
  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Welcome aboard travelgal6979, sorry we had to meet this way.  You are right it is an extremly emotional time.  I am glad to hear no chemo.

    Elimar throw some my way anytime, especially the spicy ones, I may sit down afterwards but it will be from that nice satisfying contentment cheetos always brings.

  • robinlbe
    robinlbe Member Posts: 73

    Nancy, I'm another one of those who had several different years of getting called back after the routine mammograms.....I started getting my regular mammograms at age 40.  I've had ultrasounds, extra mammograms several different times (don't remember at what age or what years)..  It wasn't until this past fall (when I was 50) when this routine mammogram required a follow-up mammogram which resulted in a biopsy, which resulted in the cancer.  However, it was caught VERY early (before becoming invasive).....

    I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry.  This happens a LOT, especially if you have dense breasts.

    Travelgal, welcome...I was just diagnosed in November, shortly after our oldest son went to college for the first time.  It was a very emotional fall for us and especially me.  My cancer is now all gone.  And so is his freshman year (almost)....my, doesn't time fly when we're having fun?>!>!ha!!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I am another who has had to go back for repeat Mammos.  So far, although they have led to biopsies, they have all proven B9.  (All since original Dx) I was the one who brought my lump to the attention of Drs., so there was no initial mammo with follow up.  My mammo was following up with my findings. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    We're kind of an odd group to offer reassurance that "Oh, it's probably nothing," Nancy - we're hanging out here because it WAS something, at some point. But 80'% of the time it IS nothing. That's annoying that you had to come back, though, giving you time to think about it...

    Meece: I'm not feeling the giant cheetos in hot cocoa, despite the marshmallow-like shape. For some reason, I'm seeing them as an addition to a bloody mary. For texture. And breakfast. Just kidding.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Well, I sort of agree.  I'm a lot of talk no action.  I'm the idea girl.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    ummm Kleenex I never thought of them with Bloody Mary's that sounds so good. I used to drink them for breakfast (when I worked 11-7) and we went out for red-beers or mary's after work. Come to think of it I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in a really long time, maybe thats what's wrong with me (:

    My DD had her first ultrasound and there is only one baby with one little heartbeat!!! There was a good chance it would be twins, I am glad for safety and sanity there is only one baby.

    My BS called me the other day to tell me that she took my case to a review board for recommendations on further treatment. Most recommended the close observation and AI with MRI'S. I have bilateral pleomorphic LCIS and that is what caused my first BC, and have had many biopsies because the sh-- lights up on MRI all the time. It makes me nervous and I wanted to know if other Dr's would recommend PBM's. guess the answer is no. Guess I will keep moving forward with my fingers and toes crossed.

  • bonnie1jean
    bonnie1jean Member Posts: 4


    Great news about the singular baby.  Do they know if it is a boy or girl yet?

    Glad to hear about the recommendtions of the review board.  I wonder if I will hear from the doctor about my case.  She did say she was going to present my case to the them as well.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar, I like your photo topper!  Such pretty eggs & it doesn't appear to have needed Paas!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's so we can see what "robin's egg blue" really looks like.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome to a few new women who have just found our Mid-Age group. 

    My post today is more an update for those who go back some months with me.  I am now happy to say that the tightness I was having on my radiated side (scar tissue/ligaments?) is finally about 98% back to normal.  I can really stretch both sides with extreme range of motion and both sides feel just about the same.  After I had that PT, they told me it would just take some TIME to loosen up.  Well, they were right.

    For the newer people, it is now six months since I completed the radiation.  I did manage to get in a few good stretches every day, with my arms overhead and way back in the "10 & 2" position.  So, if you are facing rads, you probably will experience tightness, but I think it's something most people can work out over time.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Elimar - "extreme" range of motion brings to my mind a picture of you flailing your arms wildly in many directions, just because you can. I had radiation that wrapped up in Nov. of 08, and I have full range of motion and strength, although the zapped side always feels a bit "stiffer." I flail regularly.Sealed

    OmahaGirl - your experiences with MRI's lighting things up is one of the reasons my onc gives for NOT recommending I have MRI's for follow-up, despite having ILC, which frequently ONLY shows up on MRI's. I have mammograms and manual exams every 6 months. Whenever I make noises about how it might be a good idea to have an MRI at some point, because even my sister and my mom get them as screening now because of MY cancer, she kind of "shushes" me. Apparently the idea is that we aren't expecting anything to be in my breasts, but if it IS, she feels sure we'll catch it early via digital mammos and exams. MRI's will just lead us to a series of scares and unnecessary biopsies. The Tamoxifen is allegedly circulating freely and keeping any little globules of evil that managed to escape from developing into mets, and I should stop worrying and be happy.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Kleenex, yeah, that's me...doing so many thing "just because I can."  (Snick, snick!)
  • Ainm
    Ainm Member Posts: 362

    Really E-LABers!!! 

    So this is where you are ........ and lusting after Cheetos - shame on you!!  But then I'm just jealous because we don't have them here!!!

    (Meece - I am a figment of your imagination because I went to bed 15mins ago didn't I Laughing!!)

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I not only lusted but gave in and had a snack bag today, every bite was really good!!!   Probably will not have good results on E-LAB.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I finished off that bag of Cheetos Mighty Zingers that I got a few days ago at 11:00 this MORNING.  Then, from guilt, I met my husband  at his work and we walked on a greenway trail for an hour.

    With McDonald's circling the globe, who would have thought Ireland was lacking Cheetos?  I did not know that.  Poor Ainm! 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    So how WERE the Mighty Zingers? Damaging to the tastebuds, or yummy?

    No Cheetos in Ireland? Wow.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Go back a page, Kleenex, for my initial reaction to the new flavor.  Post is the one with the picture of the "seemingly" well mannered birds.  I guess you could say I squawked a little about the flavor.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Ainm- Give them hell!!! They drive me nutts with their talk of puffed cheese flavored snacks. I don't know why I even read the post except to torture myself and get angry thus burning a couple of calories. 

    Last night I made an extra low fat burger with mushrooms and onions all over it and when I got up this morning IT WAS GONE!! DD ate it in the middle of the night. Guess it back to celery today. Dieting makes me cranky. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    PauldingMom, if we can assist you in burning off a few calories, we are happy to do it!  My favorite way to "feel the burn" is either to read my local (garbage liner) newspaper, or on the rare occasion have to renew something at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles.
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Good Morning.

    I have some friends especially one, constantly bugs me always asking When I will stop my diet that I'm overdoing it. what am i gonna do when I go to Hawaii to see my daughter.......goes on and on. I don't like to be questioned like I'm doing something wrong.

    To me this is a choice I made and as long as I can do it I will continue doing it.

    Sorry about the ranting.

    Sheila E-LAB.Wink

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have been down with the flu, but unfortunately probably haven't lost much weight, i had a bad week.  I only ate ONE giant Cheeto since my first three the day I bought them.  I can't imagine no Cheetos in Ireland!  Perhaps when I come to visit you, Ainm, I will have to take an extra suitcase with a variety of the Golden orange morsels.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Ainm ok what kind of totally bad for you snacks do your crave in Ireland that we don't get here?  Still hard to believe no cheetos but aI am sure you have soemthing just as good/bad for you!!!

    Cool today so I bottled my Concord and Aprioct wine, I know another bad for you thing but hey fermented foods and beverages are suppposed to be good for you too!!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Carollynn - I'm sure there are wonderful antioxidants in the wine - well the concord wine anyway.  Throw some my way please - LOVE wine

    I know this is sacrilegious on this board but I would choose wine over Cheetos.  DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!!!  I know there is wine in Ireland so I'd probably do pretty well there without the cheetos (only for a couple of weeks though), as long as there was wine.

    Meece, I hope you feel better soon and can get to those cheetos pretty soon.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Thank you, Suzette.  I guess the worst thing about this bug is that we had purchased tickets to a wine fest last night, and we couldn't go!  But DH and I discussed that neither of us wanted to equate being sick with wine, so we opted out.  Bummer!!!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Oh Meece, that is a bummer but I agree, don't want to ruin the love of wine by being sick!  I live vicariously through your wine tours and tastings.  Michigan has very good wines but I must admit, DH and I dream of taking a trip to California wine country some day.  I really enjoy California wines along with the Michigan wines. 

    Speaking of wine, I'll have to have some wine tonight since I can't have any tomorrow due to prep for my fun Colonoscopy on Monday!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    This particular wine fest comes once a year, and goes along with the cullinary arts at the college.  We have gone to it every year until now.  It is a bummer!  I have tried wines from other states, but with it so easy to find different wines around here, we usually don't buy what we can't go and taste first.

  • weldon
    weldon Member Posts: 1


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Weldon, I am so sorry that your mother is going through this once again.  She sounds as if she is a strong woman.  Best of luck to her.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Meece, hope you get better soon.  I thought by now flu would be no longer a worry-it's April for goodness sakes!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    weldon, I am sure your mom appreciates your courage in helping her deal with it for the third time.  That is three times too many, I think.  I was wondering if your mom ever had the BRCA gene testing done (especially if breast cancer runs in the females of your family?)