
  •    Hmm, let's see.  Movies that scare me the most are ones that I think might actually happen...like Cujo bothered me a lot and also even though it was not a really scary picture, or maybe it was, Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.  I never did like flying things very much, but after that was afraid whenever I would see more than one bird gathering on the clothes line or garage rooftop. It wasn't one with a lot of blood and gore, but it really made an impression on me.

       One time when I was in college, I invited my classmates for a slumber party on my dad's houseboat.  We kept it sort of out in the boonies at this marina that was in a cove....there was a car that followed my VW once we got on the backroads...we went in several cars, but I had two other girls with me.  When we got there and parked the car parked and this big guy came up and shoved his face up against the car window and then ambled off.  I wanted to run to the dock to use the payphone (way way before cell phone days) to call someone for help (before 911 also), but the others begged me not to get out of the car for fear this pervert was still around.  I always laugh this sort of hysterical like giggle when I am scared and they were almost crying and I was laughing., but we were all covering our faces with our hands when this guy was looking in the windows and walking around the car.   Anyway, he disappeared, but we did stay in the car until the others arrived.  I then called my father and he called the owner of the boatclub and he said it was this sort of simple minded guy they hired to keep an eye on the place and he just wanted to make sure we were people who belonged there. Well, he sure did scare the crap out of us. 

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136

    Alfred Hitchcock's -The Birds. Saw it before the age of 7 and have never been able to tolerate being in the company of any birds since except chickens and turkeys on my plate-as sliced breast meat only, no recognizable parts!

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    I gotta go with The Birds.  I still don't feel comfortable around them, and it's been decades since I saw the movie.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Never saw The Birds, but was once attacked by a parrot when I was about 11, so I've pretty much loathed birds since that time. He was my friend's bird, and he was sitting on my shoulder, rambling in Spanish. "Dame la pie!" (Give me your foot!) he yelled, and then he laughed an evil laugh and lunged for my cheek, biting so hard he was attached to my face. It was magical. I'd love to have roast parrot with gravy and stuffing. Just kidding. No, I'm not... Sorry to anyone who has a beloved Mexican Parrot.

    The DFW area has a problem in some cities with birds called grackles. They hang out in big packs and are quite loud and poop all over the structures they're lurking on. Some have recently decided to set up shop in Mansfield. I'll bet they totally creep out anyone who has seen The Birds, because they line up all over adjacent telephone wires and trees and buildings and TOTALLY look like they could take out a person.

    Used to love Poltergeist and The Shining, but once I had kids, the idea that there really could be an evil clown doll that could come alive and hide under the bed, etc., just was too much to handle, so I haven't seen a scary movie in years.

    Also - my left breast was once haunted by an evil specter that only appeared in certain ultrasound waves, but never in the mirror or a mammogram. An exorcist excised it, and then a mad scientist zapped it with death rays. Now I'm experimenting with chemicals to keep it from coming back, hopeful that all traces of this evil presence are gone.

    Now THAT'S a scary story.

  • Kleenex, your story about your left breast is indeed a scary one.  I hope the evil spector is gone for good.

       I thought of some other movies that were haunting in their own way.  Psycho,   Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?.   Yes, I remember Baby Jane Hudson well and how about.(did  Betty Davis get an oscar for that one , Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte?  Speaking of eating roast parrot....remember that scene where she served her sister the bird for dinner?    .

       It is 7:20 in Cincinnati and we have not had a single trick or treater.  We live on a dark street so I guess they avoid it.  

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Para-normal activity in my first apartment, my GF and I would always find stuff after it had come up missing in the very top of the linen closet. It was scary to two 19 year olds and we made a huge deal of it of course.

    Movies: When I think back I am remembering scary Saturday nites in our PJ's with a big bowl of popcorn watching Creature Feature. I love Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein.

    Really scary is the Exorcist (raised Catholic) I couldn't sleep for weeks after that movie. Also, Strait Jacket with Joan Crawford as the axe murderess!

    Have a good night!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Hey Middies!!

    It's a Halloweenie Special.

    I've been gone for several days & the thread has been rollin' like crazy.

    Welcome to all 'new' middies. Those now officially 40 & those just discovering this thread.

    I'm not a fan of the scary movie. I'm more of a cute appreciator.

    These are our grand-kids:

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Ohhhhhhhhh, such cute babies all Pooh characters! You are so lucky, my daughter (33) just today did her third IUI trying to get PG. Hopefully we will be blessed with a little pooh of our own.

  •    The members of the Pooh gang are darling...does Pooh have a real tummy or is that padding? what are their ages?

       Back to the movies.  Joan Crawford made such a good crazed person....maybe it was those big black eyebrows that made her so convincingly evil.  Mommy Dearest was scary becaue it is a true story.  I am thankful my mother never resorted to coat hangers. Was Creature Feature a late show?  Like after Twilight Zone?   

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Holly, I made it through the head shaving today.  Not with out lots of tears.  The good part was that it was long enough to give to the "Locks of Love".   There is comfort in that.  As my grandson would say, Maw Maw you are bolt (bald).  He is such a wise little 5 year old.

    Good luck with yours tomorrow.  I will be right there beside you, I know what  you are going through.


  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    The scariest movie for me was the Exorcist.  I was about 28 when it came out and my baby was about 2 months old.  We were living with my husbands parents at the time and the bedroom where they baby was didn't have curtains on the windows.  When I would get up to feed him at night I had to put a sheet over the window, because I just knew that someone was watching.  That was the scariest movie I have ever seen.

    It haunts me to this  day.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    One more thing relating to The Exorcist:  When I was in my 20's, I had to go to Washington D.C. on Oct 30th (or "Devil's Night" if you will.)   I was in the Georgetown area.  Well, you know I HAD to go to the Exorcist Steps.  I had to walk down them, and have my picture taken at the bottom.  I don't mean standing posed-oh-so-pretty, I mean like a re-enacter sprawled out like I broke my neck and was ready for the final absolution.  That's probably almost standard tho', right?

    The weird thing is I looked thru' my photo album to find that picture, and it was not in the group of D.C. photos.  Thinking that I might have given it away at some point, I hunted thru' the negatives, found the D.C batch, but this picture was not even on the negatives and they had not been cut apart either.  I remember that photo and later showing it to friends, what I was wearing, the people that took it for me and everything, but it is like it never existed now. That is creeping me out.  

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36


      that's the best Halloween picture ever.  How sweet and innocent life can be.  when I am not being grouchy about bc (hard to believe) I look for something to smile about,....today your picture did that.  Jean

  • Hollycan
    Hollycan Member Posts: 5

    Juannelle, glad you made it through the head-shaving bit, so nice of you to donate your hair.  Mine isn't long enough for that.  My twin brother is coming over around noon today to shave mine, he's always wears his in a buzz cut so I figure he's got enough experience shaving heads to shave mine too.  Wonder what my 2 and 5 year old boys are going to think of it all.  One of my girl-friends had BC too and when she lost her hair her 2 year old daughter wouldn't hug her or kiss her until it all grew back.  I think my 5 year old will handle it just fine but my 2 year old I am not so sure about...

     Anyways, thanks for the note, you sound like you are taking it all in stride, keep up the positive vibes!


  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Holly, I guess we all come to our brick walls sometime during this journey.  We all have to get over it and do it our way.  Some walls are just easier than others.

    Kids are very excepting of differences, I am sure they will  do fine.  I have a 5 year old grandson and he is an angel.  He saw me yesterday, but I am sure he didn't realize I didn't have hair.  He was talking to me about my treatment a couple of weeks ago and he told me " Well, Maw Maw at least you will not lose your arms and legs with your treatment, you will just be bolt (bald)"  Now how do you reply to that perfect logic?

    Hope you have a great Sunday.


  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Juannelle, you are a beutiful person with or without hair!  I don't do scary movies remember seing Carrie in high school and it terrified me, as a kid I would hide behind my Mom's chair as my sibs loved them. 

    Faith how cute! I posted some pics on the Tamox thread too of my Western trip.

    Stage glow

    Stagecoach Balloon at the Albuquerque Balloon Festiva

    SF view 2Mountain View Santa Fe

    Route 66Route 66 Arizona

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Carollyn, beautiful pictures. 


  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496

    Hi everyone!  it's a week before another bday, keeping in the age range!  Are we really middle aged?  my mind thinks 30, my bod ..... 

    Scary movies, great topic, I jump very easily, was frightened just seeing a sign in NC for Cape Fear! I need glass shower doors cause shower curtains still frighten me from Psycho!  try not to be afraid of sharks, but was swimming in FL a couple years ago and saw a bunch of emergency vehicles flying down the beach and yup, someone was bit, just a tiny ankle bite! Surprised No trick or treaters here last night, a bit too rural, but plenty of candy left for my sweet tooth husband! 

    Love those grandchild pics!  and the shot in Arizona, makes me want to go for a hike!  I've been walking more and more each day, slowly building back my strength, can't believe how out of shape I got so quickly! Today I'm going to tackle a steep hill near my house, did it the other day and woo, barely made it! Maybe it's too much coffee but today I feel I can conquer anything!!

    My daughter was 2 my first go around, and she handled it great, even came to my chemo, would dance and sing with me as her captive audience. Each trip to city for checkups we'd go to the zoo, and out for a treat.  We would sit and color for hours at home, it was great therapy.  Now she's all grown up and a great support once again. And don't worry, no scars on her from this.  I've had that discussion with her.  We've had a very open and fun relationship.  She just won't watch scary movies with me cause I jump and yelp too much!Laughing

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    One-L and Hollycan, at 7 days from my first chemo, I cut my hair to shoulder length.  It looked so cute! It began thinning the next day, so I gave it the buzz.  Within 5 days the rest of my hair fell out.  I am glad I did it in stages, but I am also thankful I got the buzz because it wasn't so traumatic to have areas that fell out before others.  It never looked patchy.

    I have heard of one woman at my mother's church who didn't lose her hair, and supposedly she went through chemo, but I wonder if she didn't have radiation and no chemo.  It seems that some people assume that going through cancer treatment (of any sort) = loss of hair.  I took pictures of myself without make up or wig, just so I have a benchmark of how far I have come.  I don't remember the eyelashes being completely gone, but I do remember stenciling the eyebrow on because I had none!

    Just think of the time that you will be saving.  No extra time to pluck eyebrows, apply mascara, shave legs, or wash hair.  Well, I did have to wash my wig, but I could hang it in the shower to dry over night, that was less work than my home-grown hair.  (I bought the wig, so it was MY hair.)

    My txs were three weeks apart, and by day 9 or 10 the hair would thin out at 1/8"or so, and I could see regrowth of hair in a few days. Then the cycle of loss again.

    Take heart girls,  you have our support here.  


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for taking part in the Holiday Special yesterday and posting some of your favorite horror films.  "The Birds" seems to have left a lasting impact.  We all saw it as impressionable youngsters. I know I didn't feel comfortable in a phone booth after seeing that movie.

    Now back to our regularly scheduled topic -- chemo coiffures.  One-L, I am currently trying to grow hair to also donate to Locks of Love, but I have to grow it very long so I can keep 6" or so for myself. I heard there was another organization that also collects hair for cancer wigs, does anyone here know the name of that organization?  I've forgotten it.  

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    elimar, I don't know of any other organization, but I am sure someone will.  I had just not thought of donating my hair because it was only about shoulder length.  But since she was taking it down to the scalp anyway, some of it was probably 10 inches long. or so, so it worked out nicely.

    It is a beautiful day in Texas today and I will get out and do that walk today.


  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79
    Hi another place that takes donations (where i gave mine, my wig lady sent the hair) anyway the website is www.childrenwithhairloss.us.  have a great afternoon- Valerie
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    One other is Pantene's Beautiful Lengths.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Well, I did get out and do that walk  today. It was a beautiful fall day and we walked for about an hour.  I hope I can keep it up and do one everyday. 

    Hope everyone has a great week.


  • ReneeJean
    ReneeJean Member Posts: 21

    Juannelle,  Glad you faced the hair monster...as I posted 2 weeks ago, that was MY WALL and it I hit it hard!  I had been very stoic and matter of fact about my entire experience until the hair...then emotionally I lost it.  And I still find it difficult, but it is my reality and will remain my reality for the next 6-9 months, so I just have to deal.   I will never be happy or comfortable with my balding head, but it is what it is and this too shall pass...and I will be healthy happy woman when this is all over and my hair will grow back...and I will never cut it short, ever...LOL.

    My hair began falling out on day 14, worse on day 15....I was scared to go to bed at night for fear that when I woke up I would be bald (irrational, but real to me)...so I shaved it on day 15 after work. Then the stubble hung on pretty tight (no weight to pull it out) until day 23 (2 days after tx #2) when my scalp hurt, itched and the stubble came out in waves......Now I have large bald spots all over my head, but what is left is holding tight.  I am considering shaving it as the stubble makes me crazy.....     I think I look like a drag queen when I have my makeup on and nothing covering my head---no, I will not be leaving the house without a scarf or wig, ever!!!  Demi Moore I am not!!  LOL.    

    I am also glad you are feeling well and walking...it was a beautiful weekend and hopefully this weather will hold for a bit.  We have NASCAR tix for next weekend, so this fall weather would be great!!!!

    To everyone else, hugs to each of you.  I hope everyone has a great Monday and good week. 

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    The scariest move for me is Silence of the Lambs. 

    About the hair - Last chemo was 5/13.  For those starting TC treatments, my hair didn't come out until day 17 and within 2 days it was very thin.  I had cut it shorter about 1 month before when I knew I needed chemo and had it shaved day 19.  If you don't know about Look Good Feel Better, definitely go to the website and sign up for it.  Lots of great free makeup and tips about wigs and scarfs.  I lost all hair - head, arms, legs, and free brazilian (that came last).  The eyebrows and eyelashes stayed through all treatments and came out end of May beginning of June, but since treatments were done they grew back fairly quick.  For those finished TC treatments, I was able to go topless by mid July (2 months).  It semmed to straight at first like before but it is very curly now.  It seems to start to wave in the back and then all the sudden it is long enough to curl. It is almost 6 months since last treatments and I have a full head of curly hair about 1.5-2 inches long.  I have not had a cut yet but am going next weekend to have my hairdresser fix it for a wedding we are attending.  I have never had curly hair so I'm going to let her show me what products will work with it and if she wants she may shape it a little.

    Have a great week all.

  • alaun
    alaun Member Posts: 2

    Hello,  I just turned 54 and have been diagnosed for the second time.  First time around was DCIS so I had a mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time I was 48.  Now its back and I just had a lumpectomy in September, have gone for 2nd opinion and now am having a mastectomy on my right breast with reconstruction too.  I just got the sentinal node checked this week and all if fine there.  Not sure what is in store after surgery.  I have three children all at home, daughter just graduated last Mayfrom college but still no job, my son 25 years old just got back to work after being laid off for 11 months and my 16 year old is in high school.  Sometimes I feel so alone with all of this, its so nice to hear all of your stories.  I still feel young, even at 54.  We still have alot to do just glad I have alot in common with all of you.  Good Luck to each of you.  I will keep you posted.  My surgery is next Monday, the 9th of November.   Thanks for starting this Middle Aged Women. . . . Hats off to all of you!


  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Renee, I am not Demi Moore either, darn it, so I do not have the beautiful bald head.  But we had to climb that wall and we did, now we are on the other side, looking for our next barrier.  Maybe we will not have another one.  I do hope this weather holds out and we don't get any rain for the next week or two, we are doing some remodeling and I would like to get it finished.

    Pattib, I can only hope that my hair grows back in curly and soft.  My hair is very course, frizzy and very thick.  It has  always been very hard to manage, but that didn't mean that I didn't want it.  It was all I had.  At least products are made now  that make managing it so much easier.

    Eileen, welcome to the thread, you will fit right in.  Sorry you are having to go through this for the second time, that must be very hard on you.  I can not imagine how  I would feel.  Good luck on 11/9 and hope all  goes well for you.


  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    Eileen, Wow, thanks for positng your story.  I just turned 53 on the 21st, I agree we are very young or at least feel that way.  I wasn't sure if I should be posting here as most of the ladies have had the "tougher" cancers. I had multiple areas of DCIS and had mx last December.   Your story is very interesting to me if I understand you correctly, you had DCIS with mx 6 years ago and now you have cancer again in the other breast?  What are the odds?  My prayers and thoughts are with you on your upcoming surgery and to those ladies going through chemo.  That you can endure Chemo with strength and grace and a witty comeback for the stupid hair comments.  I would suggest to the drastic haircut comment, "Oh you like my haircut?  I got it FREE with my Chemo treatments!  Hang in there ladies.  Jan
  •     You are right saying the hair loss is reality....it is evidence, visual proof that indeed we are dealing with cancer.   That was the reason I put off getting a port for so long....I would see this thing on my chest that looked like a doorbell and it was proof that I had cancer. But by the time I got it , I was so sick of them not being able to find a good vein, that I was ready.  I was very fortunate in that I was treated with AIs for many years and had no real SEs with them...at least not ones you could see.  So I was at least looking "normal" and unless I chose to tell someone they would never guess I had cancer.  When I did lose my hair, it was not a real big deal because I had years and years to get used to the idea. My hair took a long time to come out, and when I still had it after 3 wks, thought I had dodged the bullet, but I did end up losing it all.  I am not trying to make it seem trivial as hair is very important to our feminine image and I became obsessed with touching my head to see how much was still there and couldn't pass a mirror without stopping to check, but compared to the other SEs I was having, the hair was minor.Also I knew it would come back.  I hated wearing a wig even though I had a good one and it looked very real.  I have actually decided I am going to keep my hair short....not this short, but shorter than I ever wore it before.  No sign of a curl yet.

       Silence of the Lambs.  That was a good one.  What was the sequel?  Hannibal?  

        Will be thinking of you on Nov.9, when you have your surgery, Eileen.  In my book, 54 IS young.  Do you know the song :"Come on Eileen"?, one of my very favorite one hit wonders.