lodge which is beautiful. Everything went well just sore a bit around the hip flaps and having a hard time sleeping.

    It has been a little emotional but hanging in there. St.Charles is an amazing facility with amazing staff. Truly blessed to have found these dr's. sorry did not post earlier too many side effects from the drugs😉

  • Maxine58
    Maxine58 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2013

    Marcy - so happy to hear it went well and that you are on the mend!! Been thinking of you and hoping your experience was all you hoped for.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    yeah Marcy...heal well...I know what you mean about sleeping.  I just had to take ambien for the first time last night and I am 2 1/2 weeks out.  the no sleeping finally got the best of me.  Take care and glad you are doing well


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Sharon... welcome...

    Melanie... Don't worry about it... I am sure there seems to be a lot of hard spot girls, but almost all get resolved at stage II (which you would have anyway).. For me, I can't help but think my problems arose due to falling (passing out int he shower) the day after discharge. There is no way to no for sure, but it just seems too ironic... Plus, if anyone can get it right, its these doctors. I have heard many stories about people going elsewhere and the doctors can't fix the little hiccups along the way. These doctors can.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    Marcypt- glad to hear from you. Side effects got to me too. Happy you like the Hope Lodge. It really is nice there. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Maggie- Sleep can be such an issue. I am 4 weeks out and still occasionally taking Tylenol PM. I am lucky that this works for me. Getting sleep is so healing. Do what you have to do!!

    How are you feeling and how is your flap??

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2013

    I had to get an ambien prescription all three times. Just til drains and compression are off. Then I wean to tylenol pm. Then I try to quit, have a few not great nights, then back to regular sleep.

    Welcome and good to hear from those in recovery.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    Hi Cherrie...I am feeling pretty good.  The flap is doing great.  She is a bit overstuffed on top and the two are completely not even but that will be fixed later. At least now we have a canvas to work with.  Went to grocery store today with hubs.  Needed some food desperately.  Going to try to lose about 20 before stage 2....still no date but hopefully this week we can set a date for it.  Can't wait to lose this drain...I know it will be here for a while more.


  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2013

    Maggie I just love to read your updates! So very glad you have cleared the biggest hurdle, and stage 2 will be a walk in the park in comparison. Yay for you!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies.. I know we have discussed belly bloat... and I believe that I have said that Dr D took care of that at this last surgery. I have posted a picture on the forum. I really am amazed at the difference. I also posted a picture of the full body (in bikini)... too modest for full frontal naked. I know some people have asked about lipo etc and wanted to show how Dr D made sure love handles were gone and blended it all in after DIEP and GAP. Usually I post a close of of the surgical sites, so this is more of an overall picture.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    Nice to hear from you Maggie. I am so happy that flap hung on. Are you eating that protein Marty tells us to? Don't worry about that weight loss. Eat healthy, walk, drink and it will come off. I went into Stage 2 15-20 over where I wanted to be. I do the best I can which isn't everyday! Get your body ready for healing and it will thank you.

    You are going to look great when Dr. M is done. It is great having doctors who are perfectionists.

    I was a little freaked out after stage 2 with all the incisions, etc. I am really seeing improvement now.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Betsy for putting my mind at ease:)

    Marcy glad all went well!

    Mags so glad you are out and about and the flap is good!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2013

    Maggie - have you decided where you will do Stage 2?  If you are flexible, let Dr M know.  Charleston is no further than NOLA for youCool.

    Cherrie - sounds like you are doing better every day!  By this time next year, our boobs will be perfect and we will have lost that 15 - 20 - hotties!

    Marcy - you have turned a corner and are on the home stretch.  Yea!

    Betsy - on my way to the picture forum.  Thanks for posting.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2013

    You look great Betsy!!

  • Louisianagirl40
    Louisianagirl40 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2013

    I missed the discussion on the belly bloat. I have been concerned about this! I was thinking maybe my stomach was not pulled tight enough or may be from the chemo, but I'm 6 weeks out of chemo and still bloated. I gained 10 lbs during chemo and really want to lose it before surgery on Apr 18.

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    Belly Bloat? I had actually a more "flat" belly coming out of stage 1. It appears my upper abdm is now smaller than my lower abdm (right above the DIEP scar) is.  Not sure if this is residual swelling - but the lower admn is not sore or bruised at all - Leads me to think Dr S did not lipo there.  Still just 10 days out of stage 2 so I suppose there is still time for things to settle in.

    Compression.  I am 5'4" and 135.  They had me in XXL compression (hurt my feelings) at SCSH. When I had my post op I asked if I could trade the unused compression for a smaller size XL.  It does not bunch at the zippers and is far more comfortable than the larger size was. These garments should be very snug without being restricting.  So check your sizing before you leave their care!

    I was only told compression for 2 weeks - then to spanks for awhile longer as I wanted. So I ordered a few, but frankly I am not going to wear them much if I am to be honest.  Thoughts?  What I have read on compression runs from no effect on ultimate results to moderate effect in short term only.  What say you ladies?

    One more question.  I am a side sleeper and not doing well resting.  I was told I could sleep on my side immediately.  I have managed the hip discomfort in bed, but am terrified of rolling to far onto the underside breast when in this position.  Surely they (Drs) would warn if this is a problem right?

    Interesting that no one has called from the hospital to check on me yet, or I would ask.  Might post a question to Dr. D on the Ask the Doctor forum.

    Thanks ladies in advance for your responses.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    Judy, we are all thinking of you. Let people take are of you.

    Paula- I have found every doctor to be different with this. I had lipo of flanks in stage 2a and Dr. M would like me in compression 24/7 for 8 weeks. Then, 12 hours for 4 more mo. if I can tolerate it. She believes it gives better results. I don't know the answer to that, but will do my best to comply.

    QUESTION- I just bought Kelo-cote for breast scars as the glue is finally off. OMG was that expensive. Is there anything else that works just as well that doesn't cost as much?? Just wondering. They want you youseitfor 60-90 days and 2X per day. That will add up fast.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Paula... Dr D said 24/7 for 2 weeks, and more is better. So after stage II, I wore it during the day for 6 weeks (24/7 for 2 weeks), and after stage IIb, I wore it for 5 weeks I think. Maybe 4. Just couldn't do it more. And all my bruising was gone and didn't seem swollen, so I stopped.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2013

    In did the bare minimum with compression both times. Two weeks full time or one week past last drain. I went right to the requirement and quit with glee. Was going to try really hard to go longer this time. So thought I before wearing a bodysuit with a long sleeve compression top over it.....

    Pulled one drain Friday. Was so excited. Thought for sure the other would be gone by yesterday. Drainage has spiked and I am higher than I was with two drains. Ugh. Looks like it is sticking around awhile.

    Have terrible blood pressure spike after forgetting to change hormone patch for two days. Feeling crappy. Got the new patch on. How long to take effect?

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2013

    I'm a side and belly sleeper. To keep me from rolling onto my belly I would put a pillow between my knees and I would also hug a pillow with the arm on top. Doing this worked and also kept me from worrying about rolling on my belly. Oh, sometimes I also wedged a pillow behind my back. It kept me in a nice secure nest!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    After sleeping on my back for so long, my body has adjusted and I just don't roll over. I think my brain is telling my body not to while I sleep.

    So I just about always have a heart attack when those explanation of benefits arrive. Aetna has been great, but this go round, not so much. I am sure the billing office will be all over it. They paid Dr D's fee (negotiated), but the hospital bill.. ugh. They say I owe 76K. Yikes. I know the hospital always works it out, but still.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2013

    Kbodie, what type of hormone patch if you don't mind me asking.  I'm always curious about the whole hormone thing or in my case.....the lack of.  Thanks





















































































  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited March 2013

    Wow, BDavis, will you wind up paying more than your deductible? That is one whopping bill!

    I bought Boomerang pillows at Steinmart, 2 of them and I sleep with the pointy side up like an upside down V x2 - that and two neck roll pillows at my sides which keeps me on my back, but oh how I crave sleeping on my left side (sight of new PAP flap so can't do it yet)

    How long did the Dr tell you NOT to sleep on your sides after stage 1 ( and stage 2 if applicable- I see all the Drs are different, just curious)

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited March 2013

    I wore the compression after stage two 24/7 for the two weeks that Dr. Sullivan said to.  No more.  I did not perceive any swelling so I didn't extend it.

    Betsy, I also have a balance after stage 2, and that's with them telling me (the ins. co.) it was covered.  Not as high as yours.  However, since the center didn't tell me I needed to pay anything up front and given the fact that my ins. co. paid way over double six figures for the two together, I am not too worried.  I'll let you know if that changes.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2013

    I use vivelle dot .10. It is estradiol.

    Sleeping on the side allowance is new. It was forbidden stage 1 and stage 2. I had the leachco belly pillow which I brought to NOLA in a separate suitcase. It makes back sleeping so so so much better. However, with the new side sleeping allowance, I have been doing it, even on the drains. My arms are sore enough that I can't get as comfortable as usual so I don't stay there very long but it is nice to have the option.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    I have an insurance plan that says they can't balance bill me...they are contracted... and the Center asked for $500, which I paid. And I got pre-approval for everything. So... I think they just need to work it out with Aetna. I just don't like seeing such large numbers. Freaks me out. 

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2013

    Insurance numbers scare me, too! Everything has worked out so far, but I am having trouble with one of the anesthesia bills from October. Insurance denied it because it wasn't pre-authorized, so now Parrish is saying I am responsible for the entire amount. This is the surgery that they flew me down with 12 hours notice, so I don't know how it could be pre-authorized! She said she would submit it one more time, so my fingers are crossed. $4200--yikes!

    I wore compression for 2 weeks, then Jeanine told me I could just wear it when I wanted to. Ha!! But now, 4 weeks post stage 2, I am finding my upper belly is really swollen at the end of the day after work. Miserable! I'm going to wear the compression this week to work to see if it helps with the bloat. I never had this after any of my other's miserable.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Dianne.. I would think pre-authorized or not, they should cover it. If you had an emergency, and needed surgery, are they going to deny it cause you didn't plan it? I owed Parrish $100 (5k bill) for my anesthesia. But I have a second anesthesia bill.... another $5k, which was covered out of network (my portion $550, but haven't been billed yet)... And then another anesthesia bill which was part of the hospital bill for 9k (covered partially 5k)... I simply don't understand it all. And all anesthesia was covered mostly, but some procedures were not, but I am confident it will work out.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    ugh--insurance....the first round in Nov the Hosp bill was 6 digits...ouch...and that was just for the diep not the removal of failed flap...I can only imagine what this one will be with 12 days and massive meds...yipes...the Center and hospital are I got the first check from the insurance for the anestesia bill...came fast

    I too have gotten used to sleeping on my back...I am surrounded by pillows and my hubs barely has any room but gotta do what ya gotta do


  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    NOLA was out of network for me.  They (NOLA) asked what I could pay and I wrote a check for that.  If they look for more they will have to check my couch cushions 'cause I dont have it.  My surgery started in Nov then stage 2 a few weeks ago. I haven't received much in the way of bills other than an office visit.  The team knows how to work the insurance companies to pay their share.

  • netty46
    netty46 Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2013

    My bs did a lumpectomy in 2000. Chang did flap in 2005. It's the ps that should know not too attach a flap to old breast tissue .if he was so skilled why did he not call in the bs he works with at Mercy and arrange for him to remove it before he proceeded with flap? The ps who discovered this area was even in shock of this slop mess he did on me.