
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Eph3_12 I only had the Swine flu shot.  I would have thought it was food poisioning or something, but the body aches and fever seem more like flu.  We help in the church nursery and were at a large meeting last weekend, so what ever it is, we could have got it there.  Strange that DH and I would get it at the same time.

  • Ainm
    Ainm Member Posts: 362

    I'm sure that any of the 'bad' snacks we have here are available in the US.  We have an Irish line of potato chips brand named Tayto Crisps and my DH could not get through the day without some of the Cheese and Onion flavour ones.  I am doing really well keeping away from crisps (chips) and similar products but I do miss them and chocolate and sweets oh and biscuits (cookies)!!!

    But don't worry when I want to eat 'bad' I am soooooooo good at doing it!! Wink

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It sounds like you are eating better foods when you call them crisps and biscuits!  I found that Nestle chocolate company (and others) has different candy bars available in other countries, I wonder if they cater to different backgrounds.

  • Ainm
    Ainm Member Posts: 362

    Nestle and Mars have bought out a lot of smaller localised confectionary companies but keep the popular bars etc where they are local favourites but a lot of what we get here would be available in the US too - except I can't get peanut butter M& M's here but I guess that's a good thing!!!! Giradelli chocolate is hard to get here too - I've seen it very occassionally in some chocolate boutiques but it is rare.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    What? No peanut Butter M&Ms!  I tried the strawberry peanut butter M&Ms and they aren't that great.  My favorite is Peanut M&Ms.  A tried and ture classic.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    leisaparis, hey, how are you feeling these days?  How is your recovery coming along?  We have not heard from you in a while...hope all is well.
  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Sorry everyone, been posting on the April mastectamy thread. Had left drain tube out on the 12th, still have the right one. By the way, has anyone had a tube leak? Mine is leaking right up next to the skin where it is sewn in. I'm not sure if it is just coming out there because of the swelling or if the tube itself is clogged up and not letting it come out there. It has started to slow down on input for the last 2 days and that's when I first noticed the leaking. I go back on Monday the 19th to get it taken out. Hope everything is still okay then. Other than that, I've been doing fine as for pain and such. Thanks for asking. Started my excercises. Still can not raise my right arm above my head yet. Surgeon said I will be able to after he takes out the other drain tube. Hope so, cuz I'll have to start radiation sometime next week. I start Herceptin this Friday. Gotta do that for a year. Ready for the healing to get on with it. Thanks again elimar.    Leisa

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    suzwes I will bring you a bottle on the 1st if I make it.  Hope so but have been up and down so will see how I am in 2 weeks.  We love Michigan wines St Julian and Tabor Hills are two of our favorites. Fenn Valley has some good fruit wines too.  My DH and I hope to make it out to California wine country and New York Finger lakes region.  We have been to Niagara on the Lake and North Carolina wineries.  So much fun.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Leisa, Sounds like recovery is going as expected - good you're seeing the surgeon tomorrow to get the drain out.  Prayers for a continued smooth recovery.

    Carol, Thanks in advance - I hope I do get to see you on the 1st, if not maybe we can meet another time in between our two places.  We love St. Julian, Tabor Hill, and all the Old Mission and Leelanau Wines.  We should plan a Middle Aged 40-60 reunion in California wine country some day.  That would be so fun.

    No Cheetos, Wine or Chocolate for me today Cry  I hope I manage without them for a day and a half - it's going to be iffy.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Bummer they can't enhance the flavor of the pre-colonoscopy cleansing solutions with fabulous flavors like Cheetos, wine, and chocolate, although that might dampen our enthusiasm for the REAL thing...

    Went to IKEA today and had a ginormous pile of Swedish meatballs. SO yummy, but tomorrow I'm going to have to eat just broccoli to recover...

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I think it would help a little to have those flavors or at least one of those flavors for the prep.  Swedish meatballs - yum, yum.  The closest IKEA to me is about an hour away.

  • DianeKS
    DianeKS Member Posts: 36

    Hi Leisaparis,

    I had a drain that started to leak after about a week post op.that was not leaking prior to that.  I was told to 'strip' the drain by my nurse.  She told me to hold the tubing securely with one hand, wet my fingers with the other and pull from the body to the bulb on the tubing.  I was instructed to do this a few times a day to help prevent blockage.  I don't remember anyone telling me this prior to surgery but it worked and the annoying leaking around the tube which soaked my dressing and clothes went away.

    Hope that helps,


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Suz, even if they could make the flavor for the prep really taste like they say it will... I had "Berry Smoothie barium a few weeks ago, and I don't think I'll ever want a real one.  I got through bottle one, and about 75% of bottle two, looked at DH and told him if he made me finish it, I would lose it all.  I then sneaked over to the waste basket and disposed of the remainder.

  • twirlandcurl
    twirlandcurl Member Posts: 76

    ..I had some dripping out of my drain holes. No one at the hospitial told me how to care for them. I was glad I had browsed this forum for a while and had some idea of drain care. ( I had 2 ..one out in 5 days ) My PS told us to use an ink pen or another ridgid object to "milk" the drain tube. Start at the top and pull that drain tube flat. It creates more suction in the drain. I swear I could feel the sucking around my TE after my DH did this for me..it was creepy. IT WORKED

     I dont remember ever posting in the forum..but I am Carm. I had a UniBX Nipple sparing with TE placement on March 16. I am going to be 41 in June. I had a couple of fibroid issues in my left breast in 2003. Had a few mammo's after that..no problems. Went in last year for annual screening mammo (turned 40) and found the mass of DCIS in my right breast..I am your spokesperson for keeping the mammo standards the sameWink I am doing ok..back to work a bit, the TE is a pain in the ass..but being a tiny little woman..it was my only option for reconstruction.

    I have younger girls and a wonderful hubby who has been my rock through this whole thing. 

    wish you all well through this hellLaughing

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, Carm.  Again, sorry that you had to meet us under these circumstances. Are you going to be doing chemo, rads, or other tx?

  • twirlandcurl
    twirlandcurl Member Posts: 76

    I am fortunate..clear margins and no node involvement. I will not have any chemo. I had opted for the MX to avoid rads. Once I had my MRI and my BS saw those results, he recommended MX also. I had made my decision, he just agreed..lol. The other boob can remain after extensive testing. I'm glad to have one that feels normal, although it's going to need to be falsly plumped up  so I kinda look "even"

    I will just do this TE thing and do exchange sometime later this summer. I have not had a fill yet. I go next week, I think he will start then.  Plus I get to take Tamoxifen for a while..

    Love the cheeto"s thing

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello to new sisters twirlandcurl and DianeKS, and thanks for supplying the helpful info about drain care.  I'm always happy to comment about lumpectomy + radiation issues, but that's my limited range.  I appreciate when others step up to help with mastectomy or chemo issues.

    Thankfully, I have been feeling a lot like my pre-cancer self lately.  The worst aggravation at the moment is non-cancer related...it's insane amounts of oak tree pollen.  When the top of your car looks like it got dusted with yellow powdered sugar, that's pretty bad.  I've been rubbing my eyes so much, I'm gettting the dark circles.  I look like I'm in radiation all over again.  AaCHoooo!

    p.s. twirl, I won't say "must love Cheetos" to join or enjoy this thread, but it probably does help at the rate we go on about them.  (We are actually accepting of many snack vices and even, believe it or not, healthy eating too,)

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Meece, that was a brilliant idea to get rid of the remaining barium, that stuff is awful.  I'm sitting here so thirsty and hungry right now - leave in an hour for the procedure and then when it's over, I'll have DH take me out to lunch and come home for a nice nap!!!

    Elimar, I feel for you!  I am so allergic to trees and grass.  Our pollen counts are just beginning to rise so I have a couple of weeks yet before the onslaught.  Hope it gets better for you soon.

    Hello to all of the new sisters to this forum.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Why is everyone getting barium drinks? I get scoped when I get my colonoscopy. The obviously use a different scope! Wink
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Barb, I had a Head, Chest and pelvic CT.  I have yet to have the joy of a colonoscopy, but my GP keeps urging me to have one.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Oh, and Barb.  They make you clean out your entire digestive system prior to a colonoscopy here, don't they make you drink gallons of gross liquid in Canada?
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    But I've had a brain CT without contrast....is that why they found nothing? Undecided
  • twirlandcurl
    twirlandcurl Member Posts: 76

    I really dont like cheeto's..but seeing the pic of them in the pill box made me smile. who knew they had iron????

    I have a thing for chocolate covered espresso beans..guilty pleasure..bad for you..LOVE THEMCool

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    My husband had to drink 2 of those jugs also, Meece and he was unable to get much of the 2nd jug down.... I felt so sorry for him! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Hi Everyone,  I have been following the following through the Triple Negative Forum.  I could only wish for my husband to try  to win ME a makeover.  I haven't been able to make it link (or have I??), but I'm hoping you can cut and paste to get to the site. She has recently fallen behind on votes and the contest ends on April 22nd. Sorry if any feel this is inappropriate. Embarassed


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Barb, unless you know of a way to injest something and have it enter your brain, I don't think they would make you drink barrium for a brain CT.  Mine was all three areas at one fell swoop, so the barrium was for the pelvic CT.

    Mary Louise, welcome to the middles.  I will try to get the link going.  I voted this weekend.  I never checked to see what sort of women she was competing against.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Quickly, a woman who had BC while pregnant has been nominated by her husband for a makeover from a local magazine.  He is asking for votes to help his wife win.  Here is the link for the thread.  You can find the link to the contest there:   http://community.breastcancer.org/forum/72/topic/751050
  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326
    Hi everyone, Thanks for the info. I got the 2nd drain out today. OMG,Sealed hurt like hell when he pulled it out. He grabbed ahold of it, said,you will feel a little tug. Little tug my ass. Yell Curled my toes, then he said that's the worst part. He then proceeded to to pull out the 2nd 1/2. My legs came off the table, my back spasmed and twitched, I yelled, Then he said Well, I guess I lied. I think he thought it was funny. It hurt like hell. Thank God the pain only lasted as long as the tube was. So glad it's out. The first one didn't hurt that bad. I don't know if it had something to do with the leaking or not. He told me today we wouldn't start radiation until 3-6 weeks from now, until I was healed. I thought we would start next week, guess not. Now onto excercising (arms) to get back into shape so I'll be able to go back to work. Thanks all for your concern.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Leisa, I hate to ask, but did he open the drain first??? My day nurse took my first one out and it hurt like hell at 10 days. Then the surgeon took out the second one at 2 1/2 weeks and I was really worried. I told him to tell me when he was going to start pulling and he said "It's out." That's when I found out about opening the drain to stop the suction.

    I'd like to think your doc knew that...but hey.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Leisa, so glad the drains are out.  Hate the thought that it hurt that much but glad they're out. 

    I didn't have to drink barium for my colonoscopy but did for some kind of CT scan I had in the past (so many tests that I can't keep up anymore).  I just had to drink 64 oz of liquid with tons of miralax in it last night in a four hour time period for the colonoscopy.  What fun to be up every hour last night running to the bathroom!!!  And thankfully everything was great and I don't need another for five years.  Phew, another worry off my mind.