
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ah the smell of Bonnie Belle 10.0.6 face cleanser.....

    And Herbal Essence shampoo....smelled like you were washing your hair with Pine Sol!

    Remember "dry shampoos"? Aerosol sprays? Hairnet hair spray? Those pink foam rollers would flatten out and I'd get the dumbest kink in my hair. Dipity Do.....

    The REAL EZBake Oven. Chatty Cathy doll and Incredible Edibles molded plasticky bugs you cooked in a burner in your bedroom and then ate! How about Dip-It? When you bent wire into shapes and then dipped them in the coloured gel that hardened and looked like flower petals or whatever.

    Ah, crap...childhood....sigh.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Contest for shortest bangs.

    Contestant #1

    Kindergarten coloring contest winner. All gussied up in 'winning' outfit.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Further evidence, for Contestant #1.

    The very young version:

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    I hope it's ok if I crash this thread, I'm just so happy to have somewhere to say...

    I remember TV shows without any crap on the screen- if there was a message at the bottom it was telling you there was a tornado a-comin'

    I remember  football games only having official time outs- not breaks for commercials

    I remember rock concerts where they GAVE the t shirts away for tree

    I remember doctors making housecalls

    I remember listening to AM radio, rock n roll and then switching to FM

    I remember when people used to dress up to travel by plane

    I remember kids getting sent home from school for wearing jeans- uh... dungarees or having their hair too long

    I remember taking my jeans to the hip store where they had a barrel where anyone could put a pair of jeans in and take a pair out- for free.  I remember when jeans were $5.

    Thanks, I needed that :) 

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    Oh I wanna compete in the shortest bangs contest!


  •   Great memories. Rachel and really great pics, FandF

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    These little guys just started walking today.  Anyone care to hazard a guess at how old they may be?  I just found them in my crawl space last week! 


  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Linda -

    They still sell Prell at certain stores.  They also had Breck shampoo at the Dollar Tree last year - not sure if they still carry it.  Of course I had to buy some and it got very poor reviews from the kids.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Toni perm?  Nope, my mom used "Lilt perms" on me an my sister.  Well, she only used it on me once, because it burned my hair and even she cried.  It wasn't that she wasn't skilled, she gave my grandmother her perms for years, just little girl hair is finer and easier to burn.

    By the time I hit high school, the Farrah Fawcett was popular.  I was still pretty tall and skinny (5'7" ND 99 LBS) and I, myself added the fluffy Farrah to top me off.  I then looked like a brunette Q-tip with a huge top!

    My sister was 5 years older than I, and the great thing about that (Feel my sacasm here, ladies) is that I got to wear her hand me downs 5 years after they were in style!  Bell bottoms, hip-huggers, polyester pansuits!  My mom owes me!!! Wink

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    I remember when the idea of buying water in a bottle, or paying for TV was laughable.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Des those Kittens are only a few days old any sign of the mother?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I was in grade 9 before I got my first pair of jeans! And only because I bought them from baby-sitting money!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Barbe do you have to wait long for those scan appts?

  •   Desdemona....do those kittens have a mother?  I bet they have to be fed a milk supplement you get at the vet's if they aren't nursing from a MamaCat.  Just the two?

       I loved Prell. but supposedly it was very harsh and hard on your hair.  Mine was always quite resilient and certianly did get a lot of abuse.  I tried every color under the sun and once when I overprocessed it trying to be a platinum blonde, it fell out.  This of course was all after my mother no longer had control over what I did with my hair.  Doesn't Shirley McClain always wear a pixie cut?  It seems to work for her. 

       Loved bell bottoms.   I had some elephant bells that were really IT.  That was during my braless tank top  era which I certainly would never be able to pull off now with one implant and the other side sagging.  Bell bottoms keep coming back, but the guy who used to cut my hair long ago gave me a very good opinion.  He said he thought that if you had worn them the first time around, that you should not try them when they came back. 

         I am going back to the lab today for more tests.  We are trying to figure out if my chronic diarrhea is a result of the aromasin.  I sure hope it isn't.   

  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496

    Those kittens are too cute!  To be that wide eyed and innocent!  And the photos of you when you were little, just adorable!  I had pin straight hair that my mom was always trying to curl (and of course the required 1/4 inch bangs), meanwhile my sister had me ironing her hair flat!

    These entries were fun to read.  Uh oh - I guess I've been making a fashion faux pas, am wearing bell bottoms again!  I'm afraid to look at my chest today, took a glimpse last night after having more saline pumped into TE's and it's a weird thing to get used to.  I might not look again! Maybe if I get bigger bells it will balance out these balls on my chest! Thanks for the chuckles, it sure helps!  Now to go give my cats a little pet (also helps:)

  •   Katey, Maybe you can pull it off....they would give me an hourglass look where it is not supposed to be. Large thighs,area inbetween,and then the flare at the bottom where the bell is. .  Not a good look for me.  They must work for a lot of people becasue I think they have come and gone at least three times now. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    (1) Anyone near any COAST with WATER must be sensitive to those of us landlocked in horrid flat nothingness uninhibited by waves of any kind. Frankly, I'd be thrilled at this point to live near water with ICEBERGS in it.

    (2) I had the pixie cut AND the home-trimmed, asymmetrical microbangs. I then had a Dorothy Hamill (spelling?) bob, and in 10th grade a hairstylist attempted some Farrah "wings" on me that were SO badly cut my sister keeps the entire packet of my school photos in a drawer, ready to release them publicly if I do anything bad to her. If we did an "ugly high school photo contest..."

    (3) This same sister, 13 months younger (Irish twins), got taller than me when we were about 9 and 10. So I had "hand me UPS" for a while, infinitely more damaging than "hand me downs."

    (4) Wide leg pants do allegedly create balance in a curvy person - but huge bellbottoms are a bad idea. This is said by a woman who is currently wearing "athleisure" clothing (upscale sweatsuit, so that I LOOK like I might suddenly do something athletic but I'm actually just sitting around) and wishing desperately for the return of the most fabulous fashion accessory ever: shoulder pads!!!

    (5) faithandfifty - OMG that kindergarten photo made me laugh out loud alone in my office. I can't imagine someone else winning. I love how it's not just the bangs being short but also the odd thing happening to the ends. Thank goodness you are so cute AND great at coloring, or you might've been damaged for life. Rachel - you are WAAAAAAAAY too cute in that photo, gazing at us with your fabulous big eyes as you embark on an early career in writing, so you can not get credit for bad bangs.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Faithandfifty, you are a front-runner, but we need a submission from Barbe1958 and her curly bangs.  I had the hair-brained (pun intended) idea to cut my bangs in first grade because my first grade teacher was named Mrs. Bangs.  Happy to say no pics to document that disaster.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh yeah, there's a memories thread called "Do you remmber" (sic, in case you type in a search) that was about all the products we used in the decades past.  Check it out.  As you read thru' the pages, you will come across some items you haven't thought about in years.  Then it kind of morphs into a memory lane thread.  Here's a link:


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm going for a hat trick of posts now.  So, Pinktober is over.  It's Christmas already, right?  I mean Xmas started in the stores at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 1st.  That is just wrong!   Remember we used to have a little holiday called Thanksgiving, and they gave us TIME TO ENJOY IT before Xmas arrived? 

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23

    Okay, I have to say i hated bell bottoms when they first came out and i am appalled every time they come out!  Remember Charlie perfume?  I still wear it!!! I still like the smell of Brute after shave. 

    I have a picture that would be in the running for the bang contest, seriously in the running, but i am not savvy enough to get it from an old school cardboard holder to my computer! 

    Remember gas wars? i live across the bridge from Mo. and Mo and Ks would have gas wars and i remember it going down to a nickle a gallon. cigarettes 35 cents.

    kittens are soooo cute.

    Fun!  i remember wearing 29-30's in Levi's.  Long long time ago!  Wouldn't go over my knees now!

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    Santa always arrived at the tail end of the (as my DH still refers to it) the Macy's Day parade at noon on Thanksgiving Day and then we had Thanksgiving dinner before anyone headed off to the stores on Friday which had been magically transformed from their normal look into a Christmas wonderland over the holiday. 

    Now they start putting the Christmas themed merchandise out before Labor Day.  I think we've lost some of that magic of the season. 

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Our Santa use to arrive via helicopter at Montgomery Wards. Remember "Monkey Wards?" I have two older sisters so I was the original Hand-me-down-Rose. The only time I got new clothes was if I sewed them or I paid with my babysitting money.

    OK...whose parents had the most embarrassing car? You know the one; you'd ask to be dropped off blocks before school or you laid on the floor boards and crawled out. My dad had a car that we called the Blue Bird. The shocks were so bad that we could hear him coming blocks away from the house. That loud squeaky, squeak made for many miles of walking! We were way too cool to ride!


  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    Kleenex- Fair enough, when I looked back at the other pics I realized I could not compete in the shortest bangs competition... 

    elmar- Pinktober HA!  Totally agree on the missing Thanksgiving.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Does anyone remember "Dittos"  those pants which outlined your fanny and they cost $10-$12.  Expensive for the day.  You could get them in any color of the rainbow.

    There were actually Christmas items in our Walmarts and Home Depots at the beginning of October!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    So much fun here!  I can remember not being allowed to sing Christmas carols or talk about Christmas until after seeing Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.  This year I've been seeing Christmas stuff in the stores since right after Back-To-School time! 

    I remember Prell, Breck, and Dippity-Do, using Phisohex soap to prevent acne, and being able to wear pants UNDER a dress or skirt when the temperature got below a certain point, but you had to go into the girls' room to take them off just as soon as you got to school, and I remember the scurry to into the girls' room, get the slacks on and still get to the bus before it left! 

    The kittens are adorable!  Have you seen MammaKitty?  Let us know how they do. 

    I can also remember when we first got a color TV--it was a BIG deal at the time--all 12 inches of it!  Remember TV shows broadcast "In Living Color"?  I wonder what dead color looked like. . .

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Hi to our founder Elimar and all the ladies. I haven't been posting for a while but I know everybody's business because I read all the posts. LOL

    I had my 4 month follow up with my oncologist today, now I wait!!!!! for the blood work results maybe I drive myself to another anxiety attack.

    Elimar I know about that Do you remember thread its funny and disappeared. If I find it I bump it . Have a good day ladies.

    Smile Sheila

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    The kittens have a mother who I am feeding - she has been down there in my crawl space with them for at least a couple of weeks.  The mother is feral but she's not minding me coming down there at all and she has started making little forays outside - last night she was gone for several hours and I was beginning to think she wouldn't come back, but this morning there she was with her babies again.  I'm getting such a kick out of this - never had a dog or a cat to have kittens at my house before.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    I think I just found the thread and bumped it to the top of the active list. It's called Baby Boomers?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Remember when Prell went to the "Break Proof" Bottle?  The whole ad campaign was about dropping the bottle and it was okay.  We've come a long way, baby!