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NOLA in September?



  • bailey2
    bailey2 Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2014

    Betsy-so glad that you are finished (except a minor revision) and happy with your results! Way to go! By the way, what is the scar compound that you mentioned in your earlier post? My scars could use some help! 

    Pamela44-just checking in to see how you are doing after your appointment earlier this week. 

    Happy healing to all the women recovering from surgery this week.

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2014

    Day 2 was a little bit rougher than day 1. I had 2 units of blood (thank you donors) and took a shower. I'm hoping for a better day today.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    Those 2 units should perk you right up!  They sure helped me feel more "human".

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2014

    Betsy...I am so glad that you are happy with the tats.  You give me hope.  I really do not like mine at all--the boobs I mean (no tats yet).  They look so ugly--the paddle boobs.  She has already told me that she cannot fix the left side under the arm where the lymph node transfer was done.  There is quite an indent there but I guess I can live with that as I definitely do not want to mess up my LE.  I just would like to have them more even and fuller at the top and the cleavage is really off.  I am on the books for July 29th in Charleston and I have a feeling she is going to really work me over. 

    Thank you all for sharing your stories of recovery and for giving us who are not quite done yet a happier vision of the future


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2014


    Can she remove skin paddles or make them small enough to be hidden by areola tattoo?  At least on the non LE side?

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2014

    Hang in there, tlbradyful!  Getting through the shower is big, but getting tucked back in bed all fresh and clean with washed hair will be the best nap ever!  I'm an Alabama gal too, BTW!  Roll tide!  Winking

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited April 2014

    Tamiami   that is a great question.  I can't answer it ...I have implants. I know  a lot of the ladies compare it by saying they have warm breast compared to implants.  But, I have implants and my breast are very warm... so  I don't understand it. I would like to see more opinions on microsurgery breast vs. real breast... My implants I am sure won't last my lifetime... so who knows down the road what will be avail

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2014

    Honestly, sometimes my flap-reconstructed breasts feel like my own breasts and sometimes they feel like a couple of hams attached to my chest.  It's weird.  Some days they just feel strange.  I'm getting lots of zapping sensations, which could be nerve regeneration but my oncologist said is probably just low-level post-mastectomy pain syndrome.  Not painful and most days I don't notice my breasts.  I'm almost 2 years out from Stage 1.  Some days you just step back and think, what a crazy process this has been!!!  

  • Tamiami
    Tamiami Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2014

    You are right never know what is down the line!

    LAstar~  I really appreciate your honesty!  I'm hoping to do the PAP, only to have breasts that feel normal and natural to me.  I actually love how my breasts (leftover tissue) feel now...they just don't look good to say the least and I'm not liking the prosthesis at all.  I hope that the zings stop soon for matter what they are, and I hope for less "ham" days too!  Smile

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2014

    Heehee, ham days!  I will tell you that I visited hot springs naked with a big giggle of girlfriends and got big thumbs up from everyone!  They were amazed at my results! I'm even proud of my scar collection.  Happy

  • dixie60
    dixie60 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2014

    Hello! I had hip GAP flaps with Dr. D just over a week ago now—I feel great overall, a little sore in spots but draining well and doing well. I flew home late Friday night, have been walking around working hard at recuperating gently :)

    I am having a hard time sleeping and wonder if anyone has found a comfortable position? My tush really hurts, so I have been trying to sleep totally sitting upright, but then the compression hurts my hips and the fronts of my thighs. Reclining puts a lot of pressure on the butt incisions, so that position is not really good either.

    I’d appreciate any advice—thanks!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2014


    I had SGAP and had trouble sleeping, too. We all have to sleep on backs because of our breasts being reconstructed, but I think it's def harder on GAP patients vs DIEP. 

    I got a soft memory foam mattress topper for my side of bed. Had a king bed but bought a twin memory foam topper. I believe it was $100. Really helped me. 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2014

    Dixie, have you tried a recliner?  That seemed to work best for me because it took the pressure off my rear. I put a pillow under my feet. Worked great for me.  

  • dixie60
    dixie60 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2014

    I’m going to try the memory foam tonight—thanks so much for the suggestions!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2014

    Dixie... I had GAP and DIEP and believe me when I say the DIEP is harder to sleep with. But I used a wedge pillow under my knees and cocooned myself with tons of pillows under my arms so I wouldn't roll. I was not in pain, and even though I am not a back sleeper, I could sleep.

    Bailey... Not sure what the compound is. Jeanine told me that Dr Sullivan found it, and they have had happy patients, so I am trying it. I think it will be sent to me, or I pick it up at the pharmacy. My left revision butt scar is still red from November, and yet prior scars are invisable, so we are going to try this.

    I will take a picture soon and post to the picture forum. So very glad to be "done." And I am " " because Dr D will do a minor little lift on my left breast to correct a small indent. And then Vinnie will do a stage II tats, and fix any snags by Dr D and give me Montgomery glands. So, one more trip to NOLA and a trip to Maryland. I am so very good with that. Yay!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2014

    It has been a long road for you, Betsy. So happy for you that you are finally near complete. 

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    Thanks Judy that is good to know that you are happy with just the tattoos. LA Star, she said I was pulled too tight since I wanted to spare my hips she used all belly and had to pull...I also have a small vertical scar in-line with my belly button which I haven't heard of anyone having. Marty I will def try eating more protein, your not the first to say it. Betsy I am very happy for you that you have completed all of reconstruction and will be able to move on. 

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2014

    bailey my biopsy was Benign! Thanks for asking.  It was actually just fibrous tissue, no cancer and no fat necrosis.  I have no idea why it presented as a lump.  I will see the breast surgeon In two months for a follow up but all is well.  It was actually at the junction of my breast and chest wall.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Just dropping in to say hi to everyone. Betsy- I remember viewing your posts a little over 2 years ago when I first logged onto this site. You have always had a great wealth of knowledge.Congrats on the tattoos!

    We are approaching my sister's Stage 1 date (May 28th). She will be having the DIEP procedure. She is my little sister (27 yrs old, also BRCA 2 positive) and I feel myself starting to get anxious all over again for her- or maybe its being the older protective sister. I am so very grateful she will be treating at the Center and while it didn't seem possible at first, it all worked out. It brings back a lot of memories (still <2 yrs since my surgery there). I really never imagined being back in NOLA to watch another family member go through this, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else and there is a huge sense of comfort knowing we are in the best hands. I want to be strong and not get emotional in front of her.  My husband will be there with us all for the first few days and then my mom is flying down to be with us over the surgery thru her hospital release date. My husband will be the rock and I hope my mom does okay after having her 2 daughters go thru these procedures within a 2 year timeframe. I feel very fortunate that I will be able to be there for her entire stay and fly home together, so we will have some good sister bonding time. This time I get to experience what it is like to be caregiver and I'm sure I'll appreciate that role a bit more than I ever knew.  

    On a side note and quick question- Her breast surgeon is not going to be Dr. Stolier (due to insurance). It will be Dr. Costi. Has anyone here had him as their surgeon? Dr. Dellcroce will be the plastic surgeon.

    Thanks again all,


  • bailey2
    bailey2 Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2014

    Kerry-your sister is so lucky to have you by her side during this whole process. I would support my sister if she had to go through all of this. You know that she will receive the absolute best care from the best docs and nurses. I hope you have  time prior to the surgery to have fun in Nola with your sister!

    Pamela--I am so happy to hear that you are okay. 

    Betsy--I have some scars that are light and flat and other scars that are still really red. Please update after you try the compound. Also, I would like to join the FB group--thanks 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2014

    Pamela, so glad you got the all-clear!

    KerryA, you will be such a great caregiver and you'll know all the tricks!  Maybe your sister will be the first one not to pee on her panties!  I had my sister with me during my BMX and laughed so hard I thought I'd pop a seam.  Sisters are the BEST.  

    Dixie, I used a nest of pillows that kept me propped up and cradled and used extra padding underneath.  I didn't like to lie flat but a slight angle helped put more weight on my bottom than on the incision.  Oh, and the dilaudid helped.  Happy  I hope you are resting comfortably now!  

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Kerry- your sister is so lucky to have you at her side. You already know what is going on which will be a tremendous help. Bless you!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2014

    All, I just made a correction above in the list. Sgcam is going this month! I mistakenly had her in August!

    Apr 23 - sgcam - NSP BMX w/ DIEP, Dr. D., NOLA.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2014

    bailey... pm me your name and i will friend you.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2014

    Thank you all for the inspiring words. My sister and I have definitely grown together through the years and this experience I am sure will make that bond even stronger. LAstar- thanks for sharing the cute story! One of my good friends and I had a "bonding" experience during my Stage 1 hospital stay- as she tried to help me reposition the hole in my garment to use the bathroom :)  Its truly those moments that make you appreciate good friends and family!

    I also had the breast surgeon's name incorrect. It is Dr. Ralph Corsetti. It looks like he is associated with Oschner Health System in New Orleans. I didn't know the Center worked with them. If Dr Dellcroce is familiar with working with him, I am sure he is well-respected.  If anyone has had him as their surgeon and is comfortable sharing their experience, could you send me a private message.

    Thanks again ladies,


  • Daylekbraca2
    Daylekbraca2 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2014

    Hi All

    Yesterday was postop day10 from my Stage 2 with Dr Sullivan in NOLA. I have been wearing my compression garment as advised except to shower. Yesterday I woke up with puffiness in all the liposuction end areas. My hubby said they tole me this would happen but of course I can't say I recall that. In fact my instructions were to wear compression for 2 weeks only and I have been counting down the days. Can others give me some feedback on your experiences. How long can I expect this to last. Thanks and Happy Easter. DK

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2014

    Happy Easter! I don't remember puffy (I probably was) but boy was I black and blue. I wore the compression for a lot longer than the 2 weeks because of comments others had made about how long they were supposed to wear it.  I don't know if it did anything but it was kind of a security blanket for me. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    I wore my compression for 4 months.  I know, forever.  But Dr. M usually asks us to wear it for quite a while to help support skin retraction.  I actually found it quite comforting.

  • maggie85
    maggie85 Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2014

    I had stage two with Dr Trahan on April 3.  I was told compression is to be worn one week from the date the last drain was pulled.  For me, that would be tomorrow, but I do feel more secure in the tummy incisions with it on.  My stage two involved extending my tummy incision all the way around my back - He said he had to do that to get a good result from getting rid of the dog ears and contouring the waist.  I have had more pain from this than the first surgery!  He also did lipo on the upper belly, lower belly, underarm area and he was supposed to do inner thighs, but I don't think he did because I didn't have any pain/soreness there, and no lipo incisions. He marked the inner thighs on my pre-op appointment, but I guess he changed his mind.   He told me I had a lot of scar tissue that he had to remove.  Other than that, he did lift both flaps and turn them inward ... I had some of the tissue spread to both underarm areas, I guess.  They told me I had the "lollipop" incisions on the breasts ... in other words, the nipples were moved up and repositioned.  

    I plan to wear the compression until my tummy area feels more secure and less painful - whenever that may be.  I still have some swelling on my lower back, above and below the new extended incisions.  

  • Ashira
    Ashira Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2014

    Maggie, can you tell yet what the results may look like?  Are you pleased at this point? I'm just 5 days out from stage 1 and am told I. "Look great" but am not yet ready to see for myself  :-)