
  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Welcome Mybails your my kind of Mom! Love it!

    Cookie my friend I think you had better find a priestess to remove the voodoo curse! Good luck with your new job! Call me and tell me about it, you know I travel the big state of NY maybe you will be working in one of my towns.

    My MRI came back just fine whewwwwwww, now maybe I can sleep :)

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Yea OG!

    PM me...will be upstate but I have a great visiting opportunity for you and hubby!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cookie, how was "the rack?"  I wonder if you will notice improvement after just one treatment?  You probably need to use it repeatedly, but let us know if it is effective and how long til you feel good again.

    A short while ago, when my mid-back was hurting, I did end up going to PCP's PA, and against my better judgement I did let them take two xrays of my rib area.  (I don't like any more radiation hitting that area!)  The preliminary look was normal, but they get sent out for a more thorough reading.  Since this is the first inner view of my rads area, and it has been a bout a year since my rads treatment, I am very curious to know if my one lung shows any scarring or fibrosis; or really if any effect of the rads can be seen in there.  It feels o.k....can't wait to ask about it. 

    As for my sore spine, I guess tight muscles were at the root of it.  They wanted to give me a script for drugs, but I instead went for a one hour massage,  I felt much better in two days.

    On the teen front, my oldest and I found an apartment near campus for him.  Win-win, everybody happy about it.  Since it's HIS place, I just bet he keeps it neater than he does MY house.    

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hmmmm, maybe I should find my 15 yr old an apt near campus-oh wait, that's our house.  She just goes out the back gate & she's @ school!  E- I'm glad you had a win-win!  Those are rare & very precious.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Rack was ok, but it really ruins the design of my living room.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Cookie--Good grief, what a day!  I'm so glad hubby will be home soon and you are safe at home!Sounds like you're going to have to redecorate to incorporate the rack.  Good excuse to spend money, I suppose. . . 

    Mybails--that's a great way to get rid of clutter!  

    OmahaGirl--Congrats on the clean MRI results!  Hoooray!!!

    Saw my PS yesterday, last drain is out, no revision surgery needed, everything healing beautifully!  A GOOD doctor's appointment and I didn't cry! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hooray NM!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    If I'm not mistaken Mainer, that's the FIRST doctors appointment you haven't cried at, right? You done good! Laughing
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Barbe--the 1st in 3 1/2 years! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I'm proud of you sister!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900


  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Good Job NM!

    Question did anyone see SATC 2? Did you think the whole Samantha subplot was absurd since she was a breast cancer survivor?

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Cookie - glad the doctor has an idea for your weird lumps/bumps, but sorry that it appears you've opened a mummy sarcophagus or something and have become ever so slightly cursed...

    Mybails - oh, man, you are my new hero! The garbage bag idea ROCKS! It's just the sort of slightly insane thing that would get results. Sadly, my husband would probably try to use it on me...

    Elimar - I hope they don't find anything interesting - I frequently wonder what the fate of my assorted body parts that got zapped will be. I imagine that I am a teeny bit short of breath, but sometimes I attribute that to the Tamoxifen tampering with the moisture levels of my assorted tissues... Mostly, I try not to think about it, because there was no choice. I could've removed both breasts and an arm and my head and I'd still have been up for radiation. 

    Joni - too bad you're so far away. The girls could share an apartment. Or we could trade them for a while...

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Went to the beach this afternoon with fluffy beach-reading material, Janet Evanovich's "Ten Big Ones." My husband thought he was going to have to give me oxygen from my laughter attack.

    "The door flew open and Carol stood in the doorway, holding a bag of Cheez Doodles. Her hair was smudged with orange doodle dust and stood out from her scalp like an explosion had gone off inside her head. Her mascara was smudged, her lipstick eaten off, replaced with orange doodle stain. Doodle crumbs stuck to the jacket and sparkled in the morning sunlight."

    quote, page 53

    from page 54: "You've got no self-control. You need Chips Anonymous."

    Well, I don't wanna give away the whole sub-plot, but when the gramma talked about choosing to be fed her orange doodles by a naked man -- I had to consider the thought that the author had been lurking along on our thread and used our collective material for this character development.

    Too close to our wack-doodle conversation to be a coincidence, right?? So help me if later in the book she starts stringing them for Christmas decorations and ornaments, we may need to consult representation.

    Love to all of the middies!!!

    It's the weekend!!!!!


  • arby
    arby Member Posts: 27

    Hey Cookiegal  we're headed to WI in a few days...I've never been there so we thot it was high time to see the Dells and Dodgeville, home of my favorite mast.swimsuit store, Lands' End..  Where do you get your cheese curds?  I'd love to tour a cheese factory.  I hope the heat doesn't follow us on vacation.  Our final destination is Goshen, IN.  Since I'm all about exercising to keep feeling "normal", we'll be taking the bikes along and riding a bit everyday.  But miles may not be as easy to figure out as they are in our farm area of NE.   I don't know of anyway to keep from gaining wt on chemo unless it is to refuse the meds to keep side effects at bay.  The alternative then is to be throwing up and living with diarrhea.  That happened the first treatment, then my onc gave me serious side effect pills and a shot to make the sessions and weeks between tolerable.  Steroids put on the # as did inactivity from feeling so lousy and it was winter and not a time to go to the gym to catch "bugs".   Somebody else please give the gal some hope to maintain or lose wt on chemo.  I like this thread...best wishes to everyone here.  arby

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oo-Oo-Oooooh!  Wouldn't that be something, Faith?  Who knows who this thread might be inspiring/corrupting?  (See if they are washing those Doodles down with wine from a box.)  The one redeeming factor of refering to the beloved orange snack by the brand Cheez Doodles (rather than Cheetos brand) is that the phrase "doodle dust" can come of it.  Love it!

    I don't want to create snack factions, but can I be so bold as to ask if anyone out there has done a side by side taste test?  That would be right up my alley and I'd do one in an instant, but for lack of regional availability of the Doodles.  There are a couple off brands around here, but nothing to match the orange-a-liciousness of the actual Cheetos snack.  Are the Doodles really comparable, I wonder, and would it just come down to personal preference?  

    Anyone conducting a taste test, report back.  Especially you, Janet Evanovich!

  • arby
    arby Member Posts: 27

    Hey Cookiegal  we're headed to WI in a few days...I've never been there so we thot it was high time to see the Dells and Dodgeville, home of my favorite mast.swimsuit store, Lands' End..  Where do you get your cheese curds?  I'd love to tour a cheese factory.  I hope the heat doesn't follow us on vacation.  Our final destination is Goshen, IN.  Since I'm all about exercising to keep feeling "normal", we'll be taking the bikes along and riding a bit everyday.  But miles may not be as easy to figure out as they are in our farm area of NE.   I don't know of anyway to keep from gaining wt on chemo unless it is to refuse the meds to keep side effects at bay.  The alternative then is to be throwing up and living with diarrhea.  That happened the first treatment, then my onc gave me serious side effect pills and a shot to make the sessions and weeks between tolerable.  Steroids put on the # as did inactivity from feeling so lousy and it was winter and not a time to go to the gym to catch "bugs".   Somebody else please give the gal some hope to maintain or lose wt on chemo.  I like this thread...best wishes to everyone here.  arby  ps.  Thanks for the inspirational site at rainbowswithinreach.  The colors were delightful the sandcastles, amazing. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Forgot to say hello to Mybails, and welcome!  You too arby.
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

     ARBY It's funny, I lived in Northeast wisconsin, and I have visited Northwest, and Southwest WI, I am USELESS on the other parts of the state. Have never been to Madison, or the dells. However you may be able to hit the Wisconsin State Fair for CREAMPUFFS! I actually like the bar curds more than the state fair type, I think freezing enhances the chewyness. There is a cheese factory people visit...look at discoverwisconsin.com, I think it's on there.


    In other news I am headed upstate TODAY...not to prison, but headed back to WORK after a year. Had to buy a real bra today, have been in sports bras all year. Ended up with a Mad Men-esque long line number, the regular ones hurt my scars too much.

    It's so odd, it's like I got used to being a full time cancer patient, now I am going to be normal-ish again.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    cookie, goodluck to you on your first day back to work, hope all goes well for you.

    Love n hugs. chrissyb

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Faith, you should let us know the secrets of representation because from what you quoted, I totally believe Janet E is a lurker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But must say E & Kleenex you both just kill me!  You are so funny!  It's 11:40 PM & DD & I just finished rearranging the living room-one of those wild hair things that we both totally got into!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Faith--I LOVE Evanovich's books, and I remember that section!  Hilarious!  I was listening to it as an audiobook in the car during work commutes and almost had to pull over  I was laughing so hard!  Such fun!I want to be an old lady like Gramma when I get to be a lot older.  She has soooo much fun.

    Elimar--great idea about a side to side taste test.  I've got to go grocery shopping soon, I'm going to see if I can find Cheez Doodles, I know I can find Cheetos.  If I find both I'll report back!  

    arby--hello and good for you for working so hard to keep the weight off during chemo!  I'm impressed!  I didn't have chemo, so I have no advice to give, but I do admire your determination.  I was so tired during rads that I didn't even fix meals, so I lost some weight, but apparently I had a really unusual reaction to be so tired.  Glad you found us, sorry you have to join the club. 

    Cookie--isn't it odd how we can get used to being a full time cancer patient?  I went through the same thing when I went back to work.  After a week or so you will find that you really like feeling more normal.  Good luck with the new job! 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I think I have an idea for the next book I have to select for my Book Club! Doodle-dust is snort-worthy. Meaning "both the aliteration and the visual image make me snort with laughter," NOT "I am going to organize pulverized Cheez Doodle particles into lines and snort them." Although.... naaaah. It would be too hard to explain in the emergency room.

    I've actually had both Cheetos and Cheez Doodles, albeit not side by side in bowls to compare. I was always a Cheez Doodle girl back in Arizona, but I don't think I've seen them here. I probably WOULD have seen them, because of all that time I spend searching like a madwoman for the Cheetos Balls Elimar uses to decorate her Christmas tree. The Doodles, as I recall, are puffier, with a superior mouthfeel upon compression with the tongue against the roof of the mouth. I also found their cheesiness to be...cheesier, I guess. Now I'm going to have to look for them, because I'm salivating...

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wont be around for a few days. stupid drs. didnt listen, i now have what they think may be MRSA for the 4th time... anyway, will be back in a few ivs...welcome maybillls sp and arby .. will see you soon. maybe someone will have a laptop i can borrow to fight the boredom... light and love, 3jaysmom

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    {{{{{{{{{ 3jaysmom }}}}}}}} You think they'd friggin' learn you by now!

    Kleenex, I compress them on the roof of my mouth too! I've never met anyone else who does that...ehehehehhe

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Now I won't be able to say that I've really lived until I've tasted a Cheez Doodle.  I'm not saying I'll shift my brand loyalty, but I am intrigued on how tha other half (of cheese puff eating society) lives.

    3jaysmom, sure hope it's not MRSA.  I don't know about you but those heavy-duty antibiotics really mess with my digestive tract.  Get well quick whatever it is!!!

    Wolfing a quick dinner then helping son move stuff to his apartment.  I like him better already. Wink

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

     Thanks for the good wishes!!!

    It was a really pretty day and weekend here in the northland. There was a big festival and it was clear and sunny. I still feel surreal about the whole thing. It comes up at odd times.

    Like should you avoid golf with lymphedema?

    If I had no LE or frozen shoulder I might be pretty normal actually.

    I actually dropped some of my stuff off at the office today. Since it is kind of a public job I have to be pretty vauge. I am a little worried about the whole BCO account, but I'll deal with that in the future. I might have to clean up some old posts.

    Also there is one main hospital here and they want me to work on an event there which is great, but will it be wierd if I have to go for any treatment there like LE stuff.

    Oh well, it is almost a year since I left my last job, and 11 months since my DX. I can think of better ways to spend a yearWink, but back to work in 17 hours!!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    OMG - I just learned that Morrie R. Yohai, the creator of Cheez Doodles, passed away this year at 80 years of age. I also learned that they come in a Honey BBQ flavor, which sounds icky. I did not learn, however, where to BUY Cheez Doodles...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Morrie Yohai had cancer too, but very unlikely it was breast cancer.  R.I.P. Mr. Doodles.

    Good Luck tomorrow, cookiegal!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    Just wanted you to know that I'm sending you some great doodles for your 'back-to-work' day.


    Normal can't be too far around the next corner. Or at least your new normal.

    I'm off to Chicago momentarily for a conference tomorrow. Couple a workshops. Fun times.
