
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{JO}}} big hugs for you. Night night gals, have to go earler and earlier it seems but whatever.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jo1955, Sounds like you have a rads "hangover."  I'm kidding, but only kind of.  We know you are thrilled to be DONE with rads, but it has been your routine and main fight against B/C for the past 6 and 1/2 weeks, so sometimes when they end you are left with NOW WHAT?  And you feel like you should be DOING something.  Plus, you still have the lingering fatigue. 

    Just try to chill thru' the holidays.  Do minimal wrapping...throw some of it into gift bags and don't worry.  Your family already has a huge gift this year...YOU getting stronger and healthier each day, and surviving the attack of The Beast.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - Thanks so much for the pep talk.  I don't have treatments of any kind for at least the next 3 weeks.  Guess Tamox is my next challenge.  You are right, I do have the rads fatigue still and still need to deal some more with the emotions.  Haven't done enough of that in the past 4 months.  

    But I am going to do my best to chill over the holidays and wait to see what my onc says when I see him next year - that sounds kinds weird. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{HUGS}}} Jo, just take deep breaths. We are here for you 24/7.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all and welcome to the new gals joining us!  Great news on your scans Eli, doing the happy dance for you!  Am getting further and further behind with the prep for Christmas and only a couple of days to go, so I'm gonna hafta go mia so I can get things done...lol.  It's just that I enjoy the company I find here it's hard not to spend a lot of time on the pooter......hmph!

    To each and every one of you ladies, have a Joyous Christmas and a Happy, Safe and Healthy New Year.  2011 will be a better year for all of us.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs to all.   Chrissy

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    methinks i am oin a cant say large minorty...oxymoron....i do not want reconstruction

    but i do have tingle and pullings  the sensation a my breast bouncing up and down....anyone else.  thinking phantom sensations

    watchin chrismas carol with um    patrick stewart in the mean time lol  yes watching, mean time...yeah until when? 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar...congratulations and happy Dance for the bones.

    jo...What you are experiencing its very normal. I was holding up okay until radiation was finished then I fell apart. Because until then there was no time to think about anything but treatment.

    Give yourself some time.

    Karen...My daughter moved to Hawaii (Honolulu) 2 years ago.

    i really don't mind the empty nest. What I don't like is she is 11 hours away.

    My other daughter lives only 10 minutes walking distance from me.

    If you need to talk about Hawaii you can always PM me.

    (((Hugs To All My Sisters)))

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sheila -  You hit the nail right on the head.  Plus, I don't feel like I can keep up with everything that is happening over the holidays plus my job is super busy and will be for the next couple of months.  The busy in some ways is good - it distracts me from the BC but I do know I still have to face the reality of it.

    Thank you so much for being there for me.

    Off to bed - really tired.  Have the day off tomorrow and gonna go do some fabric shopping.  Want to start a new quilt. 

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    hmmmmm i tried to post a picture.....and yes my puter is plugged in and turned on...... pastedGraphic.pdfdid either of these go thru?   its all about me, huh?
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    I GIVE !

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Just reading this thread and saw a bunch of familiar faces!

    I have just finished rads today, and now the big T pill is looming in my not-so-distant future.

    But jo, I read what you wrote about nausea and today, for about the first time since chemo, I have been very nauseous. I almost took one of my nausea pills leftover from chemo, but figured I would just go to bed and see if I wake up feeling better. I wonder if it's possible it could be from the radiation? haha - I almost wrote, "I wonder if it's possible it could be from the nausea?"

    I'm supposed to start tamoxifen on Jan. 1st, so I intend to enjoy my holidays, but oh boy, I hope I'm not nauseous the whole time. I think I would rather have anything but nausea! My brother and I debated that once - he actually thinks a sore throat is worse than nausea - sheesh! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    glad to see you ladies.. its 3 am now, so you all know how well i sleep. gonna ck out the drug barbe was talking about.. i know i would do so much better if i got some real sleep once in awhile.. almost ready for christmas here. thought we'd never get it done!! hope everyone is done and enjoying their efforts by now. good to see you, Meece, hope all is well with matt, and your DH, and of course, yourself..glad you survived all the family "yuckiness"..          3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, have a happy Christmas! Hope you get all your preparation done in time. 3jays, I'm with you. I am a susnshine gal who is freezing if the temp is below 80. High today is 70 so for me that means socks and a turtle neck with sweat shirt. Jo hope you are feeling better this morning. HnS, I agree, I would rather be anything but nauseous.

    So I am having 6 friends for dinner Christmas Eve. Doing it the easy way: Honey baked Ham dinner (which will be delivered today). Just heat and serve. Then for Christmas Mom, two brothers and three of Mom's friends and fresh turkey, mashed, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potatos, green bean casserole, and of course, my homemade cherry and apple pie. I better get cracking on the pie making. Well, maybe tomorrow. HeeHee.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Phew, yes, I went without reconstruction and felt phantom sensations.

    For a good laugh, go to the frozen food section of the grocery store and see what happens! ehheehheheeheheheheh

    I would have an itch that was in "mid-air"! It doesn't last long; maybe weeks rather than months.

    BarbaraA are the cherries IN with the apples are they two different pies? As for the green bean caserole, do you make it or is it "assembled" already?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Two separate pies. Barbe. Hate peeling the apples, though. I assemble the casserole using the mushroom soup and Durkees onions.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Too funny! My DH and I have already committed to making a cherry and apple pie! I'll let you know how it goes if I remember what thread I posted this on.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    heartnsoul76 - One of the side effects of Tamox is nausea.  Yuck!  Been through that with Arimidex and Femara.  Hope this is not strike 3 - and I am out of options.  My onc will not be back in the office until Jan 3 and some time after that I will go see him.  No lingering se's from either of the AI's.  I have read on several threads that ladies have had nausea after rads, I did not.  Just the fatigue- even 2 1/2 weeks post rads, I still have some and that is doable.  

    I am crossing my fingers that neither one of us has that problem.  We will have to keep each other posted on what happens.

    BarbaraA & barbe1958 - I am baking pies for Christmas dinner - going a little unconventional - doing blackberry.  I did one last year and everyone ate that one first and asked if there was more. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898
    Jo1955-what you are experiencing is not unusual. When the hustle and bustle of active treatment is done you suddenly have time to notice what you are and have been feeling. You don't have the distractions of going to rads every day, of doctor appointments every few days or week, This is the time that many women suddenly feel depressed, anxious, tired, whatever. And keeping a positive attitude is hard work, and sometimes even counterproductive. We have every reason to be angry, sad, frightened, upset, or whatever. Not getting these feelings out drains energy. Call your treatment center and talk with a social worker, or call your PCP and talk about taking an antidepressant for a few months. Hang in there, Jo, it gets better, really it does.

    Phew-phantom sensations are not unusual. I've had both breasts removed (and reconstructed) and so have no feeling in that area, but when it's cold I could swear I have nipples that are just as tight as they can get! I've even looked down at times to see if my "headlights" are showing, and I have not had nipples reconstructed!. I don't mind that so much, but the itch I get once in a while is annoying. I can feel the itch, but not my fingers scratching where my brain thinks the itch is. Weird. And don't worry about bing in the minority, that doesn't apply here. Recon was important for me, but it is not for others, and that is fine. We each need to decide what is right for each of us.

    I decided 3 years ago (the year I was diagnosed) that I wasn't going to pretend to like Christmas shopping and all that anymore. I make dipping oil that I give out for gifts at work and all those obligatory gift giving places. Special friends and family get a bottle of homemade with the dipping oil. I don't send Christmas cards. I enjoy visiting with family and friends and will cook for parties, but that's pretty much it. I will not go to the mall between Thanksgiving and the New Year (I get very uncomfortable in crowds with all kinds of people coughing and sneezing. I get exposed to enough germs at the university and the hospital.) I enjoy the season so much more this way. Call me Scrooge if you want, I'll take it!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NativeMainer - I hear what you are saying.  Glad to hear it is not just me.  It is kind weird not having to remember which doctor to go see today.  Calendar is clear.  The funk comes and goes - some days are good - others are not.  I was a mental health worker in the Air Force for 17 years and it is time I practice what I used to preach.  This may be an excuse, but if I could get some decent sleep that would make a world of difference.  I think I will ask for a sleeping pill for a short time and see if that does the trick. I realize I don't have to keep a positive attitude everyday - that is hard work.  I can just need to deal with the emotions as they come up and put it behind me. Move on to the next chapter.  It has only been 4 months since my dx, what do I want?  A miracle?  I am more realistic than that.

    You are not a Christmas Scrooge.  I feel the same way you do.  I do more ecards than anything else and keep everything else to a minimum.  I like the parties and doing the cooking.  Don't like the shopping.   

    Thanks for listening and for your support.

    Have A Great Day 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Greetings, heartnsoul76!  Glad you found your way to our thread.  I did not know you were just finishing up active treatment.  I finished up my rads 14 mos ago.  I can still notice a one shade darker rectangle on my treated area but, besides that, the thing that stayed with me the longest was a soreness in the ribs.  For over a year, they remained a little tender to the touch compared to the other side but before I wrote this I checked them again AND FINALLY (at least today) they seem not to feel different from my untreated side.  So, to you and jo1955, I say do not freak out if you have that same soreness.   Many women have written of having it and it takes some time to disappear.

    As for the Tamox., the summer was hot flash hell for me, but I can say that since the humidity dropped in the Fall, I really have not been bothered with a single flash.  With a little luck, you may not notice ANY side effects from the Tamox.!

    [I'm still going to leave "Home of the Hot Flash" up at the top (along with the orange Cheetos ribbon) because we are still the prime menopause age demographic, so there's bound to be someone on here having ahot flash on any given day.]

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Phew, I'll add that I also have phantom breast feelings, sometimes it's the nipple, or I get pain or as NM was talking about, the itch.  I will go to scratch and there's no feeling and it's very strange.  I have not had reconstruction either.  I'm considering it (my MX was 18 months ago) but I'm still a year or two away from even making a consult appointment with the plastic surgereon.

    No cheetos in my office this morning but my friend went to the coney island place for breakfast and I requested and then proceeded to eat a very delicious coney dog (with cheese).  It's in fourth place after chocolate, wine and cheetos as the best breakfast I've ever had.  (and yes, I have had wine for breakfast before in the form of a mimosa!)Wink

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey suz!  You forgot the the well-loved "classic" breakfast of cold pizza!  Anyway, I'm not sure you should show your face on the ELAB thread after that one.  Here's a little something for you:

    Pure Michigan:  Winter Virgins

    I don't exactly agree with the sentiment, but Michiganders have never been ones to let Winter subdue them!  Hohoho!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    Love it E, I was the one driving 4 miles an hour last week and they just NOW brought out the salt trucks, 2weeks late rather than three weeks late. Laughing  And, I am NOT showing my face on ELAB for a while. I think I will forgo the scale this week.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - I have had the hot flash hell since I was taken off HRT in August.  If the Tamox makes it any worse, I will ask my onc for Effexor.  I have read on the threads and through research that it does help and for some almost takes them away.  I am already prepared for the joint pain, have degenerative joint disease in my hands so I know how to treat that.  The one plus I did find with Tamox is it will lower my cholesterol - that is good for me as I am on meds for that.

    Happy Holidays to Everyone


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jo1955, Now that you mentioned Tamox. and cholesterol, I want to say that I used to have cholesterol checks yearly, but due to treatment and having blood drawn for every other reason, I missed a year last year.  Now I just had it done.  That was the big bruise I mentioned in an earlier post.  Don't have the results yet.

    The weird thing was my MedOnc, who checks everything else (three vials of blood) would not do the cholesterol screening, and Tamox. -- the meds. he provides -- does alter the blood cholesterol levels (or so we are told.)  He said he does not check it, because he does not treat cholesterol issues.  He said go to my PCP for that.  Well, my GYN doc always included it as part of my yearly exam and "physical" so I asked him to do it a couple weeks ago and told him I thought it was kind of crazy that my MedOnc (who had enough blood to spare!) would not do it.  GYN doc thought it was odd too.  He said, "I don't treat cholesterol either, but anyone can order that test.  If your numbers come back high, I would just refer you to your PCP for further monitoring."  At least I have one sensible doc in the bunch!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - I don't know if my med onc does cholesterol screening - will have to ask.  I have to see my PCP every 3 months for a recheck, so I know it will get done on a regular basis.  My PCP rarely lets me go any longer than that - don't know why.  Never asked - been seeing him for about 10 years and and I guess it is just a habit.

    But your GYN doc is right - any physician can order any test.  If the levels are high, and he does not treat, he can send you back to your PCP. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Since I started taking Zocor he sees me every 3 months for lipid tests and BP.

    My oncologist was doing the same test every 4 months.

    He wasn't aware of. Now oncologist does only CBC and TM test.

    jo like you said its maintenance every 3 months I don't believe I need it since everything is under control for years.

    But I like my DR and I don't question it.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Glad to be here, Elimar! Thanks for the welcome! I am in fact having sore ribs - hate to hear that it lasts soooo long, but I guess that's just another thing we learn to live with.

    Love those Michigander ads! Snow paralyzes Georgia, which is fine by me. Then I have the roads all to myself to play on! I like to go to empty parking lots and skid around - boy, you'd think I would have grown up some by now....but in snow years I am only 20!

    Here's another cool video made at a church here. It's a remake of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia", only it's about Santa Claus. This was just made a few days ago:

    North Point Community Church