
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Ah Joni, you still have maintained your wonderful sense of humor.  Good girl. 

    Kleenex - thanks for the warning about benedryl and tamox.  I am surgically post menopausal so they have me on Femara and so far, no benedryl warnings in the research I've done.  BUT, ladies on Tamox - take heed.  Thankfully I only need it occasionally. 

    Ok ladies, after all the witching about not being able to sleep, I took a benedryl and a .5 xanax on Saturday evening at 10 pm (mind you I've done this before every couple of weeks and usually sleep a full 7 hours and get up refreshed).  I fell asleep until 1 pm on Sunday - totally missed choir and church.  Got up and went back to bed at 3 pm until 7:30 pm.  Man, what happened?  I do know that since I've gotten my energy back (in July) I've been overdoing it a bit and being only a year out of chemo and 10 months out of radiation and on Femara it's to be expected.

    I'm sure God will forgive me for missing Mass but I don't think my fellow altos will be as forgivingWink

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I agree with you kleenex, I love a pitch black room to sleep in.  At DSs this weekend, the room had too much light so I broke out my sleep mask and did much better.  Have you ever counted how many LED lights one can have in a bedroom?  Extra things on the alarm clock, the smoke detector, the off light on the tv, VCR and blu-rays, the house alarm... the list goes on.  I moved all our phone chargers out of the room.  DH wasn't too happy but he's used to it now.

  • CherylQ
    CherylQ Member Posts: 42

    Everyone, my cousin's sister-in-law died last night from breast cancer.  I hate this disease, but now she is at peace.  Please remember the family in your prayers!

    Hugs and love to all of you,


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hugs for her family Cheryl......damn disease!!!!

    Kleenex 3 mg of melatonin? You might as well put that down the sink. You need 15-20 for any effect!

    Meece wear did you find a sleep mask? We're trying to replace my DH's....

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Cheryl (((hugs))) to your cousins family. Cancer SUCKS.

    barbe: I got my sleep mask at Wal-Mart, but that's been a while back.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I found it at a Rite-Aid.  I imagine Walgreens or such would have them.  You have to ask for help finding one, or at least I did.

    When I was going through chemo some friends of mine gave me one made of purple satin and lace.  I packed it up when I married DH and have yet to find the box I packed it in.

    (((Cheryl and Family)))

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    CherylQ, condolences to you and your family. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    cheryl, my prayers are with you and your family... damn breast cancer !!  light and love,  3jaysmom

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    ((((((Cheryl and Family)))))

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OMG...I so have not caught up on this thread!

    Hi ho...Hi ho...it's off to my second mammogram I go.

    We all know how the first one went!

    Funny they called me to see if I knew where the breast center is,  which is where all my medical appointments have been this last year .

    I was like...yep.

    Onc later this afternoon.

    Have a good day! 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    (((Cheryl and Family)))

    Good luck Cookie - Hope both appointments go well.  I'm following you in an hour.  My six month mammogram (second one since diagnosis) at 11:30 this morning.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    O.K. Mid-girls, waiting to hear back that you both got the "all-clear" today. 

    Besides having your check-ups on the same day, cookie & suz, look, you both joined BC.org in the same month and have about the same number of posts.  Don't know if you Dx's were similar.

    I like looking at the Dx lines, 'cause every now and then I find a Dx twin.  Sometimes I send my twin a PM, but then it turns out that we are never exactly alike.  Like Eph looks pretty close to my Dx, but her Onco score was 42 and mine was 18 so big difference in treatment.  I don't know why I ever focused on finding a twin...too much time on my hands?

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    So far all clear...I really worry more about blood work and tumor markers at this point. But hey I finally passed a mamogram after failing on my first try!!!

    Elimar, when I was on my bride message board we were OBSESSED with twins. Date twins, dress twins, etc

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    pretty new pic...have any of you ridden in a balloon?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-i'd be honored to be known as a twin of such a witty, young thing!

    I will probably be off the boards for a couple days...."get" to have shoulder repair surgery @ 5:30PM today! Whoppee!  Feel my excitement?


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Oh no Joni!  I'll say prayers for you, especially at 5:30 your time (8:30 my time I believe). 

    I'm glad you "passed" your mammo Cookie.  Praying the rest of your afternoon goes equally well.

    I passed my mammo.  Breast radiologist said a year - we'll see what the onc says.  Woo Hoo.

    Love the balloon pictures and Elimar - I always look for a Dx. twin.  I've found a couple really close.  I should PM them, never thought of that (I'll blame it on chemo brain).

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Happy to hear you guys "aced" your mammos today.  Love that feeling right after the appointment, or having six full mos. ahead that I don't have to get a mammo.

    leisaparis, I inquired about the sunset champagne balloon launch one year for hubby's b-day, but because he kind of has a fear of heights I did check with him beforehand to see if he could handle it...no way!  I might never get up there, but it looks fun.  Is it something that gives people motion sickness?  I'm not that good on boats or small planes.  

    Eph, do you have to get bone fragments taken out of the joint area or what?  You better downsize with your next dog.  That was a crazy mishap!   All good wishes flying to you tonight by air balloons and angel wings.

    I never did find an exact Dx twin (it would have to be 7mm, 6 o'clock position, on the right to be identical) but I'm sure there's one out there somewhere. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The bone fragmants are repositioned into place & a metal holder is put in place. If upon entry it's determined the head of the bone is too mangled I'll get a new "ball"  on the top of the humerus.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    You know how to do it up right, Eph, now don't you?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Thinking of You Joni.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    elimar, thanks for the baloons. you always do such a greart thing for us, changing the pic...meece, how's your'e neck..and matt? eph, praying for your shoulder surgery. hope they give you good drugs this time. shoulders are no fun!! ( i actually have a chiuhua, she's blind, and HAS tripped me in the past). it IS doable...   ladies, if you look REAL careful ther's 3 little jays in the nest in my avatar!! i love it! i've not gotten any better computer-wise yet, someone here on bco did it for me... i bought windows 7 for dummies on dvd today, so let's see what i manage in the future by myself...light and love, 3jaysmom

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    You found the perfect avatar pic, 3jaysmom!  I am hearing how great Windows 7 is, so hope you can wrap your Mid-Age brain around it.  None of us really grew up with computers.  It seems like it is second nature to the kids, but it seems like I have to go thru' a learning curve with every new application that comes along.  It helps if there is at least one troubleshooter in the family.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    So, you know how most of you loathe Pinktober?  Keep your eyes peeled while you are out and about this month and let me know what is the most ridiculous pink ribbon marketing ploy/product tie-in you happen to see. Then we can all have a hilarious laugh about it.  (I don't just want to be negative...If you happen to see something highly appropriate and fitting having to do with Pinktober, you can share that too so we can feel that there is some tastefulness in the marketing of awareness of our disease.)           

                                          pink ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos             pink ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos

                             Yeah, I had to look twice, but that is a smurfy index finger!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Eph...get well soon.

    Love the balloons.

    By a MAGICAL co-incidence we went to the Alb. ballon fest on our honeymoon.


  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    I was in wal-mart the other day. I saw pink ribbons on DOG FOOD. Not sure what it was all about but I just shook my head and walked on. I didn't even take the time to read what it said. I looked saw them and said OMG and walked on. Guess now I need to see what it was actually for. I just couldn't believe it dog food. I thought what next, rat poison. Unbelievable.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    Well Eph is under the knife right now. I'm sure she'll do great and probably crack a few jokes with the staff at the hospital. 
    We found a kitten in our garage today and I can't keep him because my dog thinks they are snacks. Anyway, I've named him Eph. I think I should stick him in a box and mail him to her. She needs something soft and cuddly right about now.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I thought her surgery was light night! She said PM on the time.....oh well, she got my prayers last night, I possibly have a few left for today...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I thought it was last night, too.  I have such a long prayer list since joining this website.  Hopefully Eph is getting some good rest right now.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    leisaparis, LOL, rat poison!  Hmmm...dog food?  Maybe not as bizarre as you might think.  Dogs and cats can get B/C!  I Googled it.  And, they have 10 "breasts."  They get chemo too...but before you start imagining pet wigs like I did, it said they do not lose much hair, maybe just whiskers.

                                           poddle Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    Growing up, we had a dog who had to have 3 or 4 mastectomies. Once they healed only the teats were missing. Otherwise, her tummy looked normal. If they are spayed, they are much less likely to get BC.

    I used to live in Santa Fe, NM and enjoyed the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta many times. Thanks for the great pic.