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NOLA in September?



  • maggie85
    maggie85 Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2014

    Yes, I am pleased with the results.  I think I look better than before stage one.  Of course, these scars don't look so hot, but I am still waiting on the scar compound they are sending me, which I am not allowed to begin until the 4th week, so I have a couple weeks to go ...  I also like wearing underwire bras ... they just feel more secure to me.  I have to wait until the 4th week for that, too.  Its just a matter of time to wait for everything - healing, going without compression, wearing whatever you want ... and I am not patient, LOL.  Not at all.  

    I also want to say I really liked Dr Trahan.  He was serious, but focused on my needs, and didn't go overboard with the lipo wand :)  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2014

    About compression and swelling, all doctors have their own idea about this. Dr Massey says compression should be worn for months... yes, months. Dr DellaCroce will say a minimum of two weeks, 24/7, then after that its just gravy. So I wore mine for two weeks, and then only in the daytime for another 4 weeks. I figured its a small price to pay for the best results possible.

    Ashira. When people say you look great, they may mean, for someone who just had this surgery. I would not expect to be scarless or symmetrical. Some women are symmetrical right after stage I, but not always, and that is no indication of how the end result will be. Patience and time are the best things to work on right now. If the flaps were moved and they're alive, then it was successful. Swelling takes MONTHS to subside. You are in this for the long haul, not a quick sprint.

  • dixie60
    dixie60 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2014

    Sounds like everyone is doing great! 

    I am 2 1/2 weeks out of stage 1 with Dr. D. I am doing very well, but I am sore. I feel some very firm lumps in my breasts and I am very swollen overall. They feel a lot more firm than they had when I first got out of surgery—is this all normal healing? Has anyone else felt this too?

    I think I am at that stage when I start to get a little anxiety—I think I worked so hard at being strong and prepping and getting though the surgery that now my mind is starting to wander and worry about it all… 

    I figure something that looks this amazing has to be just fine, right!?

  • maggie85
    maggie85 Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2014

    Dixie, I remember these burning/flushing type sensations in my flaps after stage one ... I think as time went on, they gave me different feelings, different days.  The nurses said that it was sensations from healing, and the nerves re-attaching.  I had some painful lumps in mine, and they were taken care of at Stage II.  Some of it went away before my revision surgery, though ... I think its all part of healing.   However, if you are alarmed by anything, the nurses will answer any questions you have.  They are all pretty wonderful at the Center, and I am certain they know how stressful this is for us. 

    I think the most important thing is to rest and eat well - lots of protein.  I know its hard, but don't tax yourself and do too much.  Park it in your recliner or bed, have the tv drone on, and let your body heal.  To me, that was the hardest part!  Not doing anything! :)

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2014

    Dixie, you are at about the 3 week post surgical blues mark.  Something about the anesthesia after effects, maybe stepping down on pain meds.  It is a time many women feel anxiety, emotions may run stronger.  You have been bracing yourself, staying strong and that can only be maintained for so long, in my opinion.  So keep this in mind, prepare yourself.  For me, I had to feel the feelings.  Cry, journal, read, listen to music, talk/don't talk, gentle walks, hydrate, nutritious food, deep breathing, nap.  You can do this and you don't have to be strong.  At this point, all you have to do is the minimum and let your body do it's own work to heal.  

  • dixie60
    dixie60 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2014

    I can’t express how much I appreciate this group—it is so terrific to get so much support and reassurance.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited April 2014

    Perfectly said, cider8/Paula.  I remember Marcia/Soccermom reminding me to repeat as needed, "This too shall pass".

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    I wore surgical compression for 4.5 months and did not enjoy it. I am a patient of Dr. Massey's. She believes in it and I was a good patient. :)

    I will be saying goodbye to her on Monday. I am going back to Chicago for final pictures. Hope I don't cry. I will miss her as she has done soooo much for me. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    Cherrie - give her a hug for me and tell her to come find me next Saturday.  I am paddling a dragon boat in the Charleston Festival.  Of course, out T-shirts just came today and they are advertising two plastic surgeons - but not mine.Sad

  • Ashira
    Ashira Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2014

    Marty, please send me the details for your race and the Charleston festival.  I want to be there to cheer you on!!!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Ok Marty. You must be excited about the Dragon Races. Please post pictures or send to me. I will be thinking of you for sure. Wish I could join.

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    hi ladies, I've decided to go back for stage 2 sooner than later. I still have an open wound but Dr M thinks it's ok to do and so does my wound care doc at home. Either way I need two surgeries so why not get it done. I am not gonna do nips at he end, I'm gonna do the 3d tattoos, I just can't do 3 more surgeries. So I am scheduled for May 6th, I'm a nervous wreck because my appointment with her is the morning of since she is getting into New Orleans the night before. Did any if you have a very puffy upper belly after stage 1? It's driving me nuts. 

    Cherrie that is so exciting that you are done - congratulations!!

    Good luck in the race Marty!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2014

    Bet, yes, we have all experienced that, affectionately referred to as "swelly belly". It won't last forever, but I know it sometimes feels as if it will never go down.   Hang in there. This too shall pass. 

  • eloqui
    eloqui Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    NOLA in May for Stage I - lots of great info on this thread. Would love to hear any additional tips / anyone who's undergone hip flaps :)

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2014

    Music to my ears! I am so happy for everyone's progress.

    Cherrie, I know exactly what you mean. It becomes such a personal relationship.

    Marty, please, please post photos of the race! I will have to get there one year. I may do my stage 2 in Charleston. My husband (who is in Chicago) is thinking Chicago; we'll see. Dr. Massey did not mention a time frame for my stage 2. I wonder if she is waiting to see how I progress. It has only been 2 weeks since stage 1.

    BetNY, it is a tough decision. It's hard to decide to go back an additional time, especially so soon with a wound. I think you will be happy with your decision. May 6 is a wonderful time to recover.

    I appreciate this group's honesty about issues that are not so easily discussed. The doubts and the blues are a common thread and makes me feel like it's normal when it happens. It comes and goes, but is good to know it is not unusual.

    I am going to the out-of-town wedding this weekend. I have a group of very supportive friends that will move me from chair to chair. I just didn't want to miss another thing. I feel like I have missed out on so much this past year. Please keep me in your prayers.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    tlbradyful- I had 3 surgeries in Chicago and it all went well. 

    My swelly belly has been with me now for 1.5 years. I hate it, but my breasts look great and I don't have BC. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    tbradyful - it is never too soon to get on schedule for stage 2.  She gets very booked in Charleston and Chicago because she is not there as long.  She likes to wait 4 months between.  Send a message to Becky in the office and ask for options in all cities.  I'm not sure, but think Chicago is totally outpatient.  Charleston is a 23 hour stay.  I am on for August in Charleston.  The biggest challenge is that beach tourism can be heavy at that time and make it tough to get a medical rate.  You will have a wonderful time at the wedding!

    Bet - Dr M will be returning to NOLA from the dragon boat race here in Charleston just for your surgery.  She has been training for it.  You should come here for your next surgery.  It is really beautiful. 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2014

    tlbradyful, so happy you are getting out this weekend. It will be good for your soul. Have fun!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2014

    eloqui, send any hip flap questions you might have.  I didn't have a lot of pain in my hips, which was a big relief.  I had tightness when I got up and down, and I made sure that I had good padding under me when I rested. The numbness in your hips works in your favor.  Walking around really helped from the start.  Once I got up, it was nice to have some slow walks and loosen up.   The hip drains are a bit endless, so be ready for that.  I lived in a wrap-around dress that hid my drains under thick patterned cotton.  Be sure you have room to bring some boxes of bandages home with you, or ask the Center to mail you some when you get home.  You will have big divots in your rear-end known as shark bites.  They look crazy from a certain angle, but they are really not that noticeable under clothes.  Those go away at Stage 2.  Tight compression is key, and the shark bites sometimes need some extra padding (like washcloths under your compression garment) to be sure that area is kept closed so that fluid doesn't accumulate in the pocket.  I had a drain fail and had to have the fluid aspirated several times before Stage 2.  Stick some washcloths in those shark bites and avoid this!  Maybe none of this quite makes sense yet, but it will!  They will take great care of you in NOLA. And you will need about 25% of what you will want to pack.  Best wishes getting ready!  Hopefully you are feeling a sense of relief that you are being cared for by the best!

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    swelly belly, huh? lol.. love the expression Zen, hoping this goes down. 

    Cherrie I'm curious, did you get Lipo to your belly and it is still swelly belly? Dr. M said that sometimes it stays even after lipo and losing weight might be the only thing that helps. Im not very big, 130lbs but I can definitely stand to lose 10 since I'm short 

    Tbrady that is great that you are getting out, sounds like you are doing great. 

    Marty I wonder if Dr. M will be in charleston in September, it does sound fabulous there! It would be great if I could coordinate the jewish holidays in september and make a mini family vacation. Good luck in your race!

    Just one more topic...for those who have been on tamoxifen have you noticed a difference while going off for your surgery break? I can't believe how much better I feel off of it, I never realized it until I just went off of it again.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2014

    bet - wish you could do September.  RH and Yk is a great time for boob refreshing Happy.  Unfortunately I don't think she will still be in town.  My DH and I both had surgery in August (mine with Dr M) which kept us home in bed for the holidays.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Bet- I am short too,but weigh about 9 more pounds than you. She thought I would need to lose weight. I need 15 pounds off, but I am not convinced that will take care of the  problem. When you are cut hip to hip it can mess up how lymphatic fluid was draining. I am wondering if a person qualified in lymphatic massage could help. I really don't know. So, I am eating clean and working on those 15 pounds and then make a decision.

    If you call Becky, she will know when Dr. M is in Charleston. I see her on Monday in Chicago. Leaving to catch a train in the morning.

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2014

    Cherrie I don't know that I would have ever had this surgery had I known I would have to deal with anymore lymphatic issues :( I was in lymphedema hell before I had surgery, I had it in my arm, trunk and my hand was the worst. Each day I still battle my hand and I occassionally feel it in my arm. Right now if I press my belly after a long day you can see it turns white there is def water retension in there which makes me think you are on to something. Im not sure lipo will take care of that? Did you lipo your belly at all? I can def go back to my lymphatic massager and see what she thinks it just ends up being $125 a pop.

    Marty, I can prob pull off the august date  I just hate to be away from my office so much--Im gone for 10 days in July, we are going to Aruba,,,,, the kids would still be on vacation so that may work too, Im going to check it out!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2014

    Bet and Cherrie. I had lipo and it did help, but I think its a combination of things. My belly is much flatter at the beginning of the day versus the end, which implies lymphatic issues, but I went for lymphatic massage, and she cleared me, but didn't think it was a problem for me. I think its a little need for weight loss, a little fluid retention, and a little just being more prevalent in the upper abs cause my lower ab fat is gone.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    You are right Betsy. I am puffier at night, but agree it is a combination of things. Is there any massaging I can personally do to help this drain? I did have lipo in the belly with stage 1. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2014

    There is a way to help drain the fluid... either go see a LE masseuse and learn or look online for a video.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    I am in Chicago and will be seeing Dr. Massey tomorrow, for the last time. Bitter sweet. CLOSURE. 


    This is outside my hotel window!

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2014

    Have fun tonight!!  I know it will be bittersweet goodbyes tomorrow.  You have reached a milestone in your life and with that I wish you Congrats and never look back!!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Thanks Kat. 

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2014

    For those of you that were told you do not have adequate ab fat for DIEP, I want to make sure I let you all know about what I had two weeks ago. Initially, the PS did feel I would be able to have DIEP without adding a stacked GAP flap. In our pre-surgical appointment, Dr. Marga Massey wanted to avoid involving both sides of my body if possible. She told me she would try to get the third flap needed from the front as well. The blood supply was available and she was able to get all three flaps from the front incision. It was the first time I had heard this was possible. I am so grateful she was willing to think outside the box. I think it speaks so well of her that she is still concerned with the patient and not just the surgical procedure.

    We all support each other and our various doctors and facilities. I just want to say to everyone out there that may be looking for a doctor that I have had an amazing experience with Dr. Massey and her compassion and love for her patients is only outweighed by her tremendous skill. She and the St. Charles Surgical Hospital have exceeded my expectations at every turn.