
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Here I am.  No my harness is not in the right position yet, just getting instructions 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Have a great day, bluegems, and keep racking up those milestones!

    raeinnz, it's always interesting to find out something is called something else in another country, even when the language is still English.  Thanks for the cultural exchange of the day.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Whoo hoo Meece!  What a studette!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    elimar...that's the LEAST offensive pink pic i've seen so far ! i HATE october.. used to love trick or treating with kids..now, i just hide from pink anything....thank u for always taking the time to update the header picture.. light and love, 3jaysmom

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    elimar...that's the LEAST offensive pink pic i've seen so far ! i HATE october.. used to love trick or treating with kids..now, i just hide from pink anything....thank u for always taking the time to update the header picture.. light and love, 3jaysmom

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I posted on FB last night how much I hated pink, so I get your sentiment Mainer!  I too wonder about Komen advances.  I'm sure there are some(many?) but I prefer donations to the American Cancer Society - I've actually read of their research and advances.  That's what makes us all different I guess, we're free to like or not like things as we choose :)  Eli - I had a stuffed dog exactly like that when I was little - it had rhinestones for eyes or something - I carried it everywhere!!!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    I'm undecided about how I feel about the pink stuff. It kinda p#$$es me off when I see something like the local bakery selling cupcakes with pink ribbons on them. Do they really give the $$ to BC awareness or are they just taking advantage of this disease to rack up sales. Then on the other hand I look at some of the great advances that have been made. I too prefer to give to the American Cancer Society as opposed to Susan K. for two reasons. When I was going through treatment I contacted both and Susan pretty much just sent me to ACS who were a great help. I'm thrilled that more and more women are aware that it is important to do self exams and get yearly mammograms so I'll buy the pink cupcakes and confront the baker as to exactly where the proceeds go and if he has any questions I'll lift my shirt and show him my battle scars.Tongue out
  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Meece, Look at you go girl!!!! Ya got more nerves than me, that's for sure.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    PMom, I'd buy tickets to see that!!!!

  • dawney
    dawney Member Posts: 136

    Pmom -  I love your tag line, it always makes me laugh.  I have certainly not been passing up the dessert cart lately!  :)  My sweet taste buds are all that I have left!

    Ladies, I have a guestion.  A friend of mine was diagnosed just this week with breast cancer.  She doesn't have any details yet but is hoping for a lumpectomy and rads.  She is military and says she needs a lumpectomy instead of mast becuase Tricare (military ins) doesn't cover any reconstruction.  Have any of you heard this?  I thought by law that insurance had to cover reconstruction?

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849

    I love the pink poodle!  But I was getting sick of pink while going through treatment.  I'm ok with it now, and have a pink ribbon on my purse and the BC license plate.  I remember the radiologist who did my biopsy and gave me my results gave me a package of pink things, like a pink charm bracelet and angel pin.  At first I was taken aback... I mean, geez, I was just diagnosed with BC and reeling from that, my head was in a fog, I was crying,  I was half in denial and they're putting a "survivor" bracelet on me.  I hadn't survived anything ... the cancer was still in me!!!!  I think we're bombarded with it in the beginning and get easily turned off.  I like to support the American Cancer Society as often as I can.  Komen?  I don't feel warm and fuzzy about them.

    OG: You were asking about grandsons ... my two grandsons love Wii.  They also like to play outdoors, ride bikes, kick the ball around... we did a lot of that today.  Fire trucks are big and police cars.  Mine are 7 and 4.

    raeinnz: This goes back a few days, but I had really bizarre dreams when I was on the surgery meds and definitely on the chemo meds.  A long time ago I used to have tornado dreams.  Whenever I did, something bad would happen in my family... either one of my kids would get in trouble big time, or worse, someone would get cancer.  Whenever I'd tell someone that I just had a tornado dream, everyone would be in dread.  Strangely enough, one Thanksgiving my DH and I visited his Mom in Seattle and she told me she had a tornado dream before we came out and was afraid to tell me in case I'd back out of coming. (I thought, gee, what if the plane crashed, she'd feel pretty bad about not telling us!!)  Anyway, while we were there, I got a phone call from my son back in VA ... he had just flipped my DH's car... talking to me from an upside down car.  He was panicking, I was panicking.  Not good times there.  But I haven't had a tornado dream where something bad followed in a long time.  Thank God.


  • bluegems
    bluegems Member Posts: 507


    If she is being treated at a military treatment facility, she needs to contact a patient advocate, or better yet, the breast cancer nurse navigator if they have one. It may depend on whether she's Tricare Prime or Standard. She needs to clear up if Tricare doesn't pay for reconstruction after what they might consider an elective mastectomy, if her cancer treatment plan would call for a lumpectomy.

  • dawney
    dawney Member Posts: 136

    Thanks bluegems, I will let her know/

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Well girls just a short note to let you know I managed to break my left shoulder tonite while walking the dog.  Typing 1 handed & I'm pumped full of morphine so i'll try to give more details later.  plz pray; I can tell it's gonna hurt like hell pretty darn quick!! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Eph3_12--Good heavens, my dear!  Keep taking the pain medication as often as you can for the first 48 hours. Set an alarm if you need to.  That way you'll stay ahead of the pain until it starts to calm down with the healing process.  And I will be praying for you! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I KNEW exercise wasn't good for you!! Poor Eph!!! Joni, sweetie, what the hell did you do and is the dog okay????

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849

    Eph ... prayers for you this afternoon.  Take your meds!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh, Joni!  What am I going to do with you, girl?  I have a slew of bubble wrap I could send up to you.  I could fashion it into a lovely jumpsuit.  Bubble wrap and duct tape, what everyone who knows dfashion is wearing this season.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Joni, so sorry to hear you broke your shoulder.  You're in my prayers for minimal pain and quick healing.  Take care and take those pain meds!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph!  That's awful news!  It wasn't due to your dog lunging after a Pinktober Poodle, was it?  When you're able to type again, I was wondering which bone got fractured?  Did you dislocate your shoulder along with the break?  You poor thing!   All we can hope for today is that you are resting comfortably on the meds. and that your every need is being catered to.  Feel better soon!

                                               funny lil guy Pictures, Images and Photos

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    a broken shoulders' no fun, eph.. i will be praying big time for you. like mainer said..stay AHEAD of pain. and, take it realll easy.   light and love, 3jays

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eph, I wish you speedy healing, and agree about taking meds to stay ahead of pain. 

    BlueGems - I have your phone #  to take with me to VA on Wednesday.  I think Thursday afternoon is the day we're planning to do Williamsburg itself ... Friday is Busch Gardens I think and Saturday is spa day!  Won't have computer access, so hope you all have a great week.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Oh No Eph!  You poor baby. I feel so badly for you. Isn't this the second time that walking the dog has caused you to fall? Okay you need a new hobby. Do as the others have suggested and take your medicine. I am sending you a special prayer for a quick recovery. 

    About military insurance, my mother had a mx. I'm not sure if she is still on Tricare  but I will ask her tomorrow.  

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    joni...PM is right you need a new hobby.

    Feel better.♥♥

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    As the owner of a 'bad' shoulder, I'm here with one good shoulder to cry upon.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    hi girls.   the official discharge paperwork says fractured shoulder, further explained as breaking the humerus head at the shoulder.  the good news is no dislocation so probably no surgery but have to call orthopedic for follow-up; hopefully will get in tomorrow.  until i see doc - no work (darn- if it didn't hurt so bad that would be a good thing.)I am keeping up with the meds but they aren't doing that good a job IMHO!  Dog & I were on a fairly steep embankment waiting for another dog to go by on the road below.  My dog decided she wanted to see other dog up close, pulling me down the bank...I was upright until  hitting ditch at bottom where I proceeded to splay my left arm out, hyperextending it & doing sort of 1 handed wish bone pull - fortunately I'm right handed!  thanks for all the well wishes,  Joni
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Isn't that the way?  we get a day off, but can't have any fun.  Hope you feel better very soon, Joni!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Isn't that the way?  we get a day off, but can't have any fun.  Hope you feel better very soon, Joni!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I have to remember to stay on top of this thread - y'all galloped away for four pages since last I checked on you!

    Yes, Carrol2 is actually one of my multiple personalities, which is why her photo and my caricature avatar look similar. Really, though, it IS a caricature, and while it "favors" me, it doesn't quite look like me...so I don't really look much like Carrol2 in real life. Weird, though, with the angle of the head and all...

    Suzwes - you mentioned enjoying Mr. Benadryl to help you sleep. If you are taking Tamoxifen, you need to say bye-bye to Mr. Benadryl, because he might keep your Tamoxification from happening properly. I was taking it to sleep as well, and it was awesome and magical, probably because it was keeping the Tamoxifen from really working. :( I now take some miracle combo of 3 mg of melatonin and a "natural anti-anxiety" med from Costco that I love.

    Related to sleep - Barbe, I'm not going to say that light at night causes breast cancer, but I AM going to say that "light pollution" in your bedroom is poor "sleep hygiene." I sleep much better if I cover or extinguish all random lights in my room - the red TV power off light, the glow of the phone in its charger, the blue glow of the portable A/C unit, the glow of my husband's alarm clock. As we change positions at night, our eyes can open a bit, and if there's a light, it will catch the attention of your subconscious and you will "see" it and even if you don't totally wake up, you won't sleep as deeply. So that booklight is probably not a great idea unless you turn it off...and then turn it back on when you're sure you won't be sleeping...

    Elimar - any fiber benefits from the Chester's Puffcorn?

    Angel140 - I am among those who are not fond of Pinktober. I actually have never liked the color pink, possibly because I tend toward a pinkish skin tone that I don't like. Breast cancer just made it worse. My mom calls this month "Breast Awareness Month," which cracks me up. The girls and I entertain each other by pointing out the ridiculous assortment of products - "Look mom, breast cancer crescent rolls!" Seriously? Perhaps years and years out I might feel honored in some way or like a survivor, but at the moment, it all smacks of a big, cheesy marketing ploy in a loathesome color. And it causes me to have confrontations: perky grocery store cashiers asking if I'd like to donate toward breast cancer. We'll see if I can be less of a - well, you know - this year. "No, but would YOU like to donate toward my breast cancer treatments?"

    Joni - dear God, woman, how strong is that dog? Perhaps you should change your route to something level. Extreme Dog Walking is no longer an appropriate choice for you. Hope you're feeling better soon. Arm injuries wreak havoc with grooming activities...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    at the er the doc asked me what kind of dog did I have...DD piped up with "Chihuahua" which cracked all of us up including nurses,xray tech,doc!  Ske's a 10 yr old heinz 57-shepard, hound, rott, lab mix & strong as an ox! we had never gone up the embankment before and will obviously not do it again...she's not getting why we haven't gone out for 2 days-I never missed during BC treatments once!  DD took her out yesterday, but I don't think she (the dog) counted it as OUR walk!

    And those grooming activities...haven't been able to shower. do you smell me yet?