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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    Lulu... what does your PS say? You said the MO was against it, but I would ask your surgeon? Where did you have it done? NOLA?

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Lulu - I had SNS BMX....unfortunately I "lost" one nipple (still have the areola). So, my right side always has that "headlight" look; very normal after a mastectomy. to me it looks odd, and is bothersome, not because the of the "headlight", but because of the asymmetry. I hope Dr. S can reconstruct the lost one. I like not having to wear a bra, and in these cooler months with layered clothing and scarfs I can get away with it. In the summer I had to wear a padded bra. I also know that they sell little stickies to cover the "headlight". Shoot, in my younger days we used tape :)

    I will chime in on the MRI/mammogram thing too. My first lump I found at the age of 23. It was large, but the mammo showed NOTHING. It could be seen by U/S. I had a lumpectomy, and was initially told it was IDC, but further pathology showed it was not invasive. Due to personal and family history (mom had BC at 28, grandmother in 40s, grandmother's 2 of 3 sisters in their 60s, etc) I was followed with mostly ultrasounds in my 20s, with a few mammos. In my 30s I had a change in insurance, and no longer saw my BS. Started with annual mammos (only) in mid 30s. In June 2012 had a mammo - picked up a large fibroadenoma (my gals were filled with those and cysts). I found a new BS. He followed up in Dec 2012 with a "baseline" MRI. Two days before the MRI I noticed tethering. In addition to the MRI the tech did an U/S (said I had a cyst) and a mammo. ONLY the MRI picked up the area the main tumor, which was 3.5cm of DCIS and IDC. I did have a second small area of DCIS that showed up on none of the tests. Interestingly, when I had the U/S guided biopsy, the same tech that could not find the tumor by U/S the first time, did find it this time...she said it was buried behind a cyst and fibroadenoma (so, was she not thorough the first time?? Thank goodness I had the MRI)! So, while no test is foolproof, I do have a bit more faith in MRI.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2013

    Lulu- have you heard of nipple sharing (I think that's what it's called). They can take part of the spared nipple and use it to create a new nipple on the other side. In the right hands I've heard it's a great technique.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    About MRIs... I totally agree the MRI is the best tool for detection... The question comes as to what a doctor will consider for monitoring after BMX, how to find a recurrance before you can feel or see it. The doctors I see all say that recurrances take place most of the time by the skin. My concern is that may be true almost 100% of the time with an implant recon, as the implant is behind the chest wall, but with a flap recon, it is behind. If I fell into the unfortunate group who gets a recurrance on the chest wall, and have no MRIs, then it will kill me before I find it.

    So, that details my problem with follow up. My MO was saying the primary cancer and recurrance behave differently. One is slow growing, starting as calcification. The other is just a mass, presumably something I would feel in a self exam. Ok, maybe this is true, but I'd still feel better with yearly MRIs. He did add that if my January MRI showed nothing, what's to say I didn't get a recurrance in February, and by next January is palpable etc. I felt like I was talking in circles.

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Betsy, I am with you in wanting the MRIs. I don't agree either, that we would all "feel" a lump or recurrence after a flap. I did not feel the cancer/lump that led me down this path to begin with...I don't trust that I would necessarily feel one in my reconstructed breast (Well, one reconstructed with a flap. As you noted, with implants only I can feel everything). I will have to discuss this with my MO in December. It will be interesting to see what she says.

  • vwbordelon
    vwbordelon Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I have been a constant reader and a sometimes contributor. I now have surgery scheduled with Dr. Trahan On Dec.17th. Have already done my pre-op so no Dr. appt.'s till then - I'm not going to know what to do with myself! So, I am open to any "words of wisdom" from you ladies. I am going to do a prophylactic mastectomy on my left side and DIEP on both sides. It was a hard decision, but I am now at peace in my mind and ready to do this.

    Hope you all have a great day and best of luck to everyone!!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2013

    vwbordelon...welcome..ask anything here and you will get answers quickly from many very knowldgable ladies who will quickly become your friends. Enjoy this "time off" you deserve it. We will help anyway we can

    Had my follow up today and the "crimson tide" is retreating. Dr m thinks surgery will be fine...of course that is assuming that it goes away which it will cause got another shot in the cheeker again. YOUCHY! 2 different antibiotic pills-one is 4x a day and 1 is 3x a day...ugh...probiotics are on the menu for sure

    Dr M does not want her patients getting mammos. Only MRI or US. She has a letter for you to give your local doc for your chart for insurance cos that may fight to pay for the MRI. Recommends yearly. Just had one a month ago...very interesting to say the least....I really hate MRI's --they are too loud!!


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Maggie - so glad to hear that the red tide is leaving and you will still be on for December!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2013

    I want to chime in that I had my care transferred to MDAnderson after I recurred with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Now that I just finished active treatment, my MO there does not want to do any scans for follow up unless there are symptoms. It seems to be the. MDA philosophy. Right now I'm scheduled for a chest CT at my next follow up to check on a lung thing (pleural effusion). I'm going every 3 months for the next 2 years though. I've had so many scans this past year I just don't want any more. Also, I had PET, MRI, CT, ultrasound all before surgery and none of those showed the extent of cancer I still had. We knew I had one positive node but 10 ended up positive, plus some other things. I had a clean MRI about 1 month before IBC symptoms. I had a clean baseline CT less than a month before I was diagnosed with IBC. So, for me, I'm a little sour on these scans now. My case is admittedly complex and unusual. My MO is a Stage III himself, so he knows both sides. I just don't want anyone to feel scared if you don't get an annual MRI if you don't have symptoms. BC is so incidious and screening doesn't guarantee anything. My MDA MO feels the two best things to check for recurrence are for the doctor to physically examine the patient and for the patient to report ANY symptoms. (Sorry if I'm a Debbie Downer!)

  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies,

    On the subject of my 24/7 erected nipple, I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your views.

    Not sure what I will do. In my attempt to get the PS to potentially remove the nerve endings that might cause the protrusion of the nipple I would not want to lose the nipple all together...

    I am scared and unsure what decision to make as PS cannot make promises either but in the meantime a BIG thank you to all of those who read and responded to my post.

    Xoxo Lulu

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2013

    well, just back from strutting my stuff around the block ... (Well shuffling my way around). Good to have fresh air even though my butt corrections were hollering with each step!

    Dr. D. Did his and so did Vinnie! I gots my tat! It is truly amazing what he does. The long and short was I had two artists seeking to help me feel and be whole: one worked with the raw materials of my body, sculpting and refining. The other employed the artistry with ink. I am teary with the results, pain and all. Feeling blessed. Couldn't have done so well if it hadn't been for you all here in the forum. Blessed, that's what I am ...


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2013

    Maggie...from another have brought tears to my eyes--so happy for you! Cannot wait to follow in your footsteps. Don't you overdue it!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    Maggie/Celtic- so,so happy for you. Today I was feeling very blessed and thankful myself thinking about how fortunate I was to have found NOLA. I am only through Stage 1, but I am amazed. I am certain that Dr. D has many patients feeling this way. What he and the other NOLA surgeons do is pure magic. It must be so rewarding for them to make so many women feel beautiful and whole.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2013

    Maggie2 - I hope that the cellulitis is continuing to respond to the antibiotics and that you're now pain free!

    Maggie1 - Glad to hear that you're shuffling around and happy with your amazing results!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2013

    Yay Celtic!!!! So happy for you!!!!!

    Mags...How are you this morning?

    Has anyone stayed at the Marriott in New Orleans? I have a gift gard for a free night and we will only be there 2 nights. There are 3 Marriotts and I don't know which one is nicer. I was just thinking of staying at the one with the free breakfast. We won't have much time to do anything..bummer!!! We do want to enjoy a nice dinner on Tuesday night after I get my tatoos from Vinnie. I also want him to give me a fleur de lis somewhere on my body:) That has always been my fav symbol. Crazy how I end up in New Orleans with these magical doctors and artists....meant to be!!!! Wishing all my sisters a beautiful, blessed weekend!!!!

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2013

    russell1 I don't have any input on the Marriott.

    Hubby and I ate at Mr.B's bistro, came highly recommended from hubby's cousin (she goes down every year) as well as one of the limo drivers whois a local. Be prepared to spend some money though! Old style service, water boy, bread boy, silverware guy...I'm not used to that as I am always at a "cheap" restaurant with my kids. I've heard their BBQ shrimp are the best...I didn't get them, they come with heads on? I don't know if I could have done that! The two men next to us had them and the scene from HarryMet Sally came to mind as I listened to them eat! Lol. The wine list was extensive, but expensive...we had the cheapest bottle @$30 and I didn't care for it too much...mind you I'm not a wine snob. Here is a link for the Mr.B's menu


    Oh, reservations recommended, we called too late (earliest reservation was 8:00)so did walkin and had NO WAIT. Tables ARE close together.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2013

    Melanie...thanks for asking about me...much better...just can taste the antibiotics...prob cause I have had so many. Arm is now a little swollen around the elbow so as so as I am allowed the compression goes back on.

    We stayed at the Marriot on Canal St for 3 nights prior to my diep last year. Lovely lobby...not much of a room...a wee bit older and no food included. Our room did not face the river so no real view. It was within walking distance to Bourbon st and lots of restaurants and shopping.


  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2013

    Russell, How have you been? I'm so glad to see you are close to the end of your journey. Let me know what your fluer de lis looks like. It's so bizarre you said that because I've been actively looking on line for one since having Stage 2. I too have always liked the symbol and now feel I would like it to be a part of me since I left "parts" of me there. Just a pretty little reminder of the strength and courage I know I have but tend to forget. I've never stayed at the Marriott so sorry no help there.

    Maggie 1, you sound like you're doing well. What all did our wonderful Dr D do for you this go round?

    BDavis, If I don't check in again for a while best of luck this Thursday, I'll have you in my thoughts. Do you know what you are going to have done?

    Maggie 2, hope things keep heading in the "better" direction for you.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Maggie 2 - you brought tears to my eyes. I visited you in NOLA a couple of days before my surgery and now we are both done. Yahoo!!

    We are all truly blessed to have found these doctors in NOLA. how many of you learned about them from this site? I did.

    Melanie- I like my new bras. Thanks.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    Barb... Thanks for asking. When I had surgery in January, thinking it might be the last, it was 7 hours and covered a lot of ground. This one is just breasts. I wanted my final surgery to be a tweak.. nothing major. Dr D will lift the left breast and add volume hopefully and on the right, which I thought looked done, he said he is going to rotate the flap.The objective is to add volume in the upper cleavage area. I had had a seroma after stage II in that area, and ever since I had it drained its rather indented.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    I meant Maggie 1. Sorry.

    Betsy, I am jealous you have cleavage. Although my breasts look great, I do not have much cleavage. Oh well. It is only noticeable in a bathing suit.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    Count down to trip back to NOLA... two days to go....

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2013

    good luck bdavis!

    I am planning my stage 2....hoping to take a girlfriend as my caregiver and another to join us as well. Hubby will stay home with the kids. Stage 2 is only on wed, thurs or fri. Any advice would be appreciated so that I can have SOME enjoyment with my friends before/after surgery.

    Is there a pre-op for stage 2? I think I am mostly a lipo job.

    What type of recovery, will I be walking New Orleans streets sightseeing or "bed ridden" due to pain.?

    Given the unpredictable winters in NY I plan to leave for New Orleans 2 days before surgery, how soon after surgery would I be able to comfortably get on a plane...I can always tell hubby 2 weeks! Lol. But I don't think he would fall for that!



  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2013

    bdavis...may this be the tweak of your dreams!

    Maggie 2

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2013

    Betsy -

    I am thrilled with what Dr. D. has done this last time around and I am sure you will be too. Stunned at how great the tat looks ... I am sure you will be really happy with the final results!

    And,yes, I have cleavage ... the "WOW" kind. When I started I had very small breasts. With Dr.D. On the job, well, WOW!

    I can't think of a greater place to have 2 girlfriends hanging with me! Pre- surgery, the world is your oyster (sorry about the pun!); post- surgery all depends on what is done. I find that lipo is quite painful for the first few days so I wouldn't be planning a marathon tour of Bourbon Street! ;-) Lots here to do, see, and eat!

    Hanging with NOLA friends this afternoon watching the Saints game munching on Frank's muffulettas! Yum! Post-op tomorrow am, one last free day, and heading home Tuesday on a 2:20 SW flight. Will feel different being done ...


  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2013

    perfect ending Celtic!!!! So happy for you!! Excited for you Betsy!!!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    Betsy, I will be thinking of you next week, sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    Thanks all... I am excited too... And look forward to seeing my favorite doc... and coming up with a finale with him.... Tats are later, springtime maybe... Vinnie said I should book a date, but I am waiting til after this surgery.... perhaps a long weekend in NOLA in April or May??? We'll see.

    Pat... I was in the hospital 2 nights after my first stage II... but I had extensive revisions as a DIEP/GAP girl. Lipo feels like you way overdid the gym. Not ouch painful, but sore. Sitting on the toilet after a butt lift is a bit uncomfortable. But I still went out into the Quarter after surgery. As far as when you can leave, all depends on if you want a post op or not... they are not mandatory. I like post ops, so for me this go round I have surgery Thursday and leave Tuesday with my post op Monday. Otherwise I could have left Sunday... or even Saturday, but that would have left no room for a problem, like two nights in the hospital.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2013

    Bdavis sounds like you're ready for this. When they rotate the flap what does that entail? Is it just a matter of sliding it over & reattaching it or is it more involved with the need for drains stuff? Also is that what he would do after trying fat grafting? After stage one I had some noticeable sunken in areas over the tops of my breasts and he put fat there which helped but it's been about 3 months & although it's better it's still sunken in looking. If I decide to go for a stage 2b I wonder if he'll fat graft again or rotate?

    Cherrie, I don't have cleavage either but I never did , except that one time I squeezed into that bustiairre (sp). But it was more uncomfortable than sexy.

    Pattysmiles, there is definitely a preop for stage 2. When you're done you will look like a lovely Smurf. Take a picture it's interesting to see how things look differently after you heal. You'll black & blue in areas you didn't know you had lipoed. And give it time, it'll swell for quite some time & you'll question if they took anything out. But as it heals you'll love the results.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2013

    Barb... At my stage IIb he added fat or maybe a collagen as well... at least that was the plan. He had also considered a tdap flap on that side since he was doing that to the left side, but I guess decided against it. He told me in July that he has had great success with rotating the flap maybe 90 degrees when I pointed out the indent. I have no idea what is involved, but assuming its minor compared to other things cause I asked for a tweak, not an overhaul. I see him Wednesday for pre-op and will get more info. I kind of like the right side except for the indent... so I hope we aren't fixing one part and sacrificing another area... but I trust Dr D implicitly. Its funny, cause I went for a consult in July, to address a concern on the left side and he immediately pulled out the blue pen and started drawing on the right side... I was like, "Whoa there...."