
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    BarbaraA - Got the acronyms and I will not either.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow, we keep our home at 64 degrees! You would die here! I'm sitting here in a summer cotton nightie without my housecoat on and I'm comfortable.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, I am fine w/temps in the house @62 cause I can put clothes on but in the water, you are on your own. Brrrr. My house has no heat on now and it's around 65 and I am fine w/a sweater (I had to go get socks, because my feets are freezing). So now I am on my way to dinner and want to wish all my middies friends a good evening.

    Not so sure on the cotton nightie though, Barbe. May have something to do with how long you live in a place. I have been here way long enough to have the old blood warm up. Old, being the operative word.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Brrrrrrr!  Never wanted to do the Polar Bear Plunge!  That cold water knocks the breath out of me.


    From Wiki:  "A polar bear plunge is an event held during the winter where participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature."

  • catbill
    catbill Member Posts: 102


    I have had some luck ( not complete elimination of symtoms) with ginger.  I took capsules but I think it can be brewed into a tea as well. Maybe I should have made a tea and put in lemon.  I did this for motion sickness.  Every once in a while I notice a flash of nausea, and I think it's from my Arimidex.  It passes pretty quickly though.


    I don't think I can afford to lose too many more parts, at least not the female bits.  DH is so kind when I make jokes, he's says I'm still me.  He goes on to say my brain is still 100% female, and he still doesn't understand it at all.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    catbill - I forgot about ginger! I'm going to look for some ginger hot tea WITH lemon - that oughta do it! 

    Barbe - I would totally die there! I turn my heat down to 66 at night because I'm under an electric blanket by then, and if I was still up I would HAVE to be in flannel and thick socks and booties and a robe and, and, and....

  • cmf
    cmf Member Posts: 4

    Thank you all for the warm welcome.   people here are so kind and supportive of each other. What are the boosts people talk about for RADS?

      I am JEALOUS of all of you who don't have to get up for a bathroom run in the middle of the night!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi all, from the title in the page it looks like Im part of that sentence.  I'm not ready for the snow.  It can hold of until late next week.  I have waited 2 months since I was told I have cancer that I can finally do something about it.  So please no snow yet.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Thanks for MR Google

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    cmf - I had a lumpectomy and 25 rads + 5 boosts.  The boosts are done to the scar area only.It focuses on the lump cavity. Your rad onc will remark you for this about a week prior to you having your boosts.  This is done with a different type of radiation than what is used on the whole breast.  The boosts are like an extra insurance policy to make sure all the little cancer cells that could be hiding are dead.  

    I'm jealous too of all the ones that can sleep through the night. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    (Seasons) Greetings Maureen813 and Paula66, and welcome!  Paula, do you have a surgery scheduled for after Xmas, then, or after the first of the year?

    cmf, It seems like most women do get anywhere from 3-7 boosts, usually at the end of rads.  I think it is a more intense zap at a smaller area along your scarline and tumor bed, the likely place where some cells might have gotten loose during surgery.  That area has blood vessels that were cut and scar tissue also disrupting the circulation in that area, making the chemo and hormonal drugs less effective right in that surgery area, so the idea is to max out on the rads right in that spot.

    S888, Those cookie ornaments would not last long on my tree.  All that hard work gone in 3 bites!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Ooops!  I kind of repeated jo's answer, 'cause I didn't refresh this page to see her earlier post.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Faith, ah...the Friday night food fights!  With MarthaFirst being the best aim of everyone!  I so looked forward to them, many weeks it truly was the highlight of my week.  I'm way behind on reading, so I'll be posting as I read.  I admit I skipped a few pages 'cause it's been a busy week so I'm just starting on this page!  Which reminds me, if anyone really wants to ask me something, please do a PM in case it's several days before I come in, when I will usually skip a few pages and just go to the last page.   Okay, let me read on ......
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Temperature posters - It's so funny to hear people say they think 60 outside is cold, and 65 inside a house freezing!  I admit I like the cold less and less each year, but that's only on days like today where the high was only about 35, and the winds were 25 mph so it felt in the teens.  But inside my house the high is 67, down to 60 overnight.  And I'm 100% fine with that!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    cmf - welcome to one of my favorite discussion boards!!!!  the answer you got on rads boosts is what I would have said too, but by all means make your radiation oncologist explain until you're comfortable with what it means.  email me with your rad schedule and location, okay?
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    This picture from the news was from Monday about 1/4 mile away from my home.  We live across that field and to the right.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    DH works for the High School District.  Luckily this was not one of the schools he is in charge of.
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    meese --- kida bad humor of the gods, eh?

    here i am basically being amputated,

    post op, back in my bed in the hosp room, my dr had to leave in the middle of our first conversation cuz someone was ready to deliver.  not her fault, but still...yuck!   joke of that is that all i ever wanted wwas to be a mom....1st i had to wait past my brain surgeries,  then one ovary exploded,  then ---well duh for this one---the ovvary that was remeaning was basically glow in the dark for the massive mounts of radiation on my head,  then   the removal of my girly guts on the same floor as new babies.....life is a mystery, no? 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    oh, meece.. thank goodness things have changed ( i hope ) since then! now, everyone gets a private room here. 
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    woops --- time warp    i thought my post preced those scary photos    that said,  now my ranting makes no sense   theres a surprise!  life is a surprise!!  i was just reviewing my words    gotta tell you the sound the words y'all see dont matrch the humor with whick i say them    my life is just a series of crack up at myself         i always think what 'r they gonna do? fire me?    dont ask me who the they are or what they might fire me from    but they cant  SO THERE!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Oh Meece,  please stay safe there!!  That water seems too close!!! 

    Just sitting here in the calm before the storm.  I love Xmas but don't feel this year is the same.  Going to be a Debbie downer with the little voice saying, please god don't let it be the last one.  The fear is creeping in and I'm trying to chase it away but it won't budge today.  I know I'm doing everything I can (including trying to quit smoking) but the question always creeps in:  will it be enough?

    OK< ENOUGH ALREADY...... Merry Xmas ladies I truly value your friendship.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Girls and welcome to the newbies!!!!  Merry Christmas all!!!!   Yup, it's Christmas Eve here down under and the family has arrived.  What a busy, busy few days but now I get the chance to sit back and relax a little......thank goodness!!!  House clean, food prepared and now almost time for bed.  I'm really looking forward to that! 

    Meece, I hope that water doesn't get too close to your house!  Floods can be very frightening as the water flows so fast.

    To all the girls who are still going through treatment I wish you wellness and I hope you feel better soon. 

    To each and every one of you lovely ladies, Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the festivites of this special day! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Merry Christmas Chrissy!

    Meece, so glad you are safe for now but so sorry about all the other CA folks who are flooded out. I lost two cars to floods, one while I was in it. Not a pretty sight.

    Big warm holiday hugs for all my middie sisters!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    They are pumping the water out of the neighborhoods into any open field.  Our house is safe and dry inside.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    It's Christmas Eve and the sun is out - gonna be in the 80s today.  Glad I am in deep South Texas.,  I can't do the cold anymore.  Love to see pictures of the snow but don't want to be in it.

    Maureen - I had the same feeling a few days ago.  Finally slapped myself in the side of the head and told myself to grow up.  We are doing everything we can to stay healthy.  We are gonna be around for a long time.

    Sending you a big cyber hug


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Merry Christmas Eve all!  I dont have huge plans today.  Both my kids are older so the games begin tomorrow.  I do miss some of it though.  We always put a few presents under the tree to torture them.  Then Christmas Eve they get to open one gift. This was a family tradition I grew up with. They bug me all day to do this.  It was so fun.  Usely by 3pm  they had it opened.  This year Christmas is very low key.  

    Meece: I hope you stay safe. 

    Hugs for you all Paula

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    To all of our sisters (closer to the international date line) who will be waking up in just a few hours...

                  Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    OMG meese     i thought that was a dramatic haha pick.....like the others .i hope you are ok.  thank goodness ca is such a long, mountainous state.....we had lotsa rain, but....aagain, what a charmed liffe i have  (low mountains, in far northen ca....worst we gat is SOME snow    ok the fires were scary....we have only one way out of town for 20 mi   but again, how often is that?   good fortune abounds my ;ife!

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    ok, another poste hase explanation  ---  gotta love that temoxefin (sp)    a horrible migraine, probly a bunch os non sendical prattle that i eill have offer another appology.  oh well.   for all who do schristmas  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY