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  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    So I think I'm finally caught up on the last page - whooo hooo!!!  I love that country guy on Idol too, and my Fri night was spent watching Social Network, $4.99 on demand, with my next door neighbor while hub sat in kitchen watching regular tv!!!  Greys Anatomy - one of my fav all time shows. I've been watching since season 1 and everyone knows where they can find me on a thurs night at 9:00!!!  And lame ... ahem ... midnight on fri night and I'm making sure I'm caught up on BCO Discussion Boards!  Nowhere else I'd rather be :)  

    Back to the cruise subject...I'm hoping to get more info and float the idea (no pun intended!!) by hub.  I'd love to - did a cruise before with him, he liked but that was enough for him. Me on the other hand - I got the bug and want to do again.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I wish that were my case Marlegal.  The 750.00 I had to pay was my insurance copay if I did it myself.  I was floored when the pharmacy rep told my how much my copay was gonna be.  My insurance is an ok insurance, but the perscription covereage sucks.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Paula, call our insurance rep and see if having a home nurse do the injection would be different, or going to a local doctor as opposed to the hospital .... these are all things I had to ask to find out the cheapest way for me to get Neulasta.  The important thing of course is to get the shot within 24-36 hours after chemo.  Good luck hon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Okay - Grey's Anatomy is my all time favorite show.  Been watching it from the beginning.  I have my TV programed to the channel every Thurs at 8:00.  I do know who Brad Paisley is.  I listen to country music.  Not only does he have a good voice, but is really cute too.

    Now this is lame!  Up early (6:00am) on Saturday morning and on the computer already. Can't sleep in even when I try.  I have to catch up with all the west coast girls.  Plus, what a nice place to be anytime.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     I just started season 2.  It is very good if you watch it from beginning they have it on Netflex.  Keep me in prayer I have both Dr. appts on Mon just want to get this going.  My brother is taking me I am so grateful for family that steps up.  Hope all have a great weekend

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    lynniea - Will be thinking about you.  Hope all goes well.  Let us know what happens.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Grey's Anatomy is the ONLY show I ever rush home to is on Thursay at 10pm here in the maritimes so.....not a hard thing to do..but lately it is all I can do to stay up and watch it! May have to watch it on the compute ron Friday nights instead!....equally lame!

    Marlegal, here is a pm coming at you!

  • JeanneR
    JeanneR Member Posts: 38

    lynniea - I have an appt on Mon too so I will be thinking of you for sure. Good Luck...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Beautiful pictures of the crocus' peekig through the snow, Elimar!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, jo must be a psychic and must have had a premonition because this morning the wolf picture had disappeared, so now we have a new one.  Thanks, Meece!

    Good thing Barbe stepped in with a pic of her attractive family members, so we had something to look at.  Now I have added "cute grandbaby" right under  "cruise vacation" on my Envy List!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Love the crocus' - hope to see them in my front yard some day!  I woke up at 3 am and was horrified that I might have given the impression that I though being on the BC boards was lame on a Friday night.  I meant watching TV and the show I was watching was lame!  Ladies, I think so much of you that I woke up in the middle of the night worried I might have offended someone. You all are the best!

    HeartnSoul - I do know who Randy Travis is and love his voice!  I like you was in love with Grand Funk and Eric Clapton and Led Zepplin etc, etc.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    suz - I think what made Randy popular was his deep voice, a 1970's throwback to the Grand Ole Opry's heyday. Funny, now I enjoy hearing him sing - mostly things like Christmas music because I just can't get into country music....such a hippie girl! But I do like looking at him because I can see so much of my grandmother in him, more so than my own immediate family.

    I saw Led Zeppelin in concert around 1972. One of my best concert memories.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    HeartnSoul-Your cousin is Randy Travis??????????????????? That's awesome-I know Randy Travis' cousin!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you can touch me!  (I love Randy's voice-I like the boy on Idol too, but wish John Wayne Schultz would have made it too-much cuter!) 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Yeah, baby! And I was mean to him when we were kids! 20 year-old girls are fairly dumb...

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Suz, I don't think anyone thought you meant us - I was kidding in my reply :) 

    Eph, did you see John Wayne Schultz the night he auditioned? Catch the conversation between his dad and Ryan Seacrist?  I was hysterical!!  And yes, he is definitely cuter than the other country guy. It almost seemed like one of those times where the producers had a vote too, and only wanted one country person.  I think he sang really well. 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Thanks Marlegal - I figured that, just thought it was kind of a tribute about our online friendships and that I care about everyone on the boards so much that I woke up at 3am worried about itLaughing

    And, tonight I'm doing the same thing as last night except DH is reading his new book on his kindle.  Is this what empty nesters do or are we so boring or are we just too new at this?

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    suzwes--I had to laugh!   My DH and I are both on our laptaps, half watching some Alaska trooper show!  This is how we spend most evenings! 

    I like Country music once in awhile--esp. the patriotic or God-lovin' songs. LOVE Randy Travis!  That is so cool.  Lawrence Welk is some sort of distant cousin of mine.... not nearly as cool!!

    American Idol is one of my can't-miss shows.  Love the country boy.  Don't remember what the other sounded like, but I remember thinking he was good.  I was sad to see the guy with the paralyzed wife go--I thought he had a great, clear voice.  Looks like a good group, though, overall, but a few are questionable.

    Had my grandson over tonight for his first sleepover.  He's 16 months old.  So cute, and so busy!!  Wears us both right out!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    OH! I can't wait for a sleep-over!!! I have a playpen all ready. I can't wait to see the 3 boy's faces all lined up looking at us. The 3rd one is due March 13th.....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    DIL was telling me she hoped they'd schedule DS to head to Afghanastan soon because they need some time to do things as two, before they become 3.  I told he she could always drop baby-boo off if they need time together!  She thought I was being funny since we live 11 hours apart.  I wasn't!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Good Morning all.  I watched Gray's Anatomy all day yesterday on netflix that show is very addicting once you start

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    My daughters love Gray's Anatomy!  I've been catching up on Sex and the City.  I loved the second movie but never watched the series.  I'll get caught up on shows now because once spring and summer get here - I'm outside all of the time!

    Sleep overs with the grandbabies are soooo fun.  Barbe, that third grandbaby could come any day now couldn't he!  I'm babysitting grandbaby #4 on Friday but just for the day while her mom is at work.  She's only 4 months old so I'm sure I'll be pooped after she goes home but I'm so excited!  I'm lucky that all four live within 10 miles of me. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Ha-ha, Suz, you have an "empty nest" like I do.  With the universities just down the road, mine fly back to "dirty the nest" on weekends, but it is really the best of both worlds.
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    E - that's exactly what's happening today after the MSU basketball game.  They're all coming for dinner after the game and then leaving me to clean up!!!  I love it.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Hm....don't have any famous relatives but my mom babysat paul Anka when he was a little sprout (an hour outside of Ottawa, Ontario where he is from). Does that count?

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I'm pretty impressed Sandee

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    There you go! lol

  • JeanneR
    JeanneR Member Posts: 38

    Paul Anka? LOL. I have to tell my mom I know someone who's mom did babysit him! She will be very impressed !!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    then again, my mom used to say he was a brat...but, who isn't at that age...? If I heard the song' Having my baby' one more time as a youth, I would have jumped off of something!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Suz, how the HECK can a 4 month old tire you out??? Don't they like, sleep all the time??? My grands are fun to play with and then wherever they are, they just fall asleep.... I'll try to find the pic of Zach holding his bunny fast asleep in a jolly jumper...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605