
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar & Meece - Will continue to post the pics. Have been doing it on the other threads.  The ladies enjoy them and I have fun finding them.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I understand that Elizabeth Edwards wanted to do things with her family to the end, and even set up the Christmas tree this year.  She also wrote at least one more book.  I am grateful that she was able to be active as long as she could.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Dancing the Happy Dance with you, Jo1955!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Going back to page 220:

    I was visiting my parents today and looked at the top of their Christmas tree and there it was, the bird with the brushy tail!

    Dads ornament

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    All the Birds I have found for my tree have feathers for their tails.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Congrats, jo1955!  I thought it was about time for you to finish.  I don't know how badly you were feeling the fatigue, but now you have some time for someof the energy to return for the holidays.  Since Meece has dancing Santa already, I'll go with this guy doing the happy dance for you...


    Meece,  we had one of those birds long ago.  It was a clip on like that, but shaped a little different because it was a peacock (in silver.)  One of my favorites, and you know I still like peacocks to this day.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have about 8 birds on my tree, and will keep searching for one like Daddy's.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar & meece - Thanks for the dancers.   

    elimar - the fatigue did hit me pretty bad.  Still have to pace myself and rest when I can.  Today was a day off from work and had to take a nap after lunch.  Felt pretty good.  Finding energy is coming back slowly - just not quick enough for me.  I am usually a very active person and the past 4 months have made me crazy.  Will give it some time. 

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    jo1955-congrats on being done with rads!  Just in time to really enjoy the holiday season!  Woo Hoo!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Middies: all packed up and leaving for the airport WAY before dawn tomorrow. It's a quick hop.

    There's a rumor that I may get a personal tour into the actual beauty of the southern mountain scenery..... twill depend on all the logistics: weather & timing.

    I have my camera all warmed up -- ready to capture some southern Utah beauty.


    Congrats to everyone making progress thru treatment..... and special prayers surrounding our PM-Lisa as she moves forward. Wishing you well. Wishing you strength. Wishing you courage.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    elimar; i love youre reminising about ornaments. i grew up in a household, where the tree took a back seat to my fathers display of elves. of which, i followed in his footsteps. they're everywhere (yr round) in my house decorations, and they climb in the tree branches at christmas. my mom always had a red cardinal; for the birds she got in her feeder. that, and hummingbirds emblazon our tree each year...      3jays
  • jnetzful
    jnetzful Member Posts: 1

    Thank you for creating this post for all of us women in the middle years! I'm sure we are all in search of some humor being the JAM between two pieces of bread...

    BREAD--my mother at 79 who had her masectomy 6 weeks ago

    JAM--me at 52 who just had my lumpectomy 3 weeks ago (BTW--I am still working full-time and finishing my PhD, plus now getting ready to start treatments this week--chemo, radiation, and then Tamoxifin).

    BREAD--my three daugthers who are all married with 5 children between them so far (plus a couple more on the way)

    If you want to laugh (instead of cry), then read... "Not now... I'm having a No Hair Day--Humor and Healing for People with Cancer" by Christine Clifford. Thank goodness for another middle-aged friend for giving it to me!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello, jnetzful!  You really are sandwiched in, aren't you? I like how you cleverly turned yourself into some JAM, 'cause that is way better than being a slice of baloney (or bologna, for my English teacher sisters out there.)  Wow!  Who got diagnosed first, you or your mom?  How did you both discover your B/C, mammos?  Hope the both of you are healing up well from the surgeries.  Also, may I ask if a doctor has mentioned the BRCA test to you? 

    My thoughts (like Faith's) also are going to our other Mother/Daughter B/C buddy...P-Mom, how are you feeling?  Will you be starting chemo before Christmas?  Has your mom remained cancer free?  I SO want you to have a serene and beautiful holiday.

    3 jays, I think a collection of elves would be pretty cool, plus you are following family tradition.  We had a few of them, the kind that can fit onto a taper candle so it looks like the elf is climbing up.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Eli - we call baloney 'luncheon sausage'.  Most of them taste so fake and 'chemically'.  There is even one kind available here that has peas and carrots in it and no one in my family will eat that - yuck, yuck, yuck!

    My heart twists every time someone new joins us here and there are just too many wonderful ladies being lost to this cancer.  RIP E.E. Someone has to get their A into G and DO something about finding a way to stop this.  Sorry about that, just needed to get it out...

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Hi ! raeinnz,

    You are absolutely  saying the right thing. I take myself an example -- though I have already  completted  my treatment  since 5 years, still there was  something scary in my mind and  I was in the of fling trying  to find out  the reality  of  life after Breastcancer so the day I found  this organization  I felt so satisfied  and no word to say about most of the threads as it has become life support to  me particularly  mingling with posts you all have posted so beautifully, so  now I have nothing to get  upset . I confirm my life has changed  totally. Really good to be here amidst you guys  so nice &  so supportive  with each other as if  we all known  to each other  so well.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    yeah, i think its' cool that ive been able to collect them over the yrs. and, keep my moms. my tree is def. victorian, and i add an angel every yr. there's alot of them now. a new tradition i started w/ my boys over 20 yrs ago..and the beat goes on...        3jays
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Eli~ I should have posted this earlier this week, my appologies, and I will do better to keep you up to date.

    Last week PM had an MRI, a load of tests, and a blood transfusion.  They needed to get her blood levels up so she could start chemo this week.  Which she did.  Came though it well.  Good news, the MRI showed that the brain tumor has shrunk! Praise the Lord!  She saidshe will try to stop by here and visit when she feels up to it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    Love the dancing Santa and ReindeerLaughing
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    If you liked the dancing Santa and the Dancing Reindeer, how about both?

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Welcome jnetzful. 

    Congrats on being done with Rads Jo!

    PM, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks to all of you for your cheerful posts and camaraderie. (love the picture Meece)

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326
    PauldingMom...Glad to hear the tumor has shrunk....You go girl...We are all thinking of you...sending you prayers for a speedy recovery so you can enjoy the Christmas season...notice I didn't say Holiday season...that's cuz I think Christ has been taken out of to much already...God Bless
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Raj, I loved reading your post about finding comfort in this room and on this website.  Isn't it awesome?  We all feel exactly the same way :)
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    PMom, rest up and heal in good time hon.  Healing hugs :)
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hello Ladies -  Feeling kinda down tonight.  A good friend of mine was dx'd with BC in April.  Had a mx, no chemo, no rads, Tamox.  Had to stop Tamox and switched to Arimidex.  Was admitted to the hosp recently with a possible reaction to Arimidex was released yesterday and is feeling somewhat better. Onc is not sure but is going to find out if the meds is the problem.  She is one of my winter residents so I did not see her until recently.  Did email some during the summer.

    We were both talking and both of us admitted that we really, really haven't emotionally dealt with the reality of BC.  For me it has only been 4 months since dx and it seems all I have done is go to doctors and tx.  Trying to get through each day by putting all my effort into work (denial?). Who knows.  Anyway, we cried a bit.  We have done a lot of that.  Now that rads are done, next step for me is onc on Monday.  Have mixed emotions about this whole thing.  Still angry. 

    We are making plans to get together for coffee and talk and to support each other.

    Don't want to sound pitiful, just wanted to vent.  Thanks for listening. 

  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    I know what you mean, Jo. I'm not sure I've really dealt with it that much either. I've been busy trying to organize Christmas, work, keep the house up, not to mention be strong for my faraway sons and my husband, who suffers from general anxiety disorder. I think he would fall apart if I couldn't be strong for him. Sometimes I wish I had a weekend where I could go off by myself and let it all soak in. But maybe it's just as good to just keep on keeping on. So vent away! This is a place you can safely do so.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Jo...I called this period my empty time. you are finished with treatment, tests running to a DR daily basis.

    Now your brain feels relaxed and you start thinking and feeling low. I have been told these happened to a lot of women.

    It takes time to get used to it believe me I'm talking from experience.

    As much as I was happy finishing when the nurses made a celebration day for me with cupcake and a candle. It was a bitter sweet feeling

    Came home cried and I fell into some type a depression.

    When you feel this way come here more often.

    We care


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    susantm - Thanks.  I just can't seem to shake the numb feeling.  I am normally a laid back person (comes from being from So Cal) and can take things in stride.  But not this.  I continuously ask myself "Why Me?" and then I ask the other question "Why Not Me?"  Just don't like it.  Then there is the fear at the back of my mind. I don't let it control me by any means - but it is there.  I dread the first mammo and/or MRI.  Don't want to hear that I have to go through this again. Always hoping to hear that things are negative.  I am really trying hard to have a positive attitude, it will take some time.  You hear of some many women having recurrences, it just breaks my heart.  

    You have a good idea though.  A weekend away by ourselves to try and sort it out.  Be able to just let go - cry, scream and perhaps finally come to terms with it. 

    We so want to have everything done now to get the beast out of our bodies we don't take into consideration the emotional side of it.  Although I can talk to hubby about what happens at the appts, he is not one to open up on the emotional side of it.  Seems to work better for me if I have someone who has been through this and can truly understand.  

    These threads have been a godsend.  I probably would have been an emotional wreck if I had not found this website.  The love and support from all the ladies has meant so much. 

    Guess I am just in one of those moods.  Hope to get a good night's sleep and things will be better tomorrow. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    In speaking with Pm today, I admitted that through tx I tended to not want to here the yucky stuff.  I think I went through those months with my fingers in my ears singing la la la.  I don't think I ever emotionally dealt with BC.  I had to much responsibility in my life to think about me.