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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Linda...... I'll keep following that other thread...who knew there were so many....and more types of this stuff that keeps getting discovered?  I'm so happy you made that connection at Sloan and w/ all those other ladies.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Hey all you cuties, I was just realizing that 2 weeks from today we'll be in New Orleans and I'll be having my "pre surgical" appointment. Yikes! I have to keep focusing on the ONQUE ball! LOL>>>



  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    ONQUE BALL....ONQUE BALL..........YES!!!!!!!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited August 2009


    I had a consult and was ready to move forward but then I got a call from Lanita regarding insurance.. I have Anthem.  She told me they are out of network and there is no way to tell what Athem will pay until AFTER the surgery and the claim is submitted.  She said that Anthem won't tell you and they can refuse to pay anything... or pay... whatever they determine is reasonable.  How in the heck do you move forward here when you have no idea what your personal responsibility will ultimately be?  They can't tell me, Anthem can't tell me...  I'm stumped.  Anybody???   I was going to try and get Stage 1 and Stage 2 done in this calendar year (rushing it I know but NOLA said it was doable)... but I am stopped dead in my tracks... are you guys signing on saying you'll pay $30,000 and hoping you won't have to or are you getting definitive answers on what you will have to pay before anything is started?  Help?

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited August 2009

    Wow, holtbolt, I came here to post the exact same thing. I have BC/BS and pretty much the same scenario as you. Lenita is very nice and it's comforting but I can't go through with surgery not knowing if I will or will not be stuck with a HUGE 65,000 + or - bill! I don't know what to do, she said we could schedule surgery but I'm torn...... Did you fill out their financial form? I too was rushing as my mastectomy is supposed to be done localy next month. I am hoping some of you ladies that are going there, or have gone there can help me out as far as what you have had to pay or not pay and what you've been told.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    Holtbolt, I sent you a private message regarding this.  Please share with Dragonfly9.  I have to run now.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    HoltBolt and Dragonfly, my insurance is in network so I can't help you. BUT I have heard that they will 'work with you' from other women. Good luck. I hope it works out for you...

    I just chatted with a friend who had her surgery last Friday in NOLA with Dr. S.. She want to Southern Surgical in Slidell. SHE LOVED THE HOSPITAL!!!  Trisha, hear this! :)  There were only three people in the hospital when she was there, and she said the nurses were AMAZING.she was not even sad she didn't get to go to the new St. Charles Hospital. She loved Southern Surgical so much. :)

    She had the lumbar recon (higher up than GAP) and was walking around on day 2. Day 3 she got a shower! ONQUE BALLS worked really well! She was given a narcotic, (Percoset I think) but only takes 1 a day, and doesn't really need it she says. Her breast drain tubes came out on day 3!! She only has 2 drains now in her back hip area, one on each side... Apparently the girdle thing is a real pain.  But other than this, she is doing SO VERY WELL!!! She sounds great!

    I just wanted you all to know.  This makes me feel so good! :) 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2009

    Spring that is SO exciting to hear!  THANK YOU so much for posting this!  I have been feeling a little anxious becasue I wasn't getting to go back to St. Charles, and reading this just relieved my fears!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    That is great news.....did she have immediate or delayed recon?

  • danny5280
    danny5280 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2009

    Hi Holtbolt,

     I have Anthem from the state of Colorado (HMO) I only had to go through 1 appeal and was approved for in network.  I'm scheduled for Sept 4th in NOLA.  I'm not sure if the Anthem insurance differs from state to state or how that works.

    Springtime - I would love to hear more about your friend's experience at Southern Surgical - 2 weeks from today - that's where I'm heading and it sounds like I'm having the same surgery as your friend.


  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited August 2009

    The lady at NOLA told me they don't accept in network "acceptions"? Is that what yours was? I'm just curious, maybe it will be worth it to appeal mine if I end up going.

  • danny5280
    danny5280 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2009

    Sorry - I'm not sure about "acceptions".  After the first refusal of service, I had my past plastic surgeon write a letter for me stating that I should have the lumbar flaps and not implants (I'm on my 3rd set of those) and that no one in the state of Colorado does this type of surgery.  I also made a ton of calls to plastic surgeons on my own and then listed who I contacted and what type of surgery they told me they could and could not do.  If you want to PM me - I will give you my email & I would be glad to give you a copy of the letter I sent to my insurance.  I just talked to NOLA today and confirmed I will only have to pay my regular in network co-pay for the procedure.  I'm not sure if this will work for Anthem in all states - I assume there may be differences. Hope this helps.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Jen, my friend who had lumbar recon also just had her initial mastectomy, and some more nodes out. So she had mastectomy with immediate bilateral lumbar recon by Dr. S.

    HoltBolt, all I can tell you is that my friend loved Southern Surgical. She said we would go back in a second. She loved the nurses. Was very well taken care of. She got a shower on day #3! :)   Said she did not feel bad at all that she was not at St. Charles Surgical. She had a wonderful experience at SouthernSurgical!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Ok!  This just keeps getting better!  GREAT news!

    More good news!  I met w/ my med onc today and it was a VERY positive experience.  My blood pressure was up but came down( I rechecked at work)............sheesh can you say anxiety?  Anyhoo, she is behind me 100% and even remembered another conversation we had by phone last DeCEMBER...I'll spare you all. But,basically she said a petscan is not indicated and showed me guidelines of Onc MD's.....then went into the rationale-they are very nonspecific and show EVERYTHING;  inflammation, etc.  a LOTof false positives that would have to be chased down  She was VERY interested in every minute side effect...but...I had a very small, very early tumor...Thank you god!  The've been all over me and she flat out told me despite the fact she and her husband are Mayo prepared and now profs at UTSW she had her surgeries at private hospitals.....It was all really good and I know my blood pressure was lower before I left.  I think she was really excited for me...and that was Soooo nice!

    Oh also she refered me to a real OB/GYN, on camps/in network...remember I am the 'barren one'- So literally all the well woman stuff done by just the family practice MD...but it's really ok....problem tho..I've been so incredibly irregular since Tamox...felt better making sure all is ok-or med related but not a problem before sept 22 ............ok, sorry if TMI.  It was just VERY nice to have someone else in my corner, who is part of my future regimen who WANTS to know an covers ALL.

    so...there ya have it! goodnight!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited August 2009

    Jennifer--I've had a root canal, and I'd rather have that again than another  needle guided biopsy.  And I'm terrified of dentist!  The ball sounds great!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    JenniferJane - all sounds great!  Its WONDERFUL to have your path supported by those that you respect!  Good for you!  Talk to you soon.  Mel

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Added Happy29 to the listing above. She'll be at Omega with Dr. Allen. TUG.

    Also, there are several updates on Nordy on the Aug Recon thread for those of you interested! Sounds like she is doing very very well....


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Gosh it's friday night and I'm still at work!  But going home soon!  And I hope my new fall slip on shoes and insurance authorization letter  are waiting for me when I get home.  Well september is right around the corner not even 2 weeks away!  The weather seems to be cooperating so far -Thank you God!  Melanie don't forget sunday night phone date!  Goodnight girls! xoxo

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2009

    Hi Ladies!  Newbie here, but I will be in NOLA 9/8 for consult and 9/10 having bilateral mastectomy, sentinel node biopsy and diep reconstruction.  Moving pretty fast here so everything is still a bit of a blur.  Haven't made any reservations on staying anywhere yet, just made plans that my sister will go with me, and my daughter will come down just for the surgery. We live in Murfreesboro, TN, and my sister is in Huntsville, so we are driving.  Some family and friends are freaking because I am going out of state to have this done, but have explained we cant get this done just anywhere.  Hope to see some of you there, and any hints, I would greatly appreciate!! Thanks!


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2009

    I had a MRI core biopsy and that was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life.  I was crying and begging them to stop.  Believe me I can take a lot of pain (after all the surgeries I have been through) but that was something else!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I called the center and asked why my stage 2 hadn't been scheduled.  I really didn't get a concrete answer but I asked for one of two dates. End of Nov. or week of Dec. 10th. They said they would call me when they got that scheduled.  That was a week ago.  Haven't heard anything yet.

    My question to all out there - has anyone had stage 2 and had lipo suction?  Everyone I have talked to that has had stage 2 has had lipo.  That is something I want because it is used to fill out any imperfections in the breast.  But I am scared to death to have lipo from what I have seen on TV.  Any info from anyone out there.

    Has anyone heard from Nordy?

    Springtime where is Southern Surgical?  I am not too happy with Ochsner Baptist where I have to go each time because of insurance.


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2009

    Would someone explain something to me.

    What is Dr. Allen doing at NOLA and why is Dr. Massey working at NOLA?  Both of them have their own offices in South Carolina, Chicago etc, etc.  Have they joined the NOLA team or are they just visiting?  Just wondering.  I called Dr. Allen's office before going to NOLA and they wanted $30,000 just to walk in the door.  They wanted you to sign a paper which made you responsible for paying what ever the insurance didn't pay.  But they wouldn't confirm what your insurance would pay up front.  So you would have to go into surgery not knowing if you would have to pay 150,000 dollars for the surgery.  So I said thank you but no thank you.


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009
    PlainJane - Got it......Sunday evening, but not too late, cause we need out beauty rest.  Wink
  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    Gin52 - I am staying at Hope Lodge, the center can make reservations for you. Your sister may stay with you.  There are 2 double beds in each room, should be room for when your daughter visits.  I will be there on 9/16 having DIEP.  There are others on this thread that will over lap you as well.   Good Luck, maybe we can meet up.  Take care. 

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2009

    Thanks MelanieW1 for the info.  Thanks everyone!  Lots of wonderful info here.  Amazing how much we can find out here to make us more comfortable and prepared for the "journey" this disease takes us on!  As Tiny Tim said "God bless us, everyone!"

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited August 2009

    Dr. Allen is flying in and out of NOLA and doing surgery at Omega, plus in New York and Charleston.  He is not associated with the CRBS.

    Dr. Massey is doing surgeries at St. Charles Surgical Hospital and is also traveling around (Charleston, Utah and Chicago), but said she hopes to eventually make the CRBS (Drs. DellaCroce and Sullivan) her home for surgery.   She is working with Drs. D & S doing the Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer procedures to treat lymphedema, in addition to performing reconstruction surgeries.

    Sassie, I've had lipo and fat injections in NOLA several times and our surgeons are master sculptors---don't worry!  Watching DIEP surgery would scare you too---best not to watch those shows!


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    Hi sassie- Dr Allen is doing my surgery at Omega and I think NOLA is a different practice.I have heard that the NOLA Doctors may have been trained by Dr Allen but I am notr sure if that is true?

    I was told that Dr Allens office do not balance bill- this may be because they approve what my insurance company is willing to pay.  I will know for sure this week before I leave. I am trying to get an in network exception.

    I am not sure about stage two. MOMS DAUGHTER- would you tell me the difference between lipo and fat injections?


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    OK, Spring-it's started for me.............the dreams;  I'm late(like really late) for surgery- missed it, or drove myself to the wrong PS   and another where my irradiated boob swells a lot bigger and really bad pitting edema the day of surgery.  Woke up this am and remembered- hey!.....they drive all the transfers!  I'll be on time! and checked the mirrror- nothing newer, bigger, more swollen.........had this sort of stuff when I graduated college, sold a house, closed on a house...... and everything happened as planned or better!!!

    ok, off to work out and then renew BLS/CPR cert.  Have a great saturday!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Hi Ladies! I am traveling home from vacation right now so will catch up on all this reading once home... (on mobile phone now!)

    ;en did I miss the appointment for a "joint call" on Sunday night? = want in on that!!!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    Spring -  I was going to call PlainJane sunday evening.  I do not know how to conference, but if you want in, we can work it out.  I will PM my number to you.  We also did not set a time, but I will be golfing late afternoon, so I am thinking 8:30 would be assure that I am back from the course. xxo Mel

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    ok, sounds good!