
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    welcome back, joni. we all were praying. go easy, but do the excersises they will help. get someone else to walk the dog for awhile!!lol light and love,  3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    It looks like I have 181 pages to read to catch up. I thought I had better say hi before I did dig in.

    I am 65, live in WA State. We were in the middle of moving here from Illinois in June when I got cancer, had surgery, moved, started care the the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance on July 13 and moved into a house here one July 15th. We were at a hotel before then. 

    I realized that I might need to find you all to have someone understand my needing all these danged Poise pads since I got this wretched cold two weeeks ago. The youg ones seem to shake it off in a week or less, me it is two weeks now and just breaking up. 

    Anyways Hi, here I am about to start Taxol on Monday if I am not cancelled once again due to this cold. 

     I am really weary of being sick, I do not know anyone at all in WA except my husband, our daughter and SIL and the sgtaff at SCCA. I feel too miserable to go mingle, I dont want to get any other illnesses, I don't see my church out here and hesitate to walk into a new church badl and with nothing to offer. Usually one is established before somehting like this, I know that  shouldnt matter but I really look awful, feel dumpy, flat personality, no energy to share my interests or to be as interested as I usually would be in others. Oh blah. 

    I hope you have a sunny day and enjpy your weekend. 


  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Hello Ginger,

    I sor tof understand what you are going thorugh. I moved to Kansas City from NYC January of 2008 traveld for work most of the time and then got BC June 23 2010. So we did not know too many people. I can tell you I know a lot of people here now. Everyone has reached out to me, even people that do not know me at all. Do not be afraid to talk and share your story. People in general all want to help. It seems like everyone you know knows someone or has had cancer of some kind. So take a minute and talk to anyone you will feel better and you will make a new friend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Eph--Holy Cow, talk about just not right!  I hope you have good pain meds and are taking them on a regluar, scheduled basis.  Set an alarm and take them at night to keep the pain from getting ahead of you in the mornings, and take some advil half an hour before PT.  Keep us up to date, even if it's just to say Hi so we know you're ok, sort of.  

    Ginger--Welcome, glad you found us.  Don't worry if you don't get all the back pages read right off, a lot of topics come up periodically as they become important to someone on the thread.  It amazes me how there is always someone here who can relate to some part of your journey, and if nothing else we're willing to listen.  

  • gingersfavorite1
    gingersfavorite1 Member Posts: 134

    Ginger - we may be in trouble now as there are two of us  (though I'm actually Stephanie)    Ginger is my yorkie and I'm her favorite - thus my profile name.

    That would be extra difficult to be on this journey in a new place without a support system.    I hope that you're able to make some connections and settle in more comfortably soon. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Gingerbrew, welcome.

    I left a bad marriage, moved and started life on my own when I found my BC.  I can understand the lonliness you are experiencing.  Try checking around for BC support groups.  My current church,( in a totally different city than where I grew up and lived for 40 years)  has a BC support group that meets every month.  If you find something like tha, you have something in common off the bat.  The women there would totally understand why you don't feel good, or feel like you look good.  Sometimes when people see us with our bandanas, caps, and wigs, they don't know what to say to comfort us or to bring us close.  

    Praying that you will find someone to talk to.



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Glad Gingerbrew has been given a warm welcome here already.  It is extremely hard to go through B/C when you have another major stressor (like a big move) in your life.  You find yourself asking not only :Why me?" but also "Why now?"  Gingerbrew, the SCCA should have a B/C support group, and you might like to meet people from your own city there, which may turn into a friendship for you long after cancer has passed.  Of course, you will also have some understanding sister right here at your fingertips.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Gingerbrew!  What church are you looking for?  Call your old pastor/leader/minister or find a community newspaper-generally there ads for almost anything & then some.  Come see I Come to th garden' thread.  welcome to you & any other newbies i've missed while trying to redirect everyone here locally back on me!  

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    My take on the fish oil statement - whenever I look for fish oil capsules, the shell is always made with soy as one of the top ingredients.  I know the jury is out on soy (no debate here please), but maybe the dr. was refering to that?......


  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    gosh seems like soy is in everyhing how can you avoid it. even my granola bars have it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    We weren't even on the topic of soy (or fish oil) on this thread, were we?   But that is so weird because yesterday I was in a Sam's Club and some Fiber One granola bars cought my eye because they had the pink ribbon packaging (and we had just been having that topic on here) plus the bars were boasting only 90 calories.  Then, when I checked them out further, I saw that soy was listed and did not get them for that reason.  I thought it was odd that it had the pink ribbon on there but had soy in it.

    Like prayrv said, some studies say that soy is beneficial against B/C, some say to avoid it due to it having an estrogen-like effect.  I don't totally abstain from soy, but because of the controversy and conflicting data, I try to minimize my ingestion of it when possible.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Darn - meant to post that on another thread.   (can't claim chemo brain either)  Sorry!


  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    oh thank goodness...thought I was goin crazy for a minute. I even went back a few pages and couldn't find anything @ fish oil.

  • AnnetteS
    AnnetteS Member Posts: 22

    Hello, Like Gingerbrew, I seem to have 181 pages to get caught up here. 

    The first post in this topic caught my attention.  After being extremely involved in my children's high school sports and choir, I was feeling very apprehensive about starting my first school year after my last child graduated.  I was afraid I would be bored and have nothing to do.  Some may say to be careful what you wish for, because I now have LOTS to do to keep me busy.

    My last day of summer was told I needed a biopsy.  Then, MRI three more biopsies, scans, utlrasounds, etc.  I have to admit that I am not bored.  I see the PS on Wednesday and will hopefully have a surgery scheduled quickly to get rid of this C.  

    So glad I found this site!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    AnnetteS, we are glad you found us too, but still sad & angry that B/C just keeps 'em coming.  This is one disgustingly big "club" we're in.  Yep, you fit the profile all right.  All your dreamed about "me-time" is going to be "C-time" for a while.  As one of our sisters here likes to say, you just "pull up your big girl pants" and go through it.  When you get a chance, tell (or put in profile info.) about your diagnosis (Dx) and why you had to go through three biopsies???

    p.s. My baby is a college freshman this Fall too.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Gingerbrew's name is making me think of Oktoberfest (and I mean the old world beer holiday.)  Now there's something that's not pink this month!!!  So, for all you Pinktober-haters out there, this one's for you...

                                         1 Liter of beer Pictures, Images and Photos



    [Edit:] Now for the counterpoint (or if you prefer, the buzzkill) to the usual Oktoberfest activities...

    The official word around here is this:  "Cutting back on alcohol represents a real step that a breast cancer survivor can take to reduce her risk of recurrence," says Marisa Weiss, M.D., the president and founder of the advocacy group Breastcancer.org. "You don't have to give up alcohol, but use it more carefully and in moderation."

    If you care to read a more limiting stance, I found the following article which specifically studies a group of middle-aged women, drinking and cancer:


    Wow!  That's scary...those findings were for ONE drink a day.  Hey, don't shoot the messenger; but I feel so guilty about toasting you with a that mega-mug o' beer now.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I started searching for the post I missed on Soy as well.  My Onc is not against soy, as it is plant hormone, not human.  I still don't go out of my way to eat soy.

    Welcome, AnnetteS.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    elimar-love the topper! my kinda day!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    So glad to hear from you Joni. Sounds like the hospital really messed up. I so wish I could be there to hold your hand or do something. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and with His grace you will rebound quickly. You've got my number if you get bored and wanna gab. I'm home almost 24/7 but be warned, the pain meds. make me have a potty mouth. I really have to watch my mouth. Hope you DD is doing okay.  

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Hello all thought I would share my last visit to the Med Onc, he decided to check for blood clots due to some tenderness in the calves and more frequent cramps.  all is fine but he stressed to make sure I note any changes and to make sure to report any further changes or unusual pain that i have not had before.  I then was given a flu shot, on my way home the nurse called and said that she had made a mistake and given me a double dose.  She called the CDC, the serum manufacturere and all assured her I would be fine but may have a sore arm and run a fever for a few days, minor flu like symtons and  yup I am.  Last year no side effects.  She was very apologetic, I felt good that they had coverd the bases and checked with everyone to make sure all would be ok.  All done with my Rads Onc.  I am one of the few who has a chronic rash on my radiated breast that may not go away and may give me minimum discomfort as it does now.  At least I know, he also told me not to be concerned if I get veins showing in my breast a few years down the road.  I really am feeling well so no complaints.  I am heading our to Albuquerque to see my son, brother, SIL, nieces and nephews.  We are also going to Beer Fest in Albuquerque for Octoberfest!!!!  I love the mug of beer picture, it really is about informed choices.  I will definitly enjoy a few more beers and wine while on vacation but will maintain my small glass of wine after work 3-4 days a week once I return.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    A double dose!

    you sound very calm about it

    i'd be ripped

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    carollynn79--I'm amaze you are so calm about the double dose flu shot.  I know it's "just" a flu shot, but, for me, that would totally destroy any trust I had in that nurse and possibly even the whole office.  But then, I'm so severely needle phobic that I would have to be sedated to get a flu shot. . .

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    that seems like a pretty bad mistake for a nurse to make. How could that happen?

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I was pretty calm once I understood that the nurse had checked with the CDC and the manufacturer, and called herself to let me know what she had done and taken full responsibility for her mistake, she plain and simple put in 1 cc instead of 1/2 when she went to do the next shot she realised what she did, charted it and started the follow up before breaking down and crying.  We all make mistakes, if this the nurses worse one that I am thankful.  What I hate is when you find things out after the fact, when people do not take responsibility.  There was no way to change anything about the wrong dose. I am a firm believer that if you can't change it try not to spend too much energy  on it, you might need it to deal with the results!!!  Now if I am not feeling better to make my flight this week i will be really PISSED!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    yeah carollynn-love how you are rolling with this one

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I had my flu shot Friday.  Just a single dose, but my arm was really sore.  I swear he put a needle and inch and a half long into my arm the entire length.  Well, at least it felt like it.  I am having a pretty bad allergy attack this afternoon and evening.  Can't blame it on the shot though.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I had my flu shot Friday.  Just a single dose, but my arm was really sore.  I swear he put a needle and inch and a half long into my arm the entire length.  Well, at least it felt like it.  I am having a pretty bad allergy attack this afternoon and evening.  Can't blame it on the shot though.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    That could have been a pretty nasty mistake. You're more forgiving than I would be. God Bless you! Have a fun trip.      My flu shot hurt pretty bad too. Not good with needles so acted like a complete fool as I got mentally prepared for the injection. You would think after all the shots, IV's we have all been through we would be tough and resilient, Nope, still a big baby:)

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I was a big girl when it came to needle sticks until about half way through chemo.  All the chemo and draws without a port, has made me quite a baby.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    My needle phobia came from having abscesses poked every couple of weeks for months before I had the breast lopped off.  Even with numbing before hand each poke hurt like h@$$.  I know it's not rational, but when I know a needle is going to be involved I get panicky.  Oh, well, at least I won't have to have needle pokes all the time anymore.