
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Yep - definitely best viewed on the big screen but a little TOO big and real at times for me!  My little old country is just as beautiful as it looks though.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Now if you can only get rid of that Ring Wraith problem!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hi ladies,just wanted to thank rae for your info about rib pain..talked to my onco about that, also. pet scan showed nothing, so she said it was because i had dbmx 2 yrs ago, and ps. cleaned it all up again this yr.. there's been too many men messin in my private parts!! at least the one's on top!!lol noone's gonna get a chance on top for awhile.. ok, maybe DH but only outside of the skin.. now, having put my foot in my mouth, i'll go hang my head...3jays
  • Onetoughwoman47
    Onetoughwoman47 Member Posts: 132
    PauldingMom - what part of Montgomery Cty? I'm in IL now but my roots are there...Lancaster is BEAUTIUL and New Hope? Been there? I've actually lived all over the country as my X was working for Gov and was in Navy so I've lived West Coast, NYS (twice), Willow Grove, PA, and many more...Hope you are doing well and happy to have met you here on this site...what's GA like?  :-)
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hey all you PA gals! I lived in Erie from age 0-6 and in Beaver (near Pittsburgh) from 7-16 then Camp Hill (near Harrisburg) until college.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Onetough.... the Planes of the Willow Grove Navy Base been flying over my head all my life. Oh and the Blue Angels! New Hope is always a special place to go around the holidaze at Peddlers Village.

    PMOM.... Just went to Landsdale for the first time. I am so directional!.. Montgomery County is right next to Bucks County where I am. You must be missing the Pizza/ CheezSteaks/ Pretzels from up here, huh?!

    BarbA.......never been out that far west in PA. But have friends that have Family in Harrisburg/ Clarion

    We have beautiful counties the further north and west you go....lots of farms! I so want to get out to Lancaster.

    but then there is that Phila- del-phia PA thing!  Great times and eats/ views/ music....and there esp by the River I love it.

    (( Good Day to all))

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    JMW-glad you were able to tell your kids and that they are taking it well for now.  Sorry for you news and hope that your healing will go well.  Will pray for you starting chemo, no one wants to do that.  Keep us posted.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527
    ElaineG  It's possible to have a totally different type of cancer come back. I know two people who had Her2+ cancer, and then had a different type after that. It could be slow and pokey. There is just no way to tell.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    JMW-I 2nd what Elimar said about putting teachers on the inside track.  My daughter was finishing freshman year of high school when I was diagnosed; I contacted her school counselor and asked her to keep an eye on the situation, but to not bring it up to DD unless she initiated, or a teacher inquired due to a situation in class.  There was never a need for intervention, but I wanted the school aware of the possibility.  

  • bluegems
    bluegems Member Posts: 507

    From a teacher here...............YES! PLEASE let your child's teacher or the school counselor know when diagnosed, surgery, or setbacks occur. These are some of the most traumatic situations a child will deal with. I know I make accommodations for students when events like this occur. And giving the child someone (you trust) to talk to who's not in the thick of the situation can really help them deal with their feelings. It also gives us a head's up for potential acting-out, so that when it does occur, we know where it's coming from.


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    OneToughWoman- LOL I also spent several years in Illinois! Gurnee and DH is from Macomb. In Lansdale we were right near the train tracks on 2nd street. 

    I have one more head zap tomorrow. It doesn't hurt but does give you one hell of a headache. They increased some meds. and that has helped. Tonight I feel pretty darn good. The lights from the computer, t.v. are not so great but doing good. As far as chemo. I won't find out till next week. I'll let ya know when I hear more. For right now I'm focused on the end of radiation and looking forward to some time off.

    I got a bag of cheetos in the mail today so I'm gonna be busy for a while. I'll check in tomorrow:)

    Pink Hugs, Lisa 

  • Onetoughwoman47
    Onetoughwoman47 Member Posts: 132

    Brazos - Holy crow....I used to live in Horsham, right off of Horsham Rd., and I was Associate Exec Dir for the YMCA Corp Fitness Ctr...how funny....know the area very well and yes, miss those cheese steaks, pretzels and "goods" ships..and how could I miss those "tandytake cakes", was back in Sept., my mum suddenly passed away (West Chester) and I scarfed up a few boxes, had a real Philly Cheesesteak and took the surroundings all in...no place like home when you've traveled the country like I have...

    PMom and BarbA - would love to hear from you ladies...pa gals as well???

    PauldingMom - LOL - I know exactly where you mean (location), my father used to work for Snyder Real Estate there in town and he lives in Harleysville now....saw in this past Sept. and enjoyed scootin around the area, back roads, forrests, oh I just love it...my fiancee was with me and he took it all in, he's never been to PA, well 2 years ago when we drove back for my folks to meet him, and then we took a motorcycle ride out last June for my father's 75th surprise BDay party, was he ever surprised when we showed up and on the BIKE, non the less...good time was had by all, I hadn't seen my family and extened family in years.....and it was nice to catch up.

    Have a great day everyone and bundle up (at least here in IL)Laughing

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    woo hoo cats Pictures, Images and Photos

    Woo-Hoo, P-Mom, last day of rads.  

    Am I the only one who is wondering how long it would take to cook a turkey with one of those rads machines?  If our breasts are any indication, it would put a crisp brown skin on the turkey for sure.

    Thinking of suzwes, and that all goes well with her ultrasound today. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    ok completely & totally off topic, but here is a funny for when you have time.  It is a little long, but has some zany artwork & I was chuckling pretty hard through most of it! Enjoy.


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    DONE!!! WITH BRAIN RADS.    Now to get my self back to normal. I want to do a happy dance but would probably fall flat on my @$$. So I will rejoice in the dancing kitties Elimar sent. 

    They said 10 days of recovery from the rads. Recovery......sounds like a wonderful, wonderful word.

    Love ya all,


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704




  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    LISA!!! {{{WAH HOOOOOOOO}}}.

  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 33

    Thanks again for the comments and advice. Back home now and feeling pretty good. Not in any pain from the surgery. I told my sons teachers about my BC as soon as I found out as I knew I would have to tell the boys at some point. I agree that their teachers should know so they can understand if there is a change in behavior. Thanks all!  Jeannie

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424



    So proud of you. So very proud. So very, very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Prayers for the road ahead!!

    Guess what middies. GUESS WHAT??????????

    I have a date on my calendar to meet up with our Cookiest IN PERSON!!!

    IN NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In a couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who wants to meet us for dessert in Little Italy? 

    I am so excited!

    Yes!!! There will be pictures!!!!!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    It is so good to hear from you Paulding


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Congrats Paulding.  I knew you could do it!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    JMW, How many nodes were taken out in all?  Did they put a drain in you?  I only had two nodes out, but the surgery area for the nodes was more sore than the surgery area for the tumor. 
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    congrats, PM!! happy dance commencing here in sunny Fla!!well done.   3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well done PM!!!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!   Take it easy while healing and remember it's not long now!  Enjoy some more flowers.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110


    Sending dancing bananas but I'm too lazy to go to another site to bring them over, so they will just have to find their way & dance their little butts over here on their own ! ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥

    JMW ~ {gentle healing} & {gentle hug}

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    sorry ladies, was cking to see if i could still post pics. apparently, i can!!3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    lets lookis that what we wantedValJean??
  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Paulding, I admire your  activities ! well done. Good

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Paulding, I admire your  activities ! well done. Good wishes from India.