
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Ooooooh, Dittos! I LOVED those pants! I had them in a light aqua green color. I can't even imagine how hideous my 46 year old buttocks would look in those pants now - they don't even make corrective underwear capable of helping me pull something like that off. Thank goodness for my slimming stretch mom jeans and vanity sizing, so I can still be a 4!

    Anyone's family do the thing where you have the big console TV and it dies, so you buy a new, smaller TV and set it on TOP of the big TV that doesn't work? Classy. We had that.

    On Thursdays in high school (just Thursdays) in my senior year, I got to drive the family station wagon. 1969 blue chevy Impala with a rusted roof. My dad was a soccer coach at that time, and it was always full of dead grass and soccer balls and multiple large nets and lots of cones that would roll around as I drove. The fabric lining of the roof was drooping off of the rotting foam between it and the actual metal, so it hung down in a shroud-like way. Clouds of blue smoke came out of the back as I drove it. I think it got down to 7 mpg by the time we sold it for $100. The car's air conditioning broke one hot Tucson summer, and my mom and my sister and I used to stuff paper towels into our clothing to absorb the sweat when we rode in it so we wouldn't get sweat stains on our lovely polyester fashions.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I wore Dittos, too! I had a red pair and a light blue pair. At 110 pounds I could pull that look off! Remember men's Angel Flight pants? How I pray they NEVER come back! Was I the only kid that wore those fugly black and white Oxfords? Remember polishing those dang things? How about the bikes with the banana seats...how many friends could you cram on one of those?

    Kleenex...too funny about the paper towels and polyester fashions. We never had an air conditioned car or house and it would be over 100 in the summers. Now my parents have one. They were true believers in Tiny Tot Torture Hour!

    I survived mini skirts, midi skirts and maxi skirts...life was so much simpler...


  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    Wearing saddle shoes was part of my high school uniform.  It was designed by nuns in the '50s, and the shoes were just a bit less fashionable by the '70s when I had to wear them.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    seyla888, come back and let us know what your test results are.  Sending some funny fishes and healthy wishes your way!

    I'm with the fish...Kitties make me sneeze.

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    ROFLMAO I hope that's batman!!!!   HAR HAR HAR!!!!

    I haven't said anything about the kittens because I just go crazy about animals and little baby animals... Des, you taking care of the whole family?

    You guys probably already covered the cigarette commercials on TV...

    Since we couldn't record TV shows, we had to actually schedule our lives around the the shows, and it was kinda cook knowing the whole neighborhood, the whole state, was watching stuff at the same time.    And the school assembly when the astronauts first walked on the moon...

    When radio stations played the music they chose, and when the DJ would say "I just bought this album and haven't heard it yet, but let's play it".  When there was actually different news on the different networks... Staying up late with my mom to watch JOHNNY CARSON.  

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Thanks Elimar, for your good wishes and the funny fishes too  lol

    When the girls were very young I used to buy goldfish every week because thats how long they survived. Then one day I got another one, they named it Charlie and lived for over 3 years. She was actually fat when she died.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111


    I am estimating the kits' ages in the pic to be about 3-4 wks. Their eyes open about the second week and they do not look much older than that. I am basing this on my experience with newborns that were born in my bed and have lived there ever since. That was 12 years ago and I may have forgotten a lot of things, but their birth is etched permanently in my mind,

     ALL of you great ladies,

    I love the comments and topics that this thread covers. I got my first pair of jeans when I was 12. I didn't get any fashion brand name jeans until I was a senior in High School. My mother did not understand that Levi's meant a specific pr of jeans. Besides she could always find an uglier pr cheaper. She did not like jeans and still has never worn them. I did the pink curlers, spit curls and bobby pins. My older sister got to do the juice cans and the fake eyelashes. My best friend's mom had the wigs.

    I always liked my guys to wear Brut by Faberge.  My mother loved Chanel #5. My grandmother loved Shalimar. I fell in love with Halston when I was old enough to start working and could finally afford a bottle of the cologne spray. Never did get the perfume.  My hair was cut much like Faith's but without bangs. My hair was parted on the side and mom wanted to see my face , so no bangs. My best friend had the pixie cut. Needless to say, after that childhood, we neither one of us wanted straight hair (mine) or curly hair (hers)... unless it was very loooooong! LOL

    My cats have seen me thru treatments and I would not be here without them. I knew no one would or could love them like I did, so I had to stay alive long enough to care for them - no suicides until they were gone.  They are still here, so I am. too. 


  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    I don't remember ditto's put I remember Peanuts jeans - really low with 3 snaps.  Barbe - I had a chatty cathy doll and incredible edibles (they were really horrible tasting, but fun to make). 

    That black kitten is especially adorable.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    My sister had the Creepy-Crawlers and Chatty Cathy. I was a Skipper, Teary-Deary, Barbie and Little Kiddles gal. We had skateboards, roller skates with keys and coaster bikes, American Bandstand and the Soullllllllllll Trainnnnnnn! Black and white TV that we had to get up to change the stations and the antennae was on the roof...until the wind brought it down. Pettycoat Junction, Captain Kangaroo, Lost in Space, Green Acres and Dark Shadows with Barnabus Collins. Spooky stuff!

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    I am taking care of the little cat family - the mother is feral, but she has been hanging out around the house for several months and knows my voice, so I guess she decided my crawl space was safe for the kitties.  The crawl space adjoins my garage and is completely enclosed - I knew she was hanging out down there several weeks ago, but I thought it was because the weather was so bad. We fed her and then kinda forgot about her.  Last week she was crying at the garage door so I went down there and fed her again and that night I thought, "I bet she's pregnant!"  Sent my son down there and he finally found her in a really good hidey hole with the kitties.  She moved them closer to her food a few days later so we could see them better and everything.  I would love to keep the little black one but I already have too many animals.  But we're going to make sure the kittens get good homes and I'm going to try to trap the mother and have her spayed at the Humane Society. 

  •   How did I happen to miss ditto pants....did they not come to OH?  I loved my saddle oxfords...guess coming from a small town we thought they were cool there...the dirtier and more scuffed the better.  I remember in highschool these shoes came along called granny shoes....only the coolest had those, they laced up and did look like something a gramdmother would wear.  There were Villager and Lady Bug and this one brand I loved called Thermojack....it combined corduroy with plaids.  There was a jumper they came out with that the blouse was actually attached to the jumper so it was all one piece. They were rather expensive so I had one real Thermojack and them my mother who was great with a sewing machine copied the jumper and made me two more.  Oh, and those itchy mohair sweaters.  Strait skirts were the rage for ahwile and so were kilts.  I was much more into clothes when I got older, like Jr High and highschool because before that I really think we just sort of wore what my mother got for us on sale.  My grandmother owned a ladies clothing store in MI and she used to send us some really nice clothes....I remember a Catalina bathing suit I just loved.  I couldn't have a two piece until I was in highschool.  I grew up with Howdy Doody and Captian Kangaroom and Miss Francis who had DingDong School.  Do you remember Kookla (sp?), Fran and Olie  Hand puppets seemed to be big back then.  I got a LambChop for Christmas one year.  Oh and that one year when I was about 5, I got a Mary Hartline outfit with a baton and my sister got a Dale Evans cowgirl outfit.  My sister was totally gone on Barnabus Collins.  Right after school we would watch Dark Shadows and she even had that 45 from the show...Quentin's theme, I think it was.  I still have my 45's, boxes and boxes of them and have never given up my dream of having a juke box.  Problems is I want an old jukebox and they cost a fortune.   I liked the Real McCoys and The Donna Reed Show....had such a crush on Jeff.  I liked Patty Duke also.  You've Come a Long Way Baby was Virginia Slims motto....my grandmother smoked enough packs for me that I could get a free tshirt which I just came across the other day and for some reason just can't part with although it would only fit about a 12 year old.  I used to love cigarette commercials.....Teryton, I'd Rather Fight that Switch with the black eyes and those Benson and Hedges ones with the silly little millimeter longer bumping into things. Alkaseltzer had some great commercials like that huge meatball one and I can't believe I ate the whole thing.  I am not a tv addict or anything,but when I look back we sure did watch a lot of it, BUT only after we came in from playing outside until our mothers made us come in.  Hide and Seek, and hopscotch and Statues.   We used to get those little turtles from the dime store (remember the five and dime stores?) and also we had some camelons  and I had a hamster once named Boo and my sister had a canary, Tweetie.  We weren't allowed to have a dog until I was in HS  because our parents said we weren't old enough to take care of one or responsible enough.  We got a poodle, Charmin, when I was a Jr. in highschool and it was my dad who fed her and let her out in the AM and she sort of became his dog.  Do you remember a brand of clothing Young Edwardian.   I loved those clothes, very feminine with the empire waist and low bustline.  Went from feminine to a bib phase....remember how you would wear the one strap hanging down?and wouldn't always button the sides all the way up?  Forget going to the bathroom in a rush in those things. ..This was about the same time as painter's pants I think    

     How does your schnauzer like those kittens?  My husband didn't know Desdemona was a name.....I asked him where he was in English class.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Marybe. You've had an early morning wake-up call.

    I don't remember Ditto pants either??? And low-and-behold they were mentioned on a recent episode of "New Christine" ...... how she was traumatized because she didn't have Ditto pants.

    Where was the midwest. I was in Indiana in early high school, then OH for my final two years.

    Talk about traumatizing.

    Leaving the boyfriend. Leaving the BIG school. Landing in little-ville.

    It's amazing what we live thru.

    All that, without Ditto pants.

    I've always suspected something was missing. Hmmmmmm.

  •   I grew up in Portsmouth so if you are in Cols you probably have heard of it, but nothing good I am sure. I think it has the highest unemployment rate in the state.  We were slow to get fashion there.  I am going to ask my two best friends if they remember those ditto pants because we used to get the same clothes.  I remember one time we had our pic taken all of in our burgandy bells with those ribbed sweaters...what did they call those, Poor Boy sweaters maybe?    We had several department stores....Monkey Wards being one of them, Pennys, Sears, and several locally owned ones.  Our favorite place to shop for all the in clothing was The Kopy Kat.  Now the downtown is absolutely dead. A few stores struggling to get by and a few restaurants.  Oddly enough, our plan is to move back there once I quit working and we have my Dad's house renovated.

    Yes, I have a lot of early morning wakeup calls..sometimes I am able to go back to sleep, but rarely.  It drives me nuts to lie in bed thinking how much I need to sleep and sometimes if I am really still and concentrate on something calming or just don't move around, I will fall back asleep. And right now I have chronic diarrhea on top of everything else so that wakes me up.  If I know I am going to stay awake and just drive myself nuts looking at the clock, I get up and get on the computer. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    When I went looking for an image for Dittos, I found that they made a comeback a couple of years agos, but the prices have risen sharply.

    Dittos jeans

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I remember painter's pants and wallaby shoes.  And I, too, wish that shoulder pads would come back in style - they really helped "balance out" a pear-shaped body.  Or at least that was my rationale...

    Back to the car thing - one summer when I was about 13 my parents took me and my two year old sister on a camping trip around the Southwest.   They had a light yellow Datsun station wagon and tied my sister's wooden travel playpen/crib on top.  Now mind you, it wasn't folded down, but fully assembled.  Then they proceeded to fill the playpen with our tent and luggage.  We were definitely the Clampletts from California on that trip!  I still cringe when I think about it!  Thank goodness my baby sister can't remember it, or we'd BOTH be scarred for life!

  • dswope
    dswope Member Posts: 10

    WOW....no wonder I hadn't heard of "Dittos".....I may have just ignored them because my behind hasn't looked like that since I was 16!  Cudos to you that can still wear them.

    The car thing.........we used to have a Ford Galaxie 500 that my dad thought was the coolest!  Remember the A&W restaurants that you parked outside for service?  Well my dad would pull in and back up alongside all the guys with the souped up muscle cars, sit there and rev the engine!  He thought that was so hilarious....I was so humiliated!

    Hope you are as well as can be expected.

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23

    I don't remember dittos.  But i was never into clothes, not even now!  One year at Christmas I asked for a catchers mitt and got a doll. I remember throwing it into the burn barrel! Should have had the sh..t beat out of me!  I was really a tomboy.  I remember when we got our first color TV and seeing the Wizard of Oz on it.  Amazing!!! I'll never forget it. 

    Also remember i was the only kid in the family that got to stay up and watch Bonanza on Sunday nites 'cause my parents really did realize how much i loved it!  I also remember going to a Royals game 'cause Roy and Dale Evans were going to be there. Was wonderful! The Lone Ranger?

    Louis L'Amour and the Sacketts framed my morals I think.

    Favorite book: To Kill A Mockingbird - Still is to this day!

    Who the hell is still a size 4 at 46?  Never mind, I don't want to know - don't want to hold it against you! Smile

    Everybody ok?  Elimar-you're going through rads, correct? or is it chemo? how are you doing?

    Here's a serious issue:  I'm doing it, and I feel guilty 'cause so many of you are going through treatments and have little kids, but between working, the house, walking the dogs everyday  (that's the one thing that can't stop), paying bills, worrying about bills :) I'm exhausted!!! All the time.  I get up, let me rephrase that, i drag myself out of bed, and just think i just can't possibly work today, but it's got to be done.  I exercise, eat correctly, da da da da da.. and am still so damn tired but can't hardly sleep! I remember when my sister died, people asking us, how are you doing it, how can you make it? (she was my very best friend) and i'd think; 'what's the choice'?  It's kinda the same thing now, but i guess i just want to say to all of you, kids, treatment, if someone isn't saying they're proud of you, I am.  That's maybe what's getting me through, thinking of all of you and how much harder you have it.  So congratulations ladies, you really are amazing!


  •    I still don't recognize or recall anything about ditto pants, but know I certainly would not fill them out like any of the women pictured in that add....they would be showing all my out of place bulges.  I loved To Kill a Mockingbird.  The library and a lot of schools had a reading program going on the past few years and that was the book.  It was to reactivate interest in reading which I guess has fallen by the wayside due to TV.  I still love to read myself, but don't often have the time.

     Marian, hope you feel better and get some of your energy back.  With all you are doing, you have cause to be exhausted. 

      We had a Rambler station wagon....sort of a copper color and cream.  It broke down on our way to Florida one year and then my dad got a Tempust.  I remember being with him when we were looking at an Edsel in a dealership window and we were lamenting the fact we couldn't get a car like that.  Remember the Edsel and what a flop it was and how it was a joke for years? 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    I grew up in a small town (650) in West Texas.  We didn't have lots of fashion know how.  In fact,my mom made most of my clothes, but I wasn't allowed to wear pants until I was  gone from home.

    Remember drive-in movies, they were the most fun.  Go there on a date and boy was that fun.  We  went on a camping trip when I was young and we had this old red international pickup.  We were farmers and it had tall side rails on it.  My parents made bunk beds in the bed  of  the truck about 3 beds high.  Now we probably really did look like the Clampetts.  We probably had everything imaginable hanging from the truck.  That is all I  remember  about  the trip. 

    We didn't get a TV until  I was about 7, we  could only get two stations.  When we got home from school the battle was on as  to what we would watch.   Of course, since I was the youngest I always wanted to watch cartoons.  With only two stations, there  really wasn't much of a selection.  I tell  you how dumb I was when I was a child, I just couldn't imagine color tv, I had these cousins that lived in the big city and they would talk about color tv.  So all  the TVs that everyone had were brown, except for my aunt and she had a blond wood tv, and that meant it was a colored tv.  I just couldn't wrap my little brain about seeing color on tv.  Things we just can't imagine.


  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679

    puka shell necklaces

    I remember having dates at the roller skating rink :)

    I remember hot rods on the strip- meaning all the teens in cars going up and down main street slowly for no reason, just to be seen

    and drive-in movies...  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Middies!! Middies!! Middies!!!!

    We interrupt this memory-lane travelogue of amazing tidbits from a bygone era, to start a celebration for a whole new future.

    Just earlier this evening, my dearie DH walked into the house with an over-nighted parcel containing two copies of my new picture book!!!!!!

    It's literally been years in the making. Years & years.

    Tonight is the night.


    Party at my house.




    It's such a thrill to have exciting news to share.

    Thanks for letting me toot my own horn!!!!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Tell us more about this picture book, faithandfifty! Toot away!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    We would "Drag Center", drive slowly down Center St.  until the cops would break up the gatherings.  Hanging out to see and be seen.

    Faith.. I can imagine the thrill to be published.  I have been working on a couple of projects using a web publisher named Blurb.  You can put your book together and they will bind it.Not like having someone say you are worth publishing, but I can't say how long it will be until I get finished for Blurb to publish.

  • Leslie1962
    Leslie1962 Member Posts: 25

    OMG - this is so funny, and the pictures posted here as well. Reminds me of wearing those soft squishy pink rollers. Anyone remember the pink hair tape? That was always a good look! Now, what about Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific? Remember that? This whole thread has made me laugh. Love it!

  • Faith.....Love the way you cut in with we are about to interrupt this program....wan't that the way the Outer Limits started out?  It was on Friday night right after the Twilight Zone.  Tell you more about your book....is it on the shelves at the stores yet?  Hope the party was great!!!

        I am off to my hometown for the weekend as usual since we are remodeling my Dad's.  There is a place on the way that sells penny candy, but I think it is something like $6.99 per lb.  Prices went up and pieces got smaller.  I used to eat so much lik'a'maid that my tongue would turn black.  Now you get something that is the same stuff, but called Pixie stix. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Pixie Stix aren't new! I remember them and was going to mention them but then second-guessed myself after all the talk of pixie hair cuts and then wondered if I was mistaken, so then I didn't mention them in my "memory" post! If you know what I mean...ehhehehehehee. I remember being at a "cottage" (we never used to call them that, what were they called...cabin?) and we went to the local store. My sister asked for 50 Pixie Stix and the lady begrudgingly counted them out. I was amazed at how many that was! I wanted 50 too, but the lady said "Don't even THINK I'm going to do the same for you!" I'll NEVER forget that moment in time.... That had to be 40-45 years ago.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I remember opening my piggy bank and trekking to the "11-C Market" to buy penny candy.  It was about 8-9 blocks from our house and the only worry my mom had was that there was no crosswalk across one busy street where we needed to cross.  We were supposed to go up a block and cross but we were kids.

    We had Pixie Stix, and Lick-m-aid (Not a penny candy) and these plastic fruit forms filled with that powder (also not penny candy).  Jolly Ranchers, Bazooka Bubble Gum.  THose were the days.  I worried when my boys walked four blocks to the mall when they were 16 and 18!  Bigger city though.

    I also remember my Aunt going through BC.  I was only about 6-7 but it was a horrible ordeal.  She became so frail.  No one spoke of it after her passing.  I sat with my uncle a couple of years before I was diagnosed and he recounted what they had been through.  When I went through treatment, I was so thankful for the research and advancements that have been made since the 60s.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    A bit of the 'back-story'.......

    This is year #14 of my own little 'enterprise' of consulting 'work' for children/teachers/libraries. At this point I've written & recorded over 100 songs for wee ones. I currently have 6 albums of fun for the young'uns. Oh, and one DVD. (My first national award winner.)

    Anyhow. I've learned how to publish my own books. So I turned one of my all-time teacher favorite songs into a 32 page, hardback picture book -- about 4 years ago. For that one I made all of the illustrations out of contemporary fabrics, a la art-quilts.

    So I wrote the songs, did the illustrations, publish the book & I am the entire sales & marketing arm, too. LOL. That's why you've never heard of me. Not available thru brick & morter stores.

    My real source of exposure (sales) comes from teachers @ conferences where I present workshops and trainings.

    If anyone here would ever want to purchase from my website, there is a promo code option. When you type in the word: survivor, you automatically receive a 50% discount. I don't intend for this to be a big commercial..... I just want to be certain you're aware of the discount.

    My first book is entitled, "You're Wonderful" and this one is based on my song, "Tall Giraffe" (the CD for the song is in the back of the book.)

    Well there you have it.

    Thank you for allowing me the spotlight.

    Now back to penny candy, bad haircuts, and other remember-when stories.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Faith, you done good! Laughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'd much rather hear tales of now, like Faith's fabulous news  She and Marybe are really promoting the "stay busy" method of not letting cancer take control.   I have to admit that now that I am between rads and hormonal treatment, I go hours not even giving cancer a thought.  Haven't gone for days yet, but I know I can get there.