
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    raeinnz - I can often trace the weird bits and pieces of my dream to things my brain has picked up on the streets prior to the dream. In your case, I'd probably find that I was worried that my implant might one day fail, and that my husband had been watching some nature show with wolves in it recently or perhaps Teenage Werewolf on a movie channel... that said, that second dream is quite unsettling!

    Melatonin can sometimes give me intense dreams. I believe it's because I haven't been sleeping deeply enough to have dreams, and when I do, they're extra-vivid...

    A small bag of Cheetos in the nightstand is fine: you're protecting your stash. If you start hiding those giant vats of cheese balls from Sam's Club under your bed, THAT'S when you need to seek help...

  • CherylQ
    CherylQ Member Posts: 42

    Hi ladies, love the stories about dreams.  I have very vivid dreams about BC, family and work.  The dream last night, I went to work and wrote reports and cooked a meal for a diabetic patient at the same time.  Think I was trying to be all things to everyone, the weird part was the dancing in the middle of the dream! 

    Hey try the new MMs with pretezels in them.  Nice touch of salty and sweet to my chemo mouth!!

    Love and hugs.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "Last night I dreamed I ate a giant marshmallow...and when I woke up, my pillow was gone!"

                                                                                       ~~ Bazooka Comic (circa 1968.)

                                                                                       Bazooka Joe Pictures, Images and Photos

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli - Oh my God - the cats!!!!!  (look up top at the new pic ladies)  Happy Humpday indeed :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I know!  I might have to use that every Wednesday!!!  Not related to the other laughing cat we had in the thread a short time ago.  I found that pic when I got the other rollercoaster pic that was used at the top last week, but I kept forgetting to put this out on a Wednesday, so here it is finally...maybe I'll put in the thread (like Faith requested) so it has a longer life.

                                               Happy Wednesday Pictures, Images and Photos

    I'd be the cat, front left, 'cause I like the excitement of the front seat and I scream just for fun!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Elimar, those cats are just toooooo cute!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Bummer, for some reason I can't see them!!!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Welcome Newbies! Love the kitties Elmar! 
    BC Dreams, I've had so many weird dreams especially during treatments. 
    Saw Ortho. doc today and after all this time my pain is exactly what my GP said it was months ago. Bulging disc pressing on my nerve. I'll get an epidural next week. I can't wait to get something done for this constant pain. Start P.T. Friday. Hope they can do some good. 

    If they can stick a pretzel in an M&M why not a Cheeto?  I would hide that in my bedside stand. 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Elimar great kitty pics and love the bazooka quote. I still have my bazooka camera that I got by sending in 100 comics.

     anyone know of any free chemo cook books I can get? 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    I loved THE M&M stores in Vegas and Orlando.  So many pretty colors, so many M&Ms to eat! 

    I've always had intense, vivid, and rarely scary dreams until the diagnosis.  Since then my sleep pattern has been totally messed up, and when I do sleep I have nightmares.  Usually they involve being paralyzed or completely immobilized and something terrible coming, or reliving radiation treatments or needle pokes in the boob to drain abscesses.  Sometimes I just wake up crying or yelling "STOP, DON"T" but without remembering what I was dreaming.  It's finally starting to get better since the summer.  

    Elimar--have you contacted the local ACS office?  They often have free cookbooks and other resources.  And I love the kitty hump day pic!

  • GoogsMN
    GoogsMN Member Posts: 12

    Elimar, you are right I should donate the wig huh?  It's actually in pretty good shape, considering how long I've worn the dumb thing.  And I have a ton of hats too, that I have no desire to ever see again.  :) 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Carrol2, my mom had a book called Eating Well Through Cancer.  I believe she did get it for free through her chemo doctor's office, so maybe all you have to do is ask for one.  If you really develope an aversion to a lot of foods, you might get some of those Ensure nutrition drinks.  My mom's chemo doctor (and also my Breast Center) would give a free case of 24 drinks to anyone undergoing treatment.  Protein is extra neccessary during both chemo and radiation, so you can repair the damage the treatment is doing to your body.

    p.s.  I looked on your website...those are some far-out vehicles!  Your hubby must be a master with the airbrush.  I liked that one gas tank with the colored flames and mini skulls.

    Barbe,  I notice you've updated your avatar and are sporting a sassy new 'do!  Did you also get some new specs?

  • CatbirdC
    CatbirdC Member Posts: 235
    Happy Wednesday Pictures, Images and Photos        Just Love Love Love This Picture !!!!!!!
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I have been looking at it all day hahahahahahahahahaha

    Happy Wednesday Pictures, Images and Photos

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Don't tell E, but when I 1st looked at it I thought it said "Happy Weather!"

    Well, y'all are lucky most of you live far, far, far away from me.....DD got her driver's license today.  And unbelievably, she needed to drive to soccer practice. Mind you this is a gig she has been walking to everyday since school started because the school is behind our house.  But today her equipment bag became too heavy to carry!

    Prayers for sanity & protection greatly appreciated from all you who like to send up arrow prayers!  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Interrupting this happy hump-day roller coaster fest...........

    My dream really did come to fruition today!


    It's a book!!

    It's a book!!

    It's a book!!

    It's a book!!

    It's a book!!

    It's a book!!

    We got home safely and met up with our 'local' grando-s and my dearest hubby had them stop by his office to pick up an over-nighted package that had arrived mid-day.

    I have an advance box of two copies of my new picture book. Five years in the making & I'm sitting here holding two copies, turning the pages, smiling ear-to-ear, and jumping for joy.

    It's the real deal.

    I'm heading to the fridge to open my box-of-wine.

    The aliens have dropped off all sorts of Cheetos, chocolate and other glorious yummies!!

    Raise your glasses middies.

    Dreams really do come true.

    Here's where the rubber meets the road.

    Or the roller meets the coaster.

    Or the book meets the shelf.


    give me your best


    (***edited because I started a new page & I always like to start a new page with a pic)

    Hump on little kitties.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Magnificient Faith!

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682

    Faith what a wonderful surprise to see you book in print.  I am so happy for you.  Chocolates are on the way, for your celebration.

    Marlegal, my trip to Vegas is with the TA TA Sisterhood from this site, listed in the reunion section.  The first trip was last year with about 25 BC survivors and support people.  This year it is the Second Reunion of the TA TA Sisterhood and about 54 of us will be meeting in Vegas.  I was so moved by our experience last year that I would not miss this year for anything.  I have been waiting for this for 52 weeks and will be there in 1 week.  Okay, I have never heard of MM's pretzels, but will find out about them in Vegas.  There is a store near me that sells chocolate covered popcorn and it is wonderful.  Chocolate covered anything is great, especially using dark chocolate.

    I love the kitty pics and Happy Hump Day to all.  (((((Hugs and Prayers)))))

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Thanks Elimar is is very talented I am very proud.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Faithie!!!! Wowzer!!!!  Congratulations!!!

    It doesn't surprise me though.  You can do anything you set your mind to.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    congrats faithie it's a great feeling to see yourself in print.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Faith, that is exciting!  What does it feel like to hold five years in your hands?  Congrats! 

                            hoorAY Pictures, Images and Photos

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Congrats Faith!!! You deserve everything that the publishing will bring as you have worked so hard to get it to this point.

    Love n hugs. chrissy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Way to go, Faith!  Congratulations! 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Congratulations, Faith! How awesome to finally have the books in your hands!!!

    Oh, Joni - I am dreading the driving experience. The high school isn't too far away, but there's a hideous four-way stop of horror between our house and the school. Total free-for-all - it's like something out of a big city in Asia. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but that's how it looks to me through eyes that are considering having my teenager(s) encounter it. Luckily, my oldest is 15 and 4 months and has NO interest in getting her permit. Meanwhile, my 13 year old envisions her sister driving the both of them to school next year. The parking lot is an expanded version of the four-way stop - fresh new teen drivers, risk-taking older teen drivers, psychotic parents.

    Guess I should be shopping for used tanks, just in case my daughter decides to learn to drive...

    Elimar - the cats kind of creep me out, actually...

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Kleenex ~ I've thought the same thing about the cats. Creeps me out as well. I'm not a cat lover to begin with, only my DD's because he (Squash) is my DD's. Wink

    Faithie ~ Congratulations! Laughing

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    How can people not love cats? i don't get it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dogs have masters; cats have staff.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    Cats always seem to pick the person who is allergic to them and trying to avoid them to rub up against. 

    When your eyes swell shut and you find it hard to breathe in their presence, or in the presence of someone who they have recently played with, it is much easier to not love them. 

    We had one for 13 years.  She was supposed to be an outdoor cat, but she absolutely refused to ever go outside, and few people other than the immediate family ever saw her.  We will not have another, I find that I enjoy breathing way too much. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My DH thought he was allergic to cats. I had one when I met him. It was gray and black and white. Apparently the dander on an orange or brown cat IS diferent! At one point we had 4 cats, all in shades of black and white. He's fine! Until we go where someone has a cat of a different colour.....