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NOLA in September?



  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2014

    Marsha, cider - didn't they give you a letter to travel with?  After my Stage 1, I was lucky enough to fly home on a corporate plane, but my Stage 2 is coming up in a week and I am a bit concerned about traveling home through the airport. I have reserved a wheelchair, but not sure what to expect from the TSA. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    I flew home from NOLA two days before Thanksgiving... The airport was packed, but I still found someone to get a wheelchair (which I used for my 82 year old mom instead of me) and TSA was great with me. And always has been. I have flown home from NOLA after surgery five times, and no issues. I'd like to think the issues are few and far between.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    I got a wheelchair but I had to go inside which meant my mom had to bring my suitcase inside and leave her car where it could be ticketed.  (She didn't come home with me but is returning to California.). I didn't think to bring change for a porter.

    I got the letter for the first surgery but not the second because I didn't have drains.  Seriously why would cotton pads be a security risk?  What if I just want to stuff my bra?

    I cried when they said they said they would need take me somewhere private to inspect me.  I will show my breasts to anyone who wants to see them, but for some reason this was really humiliating.  I'm so glad they backed off.  They ran this thing with a yellow sensor over my hands then put it the sensor into a machine which seemed to read it.  After that they let me go.  I guess it could have been so much worse.  Anyone know what that hand thing is?  I don't think it could read fingerprints, but if did I'd be in the database because of my job.

    I had no problems with stage 1 and I had 3 drains. 

    Anyway, I am glad to be home.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Zenful and Sherry- Thank you for the info. I am hoping we get some info from Vickie this week on the financial side of things for my sister.

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2014

    On my first and second surgery, the TSA just let me go on thru the X-ray machine with no problem,  on my third surgery in Sept.  I was pulled to the side and had to run my hands over my drains then they scanned my hands.  I'm just wondering on this third time if it was because my brother was pushing me in a wheelchair and not a airport employee, cause I had drains on the previous trips only difference was a employee was pushing me the other times.

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2014

    Hi ladies, I will be having a diep and possible hip flap done in feb with Dr. Massey, my regular doctors in NY will not agree to pull my drains, said it was an insurance issue. Did anyone else have a problem?

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014

    Judy..I can't imagine how they would have known about the drains!

    Marsha, the thing they ran over your hands was a type of "swab" to read for explosive substance or of that like.  I was not stopped coming out if Nola airport...still had a drain.  So most of those stops are random.  They ought to have let you sit back in the wheelchair...for anyone reading this, if it should happen to you ask to sit while waiting.  I was stopped on my flight 3 weeks later when going to Las compression set off the X-ray, I guess the zippers were the giveaway!  They couldn't find someone to take me to a private room...I started lifting my shirt right there...screw that! Finally the woman asked where my scars were and I told her, she gave me a gentle pat down and then did the swab thing of the hands.  Then off I went.

    I remember being very upset when I left NOLA and had to use that stupid Body scan  machine , at the airport, where you put your hands over your head.  I was very upset thinking it was additional radiation I did not need. Well, luck would have it my next trip involved the body scan both ways.  I guess they are putting more and more people through it.


  • drdolittle
    drdolittle Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2014

    my trip through Nola airport I managed to get a tsa fellow whose wife had surgery at the center - I must have looked stressed at the line and inspection - he was great and escorted me through the line pdq. Talk about relief, I did have the paper work in my hands ready to toss them the letter explaining my surgery if I had been questioned.  The hand wand is checking for traces of explosives - had that done in Memphis.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    BetNY22... I have come home in total with maybe 15 drains, maybe more. I have pulled them all. There is no need for a doctor to do it. Very easy.

    Marsha... I have many times had that hand swab. I have also refused to be x-ray-ed.... and they went along with my request. Told me not to tell anyone. It was a random pick who went thru x-ray anyway.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    I went through the body scan thing first, which is what set off the alarm.  I was wearing thigh compression with zippers but she seemed to be concerned with my breasts.   I was wearing 2 mastectomy bras with the front clips, one had holes for the nipple protectors to poke through and the second I used to hold up padding to camouflage the nipple protectors (I brought from stage 1).  So maybe it was the bras.

    I did ask to sit down after they told me to wait and they let me sit down.  They weren't mean, just following procedure. If you read the tsa site you can opt out of the scan machine, but opting out of a pat down is not an option if you want to go through and they insist but you should tell them what areas are painful. 

    Betny22,  I pulled my own drains.  It's not as hard as you think.  They will give you a sterile set of scissors and tweezers that you use to cut the stitch that holds the drain in place.  Its a large loop and easy to see.  Not like removing tiny sutchers.  If you have help even better.  Once the stitch comes out you just tug the drain tube and it doesn't hurt at all.  The stitch is what hurts when the drain gets tuged.  Then you apply neosporin to the hole with a sterile swab they provide and cover with a sterile pad.  You will measure your drain output every day and they will tell you when it is ok to pull.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2014

    BetNY22, I am a wimp when it comes to pulling my own drains, so my family physician did it for me.  I came home with three, and they all came out at different times.  He admitted he hadn't done it since residency (20 years ago) but was happy to do it for me.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2014

    BetNY22, a nurse-friend and my husband pulled mine.  The stitch is snipped with scissors then the bulb has to be open so it does not still have suction before pulling.  We did it once without opening the bulb first and there was some unnecessary stinging.  Otherwise, just a weird sensation then freedom!  Also, just in case, don't wear any shoes that you don't want to wash.  My nurse friend forgot to hold the end up as she pulled it out and...ew.

    I've had to go to the "back room" with a group of TSA women in NOLA (that were just a bunch of lookie-loos as far as I can tell) both times.  It's humiliating and exhausting on what is already a stressful day.  The letter has never gotten me more than unwanted attention.  

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2014

    Thanks ladies, it sounds like my husband can handle it :)

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014

    betNY, waving from Westchester!

    When I went in for my post op with Dr. Sullivan he said he was pulling 3 of my 4 drains.  I asked if he could let hubby pull one as the plan was for hubby to pull the last drain from home.  dr. s had a big smile on his face when he said yes (but then again he always seems to be smiling).  He went slowly on the first two, talking hubby through it, then talked hubby through as hubby did #3.  I think I was more relieved he showed my husband than my husband was! Lol. (You haven't watched my husband try to do things!)

    So maybe ask if whoever is with you can pull a drain?  Good practice!


  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Marsha - what trip!  I am so sorry.  I am sure you are happy to be home and in your own bed.

    For any ladies who stayed at Hope Lodge - do they call you to confirm?  I will be checking in next Monday night.   Also, when did you get the final schedule (who will be picking us up at the airport, etc) from the center?  

    I still can't believe it is almost here!  Last night I was complaining about the scars on my stomach....DH chimed in and said "well you will only be adding more with this surgery" - kind of made me feel bad.  :(  I sure hope I am doing the right thing.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    mom... I am sure that after this surgery you will be beautiful. My scars are hardly visable.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Liz called my sister today and told her that Dr. Stolier had reviewed her photos and wasn't sure they could do the nipple sparing. He said that he couldn't say for sure until he would see her. I feel badly because I had suggested that she look into NOLA because our local surgeon told her no and I thought NOLA could do it. I can tell she was really down today with hearing that news. 

    So the big question is whether to risk it and still go there or not. Unfortunately it comes down to the finances. Hopefully we'll get some good news for Vickie this week. My vote would still be NOLA because of the results but I don't really want to say that all to her in case she can't go. Hard decisions.

    Has anyone had Dr. Stolier reviewed their photos and told them it may be a no go on the nipple sparing and then was able to do so? If so, would you be open to sending me a private message? I just wanted to help her and now I feel like I got her hopes up and now it may have done no good...

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014

    momof5,  I don't recall receiving a call from Hope Lodge.  You can always call them, and be sure to mention you would like a room with the hospital beds!  And then when you go to checkin, remind them you would like a room with the hospital beds!  

    As for transportation, reach out to Alicia and see where you are at...does she have your flight number? Landing time? Airline? As well as your departure stuff?  She should have arranged the rides by now...I think!  As for the scars, least of the concerns at the moment, give your husband a slap! Ha!  You need to take the surgery one step at a time.  Don't worry about scars til later...there are plenty of things they can give you to treat them to make them less noticeable.

    KerryA, sorry, I have no advice for you.  I hope someone will chime in with some.


  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2014

    momof5, I did get a confirmation from Hope Lodge, but you can also call them and confirm if you haven't heard from them yet.  It may be that Alicia is behind and you just need to give her a call or send an email.  She sent me an itinerary for the car times.

    Might I add that I got a stretch limo for my ride to my follow up appointment. I felt a little silly since it was just me.  He drove very gently because he knew I just had surgery, and drove me down St. Charles St instead of the interstate because it was more interesting.  All the drivers were very friendly and sensitive.

    KerryA, I'm sorry your sister is disappointed in the news about her nipples.  If Dr. Stolier says no then it really is the safest decision to let them go because he really does try to save them if it is possible whereas other breast surgeons would be more conservative.  I did not do nipple sparing and I just got reconstructed nipples last week.  I truly believe that my result is so much better than I ever would have received locally.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited January 2014

    Thank you Marsha1970- thank you for sharing your experience. I talked more with my sister tonight and she is coming to terms with the idea. She still wants to go to NOLA so we'll see how the finances go through. Thanks again!

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    I will call Hope Lodge later today.  I also emailed Alicia; she has my hotel and flight information (since November), so maybe she is just running behind.  

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Pat - yes, I should have slapped my hubby!  He is very "matter of fact" about everything.  I am much more emotional.  So, I am sure he did not mean to make me feel bad, but, feeling bad already about the big ugly T on my stomach, then the thought of adding more to my butt, got me thinking "should I be doing this?  am I making a bigger mess (of my body)?".  I am really hoping that maybe in stage 2 Dr S can revise my stomach scar, and give me back my belly button!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2014

    I am sure he can do whatever will make you feel great.

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2014

    I have another question. I booked homeward suites, does anyone have any other recommendations, I am thinking about changing, when I went on tripadvisor to look at reviews, the reviews were alittle mixed. I need someplace decently sized since my husband and mom will be with me together for some of the time and then my husband is leaving and coming back with my kids for the last 5 days.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Bet, lots of us stay at Homewood.  I did.  It was great.  A lot of their business comes from government contracts.  It is in a great location and the suite works well.  It is really helpful to have breakfast available and dinner Monday through Thursday.  There is a great pizza place across the street and a Thai place close by.  Mother's  is 3 blocks down the street for breakfast or lunch (it is a nice walk).  My only question for you is if your DH and Mom are both in the suite with you then you will all be sharing one bath (it is in the bedroom).  Will everyone be good with this?

    Mom - just breath, no second guessing.  Remember Stage 1 is about getting good blood flow to the flap.  Stage 2 is all about revision and aesthetics.  You will end up much better than you are now.  Dr. S works magic and Dr. M will be assisting.  You couldn't ask for a better combination.

  • Sydgrace
    Sydgrace Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2014

    Hi Betsy,

    Sorry for delayed response to your question about the implant - yes, you are right about not going without once they are in.  Dr. D said that once we put them in, they are in for good because I'd look "deflated" if I ever removed them.  I guess I assume it's a similar situation if I had no flap and just got an augmentation -  I assume either way, one would need some sort of lift if you really wanted to take them out because the skin would have stretched to accommodate the implant. I have heard that they can last much longer than the 10 years because of the flap surrounding the implant, although each situation is different.   I'm hopeful I won't have to exchange them - at least in the near future.  The result is so subtle that unless they were causing some sort of health issue, I can't imagine wanting to take them out.  Fingers crossed all will be ok with them.  


  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    I know...I am confident that the gals will be biggest concern is adding more (large, visible) scars to my body.  I did tell my DH maybe I will design a really cool can cover my stomach and wrap around the scars on my backside Happy

  • vwbordelon
    vwbordelon Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2014

    Hi Girls,

    I am 6 weeks out from stage 1 and feeling great-so LOVE having 2 boobs again!  One question, how long till you can comfortably sleep on your side?  I have tried and get some pain after a little while.  Thank God I am a back sleeper, but it would be nice to switch it up!

    Mom, best of luck on your surgery!  I am looking forward to stage 2-anxious to get this all over with.

    Bet, don't waster your time at Mother's, us locals think of it as an over priced tourist trap!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

  • lisa214
    lisa214 Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2014

    vwbordelon: I'm so happy for you and thrilled that you're pleased with your results.  I'm heading to NOLA in few weeks for stage 1 myself, so I am, once again, encouraged by the feedback. I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but I hope that you can change your sleep repertoire soon!

    As far as implant 'life,' I can attest that they do last more than a decade. I had implants in 1987 to augment my A cup to a full B cup. I haven't had them replaced (well, they'll be gone come 2/18!), but they are still intact. When I had inquired years ago about the need to replace them, my doctor told me not to worry if they don't cause problems. But I can tell you that if I removed them now, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. After two children and weight gain, they would look like deflated balloons.

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited January 2014


    I stayed at homewood for 2 nights prior to my stage 1 (then moved into Hope lodge, but that only allows one caregiver).  I don't know the reviews you saw but I thought it was decent, clean and far enough away from the noise of Bourbon street, yet still a nice walk to .bourbon .street.  It is also walking distance to the Aquarium.  (Get discount tickets on 

    Homewood does have 2 bedroom suites available.  Also, have the breast center book, they should be able to get you a cheaper rate (unless it is Mardi Gras period like me, no cheaper rate!)

    Are you going for stage 1?  Do you really want your kids there?  Sorry, but I left my kids with my motherin law and recuperated without them..,it was great.  No bickering or other kid related nonsense and hubby could concentrate on helping me.  That's just me though.

    Wishing you the best.
