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  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    elimor, I agree with you  as this problem is not  only mine. This world has changed  to death. No alternative .. just  to be in self realisation and keep mum. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    why is it the 18th instead of the 15th E?

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    In our country  dateline is Feb .

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I heard it was due to a holiday falling on the 15th this year, something that Wash. D.C. observes. 

    In order to be a know-it-all, I looked it up and it is Emancipation Day.  It honors about 3,000 people who were slaves or in servitude in D.C. and those lucky ones got freed and compensated 9 mos. before Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamationand now they get a whole day to themselves, but only in D.C.  And now this year tax procrastinators everywhere are celebrating!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Ohhh, I was so happy looking at the grandbaby pictures and laughing at the "famous" relatives and then there smack in my face is the word TAX! I will be a procrastinator then for sure :)

    Once upon a time in a far off land (I was 18) I had lunch with Cheech and Chong. I ran into them at the YMCA where I was having a cheap lunch during my work day. They were very funny and when they asked how many kids were in my family I said 2 and Cheech said my parents had
    "good rhythm" (catholics) I am sure at the time it went right over my head, it wasn't until I asked a friend about it that I understood.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    My father's cousin married Stonewall Jackson's daughter. That's as close to fame as I'll ever get.

    lynniea...good luck today the new pic

    one of these days I'll have to put one of myself on here, just to give ya all a glimps of my fat little face

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 106

    Does anyone else suffering from insomnia?  I continue to have bouts ... sucky!

    Thinking about life, breast cancer, recurrence and 'what if'.

    Vicki Sam 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    I have bouts of insomnia so often that it's my "new normal."  (By the way, I detest that phrase.  Is it new or is it normal?)  I get the What ifs? and the Why didn't anyone tell me about that BEFORE I signed papers and the waking up from a nightmare of reliving radiation or one of the surgeries or whatever in a total panic. I've learned to just get up and watch TV or read or clean house or something. 

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Home from DR.  Appt.  I am having my port put in on March 9th for chemo and a sentinel biopsy at the same time.  I start chemo on the 16th of March.  They are doing dose dense AC------> T 4 weeks each every 2 weeks so that is 16 weeks.  No surgery until after.  Praying other biopsy comes back negative.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167

    I saw on the Dr Oz show that tart cherry juice helps with insomnia and other things. Drink it an hour or so before bedtime. I tried it and it really works. My DH drinks it for inflamation in his joints. I purchased it first in the natural foods section at Kroger for around $5 a quart. I found it in concentrated form at walmart in their refridgerated juice section for $8.88. It makes 3 quarts. The Whole foods market charges $8.00 for a quart. I was glad to find it at Walmart.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I find that if I keep calm, and just pick up my book....then my body allows itself to shut back down. If I get up and go on the computer, it takes longer to settle down again.

    Sounds like a good plan Lynniea!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Cherry juice? Will add it to the cd I am still waiting for....looking forward to it since I am easy to hypnotize!

    Insomnia....I woke up at 4am...made some hot chocolate (apparently form the mess in the kitchen!), went back to sleep only to have a teacher call me at 6:15 asking baout subs!! ARGH! Fell asleep again until 7:30 and then was groggy for a couple of hours...obviously interupted the good sleep!....things will get better!(repeat after me....)

    Yes, I agree Barbe..if I read for awhile, I sleep. always worked before...but I can't seem to relax in this new place I am in ( since surgery...6 months? Still does no tfeel like home)..i can sleep at my friends' places ...can sleep in hotels...can't sleep here....obviously need to swich my brain off time, i will just come on to this website if I can't sleep (though my spelling ends up being CRAZYwrong!)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sandee, the spell check - if you remember to use it - is the ABC icon at the end of the tool bar above the posting box.....

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 106

    Native Maine --  Hilarious!  I agreed ...I do not remember signing up for any of of this .. and the multiple symptoms .. I personally think that if we are given a list with all side efforts during and after treatment ... the majority of us .. would run for the nearest exit.

    My new normal ...

    Vicki Sam

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Thanks Barbe! I am actually a very good speller..just when I go too fast (ie. not paying attention) or have taken a sleeping thing, my spelling suffers (and the messages get odd). I will try to remember the spell check though at those times! (my memory has been way off these past two weeks...forgot my purse and keys at school tonight and had to run to a friend's house to use her cell phone to call someone who was leaving shcool to ask if he could drop it off! )yowsers!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 106

    Barbe,  I've tried reading .. I get stimulated - mentally ...  Cherry Juice .. I will try this.

    Thank you,

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam 

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167

    Be sure to get tart cherry juice!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, I laughed about THIS latest news today, but I don't know why...

    Better think positive: Pessimism can block therapy

    If you read the few paragraphs at the end, it recommends what VickiSam was just asking for...getting the honest information uf front.  Wouldn't that be a novel approoach?  But wait...WAIT! 

    This article is really saying that if doctors can earn your trust and get you to believe that you will have a positive outcome, then you may very well experience a placebo effect and actually experience a more positive outcome.  Wish I never read the article, because the next time the doctor looks in my face all sincere tellling me I did great with treatment and my prognosis is all wonderful, I'll just think it's some Med-School Method Acting and that he's trying to work some placebo juju on me.

    "While there's a lot yet to learn, for now doctors should at least try building closer relationships with their patients to encourage trust in recommended treatments, said Mass General's Gollub

    So, you will want your doc to be a pretty convincing con artist, that you can actually believe in all the positivism projected onto you, to get the best effect.

    What I mean to say is articles like this disturb me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Notice they don't say MAKE THE TREATMENTS BETTER, they just say get the patients to TRUST IN the recommended treatments.  And the Academy Award goes to...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, I am the first to admit in having trust issues when it comes to doctors.  I am probably a lone isolated freak that way.  (She wrote facetiously.)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781 it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, sorry that I thread-jacked the tart cherry topic with my disgruntledness. 

    The singlemost thing that has improved my (formerly awful) sleep pattern is Vitamin D.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Really? Not doing it for me but then my heart and mind are not settled so it does not really matter what I do at the moment...this too shall pass.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Lynn that is the same chemo cocktail I had, more than 5 yrs ago now.  I'll look forward to seeing you write those words in the future hon :)
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    While there were things my doctors, whom I both trusted and liked, neglected to tell me, and that definitely bothered me at times, I still believe 100% that my positive attitude went a long way in my recovery and treatment.  There is reputable research proving that our mental outlook has a direct impact on our physical health.  I'm not saying that we can blink away some of the effects of chemo or radiation, but keeping the good endorphines flowing by not focusing on the negative whenever possible can make the best of a bad situation. 

    Insomnia - my problem isn't having a hard time falling sleep, it's what happens when I awaken in the middle of the night after a few hours sleep.  That's when the "what ifs" get to me about my kids or my job or world politics ... all things I have very little control over.  I'll try the cherry juice too (tart) but eventually, for me, prayer usually works.  I don't leave the bed (read that somewhere along the way).

    Have a good week rooomies :)

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    VickiS - I've always said the oncologists don't tell us all the REAL SEs because they know we wouldn't do it! All they say is you will lose your hair and have some nausea - HA! For crying out loud, I'm having a LOT of little minor problems and they're all from the blasted chemo! Just PITA stuff like my teeth are loose which takes a lot of 24/7 care to try to get my mouth back to normal, my old knee injury started hurting again during chemo and still hasn't stopped, all of my fingernails have 4 horizontal ridges from each chemo (thank goodness they didn't turn black and fall out, but I kept them iced to avoid that) and these hip to knee muscle spasms that happen at the worse time (like getting out of the car). Once I came in during chemo after I had one of those muscle spasms (hunched over and with a cane) and my onc saw me and said she thought to herself, "What am I doing to this poor lady?". You're not kidding! If she had told me about all these possibilities upfront.....well, I really don't know. But I don't have to like it!

    Yes, I dislike the phrase "new normal", too. I want my normal normal back. Trying to hit on the magical combination of nutrition, exercise and supplements to help bring it back. But who am I kidding? I keep forgetting about this surgery I have to have in April to remove an adrenal adenoma - until then, ALL of my hormones are whacked. But looking forward to trying to get them balanced after the dreaded surgery. I see my MO next week who will remind me of that operation, but I've already made an appointment with the endocrinologist she recommended so I'm a step ahead of her. This will be the first appointment to see how the tamoxifen is working - curious to see if it's destroying my liver or some other SEs you can't feel.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Marlegal, yes and the latest study supports the positivism theory, plus ups the ante by saying negativism can block the positive effects of treatment.  No pressure.  Just make sure to stay positive.  If you don't get the desired result, you probably just were not positive enough.  Maybe the people that get all the bad S/Es and recurrences are just Negative Nellies.  (Don't get scared Newbies, it's just my way of using exaggeration to make a point.)
  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Ty elimar...

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Agreed..totally 100%....positive always wins over negative....not always possible and I think it is realistic to have the odd day or moment within each day where we go 'ARGH!!!! Where did my life go?" and then get back on the positive train...

    The side effects affect us, essentially...and yes, if they told us all and gave us the stats we may not do it..or we may because, like the 1/7 women who will get breast cancer, what makes us think we will be that 1? and the likelihood of getting a whole raft of side effects is low...but someone mus get them, hmm> and it appears to be some of heartandsoul...hang in there...You are a brave and courageous soul....don't forget it..Marlegal...I can get back to sleep most nights when I wake up is stopping the mind at night that I have not managed to do yet...maybe I am afraid that if I let my mind relax and let go, I will find myself in a different I am resisting...learning to let go is not easy.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Just saw your post, Elimar, about the doctors putting a positive spin on the treatment (I accidentally typed "threatment" which is probably more accurate).

    I don't see how they COULD put a positive spin on all of this without lying - yes, that would be Academy Award stuff there.

    Fortunately, I'm a positive person anyway - either that, or I'm the Queen of DeNile, but whatever floats my boat, I guess. 

    Sandee - you're so sweet....I'm not brave. I think I'm just a whiner in DeNile! LOL!

    You know, I was thinking about how you said you had a hard time sleeping in your new place. Some people swear by Feng Shui, and I don't know all the tricks but maybe rearranging your bedroom would help. I used to do that like crazy - I think I finally settled on a setup I like. :) I just saw a lot of sites about "Feng Shui Bedroom".  (haha, checking my spelling on Feng Shui)