
  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    That's me too!!

    I'm 47 and just got my diagnosis the beginning of September of this year. I will be having a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on Oct 13th

    Things have been a bit crazy around this house, that's for sure!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hello new Middies, ToriGirl and nora_az!  Feel free to share your treatment experiences with us.  Many here have gone down the same path you are now on and they truly understand the physical state and mental state of going thru' something like this. 
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    If poodles can be hypoallergenic, then so can siamese kitties! 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    viva la kitty!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Thanks for the warm welcome Elimar!

    I appreciate all the thoughts, advice, and words of wisdom from you wonderful ladies about the "treatment" journey that I have started.  Being that so much is still unknown, it makes it a bit unnerving, but knowing that I can jump on this board, write out my questions, thoughts, concerns, and worries and get responses so quickly and selflessly is truly inspiring to me!

    Peace and prayers for us all,



  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Hi Middies.

    Love technology when it works. LOL. Riding along in car, plugged laptop into cig lighter & DH's phone & adaptor & if all of the wires don't fry me in this seat, I can sit here & get caught up: LOL.

    Welcome yet more newbies.

    It is true that I think the very vast majority here are of the collective mind that if anything that we have undergone individually, can help relieve stress or anxiety for someone about to go thru the same -- then there is indeed 'some good' that can come from the process.

    Several have asked about my book...... thanks :)  :)  :) so sweet of you to do so. I have sent an inquiry to the officiall BCO gift center to see if they would be interested/willing to have the book here on the site -- with a donation to land here for each purchase. I have yet to hear anything.

    Since my book has absolutely NOTHING to do with BC, it may not be deemed appropo.

    In any case, I wanna give them some time to think it over.

    A BCO friend on FB was asking me for some details and I told her that all of my various doodahs for kiddos can always be purchased from my website at a 50% discount if you type the word "survivor" in when it asks for promo code. She chastised me for not saying that more frequently here -- which I feel awkward about making a commercial pitch, but there ya have it.

    We'll see what their feeling is..... I have a feeling they have plenty to contend with on a day-to-day basis without being concerned about my project. We shall see.

    We're almost home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everybody have a great day tomorrow.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Okay ladies have to show you how i spent my week on holiday.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    mamayan, I see you do know how to kick back and relax at the beach!  You do have to watch out for the gulls...they have been spotted stealing whole bags of Cheetos from the convenience stores in those climates.  They would think nothing of swooping down and helping themselves to a curl right out of your bag, and who knows where those beaks have been!
  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Oh dear, oh dear!! Fritos are on sale at my favorite store. It was hard to walk by them and the Fritos. My DH will a whole bag at one sitting if I have them in the house and the poor man is trying to loss weight. I haven't been cooking so he's been grabbing food on the run and making poor choices.

    GOOD NEWS!!!! I get an Epidural on Wed. for my back. I can't wait. Ended back at the hospital on Friday and they gave me yet another pill to take. It works but I only take it at night. Dear DH has had to lock the bedroom door so I don't fall down the stairs in my nightly wandering to find a comfy place to sleep. I'll be so glad to get off all these drugs.

    Welcome newbies!!! Glad you found your way here. We have allot of fun and are very supportive of each other. 

  • gingersfavorite1
    gingersfavorite1 Member Posts: 134

    PauldingMom,   I've not been able to resist the Frito's lately,  and I confess,  I put them in a bowl and add chili, diced onion, cheese and sour cream to the top!


    I said it.

    ha - and here I complain about having a belly - LOL! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    mamayan--Add a large, tasty adult beverage and you have the PERFECT vacation!  Good for you, and glad you had a good time. 

    Paulding--Hooray for epidurals!  I've been through the being in pain for a long time thing, and it is NOT any way to try to live.  You will feel SO much better!  

    Torigirl--starting treatment is very unnerving.  Come here anytime and you will find answers, support and understanding.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paulding, I've had 2 epidurals in my lower back and 2 in my NECK!!! They are quite breathtaking to get, but you do get some freezing first. My DH had watched me get 36 nerve blocks at a time and thought he'd be allowed to watch my epidurals. Not a chance! Hold onto that pillow tight, it's worth it! AND you can get repeats when necessary, you don't have to wait until you reach this point ever again. Good luck on Wednesday!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    My mother has spinal stenosis and had had the epidurals.  It has really helped her.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Faith, I'm sending you a PM with another email address to try for someone at BCO that I've had contact with, just in case it might help.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Busy, busy thread.  Takes some catching up after you have been away!

    Thanks for the positive spin on the wolf dream marlegal.  My cancer was in the left breast so the dream was definitely something to do with the cancer and my decision to have the mx.  Haven't had it since I posted about it here so hope it has been exorcised for good.

    mumayan - I have 'World without end' sitting on my bedside table ready to read.  I so enjoyed 'The pillars of the earth' and am looking forward to this one. Is is as good as the first one in your opinion?  Geez, I see the price on your book is $7.49 - the price on my book is $24.99!  I just knew we were being ripped off with the price of books here!!!

    Congratulations on your book being published Faith. A long and demanding process but wow, you did it!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Oh Rae, "Pillars of the Earth" is in my top 5 of all time!  I've read it like 3-4 times in the last 10 years or so,,,,,love,love,love it!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    welcome new ladies ! if you have to have the beast...these ladies know what to do.. remember, together we can do what alone, we cannot.  light and love  3jays

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    3jays ~ "Together we can do what alone, we cannot." I really like that. Yeah, like that alot.

    Speaking of dreams, I had this one the night of my dx, Nov. 5, 2008. I will write it as I wrote it in my journal, if you don't mind.

    {I looked out the front living room window & a car was backing up our driveway. A man got out & came to my garden in the front of the house. He reached way down into the middle of a bunch of tall ornamental grasses & pulled out a long, large box - shiny - metal & put it into the car trunk. Then he & a second man came back to the garden. I held back so they couldn't see me - I was very scared. I wrote down the license plate number & was so afraid they would look up to the window & see me through the sheer panels, but they did not. They reached into the center of the tall ornamental grasses & pulled out a VERY large PINK rock - very pretty - very heavy - they should not have been able to lift it - & carried it to the car & put it in the trunk, got in & drove away.}

    Now, when I had my mammotome biopsy in the dr's office on Oct 31, 2008, my surgeon told me he had removed almost all of the lump at that time. Could this have been the first thing that was removed from the garden in my dream?

    My lumpectomy removed the rest of the tumor & the nodes were clean with clear margins. Could the very large pink rock have been the rest of the tumor & the 5 nodes?

    I know this: I will never forget that dream.

    Sorry for the long post. I have been fascinated by some of your dreams & thought I would tell you mine.

    Thanks for listening.

    Love & hugs to all. ♥

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Joni it is in my top 5 best books ever too!!!!   Fantastic book.   My other favs are all the Susan Howatch books (have re read them many times over the years) and recently the Diana Gabaldon Cross stitch series has been my re read choice.  I spend quite a bit of time reading most of the books that I buy for my 12-14 years old library users so I can recommend them as necessary and I am continually impressed how well written they are because they have to grab and hold the attention of teenagers.   It is a scary time letting our kids out on the roads. Two of mine couldn't wait to drive and were driving alone by 16 and the other is still not interested at all at 20.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Val - I reckon you are probably right about your dream.  I don't usually have vivid scary dreams and my one about the wolf was very vivid and very scary and I will never forget it either which makes me think it was my mind getting rid of BC emotional stuff.  Yay, maybe we are both finally starting on the road to recovery emotionally after all this time - we were dx only a few months apart afterall.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    When I am under a lot of stress I tend to have "night terrors".  Horrible dreams that I cannot move or wake from.  I can call out, and many times I call for DH to "wake me up".  It is horrible.  What is strange is that my Brother and mother also suffer from these, and her grandfather also did.

    Luckily it has been some months since I have had a bout of these dreams.  I had to pre-warn DH when we got married, that he might have some interesting nights.  He has to make sure I am really awake, before going back to sleep.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Yep, I've had them too Meece. No one that hasn't can understand the paralyzed feeling! I swear I am screaming for my DH but I wake myself up moaning.

    BUT, on the other hand, mentioning those events to my doctor lead to my heart disease diagnosis....so do mention them to a doc. I'm just sayin'....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Mentioning that you have the terrors, Barbe?  Or what you remember about them?

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    GIngersfavortie1- They call that Frito pie down here in the south and sell it at all the community events like craft fairs, and holiday get togethers. 

    Thank you all for the well wishes for my epidural on Wed. I ended up back in the emergency room again on Friday. They gave me a different muscle relaxer and they seem to be helping but they make me very sleepy.  

    Speaking of dreams, since I started these muscle relaxers, I found that when I first fall asleep my dreams are very vivid. I find myself talking and trying to use my hands. Last night I my dream was that and old man was trying to reach a high shelf at the store and was trying to help, but he got mad.

    I've think it means that in my current back situation I'm really getting tired of asking for help to do the things I can normally do with ease, and like the old man in my dream, it makes me angry.  

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    So happy I found this thread! I was DX June 11, this week is week 11 of 12 of weekly taxol, then 4 DD of AC, ending the week of Christmas. What a great Christmas present!! Surgery is at the end of January and then radiation.

    My dreams have been very vivid in the past few months since DX, that is W'HEN I get to sleep!! My Onc started me on Neurontin to help with neuropathy, and it's supposed to make me sleepy, but it hasn't helped me sleep. i miss my sleep!! But then again, I haven't really slept well for the past few years--the twice a night pee break is so fun!! What has been your best non-medication lack of sleep remedy?

    Other suggestions--I need comfortable shoes for work. I work retail and am on my feet non-stop for 8 hours. It is so hard to find shoes that give support but look stylish. Ok, well I am ready to give up on stylish-- I really need comfort now. Any suggestions? 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Meece, I described the feeling of being paralyzed and hearing a rushing sound in my head and having trouble getting concious again. He was smart enough to have my heart checked. I was only 21 at the time! I have a bum valve.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The dreams are interesting, and the symbolism definitely seems to tie in with B/C ('except Barbe, but that rushing sound could have been blood flow, woosh...woosh.)  I don't think I had any B/C dreams, or maybe I'm just not remembering them.  For me, the dreams most vivid and easy to remember usually have people that I have known in the past.  My conscious knows I am very unlikely to ever see them again, but my subconscious must miss them.  If the actual people knew that I was still recalling them, they would probably be surprised to have left such a long lasting impression.

    Hi cmblastic, and welcome to our world!   A nice soak in a warm bath is just as effective as a muscle relaxer for falling asleep. and if you throw in some magnesium salts (Espom Salts) it's more potent; tho' sometimes that effect only seems to make it through half the night for me.  That means I'm on the couch at 3 a.m. watching Law & Order.  If I take some melatonin along with the bathing, my chances to stay asleep are better.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar, they have lavendar scented epsom salts which also help to ease the end of the day stress.

    Barbe, I don't have the rushing sound, but I have MVP since my early 20s and also have another heart condition.  In that case, When I do wake up, my heart is pumping very fast and hard.  The heart condition didn't come extremely noticibly until after chemo.  I mentioned how it had increased and MY GP immediately sent me to a cardiologist.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    cmblastic, welcome to the thread - it's a great one for sure.  wait till you attend your first party here!!  shoes - I'm a big fan of Naturalizers for comfort and true to size, and they've upped their style over the years too.  They're not cheap, but cheap doesn't work with my feet!  As for sleep issues, do you use a sound machine?  I find I sleep better if I'm lulled to sleep by ocean sounds, and when I inevitably wake up in the middle of the night, it's easier for me to return to sleep if I'm listening to that instead of listening to snoring and house creaks and street noises.  Good luck.
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I can't believe I finally caved.  I've been coming to this thread for months now and I was always able to ignore the cutesy little Cheetos pics and soldier on.  And then it happened.  I didn't go food shopping yesterday so had to buy my lunch today.  Got one of my favorites ... grilled chicken on pita with tziki (?) sauce, lettuce, tomato ... nothing too unhealthy.  An hour later, I wanted just a little something (I usually bring healthy snacks from home).  So I go over to our vending machine and yup ... you guessed it ... there they were, calling to me.  I confess I have no wilpower at all - zip - nada - gone.  Boy are they good though :)