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  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145
    thanks leisaparis, i needed that, it reminded me of a Alan Funt skit.
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I'm b-a-c-k. It may take some time to go back and read the ten pages I missed. Welcome to any newbies.

    I loved that video, leisaparis!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I googled it and here are more.  Had me laughing to tears.


  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    Sherryc, I know what you mean about boys and texting. My closest lives clear across the country in Pennsylvania. (The other one is in Japan.) The PA one often sends text messages, since we can talk that way even when he is working. He will call as he is walking to the bus after work or other times when he has a few spare minutes--which isn't often with a new wife and a job with long hours. The older one emails or calls through Skype. However, when he calls, we usually talk for an hour. I am very grateful for modern technology!

    I found out I most likely had BC (biopsy day) the day before my younger son's birthday. I was going to wait to call him, as I was on my way out of town overnight, and I didn't want to spoil his day. Unfortunately, my husband couldn't handle it until I returned, and he called. I got a call from PA while on the way to the beach and a call from Japan while eating fish and chips by the ocean the next day. I've definitely got a couple of keepers! (well, three counting dh)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{MEECE}}} hOPE YOU HAD A GREAT VISIT WITH YOU SON! Ooops, sorry for caps lock but too lazy to retype. ((HUGS))

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It was a wonderful visit, Barbara.  I certainly missed all you ladies here.  Internet was sooooo slow I couldn't  read all the posts and post anything in response.  I just figured it was easier to wait until I got home.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    TMarina, if I hadn't been able to laugh through treatment I don't know how I would have survived. My kids, girls in late 20's, never stopped finding ways to kid me too, and for us that really worked. Hub was actually the more gentle of the bunch, not usual for him. Glad those days are behind me, hopefully never to be repeated.

    Meece, welcome home!!  I hope your son is feeling better each day.

    To those waiting for results or just beginning new treatments, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Back from the lung specialist.  Here is what he had to say.  There are some changes showing up as a result of radiation treatments.  I was able to see the CT scan on his computer.  He said there is nothing to write home about and does not plan on doing anything right now.  He may want to do a follow up CT scan in another year or so.  Really nice doctor.  When I told him I was so tired of seeing doctors and that I was there only because my surgeon sent me he said to me - I am tired of doctors too.  So if there is anything that needed to be done, we would have waiting awhile so I could have a break.  I now wait and follow up with the surgeon on Mar 4th.  Should be pretty routine.

    Well, I now close another chapter on this BC book.  Feeling really good these days and ain't gonna look back.  

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    YAY Jo!!!!!! So god o get a doctor that 'gets it'. I spent 20 minutes with my GP today...went primed with my lsit of questions and she is going to do her research too on glycine and vitamin d levels and breast cancer. She is the one who called me in person to tell me I had breast cancer....held me when I went in to ge sleeping pills and told her I didn't want them but I needed a doctor reacts can make all the differenc ein the world. If only they all knew this hmm??

    I have a totally new topic to ask folks about....someone at work said she wanted to run on my behalf this spring in the cancer run....I said 'great. ust please don't put my name on your chest or with me in your thoughts"...she was surprised but fine with it....someone in the fall apparently ran with my name plastered all over herself ...thinking she was doing a lovely thing for me I know....but I felt exposed...really exposed. I have told the people I want to know. I do not want the students at my school to know....hey are far away from home and I am their mom figure and I don't want them worrying about me for no reason....Halifax is small...if one gorup of people knows something, everyone will know...the gal who ran for me does not even go to my school...but her best friend does so...voila! Am I being totally bitchy for not wanting my name emblazoned on someone's chest? I am not ashamed but I want to keep my business my business....unless I choose to tell people....does that make sense to other people?

    Just looking for some thoughts on this...

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sandee - It makes all the sense in the world.  Heck, if they are going to do that, why not plaster it all over a billboard.  You have every right to ask the person wanting to run for you to keep it in their thoughts only.  I would not want my name and/or pictures plastered on someeone else't chest or back.  No all people realize that BC is a very private issue not something for the newspaper headlines.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Thanks Jo....thought I was being bitchy and needed some affirmation that I wasn't. Normally I am an out there kind of gal...told al the staff in a long email when I was about to go in for surgery and have told a few others but no...I don;t want it all over town. thanks for understanding.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Totally makes sense, Sandee. My problem about telling certain people here is that I don't want to be the topic of their latest gossip. Atlanta is a big city, but I'm still in touch with some people from high school. And it's STILL like high school - you tell one, and all 500 people in the class of '73 knows! And their mothers! In certain parts of the city, Atlanta is still like a small town. So I told one person 2 weeks ago and asked him not to tell anyone, and I'm sure he told one person and I bet about 100 people know by now!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sandee, you have every right to decide who knows your DX or who doesn't.  I chose to tell people close to me at the original DX but when I went stage IV, I chose not to tell my mother.  Why not my mother I hear you the last three years, she has lost her partner of over 60 years and her eldest son to cancer, I felt she did not need to go to her grave worrying about me.  Should things get really bad for me I will have to say something but while I'm doing just fine it's my choice.  Luckily for me, my siblings are backing me on this descision and I have other medical problems that can explain when I feel really bad.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sandee - Your welcome! 

    heartnsoul - I graduated in 73 - there were 350 in my class.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I agree with you othr ladies about getting to decide who tells who.  I told some people I worked with, whom it would affect, I told them I was keeping it quet, but they told others in our circle.  One of them, a lawyer for heaven sakes, called my ex husband and told him.  I had made an effort not to let him and his family know so nobody would be dancing on my grave, and a Lawyer told him.  What a scum!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    You know...that is what I come to this site for...honesty and support and the opinions of all you great gals. What a gift is! Thank you all for your thoughts. Glad it is not just me. I admit to feeling ungrateful then thought 'HELL NO!'...Don't want to be the fodder for my best not to speak of others and don't want anyone using it as an excuse for my behaviour either, if you know what I mean....As the books says "I am not my breastcancer"...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hey, Meece, welcome back?  How is your son?  Was he getting a surgery while you were there, or was it just a visit?
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Can anyone offer help to lynniea?  She has passed her 50 posts but she is still being restricted to just 5 posts a day.  I told her to PM the Moderators.  Is there anything else she can do to get her freedom?
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar...that happened to someone else (Dont remember her name)

    Ask her if she wants me to PM to the Moderators since they were kind enough to pin the thread.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Eli, when I joined, I got to about 80 before the restriction was lifted.  I think it just depends if the mods are keeping track or not.  Hang in there Lyn, it will happen!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Thank you for asking, Elimar.  So glad to be home, but happy to have had the opportunity to see DS after nearly 2 years.  He had surgery one week ago today.  He will be on his road to recovery for several months, but every step is one closer to being restored.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Oops, double post!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

     elimar - It happened to me when I reached 50 posts - someone sent me the link to the moderators (can remember who sent it to me) and it was lifted - it took several days and numerous requests from me.  Guess the moderators don't get on too much.  

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    wow, ladies so much to,.process, I haver been busy at work getting everything in place in prep for my next Chemo cycle. we have some big meetings coming up. It feels so strange that I am missing a major presentation as it is Chemo day...hoping to ake it for the morning meeting on Friday but not entirely in charge of body may have other ideas.

    Meece welcome back so glad you had a great visit with your sone.

    Sandee, I would have asked the same thing. I have been pretty open about BC at work and with friends and family but that is my choice. I asked my Mom not to post in a club newsletter where they post prayer requests as that felt too public too me and not controlled. I said I would prefer private prayersand she was good with that.

    I also have 2 keeper sons and DH. Hugs come with frequency and often spontaneously since my diagnosis. 15 been extra helpful around the house and 19 checks in frequently from college. Texts are major communication tool with my sons, sibs and even my Mom. they have been great to send out quick updates when needed.

    hoping everyone's test com back B9.

    My MO said he would start me on tamoxiifn after Chemo since I am testing premenopausal, surprised me there. I was hoping that was done, again my body has other ideas. He also said very,likely to switch out after 1-2 years once post menopausal. The strong ER means the hormone blocker will be even more effective than CHemo as reducing the risks of the cancer starting up somewhere else.

    SInce I am still in the early part of this journey still have along list of appointments to get through...chemo every 14 days, then rads every day, BS every 6 months coordinated with alternating MRI and mammogram...not even sure what the MO follow up schedule is yet... and then there are the normal appointments.

    Hope everyone enjoyed Valentines Day, loved the pictures you guys always find a way to add a laugh..I am with you that we need to find the humor in these situations. Like being my little pony for my sisters during the wig shopping expedition which they were checking color swatches agains my hair. I was laughing the whole time.

    Have a good night.

    {{{{{HUGS TO ALL}}}}


  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Thank all of you for my prayers.  Last night I went to support group at the hospital I will be at.  I did a lot of crying but they all were very comforting.  I told them about this site and how it helped me through the first rough days.  At the end they handed a homemade lap quilt that was made by a local quilters club.  This weekend my daughter and I are taking a trip to Maine where I will meet my sister cousin and niece which goes to school there.  I wanted to see them not knowing when able to go up north after I start my treatment.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Sandee - I am there with you on keeping your privicy.  The day I found out about my biopsy, I told a coworker right before I left work, thought she would keep it privite had asked her to pray for me since we were in a bible study together.  She ended up telling the first person she saw and the ball started rolling.  My boss even called me and asked me who I told.  It was unbeliveable.  She no longer works here.

    I did do the Susan G a couple of weeks after chemo and asked the women I knew that was diagniosed right about the same time as I was to sign my hat (under the bill) so I could have them walk in spirit with me.  Would never put a name on my shirt without permition.

    Loved the phone booth, love seeing people on candid camera stuff.

    Lynniea - keeping you in my prayers.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I like the private thing much better.  I live in a really small town and everyone knows eveyones else business.  You can never keep secrets here.  Even though I only told a small circle of people I feel like the entire town knows.  I even ran into an old school teacher of mine at the grocery store and she told me I looked really good.  I said thanks and she said you know this town gossips is there any truth to what I heard about you having bc.  I told her yes and what was going on and she laughed and said honey they told me you were on your death bed.  I asked do I look like it and she said no.  I asked her to please go tell this person I was not dying.  I ran into her this last weekend and she asked how I was and made a joke about the gossipping.  She is a sweet lady I have know since I was a kid. But some privacy would be nice.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - I manage a 55+ community and all they do is find things to gossip about so I had absolutely no privacy.  When I was diagnosed, 98% of the people were not here yet and still they knew.  I was flooded with calls at a time when I was not up to going over the story numerous times.  Fortunately, the calls came in on the office phone and my assistant manage just told them I was fine and recovering.  I went from having no surgery to on my death bed becasue I had cancer to who knows what.  Seems no one got the story straight and I did not feel the need to correct them.   I was not worth the effort.  In this place there is no privacy and that sucks.  

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I AM DONE, can I say that again, I AM DONE with rads.  No more photons or electrons being zapped into me.  I brought the techs cookies my DS made for me last night since I was so tired.  Dinner out tonight.

    Skin is looking a lot better with two weeks on the silver cream.  See the RO next month then adios amigos.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    mjbmiller-CONGRATS AND DOING THE HAPPY DANCE FOR YOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you will be able to take a break for awhile.  You have had a rough ride sista.