
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

    I know I have not posted much but thank you for letting me be part of your group. 

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Happy thanksgiving  to each and everyone once again. My youngest son got his job  as Jr. Graphic designer in Singapore. I am planning to celebrate on coming saturday alongith my husband, eldest daughter and grand  daughter.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Stuffing update:  The stuffing is all blended in the pan, including Cheetos.  Husband did some grumbling when he saw it.  I said, wait!  It is not fair to judge until it has cooked in the bird and all flavors have co-mingled.  Now I just hope it ends up tasty, but either way I pass the verdict on later today.

    Photo reply to Faith...If they could do it to Pringles, it was only a matter of time...




    I knew many "regulars" would be by with a T-Day message, but it's so nice to hear from our newer Middies and I also like to hear from those normally lurking.  The greatest would be to hear from some of the women who posted early on, but who we have not heard from for some months.  Would really like to know how some of those gals are doing. I am so thankful to have "met" you all.

  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 33

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the states, as posted above Canada celebrates it in Oct. Well I am recovering nicely. Had 9 more nodes removed all negative! And the second lumpectomy he did came back negative as well. I feel truly lucky. Can anybody tell me how long I will have to wait for my chemo to start?  The waiting and wondering never seems to end. Thanks, Jeannie

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    It's the Pink Turkey of Awareness!!!!

    Happy Turkey day My Pink Pals!

     Thank you for all the comfort food! You guys are great !!

    love the Turkey chips, Turkey hill Ice cream ,I am in heaven! Comfort food ,here I come!

     Hope all are you are feeling Strong & enjouing A Blessed day! Iam so thankful for all of you & your support !

    Love ya all  Gobble~ Gobble

    Thanksgiving {{{{{{hugs}}}}} Gina

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Just finished a big traditional Thanksgiving Dinner bought over by friends. My Mom is coming down tomorrow to spend a good amount of time helping me with a bunch of paperwork and stuff. Going to go to Emory Cancer Center in Atlanta to check out what they think. Still in the lottery for the trial drug. There was an error made, it is not yet FDA approved but I am very positive I will get it. If not this go round then I get put back in the pool. The coordinator at the onc. office was excellent. Really on the ball about the whole thing.  
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!! and yeah, no black friday shopping for me tomorrow, but we did score some free excellent tickets to the Falcons game on Sunday. Doc. said I could go! 

  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 33

    mumayan, I know I go once every three weeks for the chemo. but am still waiting to hear from my cancer team whom I will go through all my options with. Haven't heard from them yet so just wondering how long they usually wait to start chemo. Thanks Jeannie

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the gals in the states!!!

    The weather in Denver is gorgeous today....bright and sunny...need to get out for a walk....I'm doing the cooking (which I love)....turkey, yams, mashed potatoes, stuffing (from scratch), green bean casserole, 2 pumpkin pies, 1 pecan pie and 1 chocolate pecan pie (okay, I cheat, I buy premade pie crusts)....also baking some cookies....guess I should get off the computer and get a walk in....my folks are visiting for the week....hubby, kids and my parents all went to see a movie (I'm blanking on the name, the one with the runaway train).....so the house is quiet!!! and I can open the kitchen door because its soooo hot....my dad is running a space heater in the family room!!! 

    Hugs, to all.  Karen

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    sounds yummy karen. I am making dinner too. I watched the parade and decorated my holiday tree it has a tropical theme. Made stuffing (not scratch i bought the breading) . Bird is in the oven. lat night made cranberry sauce, not canned, fresh. Gonna make corn on the cob and yams to go with. Then we should be very happy and full.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    That's it!! I'm leaving work and going home to dinner!!!! Yell I'M STARVING..... I wonder why?? Undecided
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    I feel sorry for all the poor turkeys across the USA ,and further afield no doubt, who have given their lives for this celebration - not much fun for them is it - LOL!  Enjoy your day ladies!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    ReginaR - Love the Pink Awareness Turkey!  All the comfort food is great too.  Everyone tries to get me to eat more of that kind of stuff - they say I am too skinny and looks like I keep losing more weight with the rads.  I try to tell them I am not losing.  I just think they want me to prove I am eating well.

    We work in a 55+ mobile home park in deep South Texas and we always have a big Thanksgiving get together in our rec hall.  I did not have to do much in the way of cooking but sure feel like I ate & ate & ate.  

    Just trying to rest now - The fatigue is really getting to me these days - seems I have to take more and more breaks.  Oh Well, it's a good excuse to take a nap.

    Happy Turkey Day Everyone


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My favourite newspaper cartoon is two turkeys standing there the day before Thanksgiving and one says to the other, "Have a nice holiday Tom. See you Monday." ehehehehhehehehehe

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Lololololololol Barbe.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Maybe 'cause I'm a soccer mom, or maybe 'cause I hobbled myself stepping on Legos dozens of times, but this one cracked me up...


    Now for the verdict on the Cheetos stuffing:  It hardly altered the flavor at all, maybe because the Cheetos component was only about 1/8 of all of the bread ingredients.  I had a mix of seasoned white bread cubes (from a store) and added  some cubes of wheat bread from home, plus the Cheetos.  The seasoned cubes were still the dominant flavor, the cheese flavor did not come.   through.  The bits of orange color were appealing though.  I have two kids who don't even like stuffing and they did at least try it, so that alone was worth the experiment; and, after all, who doesn't like to experiment on their families?

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Thankful for the relationships we share here...always able to "be" who we need to be when we need to be it....

    Happy Thanksgiving sistas, my sistas!

    peace and prayers,



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - At least the kids gave it a try.  Maybe next time, a little more Cheetos.  Tell kids it has junk food in it and they will go for it.


  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with my side of the family--brothers, sister-in-law, aunt and Dad, plus our looking-for-work live-in sister-in-law. Things went great until said SIL suddenly, in the middle of our Christmas name exchange, decided she wanted to be part of it. Even though she told me the other day that she doesn't give or receive presents at Christmas. There was no way I could add her without family approval and this was so unexpected that I really felt put on the spot. I tried to explain this was just my side of the family, but she got mad and stomped back to her room. I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but I couldn't just unilaterally add her, and we had already passed out most of the names when she spoke up. Now she is sulking in her room, and my aunt and husband are worried that I am being too stressed out at a time when I don't need any more stress. Husband tried to talk to her, but she refused.

     And we have to live with her. She has nowhere else she can go unless she gets a job or is approved for lowcost housing--neither of which is likely in the very near future. Guess I just have to learn to let it go and hope she stays in her room a lot.

    Sorry to add a down note to such a special day. I do have tons to be thankful for, and I AM thankful. This is just one of those trials that come along--just wish it had chosen a better time to come along...


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((SUSAN))) just some hugs for you, t will work out how it is supposed to.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    Susan - don't feel bad, it's your home, your family and you have done nothing wrong.  She's acting like a child who hasn't got its own way - and what do we do when kids throw tantrums? - we ignore them.  If she 'pooped in my nest' too often she would be looking for another one pretty soon...
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    susantm, sorry to hear there was some friction at your holiday gathering. If I had a dollar for every holiday tiff in my family...I wouldn't have ever had to cut my long, beautiful hair off and sell it to have money for Xmas gifts.  (Oh wait, that was the plot of The Gift of The Magi...and my own long hair was donated freely last year to make a cancer wig.)

    I've grown accustomed to dysfunctional things occurring, having grown up with my mom's side having heated debates over the UNO card game (of all things.)  I like nothing better than to play cards or a board game with family at holiday times (not much into the sport viewing) but the competitive nature of my family, compounded by the sibling rivalry of my sons, once again reared it's ugly head.  This day we started playing the board game LIFE.  Most of us had gotten thru' college, paid off the student loan, gotten married, bought a house, but then, in real life, we had a bank robbery.  One son alleged that the other (a skilled prestidigitator) swiped several $5,000 notes from the bank.  No eyewitnesses, but the one son (banker) knew how many he had handed out to the other.  Too bad they didn't have arraignment court, sentencing, or prison term in the game...for lack of those, we had to stop playing.

    Later, the two of them played Stratego, fell to quarreling again, and one decided to remove himself back to his student apartment.  That makes four generations of my family that I know of who could not avoid strife on at least one holiday occasion.  Tradition runs strong in my family.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My parents, DS & DIL, DS and FDIL, were here.  DH has been sick, so no help from him.  We played cards until DS & FDIL had to go her her family's.  Parents went home because Mom recently had knee replacement and isn't back to full strength, DH went to bed at 6:00 running a fever and chills, DIL is suffering from morning sickness and went to bed around 7.  So DS and I sitt here, laptops gleaming, playing Monopoly on Wii.  Suc a togetherness time.  Well it is fun being here with DS I am not complaining.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    We are card & board game people too. Didn't have to much drama. Just a little when my SIL tried to tell my grandson how to hold a dvd (my  dvd). He was trying to get him to hold it by the sides, but the little guy had it with his finger through the hole. Wasn't hurtung a thing. Finally had to tell dad to leave the little one alone. He got mad went into the other room. He knows he can't win with me so he finally gives up. Hope everyone had a great day.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Meece - lol, everyone falling by the wayside.  Are you going to be the 'last man standing'?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Yep, here i am.  DS said he had to get some more work done, so off he went.  I sit here at 9:15, all alone, with a refrigerator full of leftovers.  What to do, what to eat?

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Go Meece!!   I'm surprized you can even think about eating any more food.  I feel full just reading what all you ladies have been eating today.  Turkey and sweet pies seem to be the mainstay of the meals would that be right?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    A typical Thanksgiving meal would include



    Mashed Potatoes and gravy

    Sweet potatoes or yams

    Vegetables (Green bean casserole?)


    Then an assortment of pies may include, but not limited to

    Pumpkin, Pecan,  Cocolate cream, Apple.

    Other things get added in.

    Leftovers are great.  Tomorrow i will make a turkey pot pie, baked within a pumpkin shell.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    well, its' officially "black friday"  wasn't going, but DH dropped the camera 2 day, may go to "just one store" at 3 am today. not a problem for me, bedtime is usually around 6am w my pain meds..we'll see. im tired, but cant sleep nothing new there hehehe.. hope nyou all enjoyed your "stuffing" day..and a big welcome to candy, susan. please feel free to join in anytime. and JMW we're doing the happy dance here in sunny, but cool. Florida for you...great news.     3jays
  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    Thanks for the sympathy, ladies. Sounds like I'm not the only one with some Thanksgiving drama. I'm just not used to it, because my family is a pretty mellow bunch. Sister-in-law has added some chili pepper to the mix. But I will make it. And, my husband promises me, one of these days she will move out. (The sooner, the better, as far as he is concerned!)

    The only place I plan to go on black Friday is the grocery store. They aren't usually crowded on that day!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    Meece - mmmmmm ... sounds like my kind of food especially the pies!!!