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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Thanks stix. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2014

    Best wishes tomorrow, Marsha!  Fingers crossed that you wake up with those crazy nipple protectors!  

  • bailey2
    bailey2 Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2014

    Marsha--best wishes tomorrow! My recovery was much easier and faster with stage 2. 

    Regarding transportation--the Center makes it so easy and it is a wonderful service they provide. 

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Good luck today Pam and Marsha!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    Hey everyone!  I'm on the other side of stage 2.  It was quick, maybe 1-2 hours with no complications. I have nipples and from what I can see everything looks great!  I asked him to do my back thighs just for aesthetics and of course that's the part that hurts the most. But I asked for it!  I joked they needed a padded toilet seat Dr S and the nurses seemed concerned. I don't think people here get my sarcastic humor. When I first woke up I wanted to get the catheter out, pee on the toilet and do some laps to work out the soreness in my back.  The nurse said I need to take it easy after i lapped around a few times.  Now I feel like it's the day after a strenuous hike or long night of dancing, when the soreness catches up to you.  But really I can't complain.  The dillaudid is nice, but I know from experience I'll pay for it with constipation so I'll get something for that tonight.  I haven't taken off the compression garment yet, so no idea what it looks like down there.  Feels a little racy to walk around with this crotchless undergarment under my zip up cover up that is not quite as long as the shorts.

    Hey Pam, hope you are doing well.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    So... After my stage IIc in November, my left breast fat grafting seems to have mostly melted away. It is better than it was prior to surgery, but not nearly as good as it was post surgery. So I asked Dr D if he could do more fat grafting, maybe while I am in town for tattoos... But Jeanine called today and said that Dr D feels I don't have any viable fat to use. Sigh. I am going to see him before I get my tattoos, so maybe he will have an idea or find some fat. I suppose I could always add a small implant, but not really in favor of that idea. Or I can just be happy with where I am at. I can't help but think that side sleeping may have caused the fat loss. But I was specifically told I could side sleep... Sigh again. Of course, I can grab lots of fat, but I guess for lipo'ing, there is good fat and bad fat. Not sure.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Its been a while since I posted on the board here. I had Stage 1 in September '12 and Stage 2 in December '12, with hip flaps. I have been on the board on/off over this time. I started a new career venture last year and have been focused on that adjustment and getting back into the swing of things. I knew my younger sister would be undergoing genetic testing soon and late last year she also tested BRCA 2 positive.

    So now I found myself helping her through this journey. She is 26 and a single mother. I want her to treat in NOLA but she has very limited financial means. We met today with the plastic and breast surgeon today at our local, medical hospital. While they do the DIEP procedure quite frequently she was advised that she would not be able to have the nipple sparing procedure because she is a D cup. Again I would love for her to be NOLA and we are trying to figure out if that will be an option. I had a few questions for the group:

    • I was just curious if anyone would be comfortable sharing if they had a D cup and did the nipple sparing procedure as part of their reconstruction?
    • How long is the stay in NOLA for the DIEP? Since I had the hip flap procedures, if I remember correctly the length of time one stays is different by procedure.

    Thank you for any insight those may be comfortable sharing here.


  • bailey2
    bailey2 Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2014

    Hi Kerry-- I was in Nola for 10 days for stage one. I flew in on Monday, pre-op Tuesday, surgery on Wednesday, left hospital on Sunday(one extra day) and stayed in a hotel until Thursday. I had a post- op on Wednesday. The care and support were amazing and I was ready to go home by day 10. I had nipple sparing and size was never a discussion-- I was not a D (about a C). I would be happy to talk with you or your sister if you want any additional info.

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014

    Kerry, reach out to NOLA,  Tell them the situation, they will give free consult over the phone, they tell you how to take pics and send.  They will work out an affordable monthly payment.

    I also had a 10 day can stay at hope lodge, free...but ask the NOLA people if that is possible (is BRCA treated like cancer, is that a technicality?)   Only one caregiver can stay with her at hope lodge.

    Highly recommend you reach out to NOLA via their website, I had an answer within a week...eased a lot of my concerns.

    Wishing you the best.


  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Thank you ladies. I spoke with Vickie yesterday and she was great. She was the person I had worked with for my surgery and the financial part. Always helps to gain some good insight here. I will keep in touch :)


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited January 2014


    I was a 36-38 D cup. They were saggy too and I had nipple sparing. Dr. Stolier was able to save them :-)

    So sorry your sister tested positive for BRCA :-( 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Kerry.. I had both GAP and DIEP, and believe that with either (combined with MX) it could be a 5 night stay in the hospital (or could be less). So I would assume its the same as for when you went. Come in two days early, and plan to be there throug hpost op one week after surgery.

    About NS, I was a 36 C/D and Dr Stolier saved my one (I requested the other be taken). I do think when a surgeon is not experienced in something, they bow out. So perhaps your local doctor just doesn't do a lot and a D cup is more of a challenge. But Dr Stolier has it down, as do the other BS at the Center I would assume. Glad you could start the ball rolling with Vicki... just see where it takes you.

  • Sydgrace
    Sydgrace Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2014

    Marsha, welcome to the other side of Stage 2!  Happy to hear you are doing well.  I recall that soreness, too - I remember feeling like someone beat me up on the thighs for the first few days.  But I was so happy it was over. I'm sure you feel the same...keep moving, it will help.

    Betsy, sorry to hear about your fat grafting doing a disappearing act.  I wanted to chime in because I added a small implant after my Stage 2 for some added projection and am really happy with it (them, I should say, as I added implants bilaterally).  I was hesitant, too so I can understand that sentiment.  What I can tell you is that it looks very natural with the flap for extra cushioning and recovery  has been *relatively* easy.  The change is pretty subtle which is exactly what I was after. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Heather... I had read that once you put an implant in, it permanently flattens the surrounding fat, so you could never go without. So my fear is if I got an implant and then didn't like it, I would be worse than when I started. How long will it last? My understanding is an implant by itself lasts 10 years or so, but when its in the flap, it is longer, like an augmentation.

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Ok Ladies!!  I have great respect for all of you that have gone here.(wish I could have sigh sigh).  What if anything did you use under the compression garment?  I know my skin will react as I have sensitive skin.  Any suggestions?  The clock is ticking and soon I will be done with this part.  I have to sign my life away on all of the what if complications on the waiver.  

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Thank you wonderful ladies and I see some familiar names from my treatment in 2012... Michelle, Betsy, and LAstar I hope you are doing well. As we speak my sister is over and we are filling out the forms at the kitchen table  to start the process. I want to be hopeful and yet realistic at the same time for her sake, in case the financials don't work out. Just keeping pushing along :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2014

    Betsy, about Fat Grafting, have you ever considered the Brava method thing? I have a friend who is getting a breast built using the Brava method. You wear this suction type thing that pulls the skin out and creates space. Apparently, in this space, and environment of blood vessels grows and so when the fat arrives, most of it survives, because of all the new vessels that support it (or at least, this is how it was explained to me). My friend goes to a doc in Miami for this, I've never heard them doing it at the Center in NOLA, just FYI. I've thought about doing it on my RADs side, which is a bit smaller and tighter than the other side. I too had fat grafting, but I think the best you can expect to get is like 50 percent. I'm not sure I got that!!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2014

    Hi, Kerry - I'm sorry to hear about your sister.  I'm sure having your help is a huge relief to her. My fingers are crossed for her that it works out at the center!

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited January 2014

    Betsy - When I went for my 2B, Dr. S. said that my prophylactic side was 30% smaller then the other. I couldn't find a bra that fit both sides! I felt overstuffed after surgery and joked that I'd be back to have fat grafting on the other side in 6 months. At 8 weeks post op I had a perfect match. Unfortunately, there's been some more shrinkage. Still better then before but losing some projection. When I left NOLA in November, I said I'm done with surgery and I'm sticking with that. Just hoping that shrinkage stops soon! I keep reminding myself that they weren't a perfect match before and everyone who sees them raves about how great they look. I think sometimes we can be hypercritical of ourselves. I hope that you're feeling better and got to have a belated birthday celebration!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2014

    Kerry, I was a DD, and had a SSNS surgery.  Dr. Stolier and Dr. D.  I am just getting ready for Stage 2, so I can't tell you what the end result will look like, but it can be done at NOLA.  Heck, I'm convinced they can do anything!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Spring ... I have not considered the BRAVA... the problem is not being too tight in the boob... the problem is viable  fat to lipo. So with BRAVA I would have the same problem. 

    Toomuch,  I was pretty darn good post surgery in November... But the fat on on the left has melted away... so now I am not symmetrical. But it is better than before surgery. The good news is, its pretty good... and if Dr D has any ideas in April, I will listen and decide. I don't have a ticking time bomb and can always decide to do something later. I will get my tattoos and maybe by summer I will feel like I don't want any more tweaks.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2014


    I'm doing BRAVA with Dr Kline in Charleston. Not fun at all, but I feel like I retained much more fat from 2nd time I had fat grafting with BRAVA vs. first time without. I have severe radiation damage and am very thin, so preserving as much fat as possible is crucial. I am a B cup and had bilateral SGAP 18 months ago. In a few weeks I will send my 3-month post op pics to my doc and we will be pleased. I still need one more fat grafting to upper pole of non-rads breast. I could be starting my next round of BRAVA now, but I'm waiting three more months.  Implants were evil to me in my initial recon, so no way in h--- will I consider even a tiny one in me. Do what makes you feel good about your breasts and bod. You deserve it.  I am going through a divorce, too, and should I ever meet another man to be intimate with, I will have to deal with first time with someone after 27 years with same man, AND my baring my breasts and body after breast cancer complications.  Dark room, candlelight, and wine seems like the only way in my thoughts right now, but I still think my scars will continue to fade.  Warm wishes to you in your personal decision. 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Thanks Pink... I only know what the doctor's message was to me... that with the lipo I have already had, I am out of donor sites. This would be true for traditional lipo/fat grafting and BRAVA with lipo... But you never know. I do understand what you are saying about a future dating scenario. I am sure your docs will fix you up beautifully. You have persevered in this process, and it will pasy off.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    I'm just wondering. Are most people done after the second surgery?  I really am hoping I won't want or need another surgery after this stage 2. 

    I'm pretty happy with how everything looks here 2 days post op. It exceeded my expectations. I just wanted them to be the same size. 

    Also what works well for scars that doesn't contain silicone?  I'm allergic to it. 

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited January 2014

    Kerry-I was a 34DD/DDD before and I had DIEP with the skin/nipple sparing, now I'm a 34D. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning!  I have a question about muscle cramps for my exercising friends.  I am 14 months from DIEP and 9 months from having the ab incision revised with flank lipo.  I started working out 8 weeks after Stage 2a with plenty of ab and core work.  Over the past 6 weeks I have had occasional cramps in the lower ab - usually on one side or the other.  It is just like a leg cramp and I can work it out quickly.  Just wondering if this will go away at some point?  It doesn't happen every time I exercise.  I should mention that I am well supervised during exercise by a drill sergeant of a physical therapist who is the most amazing PT I have even encountered.  

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014

    Marsha, did the center give you something for scars?  If not call and ask them, they were going to send me something but then realized I was a stage 1 surgery so they wanted to hold off to stage 2 surgery.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    Marsha... The center can give you something, like the 3m micropore brown tape. But you can't use it until 4 weeks post op.

    Marty... I have occassionally had a weird cramp. No real rhyme or reason why and when it happens. My opinion, is to work slowly to build up the abdominal muscle and never go too hard. I will assume that at some point, you will be back 100%.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    TSA pulled me out and wanted to do a pat down.  I said no way are you touching my surgical sites, and then they made me stand and wait even though I had come through on a wheelchair.  Finally they let me sit down and scanned my hands with something and let me through. I don't know what lit up, I have no drains, only nipple protectors and a bunch of pads around my bra.  I started crying...I know I'm a wimp, but here I am flying home alone and have to deal with this.  Also they wouldn't let me check in at the curb.  They said this guy needs a wheelchair, I said I also need a wheelchair.  Inside they said they might not have had another employee to help me.  Hopefully the rest of my trip gets better. Transferring in Atlanta where I hope to get lunch. 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2014

    Marsha, I'm so sorry you had to experience that.  It happened to me after my stage 1.  I sobbed the whole time.  It was traumatic for me.  I know what you went through.  I suspect it was the pads that flagged you.  I personally think the TSA, as it is currently, is a joke.  Hopefully the rest of your travels were uneventful.