
  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331
    My doctor wants me to h ave a colonoscopy too.  He said I can wait a little while so wil probably schedule when I see the surgeon in June. Might as well stick with the same surgeon!
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Ya, I don't like throwing new doctors in the mix anymore.  I have had enough new doctors in the last year for a while!  My GI dr. that did the procedure today is wonderful, I've been seeing her for other GI issues for about 4 years.  She got her BC diagnosis 2 months before me and went through the same treatment I did so we are survivor sisters. 

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Don't know if he opened it or not.I did see him milk it first. Just glad that's over.

  • robinlbe
    robinlbe Member Posts: 73

    oh, Leisaparis, I'm glad you got your drains out, but I"m so sorry it hurt. I had four drains, and there was barely even a tickle when mine came out.  One of them did feel like a snake crawling through my chest as it was pulled out, but none of them hurt.  I actually had expected them to hurt, because I had read about others who had experienced some pain....When I mentioned that to him, he said, "well, I guess I wasn't their surgeon, was I?"  He said it with a grin and a wink....not a cocky attitude at all.  My surgeon has been doing breasts ONLY surgeries for over 20 years and I guess he knows what he's doing....

    Hope you'll be able to sleep MUCH better tonight without those drains :)


  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    me too..this would be the first night without sitting up...maybe...hopefully

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    hey all...just wanted to say hi and happy cheese-doodling.

    I officially have zometa in my future, and have had an AWFUL shoulder injury.

    Besides that life it ok.

     Hugs to all!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Cookie....what did you do????? 'Fess up!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177


    I got BC for my 49th Birthday but hopefully will be clear for my 50th! Is this reasonable? 

    This is a good thread to read for me.  My teen is about to drive and these years can be a challenge.



  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    MRDRN- It's very doable!!! DXed in May 2009 and have completed treatment by Christmas. Of course it all depends on your treatment. Here's wishing you great success on your surgery and treatment. Do you know yet what you will be receiving?  Be sure to check out the link to abbreviations here. You will find lots of helpful advise here.

    As for a teen driver, besides driving school, make him/her your personal driver. It will drive you crazy for a while, slamming on the invisible brake pedal and clutching the door for dear life, but the experience they learn from their parent is better than anything else out there. I have three teens/young adults and, thank our Lord, no accidents.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    MRDRN, From dx to finishing surgery, chemo and rads...10 months.  You can do it!  Then you can really kick up your heals with a cancerversary/50th birthday whingding!  Welcome, and best of luck!


    Sometime I'll tell the little story of my DS#3 and the car when I was going through chemo, and he was....14!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    MRDRN - I was diagnosed two months before my 49th birthday, my 49th birthday gift was to have surgery to have a port placed.  My 50th is coming up on June 8th, I've been through surgeries, chemo and radation this year and I'm feeling so much better now a year later.  Your attitude was my attitude, I figured I'd have a good 50th birthday and think I will!

    Also, like Paulding Mom said, the teen driving will drive you crazy, clutching the door, pressing the break and grinding your teeth (and as my now 29 year old daughter used to say when she was 15 and practicing - "STOP BREATHING MOM" - to my exasparated breaths) but I have four very good drivers now!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Suz, looks like we've got a birthday party to plan for you in a few weeks, huh?

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Ya, with cake and cheetos and chocolate and wine!!!  It will be heaven.  I hope the 50s are better than the 40s were!!!

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56

    Hi everyone, I just found this thread yesterday.  I had been posting on the one for BC for older ladies then in one of the posts someone said  "since when did people in their 50's become old"? lol.  So I felt kind of funny posting there after that.  I'm 57 and I been thinking that I am old, now not so much.  I had a lumpectomy in Sept. 2009 went through chemo, and I'm going through radiation now. Chemo was bad and I'm not sure about the radiation yet, except that I'm sore and the techs keep saying that that is a side effect of the chemo.  I will talk to my rad onc on thursday about that.

    I also love cheetos and the nesltle dark chocolate mini eggs are my all time favorite!!!!!  I'm glad I found this thread.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Tarry-feel free to tarry, linger & hang out with us "oldies".  We have fun here.  Sometime when you have extra time you should read back a ways.  The gals here are hilarious. Welcome (even tho it is a crappy club to join.) Joni

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Tarry1, grab your bag of Cheetos, any variety will do, and sit back and read.  I think if you found November/December 2009 it might make you smile.  When I was dx'd I was 40, and thought I was young...now I know I'm a middle.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tarry1, welcome to the younger than old and older than young group.  For rads, I moisturized with the 100% aloe gel (Fruit of the Earth brand from Walmart.)   I got thru' rads with no blistering.  I wonder if the chemo women have more of a liklihood to blister, since they have already been chemically assaulted on the cellular level?  We have already debunked the myth that "fair skin" burns more easily.  Don't know who gets lucky with rads, really.  Drinking 4 oz. of red wine each day is supposed to help the skin not to break down.  (Washes down the Cheetos real good too!)  Hope you do well.

    Strictly in the name of science, MRDRN, I must point out there is empirical evidence that 4 oz. of red wine works wonders to make the teen driver experience infinitely more tolerable to the parental nervous system also. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    You still have it, Elimar. Laughing You must have had your 4 oz. each of wine and Cheetos today!  I have had my one "super vitamin iron suppliment" today, and clamped the bag bag up!  I am trying to be good.
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Elimar, your knowledge of evidenced based medicine is absolutely astounding.  I think we can make a good case for empirical evidence as sound proof.  I am part of that empirical evidence. 

    Actually I drank at least 4oz of wine daily during radiation (after I had chemo) and the doctor was very impressed with my skin integrity throughout.  I told him about the study, he hadn't heard about it and I brought him a copy of the study.  I can't contibute this to the wine of course but I think it helped - at least it helped my mental state.   I also used the cream they prescribed religiously and used Aveeno sensitive skin body wash.  I think all of this helped.

    As far as the wine for parents of teen drivers, YES, it's a must have and some days 4 oz. just won't due!!!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I remember when I had the feeling of belonging in NYC it was when someone asked me directions and I could finally give them. Last night at Walgreens pharmacy a young woman (under 40) said she only had 2 treatments left and then would start on Herceptin. I spoke to her and was able to actually talk intelligently to her about BC but mostly I listened and then I told her about this site because she had ?'s about reconstruction etc. I then walked out of the store and cried all the way home, because I belong and unlike Manhattan I don't want to!

    P.S. In my early 40's I had a colon resection due to some wierd anomally that gave me an absess that wouldn't go away and I had to drink that shit 3 times in 6 weeks...there is a place in Chicago that gives you some kind of enema while you are asleep and you don't have to  drink that "Go Lightly" at all before the colonoscopy.

    Welcome to all the new Middies (:

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495

    I went to get my port flushed this afternoon and met up with a lady who I know from a play group from when our kids were little (mine now 20 and 22). She was sitting there getting her chemo. We chatted and I quietly offered to get together for a cuppa and talk if she wanted. Yes, who wanted to belong to this club.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Those are two GREAT stories of connecting, like only another B/C sister can!!!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Welcome Tarry1- For me at least the soreness during radiation was due to my body trying to heal and fluid retention. I've been done since Nov. and my bad boobie is now a little bit smaller than my good one. I had Lumpectomy, chemo. and rads too. I still have some sore spots but nothing in my mammogram shows any problem. Just scar tissue. But it always scares me and makes me wonder if IT is coming back. If I could I would purchase a ultrasound machine and check it daily. 

    I drank the red wine and used Silverdine on the rad. burns. Still burnt pretty badly. I think alot of it has to do with where the rads are directed and how many treatments you get. I had 35 with 3 boost.

    Finally!!! All the chocolate chip cookies are out of the house!! I refuse to but the giant bag of iron supplements with the powdery cheese coating. What I really miss is cereal. Boring I know, but I love me a big bowl of Special K with red berries. (Mouth watering)

    Okay off to catch up with the games forum. I really should be working but I know I've got an rough afternoon planned and may as well enjoy my morning.  

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495

    Lisa - I am right there with you. Lumpectomy, chemo and rads, and of course now nothing. My bad boob is smaller and the flesh is so different - kind of firmer, more dense. I too hate the scar tissue and touch it frequently to try and reassure myself nothing has changed - it is indeed scar tissue. My mammo in early March showed nothing new and last week I had a "well person" check up with CBE and pap etc and all is well. But at the back of my mind?????

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Today my picture at the top is for my oldest friend, who just got a Dx of ILC this month.  Just more horror as more women become acquainted with The Beast every single day.  Of course, I mentioned this site.  We all know how helpful it can be navigating thru' decisions and treatments.  

    I have a bunch of B/C info. in my brain now.  I think I had to throw out some old info. to make room for all of it.  Don't ask me the rules to euchre or cribbage...I don't have that anymore.  

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I'm so sorry Elimar.  Please tell her she's in my thoughts an prayers.  The BEAST must go!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hi friends, everyone's connecting & friends with recent diagnosis stories are making me tear up, which actually is kinda good.  I cried so much from July to Nov last year during chemo & rads & then I sort of dried up.  Oh except when I recently watched "A Star is Born" with Kristopherson & Streisand again-blubbered like a baby at the end of that!  My eyes feel burny though from the tears just sitting in there.

    Have a good day . Joni

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Joni- I watched the old black and white version of A Star is Born on Sunday.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Never seen that movie, but I'll keep it in mind when I need an excuse for others seeing me cry.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

     Pink glove dance for my Pink pals! click below to see. I hope it pump you up as much as it did me!< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEdVfyt-mLw>

    Hope you all are feeling stonger ,  I pray for all of you & Hope all the Appt & treatments are going well. Thinking of you often, sorry I haven't posted much,  Now that Iam back to work & come home exhausted! I try to read & keep up with all of you daily, just havn't had the energy to post! But love reading  all about you life. You all keep me going you Middle age gals Rock!

     I see my Oncocgist tomorrow to get lab & make sure infection is out of my system, Then if it is, we talk treatments! Ugh.

    {{hugs]] Gina R